Democrats: "Global warming causing women to be prostitutes!!"

I need better quotes than mid-sentence ones.


If this is true, the saying "grasping at straws" comes to mind
Its fascinating to watch the global warming OC's implode. The more prolific the bomb throwing, the further into the abyss they sink and yet, they stick with plan A. When you see shit like this, makes one think if this is an effort to appear so extreme so that any envionmental legislation is completely derailed......imagine how the district constituents look at this = ramps up the opposition to anything resembling a carbon tax, the sentiment being, "Please tell me you're fucking kidding me?". No other way to explain this level of k00k
Yeah, but you got the terminology all wrong. At least as much as Canada is concerned.When the New Democrats and the Liberals were in power here they called them "sex workers". Most of them were drug addicts that could not afford to buy dope with their welfare checks, so they became "sex workers".
As such they were also "rape victims" and could have free abortions, + the Government opened "safe injection sites" in cities like Montreal and Vancouver, where they get free heroin and free syringes. So that the New Democrats that screw them run a lower risk getting aids. Like Canada`s dearly departed New Democratic Party leader Jack Leighton.
The Toronto police found him during a raid handcuffed to a bed in a brothel with a dildo up his ass.
And had it been in the White House as warm as it is now, then Monica would have took her dress off and her "sex work" would have resulted in one of these "rape pregnancies" that falls under Obama-care.
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