Democrats have moved farther and farther to the right

I see a lot of forum posts on here about how the democratic party has become more left wing and radical over the years.

Most of these claims are not supported by any evidence. Usually its just partisan hacks making absurd claims.

I have made some of these arguments here but because I am stubborn I will make the case again.

In the U.S. we once had a 2 party system. Unfortunately, The GoP has moved to the extreme right and in the process has pulled the Democratic party to the center right.

Now granted, there are a few liberal politicians but they are on the fringe, politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

The first issue where the Democratic party has moved to the right is healthcare.

The ACA, or as pundits call it Obamacare, was a healthcare policy originally endorsed by 2 prominent Republicans. Bob Dole and Mitt Romney, both presidential Candidates, were vocal advocates of healthcare legislation that we now call Obamacare. In Mass. it was actually passed.

Bob Dole 1996 On The Issues Health Care

There is Bob Dole's official healthcare platform from his 1996 campaign website.

Barack Obama and previously Bill Clinton completely abandoned the liberal position of universal single payer healthcare. Obama even stripped the public option from the ACA.

The second issue where the Democratic party has moved to the right is military.

The liberal foreign policy agenda is usually more pacifist and non interventionist. But, if we look at the past 7 years under Barack Obama he has done multiple things to contradict this.

1. Obama has GREATLY expanded the drone war program that began during the Bush years. We are not conducting military operations in MORE countries (primarily Africa and the Middle East) than under the previous administration.

2. Even though Obama initially withdrew military forces from Iraq he has gradually been sending special operations and other ground forces back into the middle east under the guise of "advisors". This has allowed for troop deployments without having to justify it to the American people.

The third issue where Democrats have been moving to the right is economic policy.

1. Where has the minimum wage increase been from the president? It's still sitting at $7.25 per hour. In fact the last piece of federal legislation was Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007. If we know our history, it was a Republican president who last raised the minimum wage.

2. Historically, liberals have been opposed to tax dollars funding large corporations and defense contractors. Unfortunately Barack Obama has done the opposite.

The ACA, while being called socialist or government insurance by pundits, has actually been a HUGE
boon to private insurance. Blue Cross and United healthcare have been lining their pockets to the tune of $$ billions since passage of the ACA

Lets not forget Bill Clinton repealed glass stegall

Let's not forget the bailouts to corporate America.

Let's not forget the subsidized loans to companies like Solyndra andTesla.

Lets not forget all the fossil fuel deductions and tax credits under Obama FFSR progress report to G20 2014 Final.pdf

of course there are more and more examples:

1. extending the bush tax cuts for the rich
2. reauthorization of the USA patriot act
3. Gitmo is still open
4. private prisons still a booming business
etc etc.

So next time someone says the democratic establishment has moved to the left they are clearly full of shit

Dole is an extremely liberal Republican, and Obama not doing something he wants to do because of other political goals or legal opposition is not evidence of "moving to the right".

You have absolutely no understanding of the political spectrum.

So the ACA is a moderate republican policy? is that what you are saying? Ok I agree. what about the rest of the list
It is a center-left policy.

Dole is a nut.
The Democrats have successfully been able to move Left - the popularity of Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren being the most obvious examples - and, in large measure, they have the GOP to thank.

The temper tantrum that started with Obama's election in 2008 has led to this current crackup, the GOP is now extremely unattractive, they've done a horrific job of communicating their "message" (whatever the hell THAT is), and the Democrats are taking advantage of all of it.

All they have to do is point at the train wreck and say "holy CRAP, look at THAT".

Who can blame them?
I see a lot of forum posts on here about how the democratic party has become more left wing and radical over the years.

Most of these claims are not supported by any evidence. Usually its just partisan hacks making absurd claims.

I have made some of these arguments here but because I am stubborn I will make the case again.

In the U.S. we once had a 2 party system. Unfortunately, The GoP has moved to the extreme right and in the process has pulled the Democratic party to the center right.

Now granted, there are a few liberal politicians but they are on the fringe, politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

The first issue where the Democratic party has moved to the right is healthcare.

The ACA, or as pundits call it Obamacare, was a healthcare policy originally endorsed by 2 prominent Republicans. Bob Dole and Mitt Romney, both presidential Candidates, were vocal advocates of healthcare legislation that we now call Obamacare. In Mass. it was actually passed.

Bob Dole 1996 On The Issues Health Care

There is Bob Dole's official healthcare platform from his 1996 campaign website.

Barack Obama and previously Bill Clinton completely abandoned the liberal position of universal single payer healthcare. Obama even stripped the public option from the ACA.

The second issue where the Democratic party has moved to the right is military.

The liberal foreign policy agenda is usually more pacifist and non interventionist. But, if we look at the past 7 years under Barack Obama he has done multiple things to contradict this.

1. Obama has GREATLY expanded the drone war program that began during the Bush years. We are not conducting military operations in MORE countries (primarily Africa and the Middle East) than under the previous administration.

2. Even though Obama initially withdrew military forces from Iraq he has gradually been sending special operations and other ground forces back into the middle east under the guise of "advisors". This has allowed for troop deployments without having to justify it to the American people.

The third issue where Democrats have been moving to the right is economic policy.

1. Where has the minimum wage increase been from the president? It's still sitting at $7.25 per hour. In fact the last piece of federal legislation was Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007. If we know our history, it was a Republican president who last raised the minimum wage.

2. Historically, liberals have been opposed to tax dollars funding large corporations and defense contractors. Unfortunately Barack Obama has done the opposite.

The ACA, while being called socialist or government insurance by pundits, has actually been a HUGE
boon to private insurance. Blue Cross and United healthcare have been lining their pockets to the tune of $$ billions since passage of the ACA

Lets not forget Bill Clinton repealed glass stegall

Let's not forget the bailouts to corporate America.

Let's not forget the subsidized loans to companies like Solyndra andTesla.

Lets not forget all the fossil fuel deductions and tax credits under Obama FFSR progress report to G20 2014 Final.pdf

of course there are more and more examples:

1. extending the bush tax cuts for the rich
2. reauthorization of the USA patriot act
3. Gitmo is still open
4. private prisons still a booming business
etc etc.

So next time someone says the democratic establishment has moved to the left they are clearly full of shit
You're completely full of it. The arguments are made here everyday and many many other places. Like most libs, if you don't believe it, it doesn't exist. Bob Dole didn't get far with his health plan, I don't see how linking obamacare to it makes a valid point.

Of course the insurance companies are doing better, they wrote the fucking law! Mandate a service on the federal level and see if it goes up or down. The left has been trying hard but the party of no seems to foil their agenda.

The FACT is you can no longer distinguish between the Democratic party and a socialist. That's moving left, so much so they think we've been moving to the right.

So Obama passed a piece of healthcare legislation that had previously been endorsed by 2 republicans, both of whom ran for president and 1 of whom actually passed the legislation in his state.

Again, the liberal standard is universal single payer which Obama abandoned and instead passed a historically GoP healthcare law
You mean the extremely recent liberal standard?
This is clearly a republican issue. who hates unions and loves low wage workers?
The party that covets illegal aliens coming in to take American jobs.

Ok which party has always hated unions and doesn't believe in a minimum wage
Strawman alert.

How? you are asking me to accept a HUGE coincidence.

The GoP is in the news everyday bashing unions and fighting against a minimum wage increase. Given these 2 positions of the GoP you expect me to believe their is no support among the GoP for low wage farm workers and construction workers? No, I will not drink your Kool aid
The Democrats have successfully been able to move Left - the popularity of Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren being the most obvious examples - and, in large measure, they have the GOP to thank.

The temper tantrum that started with Obama's election in 2008 has led to this current crackup, the GOP is now extremely unattractive, they've done a horrific job of communicating their "message" (whatever the hell THAT is), and the Democrats are taking advantage of all it.

All they have to do is point at the train wreck and say "holy CRAP, look at THAT".

Who can blame them?
Committing treason is far more unattractive.
The Democrats have successfully been able to move Left - the popularity of Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren being the most obvious examples - and, in large measure, they have the GOP to thank.

The temper tantrum that started with Obama's election in 2008 has led to this current crackup, the GOP is now extremely unattractive, they've done a horrific job of communicating their "message" (whatever the hell THAT is), and the Democrats are taking advantage of all of it.

All they have to do is point at the train wreck and say "holy CRAP, look at THAT".

Who can blame them?

Again, can we dispel the idea that Bernie will win the nomination, it won't happen
The Democrats have successfully been able to move Left - the popularity of Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren being the most obvious examples - and, in large measure, they have the GOP to thank.

The temper tantrum that started with Obama's election in 2008 has led to this current crackup, the GOP is now extremely unattractive, they've done a horrific job of communicating their "message" (whatever the hell THAT is), and the Democrats are taking advantage of all of it.

All they have to do is point at the train wreck and say "holy CRAP, look at THAT".

Who can blame them?

Again, can we dispel the idea that Bernie will win the nomination, it won't happen
Agreed, I didn't say he would.
Democrats openly embrace socialism now.

yes they do, our frontrunner Hillary Clinton is a warhawk who hates universal single payer and she also hates taxing the rich so we can all have a free college education. 2 free things she is completely opposed to, so what else is she socialist about?
Democrats openly embrace socialism now.
Yes, the Democrats are far more willing to not just defend it, but promote it. Conservatives have made it easy for them, having somehow convinced themselves that just screaming SOCIALISM would be enough to turn people off.

It isn't, not any more. Now conservatives have to actually communicate ideas, and they're currently terrible at it.
Democrats openly embrace socialism now.
Yes, the Democrats are far more willing to not just defend it, but promote it. Conservatives have made it easy for them, having somehow convinced themselves that just screaming SOCIALISM would be enough to turn people off.

It isn't, not any more. Now conservatives have to actually communicate ideas, and they're currently terrible at it.

and yet the only socialist candidate is losing his ass to Hillary Clinton. the democratic fringe may be socialist but that is the fringe. the establishment is still center right
again, the only point anyone has taken issue here with is healthcare. which has been a lively debate. so what about the other points
This is clearly a republican issue. who hates unions and loves low wage workers?
The party that covets illegal aliens coming in to take American jobs.

Ok which party has always hated unions and doesn't believe in a minimum wage
Strawman alert.

How? you are asking me to accept a HUGE coincidence.

The GoP is in the news everyday bashing unions and fighting against a minimum wage increase. Given these 2 positions of the GoP you expect me to believe their is no support among the GoP for low wage farm workers and construction workers? No, I will not drink your Kool aid
Raising the minimum wage over and over and over is fucking stupid.

It is not like Democrats have been pushing for $20 per hour for 30 years and Republicans have rejected them every year. Democrats have gone from demanding the minimum wage should be $7 to $8 to $10 to closer to $15 per hour in a matter of about a decade.
Evidence on the contrary

she is just pandering to Bernie supporters. soon as the primary is over she will run to the right on gay marriage. just like she has on healthcare and economy and foreign policy

Does she really represent the democratic party then?

No, she is a blue dog.

again my point is that the democratic establishment has moved to the right as the GoP has moved to the far right.

I listed policy where the democratic party has adopted and/or expanded what previously were GoP platform positions

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