Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Carson was once again weak in the debate

He needs to have a better grasp on the specifics of his tax plan. He had better do a better accounting of the $1.5 trillion in lost revenue
What do you care? You have your old white people running to vote for.... let the real party of diversity show you racists howb it is done

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If the GOP was the party of diversity,

it wouldn't consistently lose the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote...

if they were as bad as you make them seem above ^^ the wouldnt have the House, the Senate, 30 of 50 Governor's seats

libs are losers who lie to themselves
when you're a left-wing nutjob standing over there with stalin and mao, chavez and castro; OF COURSE everything else is going to seem like it's on the far right

libs are morons who lie to themselves

Can you list Ben Carson's left of center positions?

Can you list his centrist positions?

Can you list his moderately conservative positions?
As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home ...
Nov 8, 2014 - The Republican Party made striking gains during the midterm elections. ... and Haitian-American — is one of those three, and Republicans in ... He's now South Carolina's first elected black senator, and the ... "The old conventional wisdom has been that an African-American politician has to run from a ...
Carson was once again weak in the debate

He needs to have a better grasp on the specifics of his tax plan. He had better do a better accounting of the $1.5 trillion in lost revenue
What do you care? You have your old white people running to vote for.... let the real party of diversity show you racists howb it is done

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If the GOP was the party of diversity,

it wouldn't consistently lose the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote...

if they were as bad as you make them seem above ^^ the wouldnt have the House, the Senate, 30 of 50 Governor's seats

libs are losers who lie to themselves

I am talking about the presidential election, in which the popular vote has been won 5 out of 6 times by Democrats in the last 20 years.
Carson was once again weak in the debate

He needs to have a better grasp on the specifics of his tax plan. He had better do a better accounting of the $1.5 trillion in lost revenue
What do you care? You have your old white people running to vote for.... let the real party of diversity show you racists howb it is done

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If Republicans the party of real diversity, how come there are only 3 black Republicans in Congress? Seems to me, the party with 43 blacks in Congress is the party of diversity.
Because idiocy isn't a color thing?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
But it is far more prevalent among the right than any other group.
A tale of two Fuckups..tastes Great...less filling ...sometimes you feel like a nut ..
As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home ...
Nov 8, 2014 - The Republican Party made striking gains during the midterm elections. ... and Haitian-American — is one of those three, and Republicans in ... He's now South Carolina's first elected black senator, and the ... "The old conventional wisdom has been that an African-American politician has to run from a ...
Aww, how adorable. Republicans elect 3 blacks in one session of Congress out of 301 seats (less than 1 percent) and they celebrate. Meanwhile, Democrats elect 43 blacks out of 234 seats, more than 18%.

Now bedwetter, this post contains math, so it's going confuse you.
As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home ...
Nov 8, 2014 - The Republican Party made striking gains during the midterm elections. ... and Haitian-American — is one of those three, and Republicans in ... He's now South Carolina's first elected black senator, and the ... "The old conventional wisdom has been that an African-American politician has to run from a ...
Aww, how adorable. Republicans elect 3 blacks in one session of Congress out of 301 seats (less than 1 percent) and they celebrate. Meanwhile, Democrats elect 43 blacks out of 234 seats, more than 18%.

Now bedwetter, this post contains math, so it's going confuse you.

it s kind of boring reminding the "forward" idiots to keep looking forward

let's see a picture of your presidential candidates leftard?

of would that "confuse" you???

i cant get any of the left-wing losers that think they are so smart to say why another minority wouldnt be following on the "success" of the first black president

As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home ...
Nov 8, 2014 - The Republican Party made striking gains during the midterm elections. ... and Haitian-American — is one of those three, and Republicans in ... He's now South Carolina's first elected black senator, and the ... "The old conventional wisdom has been that an African-American politician has to run from a ...
Aww, how adorable. Republicans elect 3 blacks in one session of Congress out of 301 seats (less than 1 percent) and they celebrate. Meanwhile, Democrats elect 43 blacks out of 234 seats, more than 18%.

Now bedwetter, this post contains math, so it's going confuse you.

it s kind of boring reminding the "forward" idiots to keep looking forward

let's see a picture of your presidential candidates leftard?

of would that "confuse" you???

In other words, if you ignore all the elections in the past and if ignore all of the elections in the future and if you ignore all of the Congressional races and if you look at just this one presidential race where no blacks are running as a Democrat, Republicans have the edge by 1 to 0.

That's your idea of leading diversity into the future, ya shvantz?

See? I was right... my post did confuse you.
As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home ...
Nov 8, 2014 - The Republican Party made striking gains during the midterm elections. ... and Haitian-American — is one of those three, and Republicans in ... He's now South Carolina's first elected black senator, and the ... "The old conventional wisdom has been that an African-American politician has to run from a ...
Aww, how adorable. Republicans elect 3 blacks in one session of Congress out of 301 seats (less than 1 percent) and they celebrate. Meanwhile, Democrats elect 43 blacks out of 234 seats, more than 18%.

Now bedwetter, this post contains math, so it's going confuse you.

it s kind of boring reminding the "forward" idiots to keep looking forward

let's see a picture of your presidential candidates leftard?

of would that "confuse" you???

In other words, if you ignore all the elections in the past and if ignore all of the elections in the future and if you ignore all of the Congressional races and if you look at just this one presidential race where no blacks are running as a Democrat, Republicans have the edge by 1 to 0.

That's your idea of leading diversity into the future, ya shvantz?

See? I was right... my post did confuse you.

im not ignoring anything crybaby

i'm saying nothing last forever

do you have a poll showing hillary beating carson?

you can provide the source
As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home ...
Nov 8, 2014 - The Republican Party made striking gains during the midterm elections. ... and Haitian-American — is one of those three, and Republicans in ... He's now South Carolina's first elected black senator, and the ... "The old conventional wisdom has been that an African-American politician has to run from a ...
Aww, how adorable. Republicans elect 3 blacks in one session of Congress out of 301 seats (less than 1 percent) and they celebrate. Meanwhile, Democrats elect 43 blacks out of 234 seats, more than 18%.

Now bedwetter, this post contains math, so it's going confuse you.

it s kind of boring reminding the "forward" idiots to keep looking forward

let's see a picture of your presidential candidates leftard?

of would that "confuse" you???

In other words, if you ignore all the elections in the past and if ignore all of the elections in the future and if you ignore all of the Congressional races and if you look at just this one presidential race where no blacks are running as a Democrat, Republicans have the edge by 1 to 0.

That's your idea of leading diversity into the future, ya shvantz?

See? I was right... my post did confuse you.

im not ignoring anything crybaby

i'm saying nothing last forever

do you have a poll showing hillary beating carson?

you can provide the source
Yeah, sure ...

Clinton: 47%
Carson: 45%

NBC/WSJ, 10/15-18, 1000 adults nationwide
WH2016: General
As GOP Swept Congress, Black Republicans Took Home ...
Nov 8, 2014 - The Republican Party made striking gains during the midterm elections. ... and Haitian-American — is one of those three, and Republicans in ... He's now South Carolina's first elected black senator, and the ... "The old conventional wisdom has been that an African-American politician has to run from a ...
Aww, how adorable. Republicans elect 3 blacks in one session of Congress out of 301 seats (less than 1 percent) and they celebrate. Meanwhile, Democrats elect 43 blacks out of 234 seats, more than 18%.

Now bedwetter, this post contains math, so it's going confuse you.

it s kind of boring reminding the "forward" idiots to keep looking forward

let's see a picture of your presidential candidates leftard?

of would that "confuse" you???

In other words, if you ignore all the elections in the past and if ignore all of the elections in the future and if you ignore all of the Congressional races and if you look at just this one presidential race where no blacks are running as a Democrat, Republicans have the edge by 1 to 0.

That's your idea of leading diversity into the future, ya shvantz?

See? I was right... my post did confuse you.

im not ignoring anything crybaby

i'm saying nothing last forever

do you have a poll showing hillary beating carson?

you can provide the source
Yeah, sure ...

Clinton: 47%
Carson: 45%

NBC/WSJ, 10/15-18, 1000 adults nationwide
WH2016: General


you found one!! very good. i wont be a pussy like left-wingers and even try to denounce your source!!

just take your 2% victory margin (if there isnt a margin of victory then that is winning) and ENJOY IT!1
I MEAN 2% is 2% right???? any win by that super "accomplished" hillary over the "whackjob" as left-wingers call Carson is to be lauded right?

Aww, how adorable. Republicans elect 3 blacks in one session of Congress out of 301 seats (less than 1 percent) and they celebrate. Meanwhile, Democrats elect 43 blacks out of 234 seats, more than 18%.

Now bedwetter, this post contains math, so it's going confuse you.

it s kind of boring reminding the "forward" idiots to keep looking forward

let's see a picture of your presidential candidates leftard?

of would that "confuse" you???

In other words, if you ignore all the elections in the past and if ignore all of the elections in the future and if you ignore all of the Congressional races and if you look at just this one presidential race where no blacks are running as a Democrat, Republicans have the edge by 1 to 0.

That's your idea of leading diversity into the future, ya shvantz?

See? I was right... my post did confuse you.

im not ignoring anything crybaby

i'm saying nothing last forever

do you have a poll showing hillary beating carson?

you can provide the source
Yeah, sure ...

Clinton: 47%
Carson: 45%

NBC/WSJ, 10/15-18, 1000 adults nationwide
WH2016: General


you found one!! very good. i wont be a pussy like left-wingers and even try to denounce your source!!

just take your 2% victory margin (if there isnt a margin of victory then that is winning) and ENJOY IT!1
I MEAN 2% is 2% right???? any win by that super "accomplished" hillary over the "whackjob" as left-wingers call Carson is to be lauded right?

Who knew you are retarded enough to believe a poll this far out from the election, which doesn't even measure electoral votes, means anything?

Oh ... wait ... I did. :desk:
Except on some level you know that is not true.

Ben Carson is a real contender. And if he is elected it's going to be a lot harder for you libs to maintain your self image of yourself as the Good Guys vs the Evul Racist Bad Guys, when the chief Evul Racist Bad Guy is black himself.

Personally, I'm pretty sure you could do it. You libs have proven to be the Masters at lying to yourself.
Of course it's true. Democrats can elect a black as president. Republicans can't. Democrats have elected 42 blacks to Congress, Republicans have elected 3. And 3 is in one session is a record for them going back to the days of Reconstruction when most Republicans were in the north.

If someone had said, in 2000 that the democrats could not elect a black as President, would that have been true at that time?
Don't know. Probably not since Democrats had elected 36 blacks to that Congress compared to the Republicans one.

So, even though they had NOT yet elected a black to the office of President it wasn't because they couldn't.

I agree. ONly a fool would have said that about the Dems in 2000.

The Democratic Party was obviously ready and had been for some time.

Jesse Jackson for example, didn't lose because of his race. He lost because he was too radical.
Again, there is a difference. Democrats have demonstrated for many years now they don't have a problem electing blacks; whereas it's been a huge struggle for Republicans. When Democrats are electing 35-45 blacks to Congress, it's not a stretch to see where they could elect a black as president. When Republicans elect 0-3 blacks to Congress, it's a long shot bordering on not possible.

THere is a big difference between electing someone to a large congress and giving someone executive power.

There were people who were afraid that the White Dem voters would balk at that.

IMO, they were fools. It was obvious for many reasons that the Democratic Party and America people had been ready for some time.

Hell, the 96 exit polls showing Colin Powell beating Bill Clinton 50-38 showed that America as a whole was ready for a Black Candidate to be president. Especially when you consider that the core of his support was from the conservative wing of the party that, as you pointed out, has NOT been electing a lot of blacks.

I remember viciously ridiculing those libs who were preparing excuses for a possible Obama loss, so they could gin it up to further "evidence" of American Racism.

Are you old enough to remember that?
We aren't.

We are just pointing out that, by the dem's own rules that they are being racist.

As those rules have been the rules that public discourse have been run by for quite some time, it is time they are held accountable for their racist behavior.

Oh, and sorry, but your attempt to rationalize your racism with "issues" doesn't fool anyone.

You racist.
A racist believes a minority is inferior and discriminates against them. You people are totally FOS.

Seriously someone who has been on this site that long hasn't noticed that that is no longer the way that word is used?

THat is not really credible.

Words change over time. We are just trying to catch up.

Part of that is holding dems accountable for their racist behavior.

Oh, and you too of course.
Totally brainwashed out of your tiny little mind.

NOpe. My point stands.

I am using the word as it has been used for quite some time.

Insulting me is not a challenge to my logic, it is a logical fallacy.

Is that all you have?
Your new Rush WHATEVER definition is ridiculous double talk.

Haven't listed to Rush in years. My definition is based on the way I see the word used.

If it is ridiculous double talk, then ask yourself why you libs did that.

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