Democrats in Congress want to give enemy states 3 trillion of our money?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
This should be very concerning to every red blooded American. Who put this crap into a finance bill?

Who wants to or thinks we should finance avowed enemies of this country in any manner?

Or is this just another Demon operated slush fund they are pushing?

Regardless of what or why it is bullshit that anyone in any legislative body wants to send money to enemy countries that desire to see our country taken down. It is treasonous.

Here is a list of who is on the rules committee per wiki;

rules committee.PNG
Our rating: False
We rate this claim FALSE, based on our research. The Trump administration intends to block Iran from receiving $5 billion in emergency aid from the International Monetary Fund, aid that Feinstein supports. However, it was not a source of conflict during negotiations to fund the stimulus program for small businesses. The claim in the original Facebook post, along with several others, conflates the two topics.

The republicans are holding it up.
I suggest everyone take the time to see where each one of those legislators are from, if they had any opposition, when their terms limits are up, etc. If you reside in their district ask them or find out where they stand. Get the trash out of Congress and all public offices asap!!!
Do you know what pissess me off, the trade war and we gave 28 billion to farmers , even though many of them filed for bankruptcy in 2019.

And we pay for the trade war , every penny of it, not the Chinese and not the US gov.
Our rating: False
We rate this claim FALSE, based on our research. The Trump administration intends to block Iran from receiving $5 billion in emergency aid from the International Monetary Fund, aid that Feinstein supports. However, it was not a source of conflict during negotiations to fund the stimulus program for small businesses. The claim in the original Facebook post, along with several others, conflates the two topics.

The republicans are holding it up.
Thank you for the translation into "non-moonbat."
I doubt that. Do you have a decent link?
I consider the link fine. If you do not like it get your own. He's talking about a bill now on the table in his video.

This is no time to have extreme sanctions on countries. Perhaps if tramp would ease on his sanctions the money would not be needed.
There no money to send to enemy states out of what belongs to the American taxpayer.

Send them your own money and you do without basic needs if you are that concerned about it. Or spend all that time you spend here raising money to send to them from those who feel like you do. You have options but not ones that take away from the citizens of this country to feed terrorist United States hating countries. Those countries also have options and they can use their own money to take care of their citizens instead of stuffing their own pockets and spending their public funds to make war of any kind on us and our allies.
I suggest everyone take the time to see where each one of those legislators are from, if they had any opposition, when their terms limits are up, etc. If you reside in their district ask them or find out where they stand. Get the trash out of Congress and all public offices asap!!!
If that happened there would hardly be any Republicans left in congress.
Even stranger priorities for the republicans to fund extra-Constitutional and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.

Wartime Tax Rates not Tax Cut economics or those alleged wars are simply and merely, Fake News.

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