Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders


not. i am for the 2nd amendment, just not ridiculous notions that anything goes & loopholes so big are allowed that big a mack truck can drive thru them.

purchases allowed with no background checks? oh & someone on the no fly list should be allowed to purchase guns? really? that would be no.

so stfu.

The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.

what's bernie's position on that?

This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.

the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.

There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?
The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.

what's bernie's position on that?

This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.

the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.

There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?

There is a difference here. There is a difference in not getting what you wanted and a politician doing the exact opposite of what he promised you he would do.

Obama is a perfect example of this.
The no fly list is something that is entirely foreign to everything this country is supposed to be about. You could be on that list and have no idea and little way to actually defend yourself. It's calling someone guilty without even telling someone and if you do find out, forcing you to prove your innocence.

what's bernie's position on that?

This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.

the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.

There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?
and it's been what the dems have been doing to trump since he took office.

but i'm sure that...ok.
what's bernie's position on that?

This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.

the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.

There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?

There is a difference here. There is a difference in not getting what you wanted and a politician doing the exact opposite of what he promised you he would do.

Obama is a perfect example of this.

obama isn't running. i know i will vote for bernie, whether i agree with all his policies or not. why? because the alternative is so much worse than anything bernie could ever hope to do. is he my first choice? no, but that doesn't change the fact that no matter who the nominee is - they will be light years above trump. voting 3rd party is what got W. in the white house & apparently not enough people learned that lesson.
Begin to understand that trump broke the law after he was not convicted by the senate.

Retaliation against witnesses is illegal in this country.

Go to 18 U.S. Code section 1513.

18 U.S. Code § 1513.Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant


(1)Whoever kills or attempts to kill another person with intent to retaliate against any person for—

(A)the attendance of a witness or party at an official proceeding, or any testimony given or any record, document, or other object produced by a witness in an official proceeding; or

(B)providing to a law enforcement officer any information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation, supervised release, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings,

shall be punished as provided in paragraph (2).

(2)The punishment for an offense under this subsection is—

(A)in the case of a killing, the punishment provided in sections 1111 and 1112; and

(B)in the case of an attempt, imprisonment for not more than 30 years.

(b)Whoever knowingly engages in any conduct and thereby causes bodily injury to another person or damages the tangible property of another person, or threatens to do so, with intent to retaliate against any person for—

(1)the attendance of a witness or party at an official proceeding, or any testimony given or any record, document, or other object produced by a witness in an official proceeding; or

(2)any information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation, supervised release, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings given by a person to a law enforcement officer;

or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

(c)If the retaliation occurred because of attendance at or testimony in a criminal case, the maximum term of imprisonment which may be imposed for the offense under this section shall be the higher of that otherwise provided by law or the maximum term that could have been imposed for any offense charged in such case.

(d)There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section.

(e)Whoever knowingly, with the intent to retaliate, takes any action harmful to any person, including interference with the lawful employment or livelihood of any person, for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission of any Federal offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

(f)Whoever conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.

(g)A prosecution under this section may be brought in the district in which the official proceeding (whether pending, about to be instituted, or completed) was intended to be affected, or in which the conduct constituting the alleged offense occurred.

(Added Pub. L. 97–291, § 4(a), Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1250; amended Pub. L. 103–322, title VI, § 60017, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(U), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 1975, 2148; Pub. L. 104–214, § 1(1), Oct. 1, 1996, 110 Stat. 3017; Pub. L. 107–204, title XI, § 1107(a), July 30, 2002, 116 Stat. 810; Pub. L. 107–273, div. B, title III, § 3001(b), (c)(2), title IV, § 4002(b)(4), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1804, 1807; Pub. L. 110–177, title II, §§ 204, 206, Jan. 7, 2008, 121 Stat. 2537.)

18 U.S. Code § 1513 - Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant

Some people keep forgetting that federal employees take an oath of loyalty to our constitution...not an oath of loyalty to Trump.

And some of those same people still insist that Trump does not believe he is above the law.

Well...firing...frog marching...two witnesses out the day after the GOP dominated senate acquitted him who merely did their lawful duty by testifying after receiving subpoenas violates this section of the U.S. Code.
that's not true. 80% for individual plans & 85% of group insurance premiums are mandated to go directly to the healhcare of the policy holder instead of into CEO's pockets. you can blame marco rubio for putting a pison pill into the omnibus back in 2015 that reduced subsidies to bighealthcos down to 10% of what they were promised to take on the sickest of the sick - called high risk corridors. that reduction is what helped drive up costs.

Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

You had that before Obama Care. Health care policies before Obamacare were one year contracts that ended each year and when a person re upped they paid a higher premium. ObamaCare provided subsidies to help pay premiums. That did not exist before. Insurance companies, primarily headed by conservatives, countered the non denial of pre existing conditions by raising deductibles. Obama did not do that. What has happened here in Kansas was we had a republican governor that refused to accept Medicaid expansion and the funds that went with it. So this is the outcome. Now it's real easy to provide examples of extreme circumstances, but the reality is that Obamacare saved countless lives. Ending it and trying to recreated a system is going to end countless lives. And until Bernie can explain how this will be paid, we should be wary. Because what Sanders proposes did not work in Vermont.

This argument holds no sway any longer. We don't explain how we will pay for anything. Did Obama explain how he would pay for his incursions into Syria?

He did explain how he was going to pay for Obamacare. So drop the whataboutobama Berniebro.
This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.

the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.

There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?

There is a difference here. There is a difference in not getting what you wanted and a politician doing the exact opposite of what he promised you he would do.

Obama is a perfect example of this.

obama isn't running. i know i will vote for bernie, whether i agree with all his policies or not. why? because the alternative is so much worse than anything bernie could ever hope to do. is he my first choice? no, but that doesn't change the fact that no matter who the nominee is - they will be light years above trump. voting 3rd party is what got W. in the white house & apparently not enough people learned that lesson.

And if it turns out Bernie is lying, I would expect you to quit supporting him.

Running Hillary is what got Trump elected.
This is all based in the Patriot Act. Bernie voted against that.

the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.

There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?

There is a difference here. There is a difference in not getting what you wanted and a politician doing the exact opposite of what he promised you he would do.

Obama is a perfect example of this.

obama isn't running. i know i will vote for bernie, whether i agree with all his policies or not. why? because the alternative is so much worse than anything bernie could ever hope to do. is he my first choice? no, but that doesn't change the fact that no matter who the nominee is - they will be light years above trump. voting 3rd party is what got W. in the white house & apparently not enough people learned that lesson.

Same here. IU can't stand Sanders because he's fake, but he's better than trump. The thing is, Sanders nomination is a second term for trump. When trump and every republican supports your candidacy, it is not wise to make that person the presidential nominee for your party.
Your statement changes nothing about what I said. Health care costs are still souring so even if 85% is going to health care costs those costs were never addressed. I blame Obama and the (D)'s for not doing the right thing when they had the best chance they may ever have to do so.

I blame the (D)'s (like Cory Booker) that helped the (R)'s defeat bills that would have lowered costs to people by allowing them to legally get their prescriptions out of Canada.

How Cory Booker went from progressive hero to traitor in under 2 days

The New Jersey senator and 12 other Senate Democrats had joined the bulk of the Republican caucus to kill a proposal aimed at lowering prescription drug prices. What made Booker’s vote all the more anguishing for the left is that the proposal won the backing of 13 Republican senators, and had a real chance of passing.

yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

You had that before Obama Care. Health care policies before Obamacare were one year contracts that ended each year and when a person re upped they paid a higher premium. ObamaCare provided subsidies to help pay premiums. That did not exist before. Insurance companies, primarily headed by conservatives, countered the non denial of pre existing conditions by raising deductibles. Obama did not do that. What has happened here in Kansas was we had a republican governor that refused to accept Medicaid expansion and the funds that went with it. So this is the outcome. Now it's real easy to provide examples of extreme circumstances, but the reality is that Obamacare saved countless lives. Ending it and trying to recreated a system is going to end countless lives. And until Bernie can explain how this will be paid, we should be wary. Because what Sanders proposes did not work in Vermont.

This argument holds no sway any longer. We don't explain how we will pay for anything. Did Obama explain how he would pay for his incursions into Syria?

He did explain how he was going to pay for Obamacare. So drop the whataboutobama Berniebro.

You can answer my question or ask a totally unrelated question if you wish.
the no fly list at the beginning was an overreach - no arguement here. my sister was flagged because she had a freaking 'sewing kit' with mini scissors inside. but it had been revised & that no longer happens, at least on its face.

i wanna know specifically about the no fly list & gun purchases & bernie's position pertaining to that.

There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?

There is a difference here. There is a difference in not getting what you wanted and a politician doing the exact opposite of what he promised you he would do.

Obama is a perfect example of this.

obama isn't running. i know i will vote for bernie, whether i agree with all his policies or not. why? because the alternative is so much worse than anything bernie could ever hope to do. is he my first choice? no, but that doesn't change the fact that no matter who the nominee is - they will be light years above trump. voting 3rd party is what got W. in the white house & apparently not enough people learned that lesson.

And if it turns out Bernie is lying, I would expect you to quit supporting him.

Running Hillary is what got Trump elected.

Hillary beat Sanders ass and got more votes in the election than trump. Voter suppression is what got trump elected.
yes they are going up - they will always go up as long as we have a for profit system. but put the blame where it started. sure, obama didn't fight for the public option hard enough -agreed. & now, if the (R)s get in - everything will be lost. the ACA is in the courts right now being decided to have it all shut down.

IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

You had that before Obama Care. Health care policies before Obamacare were one year contracts that ended each year and when a person re upped they paid a higher premium. ObamaCare provided subsidies to help pay premiums. That did not exist before. Insurance companies, primarily headed by conservatives, countered the non denial of pre existing conditions by raising deductibles. Obama did not do that. What has happened here in Kansas was we had a republican governor that refused to accept Medicaid expansion and the funds that went with it. So this is the outcome. Now it's real easy to provide examples of extreme circumstances, but the reality is that Obamacare saved countless lives. Ending it and trying to recreated a system is going to end countless lives. And until Bernie can explain how this will be paid, we should be wary. Because what Sanders proposes did not work in Vermont.

This argument holds no sway any longer. We don't explain how we will pay for anything. Did Obama explain how he would pay for his incursions into Syria?

He did explain how he was going to pay for Obamacare. So drop the whataboutobama Berniebro.

You can answer my question or ask a totally unrelated question if you wish.

Why should I answer that question which was unrelated to the discussion? Especially when Bernie was praising south American dictators and denouncing America. Did he explain how he was going to pay for that toxic waste he got shipped from Vermont to a mostly Hispanic Texas town? Bernie is not all you think he is. I've seen him since 1988 when he endorsed Jackson and I guess I'm supposed to worship him for doing that. The only saving grace for him is that he's a better alternative than trump.
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There are three things that do not interest me as far as political positions. Guns, Abortion and immigration because no matter what the position of a politician is, we aren't going to do anything of any consequence on any of them.

So, I don't know.

no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?

There is a difference here. There is a difference in not getting what you wanted and a politician doing the exact opposite of what he promised you he would do.

Obama is a perfect example of this.

obama isn't running. i know i will vote for bernie, whether i agree with all his policies or not. why? because the alternative is so much worse than anything bernie could ever hope to do. is he my first choice? no, but that doesn't change the fact that no matter who the nominee is - they will be light years above trump. voting 3rd party is what got W. in the white house & apparently not enough people learned that lesson.

And if it turns out Bernie is lying, I would expect you to quit supporting him.

Running Hillary is what got Trump elected.

Hillary beat Sanders ass and got more votes in the election than trump. Voter suppression is what got trump elected.

Voters deciding they didn't want Hillary. Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin and to win, she had to cheat.
IMO we will never get the right thing until Obamacare is ended. As long as there is Obamacare there are going to be many arguing to "fix" it. You can't. It was never the right answer to start with.

This is what we have got under Obamacare.

"You wouldn't think you'd go to jail over medical bills": County in rural Kansas is jailing people over unpaid medical debt

You had that before Obama Care. Health care policies before Obamacare were one year contracts that ended each year and when a person re upped they paid a higher premium. ObamaCare provided subsidies to help pay premiums. That did not exist before. Insurance companies, primarily headed by conservatives, countered the non denial of pre existing conditions by raising deductibles. Obama did not do that. What has happened here in Kansas was we had a republican governor that refused to accept Medicaid expansion and the funds that went with it. So this is the outcome. Now it's real easy to provide examples of extreme circumstances, but the reality is that Obamacare saved countless lives. Ending it and trying to recreated a system is going to end countless lives. And until Bernie can explain how this will be paid, we should be wary. Because what Sanders proposes did not work in Vermont.

This argument holds no sway any longer. We don't explain how we will pay for anything. Did Obama explain how he would pay for his incursions into Syria?

He did explain how he was going to pay for Obamacare. So drop the whataboutobama Berniebro.

You can answer my question or ask a totally unrelated question if you wish.

Nah, because your Berniebro bs has you failing to see that people paid premiums.

Which wasn't the question.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism
Chris Matthews is such a hack and a pathetic suck up.

I think he's either being paid by Hillary to trash the field or he' s trying to recover his lost integrity.
no one should be a single issue voter. but not voting or voting against someone as a protest because you didn't get everything you wanted is what got the (R) majority in 2010 & donny the election in 2016.

what's the bigger threat at this very crucial time in american history?

There is a difference here. There is a difference in not getting what you wanted and a politician doing the exact opposite of what he promised you he would do.

Obama is a perfect example of this.

obama isn't running. i know i will vote for bernie, whether i agree with all his policies or not. why? because the alternative is so much worse than anything bernie could ever hope to do. is he my first choice? no, but that doesn't change the fact that no matter who the nominee is - they will be light years above trump. voting 3rd party is what got W. in the white house & apparently not enough people learned that lesson.

And if it turns out Bernie is lying, I would expect you to quit supporting him.

Running Hillary is what got Trump elected.

Hillary beat Sanders ass and got more votes in the election than trump. Voter suppression is what got trump elected.

Voters deciding they didn't want Hillary. Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin and to win, she had to cheat.

Hilary got three million more votes than the current president. Believe me when I tell you that Sanders would have lost in 2016. There was no cheating, Bernie lost. OK? Hillary didn't need the superdelegates to win because she had the number of required delegates without them. That's how badly she beat Bernie. Hillary won 30 out of the 50 states. The facts seem to miss you Sanders supporters delusion. There were over 200,000 people purged from voter rolls in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Trump won the electoral college by 70,000 votes. The voters didn't decide they didn't want Hillary, 65 million did.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism
Chris Matthews is such a hack and a pathetic suck up.

I think he's either being paid by Hillary to trash the field or he' s trying to recover his lost integrity.
Your claim of "slave rapists" is proven bullshit in this link. Sally agreed to the liaison, i.e. gave her consent.


You stupid fuck, how can you even intake oxygen without assistance.

Sally Hemmings was PROPERTY. She could be beaten, sold or raped without any recourse to law. The fact that Jefferson started fucking her when she was 15 and he was 43 makes it even MORE creepy.

We needed Doctor Who to drop off Chris Hansen in 1776!

Even if you are "technically" property you can still give your consent. In fact she did. Deal with it, read the article and understand what happened. Sally lived in Paris as basically a free woman. She told her children the deal and what happened.
Jefferson had to be very careful because his enemies were looking for scandals. Don't try to apply modern norms to ancient times.
At least they didn't sell baby parts back then, as an example.

Yes. She consented so her children wouldn't have to live the slave existence she did. That is not a consent.

Do you think that they were in love, or do you think she was just being practical and playing him?
Knowing Thomas Jefferson, do you think he could rape a slave?

Do I think he could? Yes, absolutely. Do I think she was in love with him? We have seen cases where people end up siding with their capturer.

Stockholm syndrome | Definition, Examples, & Facts

You're such a hopeless romantic?!
I don't believe that the man who wrote most of the Constitution could rape a slave.
I find it hilarious that democrats defend Clinton for abusing an intern, but are disgusted by a genuine love story.
There is a difference here. There is a difference in not getting what you wanted and a politician doing the exact opposite of what he promised you he would do.

Obama is a perfect example of this.

obama isn't running. i know i will vote for bernie, whether i agree with all his policies or not. why? because the alternative is so much worse than anything bernie could ever hope to do. is he my first choice? no, but that doesn't change the fact that no matter who the nominee is - they will be light years above trump. voting 3rd party is what got W. in the white house & apparently not enough people learned that lesson.

And if it turns out Bernie is lying, I would expect you to quit supporting him.

Running Hillary is what got Trump elected.

Hillary beat Sanders ass and got more votes in the election than trump. Voter suppression is what got trump elected.

Voters deciding they didn't want Hillary. Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin and to win, she had to cheat.

Hilary got three million more votes than the current president. Believe me when I tell you that Sanders would have lost in 2016. There was no cheating, Bernie lost. OK? Hillary didn't need the superdelegates to win because she had the number of required delegates without them. That's how badly she beat Bernie. Hillary won 30 out of the 50 states. The facts seem to miss you Sanders supporters delusion. There were over 200,000 people purged from voter rolls in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Trump won the electoral college by 70,000 votes. The voters didn't decide they didn't want Hillary, 65 million did.

Nobody was denied their right to vote. Bernie would have won every state Hillary did plus Michigan and Wisconsin.

Take out California and Hillary even lost the popular vote in the rest of the country.

She was an awful candidate. That's why Bernie was so popular. His rallies were huge. No one showed up to Hillary's.

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