Democrats have 0 ideas for moving our nation forward apparently

So remind us what the Democrat program is to move this country in the right direction.
Provide jobs, replace foreign imports, make America more independent, fight wars, and free oppressed people everywhere.


You should appreciate this plan, Rabbi. After all, your oppressed people were among those that this plan helped set free. Certainly you would want to grant that freedom to others, right?
So remind us what the Democrat program is to move this country in the right direction.
Provide jobs, replace foreign imports, make America more independent, fight wars, and free oppressed people everywhere.


You should appreciate this plan, Rabbi. After all, your oppressed people were among those that this plan helped set free. Certainly you would want to grant that freedom to others, right?

You're forgetting mom and applie pie.
How is raising the min wage going to provide jobs? You raise the price of something, you get less of it. Replace foreign imports? So why is Obama blocking the pipeline that would do just that? Make America more independent? Why is Obama running to the UN with every issue, or putting it off on our allies? Free oppressed people? WHat is he doing to get rid of Assad and roll back Putin's aggression?

Your talking points suck when compared to reality.'

As for legalizing weed, you know why the call it "dope" dont you?
The GOP has killed jobs bills from Congress and the president. The one I like was the resolution to give companies overseas a tax break to move back to the USA....which would reverse previous GOP policies..
This is the abject indoctrinated ignorance that makes the entire thing so difficult.
Congress and the president and the gov DO NOT create REAL jobs. They have to steal capital from the real jobs creators in the private sector in order to pay the people in the phony jobs. That shrinks the economy and exacerbates real job diminishment.
If you want real growth you have to first abandon this idiotic, dishonest, economy-stifling green energy fiasco and allow for fossil fuel extraction.
Everything else follows suit.
The GOP has killed jobs bills from Congress and the president. The one I like was the resolution to give companies overseas a tax break to move back to the USA....which would reverse previous GOP policies..
This is the abject indoctrinated ignorance that makes the entire thing so difficult.
Congress and the president and the gov DO NOT create REAL jobs. They have to steal capital from the real jobs creators in the private sector in order to pay the people in the phony jobs. That shrinks the economy and exacerbates real job diminishment.
If you want real growth you have to first abandon this idiotic, dishonest, economy-stifling green energy fiasco and allow for fossil fuel extraction.
Everything else follows suit.

Govts. do help attract jobs, it has been proven that tax breaks and low income taxes encourages business and growth...the one main reason that so many foreign companies come here is because of the lower taxes and reliable regulations and skilled workforce.

Fossil fuel production reached a 40 year high in March 2014 alone...
The GOP has killed jobs bills from Congress and the president. The one I like was the resolution to give companies overseas a tax break to move back to the USA....which would reverse previous GOP policies..
This is the abject indoctrinated ignorance that makes the entire thing so difficult.
Congress and the president and the gov DO NOT create REAL jobs. They have to steal capital from the real jobs creators in the private sector in order to pay the people in the phony jobs. That shrinks the economy and exacerbates real job diminishment.
If you want real growth you have to first abandon this idiotic, dishonest, economy-stifling green energy fiasco and allow for fossil fuel extraction.
Everything else follows suit.

Govts. do help attract jobs, it has been proven that tax breaks and low income taxes encourages business and growth...the one main reason that so many foreign companies come here is because of the lower taxes and reliable regulations and skilled workforce.

Fossil fuel production reached a 40 year high in March 2014 alone...

That's not government creating jobs. That's government creating conditions favorable to job creation. I realize the lo-lo types can't distinguish those two similar sounding but different things. And there's the problem.
This is the abject indoctrinated ignorance that makes the entire thing so difficult.
Congress and the president and the gov DO NOT create REAL jobs. They have to steal capital from the real jobs creators in the private sector in order to pay the people in the phony jobs. That shrinks the economy and exacerbates real job diminishment.
If you want real growth you have to first abandon this idiotic, dishonest, economy-stifling green energy fiasco and allow for fossil fuel extraction.
Everything else follows suit.

Govts. do help attract jobs, it has been proven that tax breaks and low income taxes encourages business and growth...the one main reason that so many foreign companies come here is because of the lower taxes and reliable regulations and skilled workforce.

Fossil fuel production reached a 40 year high in March 2014 alone...

That's not government creating jobs. That's government creating conditions favorable to job creation. I realize the lo-lo types can't distinguish those two similar sounding but different things. And there's the problem.

When the highway needs paved or constructed the govt. creates work, which relates to job creation, same with the militrary...
Govts. do help attract jobs, it has been proven that tax breaks and low income taxes encourages business and growth...the one main reason that so many foreign companies come here is because of the lower taxes and reliable regulations and skilled workforce.

Fossil fuel production reached a 40 year high in March 2014 alone...

That's not government creating jobs. That's government creating conditions favorable to job creation. I realize the lo-lo types can't distinguish those two similar sounding but different things. And there's the problem.

When the highway needs paved or constructed the govt. creates work, which relates to job creation, same with the militrary...

Not really. They hire private companies to do the work. They get the money either by taxing it away from productive enterprises, or borrowing it, which will need to be repaid by taxing productive enterprises.
Building highways is a very small part of what the government does. Same with the military, most of whose budget goes t private contractors.
Try again, s0n.
All the talk is about the same ole shit.

Voter suppression
Gay rights
Income inequality
Republicans are evil

0 discussions about economic growth. 0 discussions about our place in the world.
All the issues they're focused on are minor sideline issues that have very little effect on most Americans or the problems they face because of a bad economic recovery.

No talk about taxes, jobs, energy independence, or controlling the unsustainable growth of government. Those are the things that can have an impact on every American. Instead all we get from the left are issues ment to divide Americans into sub groups in order to make them "feel" oppressed.

Decomrats have lots of ideas for moving the nation foward. The problem is that the ideas usually involve large government programs that cost billions of dollars and create tons of regulations. And if a program is not working as intended it is because the program needs more funding. To paraphrase a famous president, the closest thing to immortality is a government program.
ACA fixes the worst economic problem we had beside Pub/crony corruption. A real jobs act would be great, but no more phony Pub crises might be enough...

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