Democrats Having a 2018 Wet Dream...Go Wash Your Underwear Idiots

All GOP has to do in each district is show tape of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Chick Schumer speaking on the issues.
Oh...yeah...when you lose you can say Russia stole the election.:206:
Have you not been paying attention? Cons are losing in DEEP RED areas . Not purple districts, but deep red .
Idiots thinks Americans should reward the GOP for being the DO NOTHING party.
For not holding this incompetent president accountable.

How's Trumpcare going?
Where's the Infrastructure bill?
A bridge just collapsed in Florida today. No biggie. As long as the top1% got their huge tax cuts that's all that matters.
Where's the immigration bill?

Trump's too busy spending $3 million a weekend on his golf game making tax payers pay for it.
Here's more incentive to give Americans to vote for republicans in November.

Have you not been paying attention? Cons are losing in DEEP RED areas . Not purple districts, but deep red .

Of course you are referring to the election in Pennsylvania? The one where the democrat who owns an AR-15 and supports gun rights narrowly won?

Face it: The only way you idiots are going to win anything is by mimicking Republicans. Even then, you're still going to have President Donald Trump to deal with. How much do you seriously think that you're going to accomplish with him vetoing everything you try to pass?

Did you even read the article that you posted? I don't think you did. The writer is talking about something much different than you are, idiot.

Republicans just lost a district in PA that Trump won by 20% in 2016. A district (PA-18) that had been gerrymandered to make it impossible for Democrats to win, by the way. Repugs should be extremely worried about the 2018 election.
Have you not been paying attention? Cons are losing in DEEP RED areas . Not purple districts, but deep red .

Of course you are referring to the election in Pennsylvania? The one where the democrat who owns an AR-15 and supports gun rights narrowly won?

Face it: The only way you idiots are going to win anything is by mimicking Republicans. Even then, you're still going to have President Donald Trump to deal with. How much do you seriously think that you're going to accomplish with him vetoing everything you try to pass?

He also opposes tax cuts for the rich and supports fixing not repealing Obamacare.

hey, MORON, read more besides the headline........This is the crux of the article.....

[were democrats to win]...... For starters, they still wouldn’t be able to get much done in the way of legislation. Even if Democrats were to ride a huge wave in November and win back both chambers, they’d face the same problem Republicans have now: majorities so slim as to be unmanageable.

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