Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders


What I said is pretty easy to understand.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.

LOL, I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama stood for. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did. He was too lazy to accomplish anything. The minimum wage never moved under his eight years but the stock market sure did.

He had the best opportunity anyone will likely ever have to change the direction of the country and he blew it. I get tired of the total blame being put on the GOP. That simply was not the case. I stated no lies. They had two years to get things done. Obama had a huge popularity rating. He could have accomplished a ton if he had actually wanted to do the right thing. He decided he wanted to be another corporate Democrat that started wars.

Your argument is to not bother as no matter who we elect they can do nothing. Trump doesn't have 60. Are you saying he is doing nothing?
as I said, the Republicans have their reconciliation rule which somehow allows them to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else with 51 votes. That's all they care about. Wake up and listen.
Last edited:

What I said is pretty easy to understand.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.
Tell me about how there is no difference between the two parties on healthcare next. Unbelievable. Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non Rich since LBJ. Even sabotaged and obstructed

It was a huge boon to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

As Sanders And Warren Attack, Health Insurer Profits Soar

For many with Obamacare they can not afford to actually use it.

The expansion in coverage due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) increased the number of insured Americans by 20 million. Although access to health insurance has expanded significantly in recent years, and the ACA instituted important protections for patients, those who gained insurance through ACA health insurance exchanges are being offered plans that make them bear an increasing portion of their healthcare costs since the law was implemented. Access to health insurance is not sufficient if patients cannot afford to purchase coverage or utilize their benefits due to high premiums, high out-of-pocket costs, limited networks, and insufficient state and federal patient protections.

Higher premiums, higher deductibles, and narrower networks in exchange markets - PNHP

And lastly, not the GOP talking points.

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
No, they vote for Socialism also. Wait until you see the uproar if Trump actually tries and cut their S.S.

Not that he is. He puts stuff like this out to get his base all pumped up but doesnt do it. Not that they care.

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you deny that both need modifications?

Perhaps you should change the channel and try reality. Even Forbes thinks you are a moron.

Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
View attachment 305782
Aug 23, 2019 · The chief target of these proposed cuts is Social Security, which ... groups, Republican presidents have repeatedly attempted to cut or ...

Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security - To Justify Their Demands For Benefit Cuts
View attachment 305783
Aug 26, 2019 · Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. ... on

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.
What I said is pretty easy to understand.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.

LOL, I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama stood for. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did. He was too lazy to accomplish anything. The minimum wage never moved under his eight years but the stock market sure did.

He had the best opportunity anyone will likely ever have to change the direction of the country and he blew it. I get tired of the total blame being put on the GOP. That simply was not the case. I stated no lies. They had two years to get things done. Obama had a huge popularity rating. He could have accomplished a ton if he had actually wanted to do the right thing. He decided he wanted to be another corporate Democrat that started wars.

Your argument is to not bother as no matter who we elect they can do nothing. Trump doesn't have 60. Are you saying he is doing nothing?
no they did not have two years with 60 votes, they had 35 days and session and it was all spent on Obama care. Who knew the Massachusetts was so stupid as to elect Scott Brown? Once again you believe crap GOP propaganda. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and the mess of the democratic supermajority. No wonder you are a Republican now. Or you might as well be.

If Obama could not accomplish anything with high approval ratings, 59 in the Senate and the House no one can ever accomplish anything. If he was so weak as to not get a single vote that is not a very encouraging idea to even bother.
No, they vote for Socialism also. Wait until you see the uproar if Trump actually tries and cut their S.S.

Not that he is. He puts stuff like this out to get his base all pumped up but doesnt do it. Not that they care.

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you deny that both need modifications?

Perhaps you should change the channel and try reality. Even Forbes thinks you are a moron.

Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
View attachment 305782
Aug 23, 2019 · The chief target of these proposed cuts is Social Security, which ... groups, Republican presidents have repeatedly attempted to cut or ...

Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security - To Justify Their Demands For Benefit Cuts
View attachment 305783
Aug 26, 2019 · Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. ... on

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

When you have to thread the needle like this, you really do not have much of a defense. Truthfully with Trump what he supports changes daily, tweet by tweet.
It's as I've said for a long time. The Democrats are noting that Sanders isn't actually a Democrat. What that is saying is that outside of a few social issues there is very little differences in the Democrats and Republicans.

Sanders is basically running on Obama's platform. Matthews had tingles running down his leg when Obama said the things Sanders is.

It's sad to now understand how many understood that when Obama said them, they were all a lie.


What I said is pretty easy to understand.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

Good grief Bernie Bro, Bernie doesn't even know how he would pay for those give aways...

He states how he will pay for every program he promotes. And it's not stupid things like "Mexico will pay for it".
What I said is pretty easy to understand.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.

LOL, I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama stood for. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did. He was too lazy to accomplish anything. The minimum wage never moved under his eight years but the stock market sure did.

He had the best opportunity anyone will likely ever have to change the direction of the country and he blew it. I get tired of the total blame being put on the GOP. That simply was not the case. I stated no lies. They had two years to get things done. Obama had a huge popularity rating. He could have accomplished a ton if he had actually wanted to do the right thing. He decided he wanted to be another corporate Democrat that started wars.

Your argument is to not bother as no matter who we elect they can do nothing. Trump doesn't have 60. Are you saying he is doing nothing?
no they did not have two years with 60 votes, they had 35 days in session and it was all spent on Obama care. Who knew the Massachusetts was so stupid as to elect Scott Brown? Once again you believe crap GOP propaganda. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and the mess of the democratic supermajority. No wonder you are a Republican now. Or you might as well be.

You are as bad as the Republicans with your lame excuses.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.

LOL, I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama stood for. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did. He was too lazy to accomplish anything. The minimum wage never moved under his eight years but the stock market sure did.

He had the best opportunity anyone will likely ever have to change the direction of the country and he blew it. I get tired of the total blame being put on the GOP. That simply was not the case. I stated no lies. They had two years to get things done. Obama had a huge popularity rating. He could have accomplished a ton if he had actually wanted to do the right thing. He decided he wanted to be another corporate Democrat that started wars.

Your argument is to not bother as no matter who we elect they can do nothing. Trump doesn't have 60. Are you saying he is doing nothing?
no they did not have two years with 60 votes, they had 35 days and session and it was all spent on Obama care. Who knew the Massachusetts was so stupid as to elect Scott Brown? Once again you believe crap GOP propaganda. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and the mess of the democratic supermajority. No wonder you are a Republican now. Or you might as well be.

If Obama could not accomplish anything with high approval ratings, 59 in the Senate and the House no one can ever accomplish anything. If he was so weak as to not get a single vote that is not a very encouraging idea to even bother.
How many times do I have to tell you the GOP can do all they want which is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else because they have that ridiculous reconciliation rule and no shame. They know their propaganda machine can get 45% of the country to believe anyting just like you. Obama couldn't get a single vote from the lock step bought off scared to hell Republican party because they are a disgrace not him. But the next democratic president will use the nuclear option and then dare the Republicans of the Future 2 repeal living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Try reality.
It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.

LOL, I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama stood for. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did. He was too lazy to accomplish anything. The minimum wage never moved under his eight years but the stock market sure did.

He had the best opportunity anyone will likely ever have to change the direction of the country and he blew it. I get tired of the total blame being put on the GOP. That simply was not the case. I stated no lies. They had two years to get things done. Obama had a huge popularity rating. He could have accomplished a ton if he had actually wanted to do the right thing. He decided he wanted to be another corporate Democrat that started wars.

Your argument is to not bother as no matter who we elect they can do nothing. Trump doesn't have 60. Are you saying he is doing nothing?
no they did not have two years with 60 votes, they had 35 days and session and it was all spent on Obama care. Who knew the Massachusetts was so stupid as to elect Scott Brown? Once again you believe crap GOP propaganda. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and the mess of the democratic supermajority. No wonder you are a Republican now. Or you might as well be.

If Obama could not accomplish anything with high approval ratings, 59 in the Senate and the House no one can ever accomplish anything. If he was so weak as to not get a single vote that is not a very encouraging idea to even bother.
How many times do I have to tell you the GOP can do all they want which is cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else because they have that ridiculous reconciliation rule and no shame. They know their propaganda machine can get 45% of the country to believe anyting just like you. Obama couldn't get a single vote from the lock step bought off scared to hell Republican party because they are a disgrace not him. But the next democratic president will use the nuclear option and then dare the Republicans of the Future 2 repeal living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Try reality.

They will do things like that if it's Sanders, not if it's Biden or Bloomberg or really any of the others than maybe Warren.
No, they vote for Socialism also. Wait until you see the uproar if Trump actually tries and cut their S.S.

Not that he is. He puts stuff like this out to get his base all pumped up but doesnt do it. Not that they care.

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you deny that both need modifications?

He never says that he says just the opposite and he is lying. They're always trying to screw with social security and all the other good stuff for the middle class and the non rich. Wake up.

Once again, Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.

LOL, I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama stood for. I supported 10% of what President Obama actually did. He was too lazy to accomplish anything. The minimum wage never moved under his eight years but the stock market sure did.

He had the best opportunity anyone will likely ever have to change the direction of the country and he blew it. I get tired of the total blame being put on the GOP. That simply was not the case. I stated no lies. They had two years to get things done. Obama had a huge popularity rating. He could have accomplished a ton if he had actually wanted to do the right thing. He decided he wanted to be another corporate Democrat that started wars.

Your argument is to not bother as no matter who we elect they can do nothing. Trump doesn't have 60. Are you saying he is doing nothing?
no they did not have two years with 60 votes, they had 35 days in session and it was all spent on Obama care. Who knew the Massachusetts was so stupid as to elect Scott Brown? Once again you believe crap GOP propaganda. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and the mess of the democratic supermajority. No wonder you are a Republican now. Or you might as well be.

You are as bad as the Republicans with your lame excuses.
They are called the facts. Try reality.
No, they vote for Socialism also. Wait until you see the uproar if Trump actually tries and cut their S.S.

Not that he is. He puts stuff like this out to get his base all pumped up but doesnt do it. Not that they care.

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.
No, they vote for Socialism also. Wait until you see the uproar if Trump actually tries and cut their S.S.

Not that he is. He puts stuff like this out to get his base all pumped up but doesnt do it. Not that they care.

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you deny that both need modifications?

He never says that he says just the opposite and he is lying. They're always trying to screw with social security and all the other good stuff for the middle class and the non rich. Wake up.

Once again, Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.
Even Forbes thinks you are an idiot.
Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
Aug 23, 2019 · The chief target of these proposed cuts is Social Security, which ... groups, Republican presidents have repeatedly attempted to cut or ...

Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security - To Justify Their Demands For Benefit Cuts

Aug 26, 2019 · Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. ... on

Do you deny that both need modifications?

He never says that he says just the opposite and he is lying. They're always trying to screw with social security and all the other good stuff for the middle class and the non rich. Wake up.

Once again, Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.[/QUOTE
Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
Aug 23, 2019 · The chief target of these proposed cuts is Social Security, which ... groups, Republican presidents have repeatedly attempted to cut or ...

Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security - To Justify Their Demands For Benefit Cuts

Aug 26, 2019 · Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. ... on

So even Forbes thinks you are an idiot. Try reality
No, they vote for Socialism also. Wait until you see the uproar if Trump actually tries and cut their S.S.

Not that he is. He puts stuff like this out to get his base all pumped up but doesnt do it. Not that they care.

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you deny that both need modifications?

Perhaps you should change the channel and try reality. Even Forbes thinks you are a moron.

Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
View attachment 305782
Aug 23, 2019 · The chief target of these proposed cuts is Social Security, which ... groups, Republican presidents have repeatedly attempted to cut or ...

Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security - To Justify Their Demands For Benefit Cuts
View attachment 305783
Aug 26, 2019 · Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. ... on

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

When you have to thread the needle like this, you really do not have much of a defense. Truthfully with Trump what he supports changes daily, tweet by tweet.

No threading of any needle, or whatever.

Please show us all where: Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you doubt that SS and Medicare need drastic reforms if they are to continue to exist?
What I said is pretty easy to understand.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.
Tell me about how there is no difference between the two parties on healthcare next. Unbelievable. Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non Rich since LBJ. Even sabotaged and obstructed

It was a huge boon to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

As Sanders And Warren Attack, Health Insurer Profits Soar

For many with Obamacare they can not afford to actually use it.

The expansion in coverage due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) increased the number of insured Americans by 20 million. Although access to health insurance has expanded significantly in recent years, and the ACA instituted important protections for patients, those who gained insurance through ACA health insurance exchanges are being offered plans that make them bear an increasing portion of their healthcare costs since the law was implemented. Access to health insurance is not sufficient if patients cannot afford to purchase coverage or utilize their benefits due to high premiums, high out-of-pocket costs, limited networks, and insufficient state and federal patient protections.

Higher premiums, higher deductibles, and narrower networks in exchange markets - PNHP

And lastly, not the GOP talking points.

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
15 million poor workers and the poor have Medicaid which has no deductibles. Obamacare did not start deductibles, that was going on without it. It is mainly catastrophic care.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.
Tell me about how there is no difference between the two parties on healthcare next. Unbelievable. Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non Rich since LBJ. Even sabotaged and obstructed

It was a huge boon to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

As Sanders And Warren Attack, Health Insurer Profits Soar

For many with Obamacare they can not afford to actually use it.

The expansion in coverage due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) increased the number of insured Americans by 20 million. Although access to health insurance has expanded significantly in recent years, and the ACA instituted important protections for patients, those who gained insurance through ACA health insurance exchanges are being offered plans that make them bear an increasing portion of their healthcare costs since the law was implemented. Access to health insurance is not sufficient if patients cannot afford to purchase coverage or utilize their benefits due to high premiums, high out-of-pocket costs, limited networks, and insufficient state and federal patient protections.

Higher premiums, higher deductibles, and narrower networks in exchange markets - PNHP

And lastly, not the GOP talking points.

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
15 million poor workers and the poor have Medicaid which has no deductibles. Obamacare did not start deductibles, that was going on without it. It is mainly catastrophic care.
At least we have a framework for reform for the first time
No, they vote for Socialism also. Wait until you see the uproar if Trump actually tries and cut their S.S.

Not that he is. He puts stuff like this out to get his base all pumped up but doesnt do it. Not that they care.

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you deny that both need modifications?

Perhaps you should change the channel and try reality. Even Forbes thinks you are a moron.

Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
View attachment 305782
Aug 23, 2019 · The chief target of these proposed cuts is Social Security, which ... groups, Republican presidents have repeatedly attempted to cut or ...

Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security - To Justify Their Demands For Benefit Cuts
View attachment 305783
Aug 26, 2019 · Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. ... on

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

When you have to thread the needle like this, you really do not have much of a defense. Truthfully with Trump what he supports changes daily, tweet by tweet.

No threading of any needle, or whatever.

Please show us all where: Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you doubt that SS and Medicare need drastic reforms if they are to continue to exist?
And no I have not worried about them. AARP says Medicare going broke is the number one myth. And it has plenty of competition from all the other garbage GOP propaganda, super duper.

Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
Aug 23, 2019 · The chief target of these proposed cuts is Social Security, which ... groups, Republican presidents have repeatedly attempted to cut or ...

Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security - To Justify Their Demands For Benefit Cuts

Aug 26, 2019 · Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. ... on
No, they vote for Socialism also. Wait until you see the uproar if Trump actually tries and cut their S.S.

Not that he is. He puts stuff like this out to get his base all pumped up but doesnt do it. Not that they care.

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you deny that both need modifications?

Perhaps you should change the channel and try reality. Even Forbes thinks you are a moron.

Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
View attachment 305782
Aug 23, 2019 · The chief target of these proposed cuts is Social Security, which ... groups, Republican presidents have repeatedly attempted to cut or ...

Republicans Are Pushing Myths About Social Security - To Justify Their Demands For Benefit Cuts
View attachment 305783
Aug 26, 2019 · Republican politicians want to cut Social Security. ... on

Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

When you have to thread the needle like this, you really do not have much of a defense. Truthfully with Trump what he supports changes daily, tweet by tweet.

No threading of any needle, or whatever.

Please show us all where: Please show us where President Donald Trump has promised to cut benefits to existing recipients of Social Security and Medicare.

Do you doubt that SS and Medicare need drastic reforms if they are to continue to exist?

I already addressed that question.
Pretty easy to understand that that is ridiculous. Democrats are for a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and taxing the rich and giant corporations their fair share and the GOP is not. The GOP is also against a comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this long-running GOP scam.

It's too bad they addressed none of that under Obama. Yes, they said they would.
All obstructed by the scumbag GOP who's lies you believe. The next white democratic presidents going to use the nuclear option. Obama was afraid to. But it's getting so obvious that the GOP is a sell-out to the rich it's gotten ridiculous. They have their reconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and benefits and services for everyone else with only 51 votes. While Democrats need 60 votes how to pass reform. Democrats had 35 days with 60 votes in the last 50 years lol. Stop with the garbage GOP propaganda.
Tell me about how there is no difference between the two parties on healthcare next. Unbelievable. Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non Rich since LBJ. Even sabotaged and obstructed

It was a huge boon to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

As Sanders And Warren Attack, Health Insurer Profits Soar

For many with Obamacare they can not afford to actually use it.

The expansion in coverage due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) increased the number of insured Americans by 20 million. Although access to health insurance has expanded significantly in recent years, and the ACA instituted important protections for patients, those who gained insurance through ACA health insurance exchanges are being offered plans that make them bear an increasing portion of their healthcare costs since the law was implemented. Access to health insurance is not sufficient if patients cannot afford to purchase coverage or utilize their benefits due to high premiums, high out-of-pocket costs, limited networks, and insufficient state and federal patient protections.

Higher premiums, higher deductibles, and narrower networks in exchange markets - PNHP

And lastly, not the GOP talking points.

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
15 million poor workers and the poor have Medicaid which has no deductibles. Obamacare did not start deductibles, that was going on without it. It is mainly catastrophic care.

There are a ton of places that will not take people on Medicare. That should not be how it is. Obamacare did not start deductibles.......Obamacare also did absolutely nothing about the cost side either other than to make insurance even more expensive.

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