Democrats Give Long-overdue Apology For 1898 Atrocities Against Blacks


Sep 15, 2008
By Frances Rice

The Democratic Party's wall of deception and denial about that party's past racism and failed socialism is beginning to crack. In a surprising and long-overdue move, the Democrats in North Carolina did what we, as black Americans, demand that the national leaders of the Democratic Party do --apologize to black Americans.

The historic apology, issued unanimously on January 20, 2007 by the North Carolina Democratic Executive Committee, composed of over 700 party leaders and activists from 100 counties, resulted from the1898 Wilmington Race Riot Commission Report of May 31, 2006. The report concluded that the Democratic Party was solely responsible for that 1898 murderous rampage against blacks. That reign of terror led to the Democratic Party takeover from Republicans, mainly black Republicans, who controlled the City of Wilmington during Reconstruction. The report, which was commissioned by the state of North Carolina and contains the gruesome details about the killing of black Americans and the usurping of governmental powers by the Democrats, can be found on the Internet at: 1898 Wilmington Race Riot Commission

On June 9, 2006, nine days after the Wilmington report was issued, I on behalf of the NBRA sent a letter to North Carolina Governor Michael Easley. It expressed our concern that some people in North Carolina wanted to give the Democratic Party a pass, making unsubstantiated charges that the Republican Party and government officials of that era were complicit or co-conspirators in the planning and execution of the 1898 race riot. Accounts of violence in other states against blacks by Democrats are contained in these books: Unfounded Loyalty by Rev. Wayne Perryman, Back to Basics for the Republican Party by Michael Zak, and A Short History of Reconstruction by liberal historian Dr. Eric Foner.


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