Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

Not after guns?

List the gun laws that need to pass today and then your position is there are no further gun laws required.

You won’t. Because it’s all about grabbing all guns.

obama better get on that right away, 'eh?
How did I know you have no cap on gun grabbing laws?

uh-huh... i have firearms in my home.
All socialists feel their rules are for everyone but themselves.

That’s why you don’t have a cap on gun grabbing laws.

you cray cray.
You got owned. Slink away
It was a huge boon to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

As Sanders And Warren Attack, Health Insurer Profits Soar

For many with Obamacare they can not afford to actually use it.

The expansion in coverage due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) increased the number of insured Americans by 20 million. Although access to health insurance has expanded significantly in recent years, and the ACA instituted important protections for patients, those who gained insurance through ACA health insurance exchanges are being offered plans that make them bear an increasing portion of their healthcare costs since the law was implemented. Access to health insurance is not sufficient if patients cannot afford to purchase coverage or utilize their benefits due to high premiums, high out-of-pocket costs, limited networks, and insufficient state and federal patient protections.

Higher premiums, higher deductibles, and narrower networks in exchange markets - PNHP

And lastly, not the GOP talking points.

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
15 million poor workers and the poor have Medicaid which has no deductibles. Obamacare did not start deductibles, that was going on without it. It is mainly catastrophic care.

There are a ton of places that will not take people on Medicare. That should not be how it is. Obamacare did not start deductibles.......Obamacare also did absolutely nothing about the cost side either other than to make insurance even more expensive.

that's not true. 80% for individual plans & 85% of group insurance premiums are mandated to go directly to the healhcare of the policy holder instead of into CEO's pockets. you can blame marco rubio for putting a pison pill into the omnibus back in 2015 that reduced subsidies to bighealthcos down to 10% of what they were promised to take on the sickest of the sick - called high risk corridors. that reduction is what helped drive up costs.

Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt
Hilarious watching the blue on blue cat fight.

it's called 'election season'.

until the (D) candidates start comparing hand & dick sizes, i wouldn't talk.

Maybe that's you liberals problem....Once you get your dick out of your hands, and start realizing that destroying America so that you can rebuild it as a Socialist hell hole, then you might have a chance....Until then, I love the meltdown show you idiots are putting on for us...

Maybe that's you liberals problem....

i certainly lean left - but i'm not as liberal as you may think.

Once you get your dick out of your hands,
haaa...........i'm female, was born female, have it posted on my profile, so your ASSumption makes that statement pretty funny & ignorant as hell.

and start realizing that destroying America so that you can rebuild it as a Socialist hell hole,
you're such a drama queen

then you might have a chance....Until then, I love the meltdown show you idiots are putting on for us..
delusional thinking is something you & donny have in common. what a good little basket dweller you are! :113:

These guys make anything a meltdown but a real one. Trumps rant at the white house was a meltdown. Pelosi just expressed the feelings of millions of Americans tired of this lying piece of shit president.
obama better get on that right away, 'eh?
How did I know you have no cap on gun grabbing laws?

uh-huh... i have firearms in my home.
All socialists feel their rules are for everyone but themselves.

That’s why you don’t have a cap on gun grabbing laws.

you cray cray.
You got owned. Slink away


not. i am for the 2nd amendment, just not ridiculous notions that anything goes & loopholes so big are allowed that big a mack truck can drive thru them.

purchases allowed with no background checks? oh & someone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase guns? really? that would be no.

so stfu.
15 million poor workers and the poor have Medicaid which has no deductibles. Obamacare did not start deductibles, that was going on without it. It is mainly catastrophic care.

There are a ton of places that will not take people on Medicare. That should not be how it is. Obamacare did not start deductibles.......Obamacare also did absolutely nothing about the cost side either other than to make insurance even more expensive.

that's not true. 80% for individual plans & 85% of group insurance premiums are mandated to go directly to the healhcare of the policy holder instead of into CEO's pockets. you can blame marco rubio for putting a pison pill into the omnibus back in 2015 that reduced subsidies to bighealthcos down to 10% of what they were promised to take on the sickest of the sick - called high risk corridors. that reduction is what helped drive up costs.

Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

obamacare cannot be ended without anything better to take its place. if (R)s get in - that will happen.
How did I know you have no cap on gun grabbing laws?

uh-huh... i have firearms in my home.
All socialists feel their rules are for everyone but themselves.

That’s why you don’t have a cap on gun grabbing laws.

you cray cray.
You got owned. Slink away


not. i am for the 2nd amendment, just not ridiculous notions that anything goes & loopholes so big are allowed that big a mack truck can drive thru them.

purchases allowed with no background checks? oh & someone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase guns? really? that would be no.

so stfu.

The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.
There are a ton of places that will not take people on Medicare. That should not be how it is. Obamacare did not start deductibles.......Obamacare also did absolutely nothing about the cost side either other than to make insurance even more expensive.

that's not true. 80% for individual plans & 85% of group insurance premiums are mandated to go directly to the healhcare of the policy holder instead of into CEO's pockets. you can blame marco rubio for putting a pison pill into the omnibus back in 2015 that reduced subsidies to bighealthcos down to 10% of what they were promised to take on the sickest of the sick - called high risk corridors. that reduction is what helped drive up costs.

Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

obamacare cannot be ended without anything better to take its place. if (R)s get in - that will happen.

That's why I'm voting for Sanders.

The R's are in. They couldn't end it.
15 million poor workers and the poor have Medicaid which has no deductibles. Obamacare did not start deductibles, that was going on without it. It is mainly catastrophic care.

There are a ton of places that will not take people on Medicare. That should not be how it is. Obamacare did not start deductibles.......Obamacare also did absolutely nothing about the cost side either other than to make insurance even more expensive.

that's not true. 80% for individual plans & 85% of group insurance premiums are mandated to go directly to the healhcare of the policy holder instead of into CEO's pockets. you can blame marco rubio for putting a pison pill into the omnibus back in 2015 that reduced subsidies to bighealthcos down to 10% of what they were promised to take on the sickest of the sick - called high risk corridors. that reduction is what helped drive up costs.

Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

You had that before Obama Care. Health care policies before Obamacare were one year contracts that ended each year and when a person re upped they paid a higher premium. ObamaCare provided subsidies to help pay premiums. That did not exist before. Insurance companies, primarily headed by conservatives, countered the non denial of pre existing conditions by raising deductibles. Obama did not do that. What has happened here in Kansas was we had a republican governor that refused to accept Medicaid expansion and the funds that went with it. So this is the outcome. Now it's real easy to provide examples of extreme circumstances, but the reality is that Obamacare saved countless lives. Ending it and trying to recreated a system is going to end countless lives. And until Bernie can explain how this will be paid, we should be wary. Because what Sanders proposes did not work in Vermont.
There are a ton of places that will not take people on Medicare. That should not be how it is. Obamacare did not start deductibles.......Obamacare also did absolutely nothing about the cost side either other than to make insurance even more expensive.

that's not true. 80% for individual plans & 85% of group insurance premiums are mandated to go directly to the healhcare of the policy holder instead of into CEO's pockets. you can blame marco rubio for putting a pison pill into the omnibus back in 2015 that reduced subsidies to bighealthcos down to 10% of what they were promised to take on the sickest of the sick - called high risk corridors. that reduction is what helped drive up costs.

Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

You had that before Obama Care. Health care policies before Obamacare were one year contracts that ended each year and when a person re upped they paid a higher premium. ObamaCare provided subsidies to help pay premiums. That did not exist before. Insurance companies, primarily headed by conservatives, countered the non denial of pre existing conditions by raising deductibles. Obama did not do that. What has happened here in Kansas was we had a republican governor that refused to accept Medicaid expansion and the funds that went with it. So this is the outcome. Now it's real easy to provide examples of extreme circumstances, but the reality is that Obamacare saved countless lives. Ending it and trying to recreated a system is going to end countless lives. And until Bernie can explain how this will be paid, we should be wary. Because what Sanders proposes did not work in Vermont.

This argument holds no sway any longer. We don't explain how we will pay for anything. Did Obama explain how he would pay for his incursions into Syria?
uh-huh... i have firearms in my home.
All socialists feel their rules are for everyone but themselves.

That’s why you don’t have a cap on gun grabbing laws.

you cray cray.
You got owned. Slink away


not. i am for the 2nd amendment, just not ridiculous notions that anything goes & loopholes so big are allowed that big a mack truck can drive thru them.

purchases allowed with no background checks? oh & someone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase guns? really? that would be no.

so stfu.

The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.

what's bernie's position on that?
that's not true. 80% for individual plans & 85% of group insurance premiums are mandated to go directly to the healhcare of the policy holder instead of into CEO's pockets. you can blame marco rubio for putting a pison pill into the omnibus back in 2015 that reduced subsidies to bighealthcos down to 10% of what they were promised to take on the sickest of the sick - called high risk corridors. that reduction is what helped drive up costs.

Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

obamacare cannot be ended without anything better to take its place. if (R)s get in - that will happen.

That's why I'm voting for Sanders.

The R's are in. They couldn't end it.

it's in the courts now & actively moving up the ladder to the SC.

Explaining Texas v. U.S.: A Guide to the Case Challenging the ACA
There are a ton of places that will not take people on Medicare. That should not be how it is. Obamacare did not start deductibles.......Obamacare also did absolutely nothing about the cost side either other than to make insurance even more expensive.

that's not true. 80% for individual plans & 85% of group insurance premiums are mandated to go directly to the healhcare of the policy holder instead of into CEO's pockets. you can blame marco rubio for putting a pison pill into the omnibus back in 2015 that reduced subsidies to bighealthcos down to 10% of what they were promised to take on the sickest of the sick - called high risk corridors. that reduction is what helped drive up costs.

Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

You had that before Obama Care. Health care policies before Obamacare were one year contracts that ended each year and when a person re upped they paid a higher premium. ObamaCare provided subsidies to help pay premiums. That did not exist before. Insurance companies, primarily headed by conservatives, countered the non denial of pre existing conditions by raising deductibles. Obama did not do that. What has happened here in Kansas was we had a republican governor that refused to accept Medicaid expansion and the funds that went with it. So this is the outcome. Now it's real easy to provide examples of extreme circumstances, but the reality is that Obamacare saved countless lives. Ending it and trying to recreated a system is going to end countless lives. And until Bernie can explain how this will be paid, we should be wary. Because what Sanders proposes did not work in Vermont.

i don't know of anybody wanting to turn back the clock.

All socialists feel their rules are for everyone but themselves.

That’s why you don’t have a cap on gun grabbing laws.

you cray cray.
You got owned. Slink away


not. i am for the 2nd amendment, just not ridiculous notions that anything goes & loopholes so big are allowed that big a mack truck can drive thru them.

purchases allowed with no background checks? oh & someone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase guns? really? that would be no.

so stfu.

The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.

what's bernie's position on that?

This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.
Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

obamacare cannot be ended without anything better to take its place. if (R)s get in - that will happen.

That's why I'm voting for Sanders.

The R's are in. They couldn't end it.

it's in the courts now & actively moving up the ladder to the SC.

Explaining Texas v. U.S.: A Guide to the Case Challenging the ACA

The funny thing about that is that doesn't end Obamacare even if ruled the way those who brought the suit wants.

It's just ends some of the funding. So we simply go in more debt. Not something anyone seems to care about.
you cray cray.
You got owned. Slink away


not. i am for the 2nd amendment, just not ridiculous notions that anything goes & loopholes so big are allowed that big a mack truck can drive thru them.

purchases allowed with no background checks? oh & someone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase guns? really? that would be no.

so stfu.

The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.

what's bernie's position on that?

This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.

the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.
yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

obamacare cannot be ended without anything better to take its place. if (R)s get in - that will happen.

That's why I'm voting for Sanders.

The R's are in. They couldn't end it.

it's in the courts now & actively moving up the ladder to the SC.

Explaining Texas v. U.S.: A Guide to the Case Challenging the ACA

The funny thing about that is that doesn't end Obamacare even if ruled the way those who brought the suit wants.

It's just ends some of the funding. So we simply go in more debt. Not something anyone seems to care about.

the whole ACA is being argued as unconstituional. that means the whole thing can be shut down. not just parts of it.

ALL of it, including the protections& mandated coverage everyone with health insurance enjoys.
uh-huh... i have firearms in my home.
All socialists feel their rules are for everyone but themselves.

That’s why you don’t have a cap on gun grabbing laws.

you cray cray.
You got owned. Slink away


not. i am for the 2nd amendment, just not ridiculous notions that anything goes & loopholes so big are allowed that big a mack truck can drive thru them.

purchases allowed with no background checks? oh & someone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase guns? really? that would be no.

so stfu.

The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.
got him on ignore so i had to back up to see this one.

some people just shout shit out and never take the time to see what it actually is or came about. the "no fly" list is a great example. it goes by names really. not SSN's, not passport ID's, nothing concrete. if you happen to share the name of someone who's on the list, you ain't flyin.

got on the list and don't know how? sorry. need to fix it? sorry, don't know how to do that or like you say, get someone off the list.

people shouting out opinions w/o some basis of educating themselves first? that would be a NO. :)
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.
"That's not true Socialism". The inevitable argument when it fails.

It's the argument that comes when a person describes a totalitarian government with socialism and ignores all the democracies on earth that have operated sucessful socialist economies.
Name one.
You got owned. Slink away


not. i am for the 2nd amendment, just not ridiculous notions that anything goes & loopholes so big are allowed that big a mack truck can drive thru them.

purchases allowed with no background checks? oh & someone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase guns? really? that would be no.

so stfu.

The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.

what's bernie's position on that?

This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.

the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.

There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

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