Democrats Hate American Children Part 384745

My brother in law, who home schooled my nieces, is a Pastor and a fundamentalist Christian, and he and Nancy, his wife, did not allow my two nieces to participate in Halloween either....

Which my husband could not understand because when he and Mark grew up, they participated in the Halloween fun....and never thought of it as a holiday for Satan.
I love political correctness. It achieves such great goals, and never wastes time or resources.

You know which "culture" Halloween most offends?


Halloween Hits Streak Of Bad Luck in School (

I'm Christian. I am not offended. I don't know any Christians who are.
Evangelical and conservative Christians are offended. Who do you think was offended by Halloween? The only kids that would feel excluded would be the children of conservative Christians whose parents consider halloween akin to satan worship. Here are few:

."Most conservative Protestants incorrectly link together present-day Halloween celebrations, ancient Celtic Paganism, and modern Neopaganism: However, many go further and link these practices with Satanism. 10 Some examples:

A Christian Broadcasting Network essay: "Every act around Halloween is in honor of false gods, which are spirits in the realm of the Satanic. Thus, Halloween is seen primarily as a Satanic holiday." 6
Albert Dager: "Children...shouldn't have anything to do with the celebration that glorifies the power of God's enemies." 11
William Schnoebelen, "...the difference between witchcraft or Wicca and satanism is actually non-existent." 12
David L Brown, "modern day witches and Satanists still worship demon gods & goddesses, practice bizarre & immoral sexual rituals, and certain groups offer animal and human sacrifices." 13
David L Brown, "Though witches like to make a distinction between themselves and Satanists, there really is NO DISTINCTION biblically speaking...but the power behind Satanism and Witchcraft is the same-Satan... and his demonic hoards." 13
Christian Youth Alliance, "Satan loves Halloween because it glamorizes the powers of darkness, drawing little kids into his realm. And it is paying off, witchcraft is exploding among teens today." 14
Light the Night is an Evangelical Christian outreach to evangelize trick-or-treaters. The sponsors note that Halloween night is "an excellent opportunity to take back ground in which the enemy has controlled for too long." (The webmaster clarified that the "enemy" being referred to here is Satan) They say that by "...allowing our 'light' to shine on a very dark night, it is a very simple way to combat that darkness with the love of Christ." 16

More proof of who is against halloween:

Ten Reasons Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween

You see here. Your children are there to be taught how read, write and learn the basic of those.

Instead they are subjected to this kind of crap DAILY
Oregon eighth-grader suspended from school for wearing patriotic shirt showing gun

SERIOUSLY it's up to you Parents when you have a ENOUGH of this BS they are doing to your children. I left because of this gawd awful menu change, as I was a baker for a grade school for four years. I can tell you the horror stories on what they are feeding your children for one. and they are FORCING IT ON THEM by making them go back in and put it on their tray if they wanted it or not. Your kindergardner's were crying while they FORCED them to go back and get food they demanded they have. WAKE UP and start getting involved.
On the other hand...I have to say, you never know what's going on with any particular school at any time with regards to the message clothing and all that. This may just be the culmination of some larger issue that they've been dealing with, if that makes sense. You know, like you have these kids wearing Navy shirts and those kids wearing army shirts, and it's just an excuse for kids to act like jerks lolol.

I think all schools should have a strict dress code and stick to it.
My brother in law, who home schooled my nieces, is a Pastor and a fundamentalist Christian, and he and Nancy, his wife, did not allow my two nieces to participate in Halloween either....

Which my husband could not understand because when he and Mark grew up, they participated in the Halloween fun....and never thought of it as a holiday for Satan.
Oh well, I doubt the children will be scarred forever because they missed out on buckets of candy and dressing up like murderers and supernatural creatures.
The OP holds democrats responsible for a school not acknowledging Halloween.

Nope. I hold them responsible for destroying the popular fun and traditions of the majority in the name of political inclusivity of a scant minority. It's become a widespread practice.

Yet, I have never known a democrat that objects to Halloween.

Democrats object to anything that does not include minority cultures. It's the common MO to destroy long-standing traditions.

In short, the title of this thread is a total fabrication and fantasy on the part of the Right. It is a cheap shot, at best.

According to you. Your opinion is noted. The evidence indicates otherwise.
"The evidence indicates otherwise" The only evidence offered has proven that the only religious groups to object to halloween are evangelical Christians like Pat Robertson. Can you post anything to show that the decision to end the celebration of halloween had anything to do with a democrats of complaints from democrats? Of course you can't.
Billy, you are not convincing anyone that the villains in your Op are democrats. Amazingly enough, you have managed to convince yourself of that, or perhaps you know it is a lie, which is just as lame.

Unlike you, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am merely reporting an event, and stating my opinion of it.
You are making a factual assertion that is false.
My brother in law, who home schooled my nieces, is a Pastor and a fundamentalist Christian, and he and Nancy, his wife, did not allow my two nieces to participate in Halloween either....

Which my husband could not understand because when he and Mark grew up, they participated in the Halloween fun....and never thought of it as a holiday for Satan.
Oh well, I doubt the children will be scarred forever because they missed out on buckets of candy and dressing up like murderers and supernatural creatures.
They were not hurt one bit, and are both over 18 now and are wonderful girls, both in secular colleges and fitting in just fine, one getting married this year to a nice, out going young man....

My brother in law did not force his belief on to others though, him and Nancy, (who is a Nurse), just home schooled them, to their liking....with a community of other home schooled children....for my nieces to interact and play with....
My brother in law, who home schooled my nieces, is a Pastor and a fundamentalist Christian, and he and Nancy, his wife, did not allow my two nieces to participate in Halloween either....

Which my husband could not understand because when he and Mark grew up, they participated in the Halloween fun....and never thought of it as a holiday for Satan.
Oh well, I doubt the children will be scarred forever because they missed out on buckets of candy and dressing up like murderers and supernatural creatures.
They were not hurt one bit, and are both over 18 now and are wonderful girls, both in secular colleges and fitting in just fine, one getting married this year to a nice, out going young man....

My brother in law did not force his belief on to others though, him and Nancy, (who is a Nurse), just home schooled them, to their liking....with a community of other home schooled children....for my nieces to interact and play with....
I've never seen a Christian "force" their beliefs on anybody.

Of course anti-Christian bigots maintain that if you mention you're a Christian, you're "forcing" your beliefs on them.
My brother in law, who home schooled my nieces, is a Pastor and a fundamentalist Christian, and he and Nancy, his wife, did not allow my two nieces to participate in Halloween either....

Which my husband could not understand because when he and Mark grew up, they participated in the Halloween fun....and never thought of it as a holiday for Satan.
Oh well, I doubt the children will be scarred forever because they missed out on buckets of candy and dressing up like murderers and supernatural creatures.
They were not hurt one bit, and are both over 18 now and are wonderful girls, both in secular colleges and fitting in just fine, one getting married this year to a nice, out going young man....

My brother in law did not force his belief on to others though, him and Nancy, (who is a Nurse), just home schooled them, to their liking....with a community of other home schooled children....for my nieces to interact and play with....
I've never seen a Christian "force" their beliefs on anybody.

Of course anti-Christian bigots maintain that if you mention you're a Christian, you're "forcing" your beliefs on them.
So, you did not see Kim Davis refuse to issue a marriage license on the authority of her Christian God?
My brother in law, who home schooled my nieces, is a Pastor and a fundamentalist Christian, and he and Nancy, his wife, did not allow my two nieces to participate in Halloween either....

Which my husband could not understand because when he and Mark grew up, they participated in the Halloween fun....and never thought of it as a holiday for Satan.
Oh well, I doubt the children will be scarred forever because they missed out on buckets of candy and dressing up like murderers and supernatural creatures.
They were not hurt one bit, and are both over 18 now and are wonderful girls, both in secular colleges and fitting in just fine, one getting married this year to a nice, out going young man....

My brother in law did not force his belief on to others though, him and Nancy, (who is a Nurse), just home schooled them, to their liking....with a community of other home schooled children....for my nieces to interact and play with....
I've never seen a Christian "force" their beliefs on anybody.

Of course anti-Christian bigots maintain that if you mention you're a Christian, you're "forcing" your beliefs on them.
So, you did not see Kim Davis refuse to issue a marriage license on the authority of her Christian God?
You obviously don't know what "force" means.
You know which "culture" Halloween most offends?


Halloween Hits Streak Of Bad Luck in School (

Apparently not, Comrade. Halloween has never been banned on the complaints of Christians, but now that your Muzzie Beast allies are complaining - out it goes. Islam is the official religion of the democratic party.
It has almost always been because of Christians that Halloween parties have been changed to harvest parties.
No God Zone: Christian nutters steal kids Halloween fun

Albany, Schenectady and New York, N.Y. -- More New York public schools have decided to ban Halloween celebrations this year, some because of concerns raised by fundamentalist Christian groups. Comment from the Rev. Dr. Timothy Lake of the Correllian Nativist Witches in Schenectady and scholar/philosopher Matt Cherry, executive director of the Institute for Humanist Studies and president of the United Nations Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief.

Humanist Network News Ezine Archives

Anti-Halloween attacks are downright ghastly | Online Athens
Do you did not see the video of the right wing assholes screaming at the children on the bus? How about when the video of them screaming at a group of kids on a bus that was actually a school bus transporting non immigrant children? Was that video faked?

Those who use a vile leftist hate site have no credibility. The video might be faked, or staged with leftist pretending to be what they are not (think Westboro Baptist bullshit)

I know this, if a link goes to the Nazi website, or to a vile hate site like thinkprogress, I don't click that link. (actually my Firewall blocks hate sites, so I couldn't go to thinkprogress even if I wanted to.)
My brother in law, who home schooled my nieces, is a Pastor and a fundamentalist Christian, and he and Nancy, his wife, did not allow my two nieces to participate in Halloween either....

Which my husband could not understand because when he and Mark grew up, they participated in the Halloween fun....and never thought of it as a holiday for Satan.
Oh well, I doubt the children will be scarred forever because they missed out on buckets of candy and dressing up like murderers and supernatural creatures.
They were not hurt one bit, and are both over 18 now and are wonderful girls, both in secular colleges and fitting in just fine, one getting married this year to a nice, out going young man....

My brother in law did not force his belief on to others though, him and Nancy, (who is a Nurse), just home schooled them, to their liking....with a community of other home schooled children....for my nieces to interact and play with....
I've never seen a Christian "force" their beliefs on anybody.

Of course anti-Christian bigots maintain that if you mention you're a Christian, you're "forcing" your beliefs on them.
So, you did not see Kim Davis refuse to issue a marriage license on the authority of her Christian God?
You obviously don't know what "force" means.
Actually, I do. As the only person authorized to issue marriage licenses in that County her refusal to issue them used the force of her authority to compel others to follow her fundamentalist christianity.

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