Democrats Hate American Children Part 384745

The OP holds democrats responsible for a school not acknowledging Halloween. Yet, I have never known a democrat that objects to Halloween. My brother and his wife, however, who are RW reactionary, born again Christians, object to it very much, and claim that it is a left wing conspiracy to honor the devil.

In short, the title of this thread is a total fabrication and fantasy on the part of the Right. It is a cheap shot, at best.
Their reasons for banning it are the exact opposite. Hyper secularism instead of hyper religionism.
the Parents better start getting INVOLVED in your children's schools. you PAY TAXES FOR IT . they have run all over you under this administration and has turned them into little COMMIE CAMPS. I know, I worked at one for four years until this administration poked their nose into them. They are now running all over you and your children. You better start SPEAKING UP.
the Parents better start getting INVOLVED in your children's schools. you PAY TAXES FOR IT . they have run all over you under this administration and has turned them into little COMMIE CAMPS. I know, I worked at one for four years until this administration poked their nose into them. They are now running all over you and your children. You better start SPEAKING UP.
Apathy. Parents won't unleash the wrath until Johnny comes home limping because of that day's lesson in anal fisting.

P.S. Most parents who subject their kids to public rectumcation don't care for them anyway. Parents who love their children put them in private school or home school.
Billy, you are not convincing anyone that the villains in your Op are democrats. Amazingly enough, you have managed to convince yourself of that, or perhaps you know it is a lie, which is just as lame.

Unlike you, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am merely reporting an event, and stating my opinion of it.

The OP holds democrats responsible for a school not acknowledging Halloween. Yet, I have never known a democrat that objects to Halloween. My brother and his wife, however, who are RW reactionary, born again Christians, object to it very much, and claim that it is a left wing conspiracy to honor the devil.

In short, the title of this thread is a total fabrication and fantasy on the part of the Right. It is a cheap shot, at best.
Their reasons for banning it are the exact opposite. Hyper secularism instead of hyper religionism.

bingo. that they are trying to pin this off on religion. but we see the low info voter swallows that and will allow them to continue to step all over us as they DEEM something. not fit for everyone. who gave them this POWER? they are there to TEACH.
the Parents better start getting INVOLVED in your children's schools. you PAY TAXES FOR IT . they have run all over you under this administration and has turned them into little COMMIE CAMPS. I know, I worked at one for four years until this administration poked their nose into them. They are now running all over you and your children. You better start SPEAKING UP.
Apathy. Parents won't unleash the wrath until Johnny comes home limping because of that day's lesson in anal fisting.

P.S. Most parents who subject their kids to public rectumcation don't care for them anyway. Parents who love their children put them in private school or home school.

Unfortunately, many children today are little more than window ornaments for their parents. The parents have turned them over to the State.
the Parents better start getting INVOLVED in your children's schools. you PAY TAXES FOR IT . they have run all over you under this administration and has turned them into little COMMIE CAMPS. I know, I worked at one for four years until this administration poked their nose into them. They are now running all over you and your children. You better start SPEAKING UP.
Apathy. Parents won't unleash the wrath until Johnny comes home limping because of that day's lesson in anal fisting.

P.S. Most parents who subject their kids to public rectumcation don't care for them anyway. Parents who love their children put them in private school or home school.

I know it. it's so shameful these citizens today just sits back and allows them to take away ours AND their children's rights one DRIP at a time. they better start waking up NOW
You see here. Your children are there to be taught how read, write and learn the basic of those.

Instead they are subjected to this kind of crap DAILY
Oregon eighth-grader suspended from school for wearing patriotic shirt showing gun

SERIOUSLY it's up to you Parents when you have a ENOUGH of this BS they are doing to your children. I left because of this gawd awful menu change, as I was a baker for a grade school for four years. I can tell you the horror stories on what they are feeding your children for one. and they are FORCING IT ON THEM by making them go back in and put it on their tray if they wanted it or not. Your kindergardner's were crying while they FORCED them to go back and get food they demanded they have. WAKE UP and start getting involved.

Why should they celebrate Halloween, but not Easter, at school?

Easter is recognized as a religious event,

Halloween isn't

Are you kidding me? It's the EVE of ALL SAINTS DAY.

"In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints and martyrs; the holiday, All Saints’ Day, incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows’ Eve and later Halloween."

Hallo. Every school kid in the US knows it's a religious event.

History of Halloween - Halloween -
"On May 13, 609 A.D., Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon in Rome in honor of all Christian martyrs, and the Catholic feast of All Martyrs Day was established in the Western church. Pope Gregory III (731–741) later expanded the festival to include all saints as well as all martyrs, and moved the observance from May 13 to November 1. By the 9th century the influence of Christianity had spread into Celtic lands, where it gradually blended with and supplanted the older Celtic rites. In 1000 A.D., the church would make November 2 All Souls’ Day, a day to honor the dead. It is widely believed today that the church was attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, but church-sanctioned holiday. All Souls Day was celebrated similarly to Samhain, with big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels and devils. The All Saints Day celebration was also called All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints’ Day) and the night before it, the traditional night of Samhain in the Celtic religion, began to be called All-hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween."

I mean, the entire concept of Halloween is a religious one, no matter which faith you follow it to.

History of Halloween - Halloween -
Isn't this the time of year strollingbones gets nekkid in the back 40?

Or is that the summer solstice? It might be sorta chilly this time of year....

Why should they celebrate Halloween, but not Easter, at school?

Easter is recognized as a religious event,

Halloween isn't

Are you kidding me? It's the EVE of ALL SAINTS DAY.

"In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints and martyrs; the holiday, All Saints’ Day, incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows’ Eve and later Halloween."

Hallo. Every school kid in the US knows it's a religious event.

History of Halloween - Halloween -

I have disagree with you dear. I never knew it was religious. All I cared about when I a kid is: it was a day to dress up and have a fun time.
At my sister's school in Florida, the Christian fundamentalists petitioned her school to DROP HALLOWEEN, stating it is a Satanist Holiday.
Hate children means keeping them from health care, cutting their food stamps, ending school lunches, ending daycare, blocking vaccines and so on. It's not Democrats who do those things and we all know it.
At my sister's school in Florida, the Christian fundamentalists petitioned her school to DROP HALLOWEEN, stating it is a Satanist Holiday.
Sure. And you're a Catholic in good standing.

Oh wait, no you aren't. You lied about that.
At my sister's school in Florida, the Christian fundamentalists petitioned her school to DROP HALLOWEEN, stating it is a Satanist Holiday.

and what do you call the people in this school that has banned it?
and why don't you all attach that word, Fundamentalists . to the Muslims and Islam when you speak about them? I don't get it
At my sister's school in Florida, the Christian fundamentalists petitioned her school to DROP HALLOWEEN, stating it is a Satanist Holiday.

and what do you call the people in this school that has banned it?
and why don't you all attach that word, Fundamentalists . to the Muslims and Islam when you speak about them? I don't get it
I bet it's banned because her friends the Muslims complained about it.
At my sister's school in Florida, the Christian fundamentalists petitioned her school to DROP HALLOWEEN, stating it is a Satanist Holiday.

and what do you call the people in this school that has banned it?
and why don't you all attach that word, Fundamentalists . to the Muslims and Islam when you speak about them? I don't get it
The School did NOT ban it, they said heck NO! This is merely a fun holiday for kids.

And you are right, the Muslims or whatever religions that do not allow their children to participate in Halloween, ARE fundamentalist religions or fundamental religions.

I have no problem calling them that...because this is what they are....

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