Democrats hate Carson because he is black

if people on the Left had a shred of credibility remaining they could admit the Left already considers all criticism of obama as racist

And by 'being honest', you mean ape whatever hapeless nonsense is repeated without thought or question in the right wing echo chamber.

Remember, just because you poor souls ape meaningless gibber jabber back and forth to each other doesn't mean its 'honest' or remotely accurate.

you mean "ape" like chanting CHANGE!!!?????

you're a complete idiot

Of the two of us, who just blinked by being reduced to personal insults?

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to.

i have little patience for people who lie TO THEMSELVES

I simply don't accept your ilk citing themselves as speaking for democrats. And for some reason this has driven you to raving insults, triple exclamation points, 20 point fonts and all caps.

Get used to the idea.

You apeing whatever the right wing echo chamber tells you to think isn't actually evidence. Its the kind of poorly supported opinion that can only thrive when it isn't questioned or thought too much about.

you're simply laughable

blissfully not cognizant of the fact you're actually just aping the Party line yourself

what a bore
did you seriously think nobody figured you would whine about the sources here dummy??

Did you ever think that a hard right conservative with his eye on Obama's job might say something critical of the president? Jindal couldn't even quote Obama. Instead he offered his 'impression'.

As elegant a demonstration that many conservative are emotionally driven, not factually driven, as I can offer. us Obama complaining about how someone in the media has tried to 'lynch him' in order to match the shrilly hysteric standards of thin skin that your ilk have demonstrated in this thread alone.
Republicans are having a thriving and lively debate of substance in their Party

the left-wing candidates are preaching to each other's choir

you're just pathetic; projecting the very sins your own Party is guilty of on a massive scale
did you seriously think nobody figured you would whine about the sources here dummy??

Did you ever think that a hard right conservative with his eye on Obama's job might say something critical of the president? Jindal couldn't even quote Obama. Instead he offered his 'impression'.

As elegant a demonstration that many conservative are emotionally driven, not factually driven, as I can offer. us Obama complaining about how someone in the media has tried to 'lynch him' in order to match the shrilly hysteric standards of thin skin that your ilk have demonstrated in this thread alone.

the fact he's running doesnt make what he's saying untrue genius.

try harder
echo chamber

"ive created millions of jobs"

"the job creators arent creating jobs"

lol us Obama complaining about how someone in the media has tried to 'lynch him' in order to match the shrilly hysteric standards of thin skin that your ilk have demonstrated in this thread alone

just prove to everybody you're falling apart if you cant dictate the parameters!

wow such self-deceiving clowns on the Left

And more personal insult without substance. If pejoratives and name calling are really the extent of your ability to argue, just tell us now.
"Substance". Your president sent Al Sharpton to Ferguson and Baltimore to stoke the flames of racial strife by spreading lies. " Hands up, don't shoot" was a lie and Obama's ambassador to the black community deliberately spread that lie. There's some "substance".
Republicans are having a thriving and lively debate of substance in their Party

And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

The Republicans’ Incompetence Caucus

The House Republican caucus is close to ungovernable these days. How did this situation come about?

This was not just the work of the Freedom Caucus or Ted Cruz or one month’s activity. The Republican Party’s capacity for effective self-governance degraded slowly, over the course of a long chain of rhetorical excesses, mental corruptions and philosophical betrayals. Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. Republicans came to see themselves as insurgents and revolutionaries, and every revolution tends toward anarchy and ends up devouring its own.

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

But to you, there's nothing wrong, the GOP is 'thriving', and there's no reason to look behind the curtain to find the source of all the sobbing.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.
left-wingers calling Carson a sell-out, token and an Uncle Tom

the Left crying that Carson is playing the victim while the Left mindlessly defends obama's every failed move, pretends his failures are successes, and dismisses every ctiticiam of him as coming from racists

there is no getting to left-wingers so brainwashed, so ignorant, so hypocritical, so willing to LIE TO THEMSELVES
Republicans are having a thriving and lively debate of substance in their Party

And by 'thriving', you mean sobbing pitefully at their own disarray and lack of leadership?

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Some Republicans were caught actually sobbing after Kevin McCarthy dropped out of the House speaker race

Nothing says 'thriving' like weeping bitter tears at your own impotence and inability to accomplish anything. Want some more 'thriving'?

The Republicans’ Incompetence Caucus

The House Republican caucus is close to ungovernable these days. How did this situation come about?

This was not just the work of the Freedom Caucus or Ted Cruz or one month’s activity. The Republican Party’s capacity for effective self-governance degraded slowly, over the course of a long chain of rhetorical excesses, mental corruptions and philosophical betrayals. Basically, the party abandoned traditional conservatism for right-wing radicalism. Republicans came to see themselves as insurgents and revolutionaries, and every revolution tends toward anarchy and ends up devouring its own.

'Jaw Dropping Incomptence' ...And this from a life long conservative.

All you're demonstrating is mindless, obsequious obedience to whatever you're told to think. No matter how incompetent, ineffective, or disorganized your party'll continue to rearrange the deck chairs, telling how everything is perfect..... as the ship slowly sinks.

And demonstrate why republicans are in this pickle to begin with.

ALL YOU DID was make the point for the other side; too bad you're too blind to see it. there is a diversity of opinion on the Right. not an 'ECHO CHAMBER" AS ON THE LEFT pretending everything they cant get done is somebody else's fault and taking credit for things they had nothing to do with
it's hilarious really; when a left-winger cant make his/her case and just keeps getting slapped around!!
left-wingers calling Carson a sell-out, token and an Uncle Tom

the Left crying that Carson is playing the victim while the Left mindlessly defends obama's every failed move, pretends his failures are successes, and dismisses every ctiticiam of him as coming from racists

there is no getting to left-wingers so brainwashed, so ignorant, so hypocritical, so willing to LIE TO THEMSELVES

The 'left' isn't talking about Carson much, with most caring less. Carson's battle is with irrelevance. Which is why you're trying to portray him as being the victim of so much abuse: because at least then he'd be relevant.

Alas, the truth is far less dramatic: Carson doesn't matter much to this race.

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