Democrats Give Trillions of Our Money Away, but Question Giving a Token Back to American Taxpayers

The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
Then give us our 1 trillion dollars back in the form of a one time stimulus check stupid.
How about you go back to work and quit your sniveling, moocher?
Nothing Democrats do is good for Americans. They aim to bankrupt and subjugate the American people for their Chinese masters.

What has Biden done so far that benefits Americans?
Give him a 1 trillion dollar stimulus. You didn't mind when Trump passed his tax break which cost us 2.3 trillion and at a time when tax breaks weren't needed. Companies were already sitting on tons of cash. You only pass tax breaks or stimulus spending when it's needed. Now that it's needed don't tell us we don't have the money or else we will undo the Trump tax breaks.
Nancy blocked stimulus for almost a year now and said things like we can't help the airline workers because we need them as a bargaining chip.

If they wanted to pass stimulus for Americans they could have just passed a stand alone bill... but helping Americans isn't their goal.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

A piece written by economic ignoramuses, for economic ignoramuses.

Tax cuts don't "cost the gubmint" anything, unless you presume that everyone's earnings belong to them first.

You don't like my source? Got a better one?

Trump administration, promised that the tax breaks would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves. DID IT?

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001. IS THIS NOT TRUE?

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs. THIS IS TRUE
Nothing Democrats do is good for Americans. They aim to bankrupt and subjugate the American people for their Chinese masters.

What has Biden done so far that benefits Americans?
He has been in office for 2 weeks. One good thing that he is doing is to eliminate Trump's fuck-ups so that he can move forward.
Like what?
I knew you were going to come back with that. Tell ya what. Lookup Google for that info, because if you have been paying attention, you would know what Biden has done during the last 3 weeks, yes?
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

In 2009 you guys started saying that Obama's recovery wasn't good enough. Was too slow. Meanwhile, you didn't give him the money he needed. This time, Biden is going to give us the money we need to get through this pandemic. And of course you Republicans will want to give us less than he wants to give us. Well, consider this a tax break for middle class and poor Americans. You don't object to tax breaks do you?

Since then, a consensus has emerged among economists that President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, which ended up costing roughly $840 billion, greatly benefited the economy but should have gone much further. It essentially was big enough to anger Republicans but not big enough to fully get the job done for the economy.
Bullshit. Worst economic recovery in history. Only a moron thinks hundreds of millions to build dog parks is a good recovery plan.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.
Nothing Democrats do is good for Americans. They aim to bankrupt and subjugate the American people for their Chinese masters.

What has Biden done so far that benefits Americans?
He has been in office for 2 weeks. One good thing that he is doing is to eliminate Trump's fuck-ups so that he can move forward.

No. He's getting rid of all the good Trump did for America. One day one he kicked every tax payer in America in the teeth. He's put loads on unemployment.

Just wait till all of his EO's kick in and get back to us with the great job that jack ass is doing.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.

Wait. We had the money in 2016 for Trump to give rich people the biggest tax break in US history but we don't have the money now to give away? Flip flop much?
People keeping what's theirs to begin with isn't "giving away" anything...It's their money not the gubmint's, you economic ignoramus.
The government needed that money. You have to pay your taxes. And if we have a debt, maybe your taxes need to go up. Yea yea, cut more spending. We've heard that before. What spending would you like to cut?
Irrelevant to the point....The money belongs to the people who earned it.....Claiming that tax cuts "cost the gumbmint money" presumes that it's not your money in the first place.

And if the gubmint is so strapped, they should cut ther spoending and shutter some bureaucracies, like people in businesses have to do when their balance sheets are off.
We could start shutting off a lot of money by getting rid of high salaries for congress. High retirement for government. And high priced medical insurance, let them have the same as everyone else. Add term limits. Just to name a few cost saving measures.
Yep. Trump set the example. Rich people shouldn’t get a paycheck in DC.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Tell the Prog leadership to change the federal tax the benefit of the working/retired class. They won't. They will however cause friction between people in the working/retired class by giving money to certain groups within it. That is their way. As it is, it is already baked in the cake that we are going to see increases in gasoline and home heating and A/C. And increases in food prices and other things. Inflation is here. We see it already. Taxes come in so many ways.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.

.... versus this:
But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”
Education of a President (Published 2010)
Nothing Democrats do is good for Americans. They aim to bankrupt and subjugate the American people for their Chinese masters.

What has Biden done so far that benefits Americans?
He has been in office for 2 weeks. One good thing that he is doing is to eliminate Trump's fuck-ups so that he can move forward.
Like what?
I knew you were going to come back with that. Tell ya what. Lookup Google for that info, because if you have been paying attention, you would know what Biden has done during the last 3 weeks, yes?
I do know what he has done and none of it has been good for Americans. China is proud.
  • Thanks
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The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Looking at my Federal Taxes,I see the relief funds as a loan. It's not a gift. It all gets paid back in less than 2 years for most of us. Nothing is free.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Looking at my Federal Taxes,I see the relief funds as a loan. It's not a gift. It all gets paid back in less than 2 years for most of us. Nothing is free.
But college’s will be free!
Nothing Democrats do is good for Americans. They aim to bankrupt and subjugate the American people for their Chinese masters.

What has Biden done so far that benefits Americans?
He has been in office for 2 weeks. One good thing that he is doing is to eliminate Trump's fuck-ups so that he can move forward.
Like what?
I knew you were going to come back with that. Tell ya what. Lookup Google for that info, because if you have been paying attention, you would know what Biden has done during the last 3 weeks, yes?

What he has done is bad for the US. The question is what has he done that is good?

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