Democrats Have Evolved Into Domestic Terrorists


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Who needs radical Islamic terrorists when you have the American Democrat Party.

Can anyone name a greater threat to peace and tranquility in American today?

Who is a greater threat to our constitutional rights?

What other group decides what you are allowed to believe?

What other group feels they have the right to harass you and attack you simply because they feel they can get away with it?

Who else thinks positive news is bad?


Let's face it folks. Muslim terrorists weren't always the way they are today. They evolved. First they were protestors, but eventually they started killing people. That is what I'm seeing from Democrats these days. The longer they are allowed to continue these attacks, the worse they are going to become. Eventually they will be calling for the murder of their political opponents. Some of their followers already have. Pretty soon their leaders will being doing it as well. It's inevitable.
As long as the media is on their side, they feel they can get away with almost anything.


Democratic Party terrorists

Democratic Party terrorists - Personal Liberty®

The left’s continual blathering about the non-existent threat of right wing “fascism” in the United States is little more than an attempt to conceal a growing and very real terror threat within its ranks.

Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh drew attention to the issue Tuesday, lambasting leftists for encouraging violence throughout the nation as the answer to political disagreement.

Citing the recent spate of high profile violence, including the attacks in Las Vegas, New York and Texas in recent weeks, Limbaugh pointed to “vile, repulsive, just raw rage and anger that is on display daily on social media” as a contributing factor in encouraging domestic terror.

“Terrorists do not always just come from Uzbekistan,” Limbaugh told his audience. “They don’t just come from Afghanistan. They don’t just come from al Qaida. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat Party, straight from the American left.”

The radio star noted Sen. Rand Paul’s recent assault, rolling threats against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the shooting attack on congressional Republicans earlier this year as just a few examples of the leftist terror that’s becoming a growing problem in the United States.

“It is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity,” he said.

Limbaugh also noted that the anti-Trump, anti-police and anti-nationalist protests which have become a fact of American life have the media and political establishments’ blessing.

“Wherever you see a public riot, wherever you see any public riot with violence in response to Trump, all of this is applauded,” he said.

“And in the drive-by media, while it may not all be applauded, it is certainly treated with respect.”

Limbaugh’s right that leftist ideology is increasingly to blame for violent outbursts and attacks in the U.S.– but his warning doesn’t do justice the most frightening aspects of the leftist terror threat.

Late last month Edward Klein, former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, released a book detailing leftist ties to sinister international terror organizations like the Islamic State and al-Qaida.

The book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, provides details of a secret FBI investigation into U.S.-based radicals who met with Islamic terror leaders during the G20 summit in Hamburg last summer.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses,’ the source continued.

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

And the charge certainly makes sense given the former president’s sympathies for Islamists and the violent leftist organizations that grew out of the 1960s and 1970s. Remember that Obama began the political journey that would eventually lead to the White House all the way back in 1995, when Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn held a fundraiser for the then Illinois Senate hopeful.

The mainstream media scoffed at conservative concern over the mass street protests leftists planned last weekend to demand Trump’s removal from the White House. And, admittedly, those protests largely turned out to be a collection of non-events. But it’s probably not a good idea to take that as a sign that the leftist threat is nonexistent.

In the years ahead, the scale and frequency of left wing violence will increase. There will be a jump when Robert Mueller’s FBI charade falls apart, making it clear that Trump isn’t going to be impeached. And as the nation’s frustrated victim class further realizes that the culture war Obama nurtured will whither and die as the Trump administration focuses on the economy rather than bathroom policy, leftist rage and violence will snowball. Much of the threat will go unnoticed as pockets of leftist extremism become a movement… and then an attempted revolution. And mainstream media will continue ignoring themes of leftist violence right up until the moment combatants seize their means of production at gun point. Why? Because just as Hillary Clinton couldn’t lose, the American left can do no wrong.
Who needs radical Islamic terrorists when you have the American Democrat Party.

Can anyone name a greater threat to peace and tranquility in American today?

Who is a greater threat to our constitutional rights?

What other group decides what you are allowed to believe?

What other group feels they have the right to harass you and attack you simply because they feel they can get away with it?

Who else thinks positive news is bad?


Let's face it folks. Muslim terrorists weren't always the way they are today. They evolved. First they were protestors, but eventually they started killing people. That is what I'm seeing from Democrats these days. The longer they are allowed to continue these attacks, the worse they are going to become. Eventually they will be calling for the murder of their political opponents. Some of their followers already have. Pretty soon their leaders will being doing it as well. It's inevitable.
As long as the media is on their side, they feel they can get away with almost anything.


Democratic Party terrorists

Democratic Party terrorists - Personal Liberty®

The left’s continual blathering about the non-existent threat of right wing “fascism” in the United States is little more than an attempt to conceal a growing and very real terror threat within its ranks.

Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh drew attention to the issue Tuesday, lambasting leftists for encouraging violence throughout the nation as the answer to political disagreement.

Citing the recent spate of high profile violence, including the attacks in Las Vegas, New York and Texas in recent weeks, Limbaugh pointed to “vile, repulsive, just raw rage and anger that is on display daily on social media” as a contributing factor in encouraging domestic terror.

“Terrorists do not always just come from Uzbekistan,” Limbaugh told his audience. “They don’t just come from Afghanistan. They don’t just come from al Qaida. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat Party, straight from the American left.”

The radio star noted Sen. Rand Paul’s recent assault, rolling threats against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the shooting attack on congressional Republicans earlier this year as just a few examples of the leftist terror that’s becoming a growing problem in the United States.

“It is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity,” he said.

Limbaugh also noted that the anti-Trump, anti-police and anti-nationalist protests which have become a fact of American life have the media and political establishments’ blessing.

“Wherever you see a public riot, wherever you see any public riot with violence in response to Trump, all of this is applauded,” he said.

“And in the drive-by media, while it may not all be applauded, it is certainly treated with respect.”

Limbaugh’s right that leftist ideology is increasingly to blame for violent outbursts and attacks in the U.S.– but his warning doesn’t do justice the most frightening aspects of the leftist terror threat.

Late last month Edward Klein, former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, released a book detailing leftist ties to sinister international terror organizations like the Islamic State and al-Qaida.

The book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, provides details of a secret FBI investigation into U.S.-based radicals who met with Islamic terror leaders during the G20 summit in Hamburg last summer.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses,’ the source continued.

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

And the charge certainly makes sense given the former president’s sympathies for Islamists and the violent leftist organizations that grew out of the 1960s and 1970s. Remember that Obama began the political journey that would eventually lead to the White House all the way back in 1995, when Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn held a fundraiser for the then Illinois Senate hopeful.

The mainstream media scoffed at conservative concern over the mass street protests leftists planned last weekend to demand Trump’s removal from the White House. And, admittedly, those protests largely turned out to be a collection of non-events. But it’s probably not a good idea to take that as a sign that the leftist threat is nonexistent.

In the years ahead, the scale and frequency of left wing violence will increase. There will be a jump when Robert Mueller’s FBI charade falls apart, making it clear that Trump isn’t going to be impeached. And as the nation’s frustrated victim class further realizes that the culture war Obama nurtured will whither and die as the Trump administration focuses on the economy rather than bathroom policy, leftist rage and violence will snowball. Much of the threat will go unnoticed as pockets of leftist extremism become a movement… and then an attempted revolution. And mainstream media will continue ignoring themes of leftist violence right up until the moment combatants seize their means of production at gun point. Why? Because just as Hillary Clinton couldn’t lose, the American left can do no wrong.

Hmm, you'd think it was a Democratic policy to have guns, which lead the US to have a murder rate 4 to 5 times higher than every other first world western country.
I usually agree with you, but not this time. Labeling them as terrorists is over the top.
Who needs radical Islamic terrorists when you have the American Democrat Party.

Can anyone name a greater threat to peace and tranquility in American today?

Who is a greater threat to our constitutional rights?

What other group decides what you are allowed to believe?

What other group feels they have the right to harass you and attack you simply because they feel they can get away with it?

Who else thinks positive news is bad?


Let's face it folks. Muslim terrorists weren't always the way they are today. They evolved. First they were protestors, but eventually they started killing people. That is what I'm seeing from Democrats these days. The longer they are allowed to continue these attacks, the worse they are going to become. Eventually they will be calling for the murder of their political opponents. Some of their followers already have. Pretty soon their leaders will being doing it as well. It's inevitable.
As long as the media is on their side, they feel they can get away with almost anything.


Democratic Party terrorists

Democratic Party terrorists - Personal Liberty®

The left’s continual blathering about the non-existent threat of right wing “fascism” in the United States is little more than an attempt to conceal a growing and very real terror threat within its ranks.

Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh drew attention to the issue Tuesday, lambasting leftists for encouraging violence throughout the nation as the answer to political disagreement.

Citing the recent spate of high profile violence, including the attacks in Las Vegas, New York and Texas in recent weeks, Limbaugh pointed to “vile, repulsive, just raw rage and anger that is on display daily on social media” as a contributing factor in encouraging domestic terror.

“Terrorists do not always just come from Uzbekistan,” Limbaugh told his audience. “They don’t just come from Afghanistan. They don’t just come from al Qaida. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat Party, straight from the American left.”

The radio star noted Sen. Rand Paul’s recent assault, rolling threats against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the shooting attack on congressional Republicans earlier this year as just a few examples of the leftist terror that’s becoming a growing problem in the United States.

“It is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity,” he said.

Limbaugh also noted that the anti-Trump, anti-police and anti-nationalist protests which have become a fact of American life have the media and political establishments’ blessing.

“Wherever you see a public riot, wherever you see any public riot with violence in response to Trump, all of this is applauded,” he said.

“And in the drive-by media, while it may not all be applauded, it is certainly treated with respect.”

Limbaugh’s right that leftist ideology is increasingly to blame for violent outbursts and attacks in the U.S.– but his warning doesn’t do justice the most frightening aspects of the leftist terror threat.

Late last month Edward Klein, former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, released a book detailing leftist ties to sinister international terror organizations like the Islamic State and al-Qaida.

The book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, provides details of a secret FBI investigation into U.S.-based radicals who met with Islamic terror leaders during the G20 summit in Hamburg last summer.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses,’ the source continued.

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

And the charge certainly makes sense given the former president’s sympathies for Islamists and the violent leftist organizations that grew out of the 1960s and 1970s. Remember that Obama began the political journey that would eventually lead to the White House all the way back in 1995, when Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn held a fundraiser for the then Illinois Senate hopeful.

The mainstream media scoffed at conservative concern over the mass street protests leftists planned last weekend to demand Trump’s removal from the White House. And, admittedly, those protests largely turned out to be a collection of non-events. But it’s probably not a good idea to take that as a sign that the leftist threat is nonexistent.

In the years ahead, the scale and frequency of left wing violence will increase. There will be a jump when Robert Mueller’s FBI charade falls apart, making it clear that Trump isn’t going to be impeached. And as the nation’s frustrated victim class further realizes that the culture war Obama nurtured will whither and die as the Trump administration focuses on the economy rather than bathroom policy, leftist rage and violence will snowball. Much of the threat will go unnoticed as pockets of leftist extremism become a movement… and then an attempted revolution. And mainstream media will continue ignoring themes of leftist violence right up until the moment combatants seize their means of production at gun point. Why? Because just as Hillary Clinton couldn’t lose, the American left can do no wrong.

Hmm, you'd think it was a Democratic policy to have guns, which lead the US to have a murder rate 4 to 5 times higher than every other first world western country.

Typical Democrat.
Thinks the only violence that exists is gun violence.
I usually agree with you, but not this time. Labeling them as terrorists is over the top.
Well, you need to open your eyes and your mind, because everything that ref article stated has come true. It was posted last November.
In some parts of America, Republicans cannot go there without the threat of violence.
If that isn't terrorism I don't know what is.

Just put on a MAGA hat on any CA college campus and see what happens to you.
Who needs radical Islamic terrorists when you have the American Democrat Party.

Can anyone name a greater threat to peace and tranquility in American today?

Who is a greater threat to our constitutional rights?

What other group decides what you are allowed to believe?

What other group feels they have the right to harass you and attack you simply because they feel they can get away with it?

Who else thinks positive news is bad?


Let's face it folks. Muslim terrorists weren't always the way they are today. They evolved. First they were protestors, but eventually they started killing people. That is what I'm seeing from Democrats these days. The longer they are allowed to continue these attacks, the worse they are going to become. Eventually they will be calling for the murder of their political opponents. Some of their followers already have. Pretty soon their leaders will being doing it as well. It's inevitable.
As long as the media is on their side, they feel they can get away with almost anything.


Democratic Party terrorists

Democratic Party terrorists - Personal Liberty®

The left’s continual blathering about the non-existent threat of right wing “fascism” in the United States is little more than an attempt to conceal a growing and very real terror threat within its ranks.

Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh drew attention to the issue Tuesday, lambasting leftists for encouraging violence throughout the nation as the answer to political disagreement.

Citing the recent spate of high profile violence, including the attacks in Las Vegas, New York and Texas in recent weeks, Limbaugh pointed to “vile, repulsive, just raw rage and anger that is on display daily on social media” as a contributing factor in encouraging domestic terror.

“Terrorists do not always just come from Uzbekistan,” Limbaugh told his audience. “They don’t just come from Afghanistan. They don’t just come from al Qaida. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat Party, straight from the American left.”

The radio star noted Sen. Rand Paul’s recent assault, rolling threats against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the shooting attack on congressional Republicans earlier this year as just a few examples of the leftist terror that’s becoming a growing problem in the United States.

“It is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity,” he said.

Limbaugh also noted that the anti-Trump, anti-police and anti-nationalist protests which have become a fact of American life have the media and political establishments’ blessing.

“Wherever you see a public riot, wherever you see any public riot with violence in response to Trump, all of this is applauded,” he said.

“And in the drive-by media, while it may not all be applauded, it is certainly treated with respect.”

Limbaugh’s right that leftist ideology is increasingly to blame for violent outbursts and attacks in the U.S.– but his warning doesn’t do justice the most frightening aspects of the leftist terror threat.

Late last month Edward Klein, former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, released a book detailing leftist ties to sinister international terror organizations like the Islamic State and al-Qaida.

The book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, provides details of a secret FBI investigation into U.S.-based radicals who met with Islamic terror leaders during the G20 summit in Hamburg last summer.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses,’ the source continued.

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

And the charge certainly makes sense given the former president’s sympathies for Islamists and the violent leftist organizations that grew out of the 1960s and 1970s. Remember that Obama began the political journey that would eventually lead to the White House all the way back in 1995, when Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn held a fundraiser for the then Illinois Senate hopeful.

The mainstream media scoffed at conservative concern over the mass street protests leftists planned last weekend to demand Trump’s removal from the White House. And, admittedly, those protests largely turned out to be a collection of non-events. But it’s probably not a good idea to take that as a sign that the leftist threat is nonexistent.

In the years ahead, the scale and frequency of left wing violence will increase. There will be a jump when Robert Mueller’s FBI charade falls apart, making it clear that Trump isn’t going to be impeached. And as the nation’s frustrated victim class further realizes that the culture war Obama nurtured will whither and die as the Trump administration focuses on the economy rather than bathroom policy, leftist rage and violence will snowball. Much of the threat will go unnoticed as pockets of leftist extremism become a movement… and then an attempted revolution. And mainstream media will continue ignoring themes of leftist violence right up until the moment combatants seize their means of production at gun point. Why? Because just as Hillary Clinton couldn’t lose, the American left can do no wrong.

Hmm, you'd think it was a Democratic policy to have guns, which lead the US to have a murder rate 4 to 5 times higher than every other first world western country.

Can't argue the point so you change the subject. Another classic troll failure.
Who needs radical Islamic terrorists when you have the American Democrat Party.

Can anyone name a greater threat to peace and tranquility in American today?

Who is a greater threat to our constitutional rights?

What other group decides what you are allowed to believe?

What other group feels they have the right to harass you and attack you simply because they feel they can get away with it?

Who else thinks positive news is bad?


Let's face it folks. Muslim terrorists weren't always the way they are today. They evolved. First they were protestors, but eventually they started killing people. That is what I'm seeing from Democrats these days. The longer they are allowed to continue these attacks, the worse they are going to become. Eventually they will be calling for the murder of their political opponents. Some of their followers already have. Pretty soon their leaders will being doing it as well. It's inevitable.
As long as the media is on their side, they feel they can get away with almost anything.


Democratic Party terrorists

Democratic Party terrorists - Personal Liberty®

The left’s continual blathering about the non-existent threat of right wing “fascism” in the United States is little more than an attempt to conceal a growing and very real terror threat within its ranks.

Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh drew attention to the issue Tuesday, lambasting leftists for encouraging violence throughout the nation as the answer to political disagreement.

Citing the recent spate of high profile violence, including the attacks in Las Vegas, New York and Texas in recent weeks, Limbaugh pointed to “vile, repulsive, just raw rage and anger that is on display daily on social media” as a contributing factor in encouraging domestic terror.

“Terrorists do not always just come from Uzbekistan,” Limbaugh told his audience. “They don’t just come from Afghanistan. They don’t just come from al Qaida. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat Party, straight from the American left.”

The radio star noted Sen. Rand Paul’s recent assault, rolling threats against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the shooting attack on congressional Republicans earlier this year as just a few examples of the leftist terror that’s becoming a growing problem in the United States.

“It is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity,” he said.

Limbaugh also noted that the anti-Trump, anti-police and anti-nationalist protests which have become a fact of American life have the media and political establishments’ blessing.

“Wherever you see a public riot, wherever you see any public riot with violence in response to Trump, all of this is applauded,” he said.

“And in the drive-by media, while it may not all be applauded, it is certainly treated with respect.”

Limbaugh’s right that leftist ideology is increasingly to blame for violent outbursts and attacks in the U.S.– but his warning doesn’t do justice the most frightening aspects of the leftist terror threat.

Late last month Edward Klein, former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, released a book detailing leftist ties to sinister international terror organizations like the Islamic State and al-Qaida.

The book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, provides details of a secret FBI investigation into U.S.-based radicals who met with Islamic terror leaders during the G20 summit in Hamburg last summer.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses,’ the source continued.

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

And the charge certainly makes sense given the former president’s sympathies for Islamists and the violent leftist organizations that grew out of the 1960s and 1970s. Remember that Obama began the political journey that would eventually lead to the White House all the way back in 1995, when Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn held a fundraiser for the then Illinois Senate hopeful.

The mainstream media scoffed at conservative concern over the mass street protests leftists planned last weekend to demand Trump’s removal from the White House. And, admittedly, those protests largely turned out to be a collection of non-events. But it’s probably not a good idea to take that as a sign that the leftist threat is nonexistent.

In the years ahead, the scale and frequency of left wing violence will increase. There will be a jump when Robert Mueller’s FBI charade falls apart, making it clear that Trump isn’t going to be impeached. And as the nation’s frustrated victim class further realizes that the culture war Obama nurtured will whither and die as the Trump administration focuses on the economy rather than bathroom policy, leftist rage and violence will snowball. Much of the threat will go unnoticed as pockets of leftist extremism become a movement… and then an attempted revolution. And mainstream media will continue ignoring themes of leftist violence right up until the moment combatants seize their means of production at gun point. Why? Because just as Hillary Clinton couldn’t lose, the American left can do no wrong.

While I would definitely agree that Antifa members are domestic terrorists based largely on their tactic of blocking movement by others in public spaces and documented violence, I think a message of even more importance is while we have acknowledged the risks of public association with our President, those of us on the Right need to call for a demonstration of unilateral agreement to not do as the Left as done. We on the Right need to exercise restraint and discipline in the face of Leftist bad behavior. Any kind of retaliation would seriously galvanize their call for action and could be seen as justification for escalation of their direct actions.

Otherwise, I definitely agree the Maxine Waters and Peter Fondas of the democrat party have gone too far and need to be reined in.
Who needs radical Islamic terrorists when you have the American Democrat Party.

Can anyone name a greater threat to peace and tranquility in American today?

Who is a greater threat to our constitutional rights?

What other group decides what you are allowed to believe?

What other group feels they have the right to harass you and attack you simply because they feel they can get away with it?

Who else thinks positive news is bad?


Let's face it folks. Muslim terrorists weren't always the way they are today. They evolved. First they were protestors, but eventually they started killing people. That is what I'm seeing from Democrats these days. The longer they are allowed to continue these attacks, the worse they are going to become. Eventually they will be calling for the murder of their political opponents. Some of their followers already have. Pretty soon their leaders will being doing it as well. It's inevitable.
As long as the media is on their side, they feel they can get away with almost anything.


Democratic Party terrorists

Democratic Party terrorists - Personal Liberty®

The left’s continual blathering about the non-existent threat of right wing “fascism” in the United States is little more than an attempt to conceal a growing and very real terror threat within its ranks.

Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh drew attention to the issue Tuesday, lambasting leftists for encouraging violence throughout the nation as the answer to political disagreement.

Citing the recent spate of high profile violence, including the attacks in Las Vegas, New York and Texas in recent weeks, Limbaugh pointed to “vile, repulsive, just raw rage and anger that is on display daily on social media” as a contributing factor in encouraging domestic terror.

“Terrorists do not always just come from Uzbekistan,” Limbaugh told his audience. “They don’t just come from Afghanistan. They don’t just come from al Qaida. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat Party, straight from the American left.”

The radio star noted Sen. Rand Paul’s recent assault, rolling threats against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the shooting attack on congressional Republicans earlier this year as just a few examples of the leftist terror that’s becoming a growing problem in the United States.

“It is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity,” he said.

Limbaugh also noted that the anti-Trump, anti-police and anti-nationalist protests which have become a fact of American life have the media and political establishments’ blessing.

“Wherever you see a public riot, wherever you see any public riot with violence in response to Trump, all of this is applauded,” he said.

“And in the drive-by media, while it may not all be applauded, it is certainly treated with respect.”

Limbaugh’s right that leftist ideology is increasingly to blame for violent outbursts and attacks in the U.S.– but his warning doesn’t do justice the most frightening aspects of the leftist terror threat.

Late last month Edward Klein, former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, released a book detailing leftist ties to sinister international terror organizations like the Islamic State and al-Qaida.

The book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, provides details of a secret FBI investigation into U.S.-based radicals who met with Islamic terror leaders during the G20 summit in Hamburg last summer.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses,’ the source continued.

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

And the charge certainly makes sense given the former president’s sympathies for Islamists and the violent leftist organizations that grew out of the 1960s and 1970s. Remember that Obama began the political journey that would eventually lead to the White House all the way back in 1995, when Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn held a fundraiser for the then Illinois Senate hopeful.

The mainstream media scoffed at conservative concern over the mass street protests leftists planned last weekend to demand Trump’s removal from the White House. And, admittedly, those protests largely turned out to be a collection of non-events. But it’s probably not a good idea to take that as a sign that the leftist threat is nonexistent.

In the years ahead, the scale and frequency of left wing violence will increase. There will be a jump when Robert Mueller’s FBI charade falls apart, making it clear that Trump isn’t going to be impeached. And as the nation’s frustrated victim class further realizes that the culture war Obama nurtured will whither and die as the Trump administration focuses on the economy rather than bathroom policy, leftist rage and violence will snowball. Much of the threat will go unnoticed as pockets of leftist extremism become a movement… and then an attempted revolution. And mainstream media will continue ignoring themes of leftist violence right up until the moment combatants seize their means of production at gun point. Why? Because just as Hillary Clinton couldn’t lose, the American left can do no wrong.

While I would definitely agree that Antifa members are domestic terrorists based largely on their tactic of blocking movement by others in public spaces and documented violence, I think a message of even more importance is while we have acknowledged the risks of public association with our President, those of us on the Right need to call for a demonstration of unilateral agreement to not do as the Left as done. We on the Right need to exercise restraint and discipline in the face of Leftist bad behavior. Any kind of retaliation would seriously galvanize their call for action and could be seen as justification for escalation of their direct actions.

Otherwise, I definitely agree the Maxine Waters and Peter Fondas of the democrat party have gone too far and need to be reigned in.

Who do you think organized Antifa, Blacklivesmatters, OccupyWallStreet........


These groups are part of the strong arm branch of the Democrat Party. They do the dirty work for them. Palestinians have the PLO. Iran has Hezbollah, and Hamas.

Democrats rub elbows with The Muslim Brotherhood and Louis Farakkan.
They give away state secrets to our enemies.
The sell weapons technology to China and Iran.
They intentionally crash economies.
Now they're openly encouraging violence against their political opponents.
Who needs radical Islamic terrorists when you have the American Democrat Party.

Can anyone name a greater threat to peace and tranquility in American today?

Who is a greater threat to our constitutional rights?

What other group decides what you are allowed to believe?

What other group feels they have the right to harass you and attack you simply because they feel they can get away with it?

Who else thinks positive news is bad?


Let's face it folks. Muslim terrorists weren't always the way they are today. They evolved. First they were protestors, but eventually they started killing people. That is what I'm seeing from Democrats these days. The longer they are allowed to continue these attacks, the worse they are going to become. Eventually they will be calling for the murder of their political opponents. Some of their followers already have. Pretty soon their leaders will being doing it as well. It's inevitable.
As long as the media is on their side, they feel they can get away with almost anything.


Democratic Party terrorists

Democratic Party terrorists - Personal Liberty®

The left’s continual blathering about the non-existent threat of right wing “fascism” in the United States is little more than an attempt to conceal a growing and very real terror threat within its ranks.

Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh drew attention to the issue Tuesday, lambasting leftists for encouraging violence throughout the nation as the answer to political disagreement.

Citing the recent spate of high profile violence, including the attacks in Las Vegas, New York and Texas in recent weeks, Limbaugh pointed to “vile, repulsive, just raw rage and anger that is on display daily on social media” as a contributing factor in encouraging domestic terror.

“Terrorists do not always just come from Uzbekistan,” Limbaugh told his audience. “They don’t just come from Afghanistan. They don’t just come from al Qaida. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat Party, straight from the American left.”

The radio star noted Sen. Rand Paul’s recent assault, rolling threats against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and the shooting attack on congressional Republicans earlier this year as just a few examples of the leftist terror that’s becoming a growing problem in the United States.

“It is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity,” he said.

Limbaugh also noted that the anti-Trump, anti-police and anti-nationalist protests which have become a fact of American life have the media and political establishments’ blessing.

“Wherever you see a public riot, wherever you see any public riot with violence in response to Trump, all of this is applauded,” he said.

“And in the drive-by media, while it may not all be applauded, it is certainly treated with respect.”

Limbaugh’s right that leftist ideology is increasingly to blame for violent outbursts and attacks in the U.S.– but his warning doesn’t do justice the most frightening aspects of the leftist terror threat.

Late last month Edward Klein, former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine, released a book detailing leftist ties to sinister international terror organizations like the Islamic State and al-Qaida.

The book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump, provides details of a secret FBI investigation into U.S.-based radicals who met with Islamic terror leaders during the G20 summit in Hamburg last summer.

“The FBI is really playing catchup ball, because the Obama administration refused to give the bureau the resources it needed to effectively infiltrate and surveil the radical groups on college campuses,’ the source continued.

“Any talk of a connection between radical Islam—a phrase the Obama people wouldn’t even use—and American extremists was pretty much laughed off. [Former Attorney General] Loretta Lynch would have blown a gasket if she heard that the FBI was surveilling so-called college political organizations.

“All that has changed under the Trump administration. Everyone’s aware that the resistance movement, with its effort to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, has created fertile soil for ISIS and al Qaeda to establish a beachhead in America.”

And the charge certainly makes sense given the former president’s sympathies for Islamists and the violent leftist organizations that grew out of the 1960s and 1970s. Remember that Obama began the political journey that would eventually lead to the White House all the way back in 1995, when Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn held a fundraiser for the then Illinois Senate hopeful.

The mainstream media scoffed at conservative concern over the mass street protests leftists planned last weekend to demand Trump’s removal from the White House. And, admittedly, those protests largely turned out to be a collection of non-events. But it’s probably not a good idea to take that as a sign that the leftist threat is nonexistent.

In the years ahead, the scale and frequency of left wing violence will increase. There will be a jump when Robert Mueller’s FBI charade falls apart, making it clear that Trump isn’t going to be impeached. And as the nation’s frustrated victim class further realizes that the culture war Obama nurtured will whither and die as the Trump administration focuses on the economy rather than bathroom policy, leftist rage and violence will snowball. Much of the threat will go unnoticed as pockets of leftist extremism become a movement… and then an attempted revolution. And mainstream media will continue ignoring themes of leftist violence right up until the moment combatants seize their means of production at gun point. Why? Because just as Hillary Clinton couldn’t lose, the American left can do no wrong.

While I would definitely agree that Antifa members are domestic terrorists based largely on their tactic of blocking movement by others in public spaces and documented violence, I think a message of even more importance is while we have acknowledged the risks of public association with our President, those of us on the Right need to call for a demonstration of unilateral agreement to not do as the Left as done. We on the Right need to exercise restraint and discipline in the face of Leftist bad behavior. Any kind of retaliation would seriously galvanize their call for action and could be seen as justification for escalation of their direct actions.

Otherwise, I definitely agree the Maxine Waters and Peter Fondas of the democrat party have gone too far and need to be reigned in.

Who do you think organized Antifa, Blacklivesmatters, OccupyWallStreet........


These groups are part of the strong arm branch of the Democrat Party. They do the dirty work for them. Palestinians have the PLO. Iran has Hezbollah, and Hamas.

Democrats rub elbows with The Muslim Brotherhood and Louis Farakkan.
They give away state secrets to our enemies.
The sell weapons technology to China and Iran.
They intentionally crash economies.
Now they're openly encouraging violence against their political opponents.

I completely agree with you. I just think we need to keep our eyes open and see which way the wind blows before putting even one toe into that kind of water. I have great faith in our President. All I am saying is the next democrat magnified scandal could be their call to arms. Let's not give them something to rally around.



Representative Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, and at least 17 others were shot Saturday morning when a gunman opened fire outside a supermarket where Ms. Giffords was meeting with constituents.

Representative Gabrielle Giffords and 18 Shot Near Tucson
I'm not impressed with your photo-shopped BS.
We've all been thru the arguments on this.
Hunting in Alaska isn't the same as causing riots in the cities.
Then there is Bundy who is a hero since he doesn't pay taxes and has his own militia.

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