Democrats HORRIFIC war on women

Fail. I pointed out Wilson and you ignored Truman.

Thanatos is an idiot. The US Army was segregated during the Civil War and the 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiments and 24th and 25 Infantry Regiments were segregated black regiments introduced into the Army when the Republican government reorganized the Army in 1869.

President Truman integrated the armed forces in 1948.

Many GOP do want a color free America: Thanatos and Rottweiler are not among them.

And neither was Woodrow Wilson, oh wait Thanatos and Rottweilier do want a color free america, you know one without institutionalized racism like affirmative action (but they're not quotas.....LOLOLOLOLOL)

PBS - American Experience: Woodrow Wilson | Wilson- A Portrait

When Wilson allowed his cabinet members to segregate government offices hmmmmm, interesting
buckeyes is acting out his pathology, crying then simply saying stupid stuff. He was the one who incorrectly called the revolutionaries of 1793 Marxists. Marx was born 25 years after the events in which buckeyes "Marxists" took part. I will school buckeyes every time he gets stupid.

So before Marx, there was communism? Okay, although they would have been called, a Hegelianist

Un ver is dis site you read this site, or book, or newspapaer , well say any type of mass communication?
No they were from the philospherUn ver is dis site you read this site, or book, or newspapaer , well say any type of mass communication? and the marxist/communists types were the leaders of the French Revolution called the Jacobians who formed the Commitee on Public Safety. They were called communists because of being associated with the Paris Commune and these are the guys that influenced Marx and his manifesto and they were VERY VERY violent and evil. They wanted to change the calander, religion, make everyone "equal" financially(but of course they never practiced it....they were well to do when they had power...SHOCKER!!!!!!!) AND they LOOOOOOVED the guillatine and killed many people due to it. Not nice guys at all, kind of a forerunner to Bolsheviks.......and the disaster of commies in the 20th century.

And where are my 10 points?

I'll go back to bed
You do know that homophobes are repressed homosexuals, don't you? I suggest you seek counseling before you do something which may embarrass you or put you in prison.

I suppose your vulgar personal attack is based on the fact that you're intolerant of anyone who disagrees with your opinions; sadly, you've proven to be as dumb as Katzndogz and other callous conservatives who pollute this board with worthless and odious comments daily.

Nope I just like to.mock libetals who say gay is normal but man you guys dont like being called gay at all, I wonder why?

But I digress, libtards like you shouldnt be calling anyone dumb

Conservatives don't like being called gay either, which is why they become priests and prey on children.

As opposed to liberals who become teachers and prey on children.
The Tea Party leader in town was convicted of child rape several months ago.
Racism and sexism is something the Republican party know all about.

I can fporgive your ignorance seeing as you are not a american so let me educate you....Republicans freed slaves and Desegregated the military before Wilson a democrat segregated it again...Republicans had the first black congressmen before democrats made it impossible for blacks to serve ....Republican pushed civil rights 4 times before a democrat was forced t0o sign it cause of politics. The thing is my Aussie friend is it is republicans that want true racial harmony while it is democrats that try to keep the the riff raffe as they them in their place.

Rationalizing? OK...

Granted, Lincoln was a republican. He hated slavery (as did quite a few people in both parties) but did nothing to stop it's practice deliberately until he was forced into it by our civil war. His own account gives the reason as being that the south relied on slavery to back their war machine, so slaves had to be freed in order to do more damage to the southern cause than musket balls alone. The military at the time was desegregated in order to demoralize the south even further - as well as to induce more slaves to leave the plantations. It wasn't a case of largesse which ended slavery, it was expediency and opportunity.

By the time WWI rolled around, war was once again a white man's game. Wilson was convinced by the leaders of the armed forces that whites would not tolerate or even trust a black man fighting in the same regiments. Fearing the outcome if a company was divided along those lines, Wilson nodded to the contemporary thinking of the time. This was also an attitude which was as pervasive among republicans as it was among democrats. While Wilson kept blacks from fighting in WWI, Roosevelt "allowed" and encouraged whole regiments in WWII - although only a select few got to do more than cook.

It's true that the 1st black congressman was a republican. It's also true that the 2nd didn't occur for nearly another 100 years. Surely, republicans existed during that time - and yet, there's no indication in print today which reflects their indignation during that period.

In 1866, the Civil Rights act was vetoed by a democrat president. Twice. His veto was overturned. 100 years later, Martin Luther King began complaining about the LACK of rights for black people and this time it was a democrat who sent FBI and National Guard to protect them from southern republican governors.

Thanatos, your last line is pure fiction. The fact is that today's republicans are working very hard to make sure that if a black person must vote, they should be placed in a district which overwhelmingly republican so that their votes - which have tended to favor democrats so far - will be negated. When that doesn't work, other measures are employed like robo-calling a predominantly black district to inform them that the date of the election had been changed, or that the decision had already been made. Today, it's the republicans who are trying to invalidate voters likely to support Obama by forcing a ridiculous - and likely to be unconstitutional - voter ID law.

I used to register and vote republican. After seeing how they flaunt law and mangle the truth, I switched.
Wilson was a racist like all democrats at the time. He had a viewing of The Birth of a Nation in the fucking white house! No you dont get to rewrite history and change the truth about the democrat parties roots in racism.
Fail. I pointed out Wilson and you ignored Truman.

Thanatos is an idiot. The US Army was segregated during the Civil War and the 9th and 10th Cavalry Regiments and 24th and 25 Infantry Regiments were segregated black regiments introduced into the Army when the Republican government reorganized the Army in 1869.

President Truman integrated the armed forces in 1948.

Many GOP do want a color free America: Thanatos and Rottweiler are not among them.

And neither was Woodrow Wilson, oh wait Thanatos and Rottweilier do want a color free america, you know one without institutionalized racism like affirmative action (but they're not quotas.....LOLOLOLOLOL)

PBS - American Experience: Woodrow Wilson | Wilson- A Portrait

When Wilson allowed his cabinet members to segregate government offices hmmmmm, interesting

You the the Truman forced to sign civil rights by political pressure???? The one that voted against the same bill prior?
You are blathering, boy. Truman integrated the armed forces. Truman made sure the Democratic Party included a civil rights plank in the 1948 party platform.

Fail. I pointed out Wilson and you ignored Truman.

And neither was Woodrow Wilson, oh wait Thanatos and Rottweilier do want a color free america, you know one without institutionalized racism like affirmative action (but they're not quotas.....LOLOLOLOLOL)

PBS - American Experience: Woodrow Wilson | Wilson- A Portrait

When Wilson allowed his cabinet members to segregate government offices hmmmmm, interesting

You the the Truman forced to sign civil rights by political pressure???? The one that voted against the same bill prior?
What war on women?

Don't you find this thread hypocritical since the Republicans and GOP have only tried to strip women of their liberties to choose and decide, falsely calling it freedom.

"Choose and Decide" - liberal code word for MURDER BABIES. Damn shame liberals can't call it what it is. If you're that ashamed of your actions, perhaps you shouldn't be doing it instead of calling it something else.
Why would I? The Tea Party membership is as corrupt as the far left. People are people, folks, and party affiliation has nothing to do with criminal tendencies.

However, the Christian far right desires, despite the FFs clear rebuke of the idea, to practice religious dominion over the rest of the citizenry.

The Tea Party leader in town was convicted of child rape several months ago.

Why we believe you? We already know you are a lying piece of shit.

Notice he doesn't give a name or a town....
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"Murder" is a legal term, Rottweiler, but you can use it as an opinionated condemnation and still be wrong.
If one believes in God and that the moment sperm enters egg successfully resulting in conception, and thus, a human being, then one cannot reach any other conclusion if said being is killed: Murder.

Legalise aside: It's either a human being or not. Say "Yes" and it's murder. Say "No" and it's just a simple procedure.

The Devil is in the Detail.

Why would I? The Tea Party membership is as corrupt as the far left. People are people, folks, and party affiliation has nothing to do with criminal tendencies.

However, the Christian far right desires, despite the FFs clear rebuke of the idea, to practice religious dominion over the rest of the citizenry.

Why we believe you? We already know you are a lying piece of shit.

Notice he doesn't give a name or a town....

You forgot the name and/or town. Did you forget?
I have replied, "Why should you know?"

So I will reply, "Why do you want to know?" If you don't believe the story now, finding the story won't change your mind. You will simply spin the story.
I have replied, "Why should you know?"

So I will reply, "Why do you want to know?" If you don't believe the story now, finding the story won't change your mind. You will simply spin the story.

In other words you are a lying piece of shit and got caught once again.

This is EXACTLY why I have him on ignore list. I found out he was a sophomore in high school and he just looks to get a reaction out of people with outrageous lies. He has ZERO knowledge about the issues discussed (as most high school kids would not) but comments anyway.

Think of the absurdity of his statement: "If you don't believe the story now" (no, we dont because you're an asshole with zero credibility thanks to all of your lies you've been caught in), "finding the story won't change your mind" (actually, it will and this fucking immature tool knows it. An article from a legitimate news outlet - ie not the blog from the basement of a friend of his - would change my mind. And the information could be independently verified through court documents, police records, etc.)

What he just did here is pure libel and one day, this immatur kid is going to be brought up on some very serious charges for stuff like this.
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Troll Party folks are just as much criminal as anyone else.

Why would anyone think differently.

I have replied, "Why should you know?"

So I will reply, "Why do you want to know?" If you don't believe the story now, finding the story won't change your mind. You will simply spin the story.

In other words you are a lying piece of shit and got caught once again.
:lol: "libel"? :lol:

The libel comment by Troll Party doggie Rottweiler clearly demonstrates the freaks are running scared. Other wise, he would enjoy taking me one to one. He won't because I beat him down like the dog he is.

Troll Party member Rottweiler has me on IGNORE because I kick his ass regularly on the board.

Rottweiler is ignorant, poorly educated, and does not understand the American narrative or history.

Women in America overwhelmingly believe the opposite of the lies that Rottweiler and the other paid mouthpieces of the Troll Party put out. Obama leads among women at about 55 to 40%.

Troll Party fail here.
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