Democrats INSIST there is no voter fraud - again they lie

A signature is virtually unenforceable as every signature would have to be validated against a known signature at the time the person was voting. That doesn't happen, which is exactly what the Democrats want. Providing proof at the time would undermind their ultimate goal, which is to obtain illegal votes. This all goes back to why they promote sanctuary cities and do not want to secure our border. It is obvious to anyone who isn't blinded.
When I vote in NJ the signature is right on the registration form. You have to sign on the spot

Easier to get a phony ID

Getting a drivers license requires some documentation, at least in my state. Thats why it is always such a pain to get a new one if you lose yours. Just scribling a sig. just before you vote, that cannot be validated at that time, is ridiculously insecure.

Admit i, the reason Democrats don't want voter id is because IF illegals do decide to vote, they will be able to. Everyone knows this, even you, You just can't bring yourself to admit it.
Illegals don’t vote....Doesn’t happen
Why take the risk of deportation and jail just to cast one vote among tens of thousands?

Democrats don’t want voter ID because it is a tool for Republicans to use to suppress the vote

Why do Red States allow a hunting license for voter ID but not a college student ID?

Getting a hunting license in my state requires a state issued ID. So...duh. Student IDs do not have anything to do with being a citizen and your eligibility to vote.
Student ID shows who you are. It is up to the registrar to verify citizenship
Many people with drivers licenses are perfectly legal but are not citizens

If they entered this country illegally, they are not legal no matter what ID they might carry.
Once again showing conservatives are unable to present actual VOTER FRAUD. People voting multiple times, voting under other people’s names

You know, things a voter ID might prevent

Instead you offer ELECTION FRAUD by officials doctoring results. An act that Democrats fight to prevent

OK, winger, tell us why you object to proving who you are before voting.

you have to prove ID to buy booze, board a plane, get welfare, get food stamps, rent an apartment, buy a house, get a drivers licence, buy a car, get a passport, claim asylum, pick up a prescription, et. al. Who in the USA today does not have some form of valid ID?

what is different about voting? We all know the answer, will you admit it? Because voter ID prevents most voter fraud and dems know that without fraud they can never win. Will you be honest for just once and admit that?
No, he won't. He has no problem with cheating as long as it promotes the Democrat party.
Show me the stastistics that show the amount of voter fraught that a photo IS will stop.

If its only one vote per precinct its too many. But not one of you lefties can tell us why you object to proving who you are before casting your vote. You had to prove who you are to get on the voter roles, so why not when you vote?

Why is one percent of cases being fraud one too many but three or four times that number being disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws is just fine?

And FYI, the incidents of fraud are LESS THAN one percent.

The "documented" cases of voter fraud are a small number, no one knows what the real number is and that is exactly where the problem lies.

I have yet to hear who these disenfranchised americans are that don't have any form of ID. Can you tell me? They obviously are not on welfare, medicare, food stamps, social security, never buy booze, never travel, never drive-----------who are they?, tell me.
where is your evidence that it has not occurred? the question goes both ways.

Who in the USA that is on the voter rolls does not have some form of valid ID? Remember, you have to prove ID to GET ON the voter rolls.
You are passing laws that says voter fraud is a serious threat
Burden of proof is on you

Do you agree that the OP provides no evidence of voter fraud?

one fraudulent vote is one too many. Why do you object to proving who you are before voting? Who in the USA today is registered to vote but does not have any form of ID? then tell us how they managed to get registered without any ID.

We don't object to it. What we object to is the restrictive and narrow definition of what is an acceptable form of ID.

If your law is disenfranchising more voters than there is fraud you are preventing then it is not acceptable. The type of fraud prevented by restrictive IDs is less than one percent. LESS THAN. The number of Americans that don't have the types of ID required by many of the states disenfranches far, far more than that.

How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

. You have to prove identity and place or residence to register to vote. In some states that requires a government issued picture ID (like you have to show to collect welfare, get food stamps, or check into an ER). In some states a utility bill showing your name and address is all you need (note, you had to show some form of ID to get the utilities turned on).

So, what exactly is disenfranchising about requiring the voter to show the same ID that he or she showed when registering to vote?

and the cite you posted about people who don't have IDs is total bullshit.

Yes, exactly. You should be able to show a utility bill as your form of ID. The most restrictive states don't allow you to use your utility bill, but require state issued ID that shows your current name and address. Anywhere from 1-15% of citizens don't have current photo ID. You ARE disenfranchising more voters than you are stopping fraud...and that's not okay.

When it's the other way around, I'm 100% on board.

And you saying something is bullshit does not make it so.

All I am saying is you should have to show the same proof of ID when you vote as when you registered. Its up to each state to determine what that is.

I am still waiting for an explanation of who in the USA legally today does not have some form of valid ID.

Its on you to answer or admit that you have been lying.
Because you are deaf and stupid and too distracted by being Putin’s Butt Puppet to hear me otherwise.

Happens in every Dem Tard Shit Hole City in The US.

These are just the fraudulent votes found in just one small DemNazi town.

Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges

A Michigan official who earlier this year received an award from the state’s Democratic Party is now facing six felony charges for allegedly forging records and falsely marking absentee ballots as invalid during the 2018 election.

Sherikia Hawkins, 38, city clerk for the city of Southfield, was arrested Monday after the Oakland County Clerk’s office noticed discrepancies in voter counts while certifying absentee ballots from Southfield. State police investigated and found that records had been altered so that nearly 200 voter files were improperly listed as invalid.
Why are you always screaming? They would ban me for that.
OK, winger, tell us why you object to proving who you are before voting.

you have to prove ID to buy booze, board a plane, get welfare, get food stamps, rent an apartment, buy a house, get a drivers licence, buy a car, get a passport, claim asylum, pick up a prescription, et. al. Who in the USA today does not have some form of valid ID?

what is different about voting? We all know the answer, will you admit it? Because voter ID prevents most voter fraud and dems know that without fraud they can never win. Will you be honest for just once and admit that?
No, he won't. He has no problem with cheating as long as it promotes the Democrat party.
Show me the stastistics that show the amount of voter fraught that a photo IS will stop.

If its only one vote per precinct its too many. But not one of you lefties can tell us why you object to proving who you are before casting your vote. You had to prove who you are to get on the voter roles, so why not when you vote?

Why is one percent of cases being fraud one too many but three or four times that number being disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws is just fine?

And FYI, the incidents of fraud are LESS THAN one percent.

The "documented" cases of voter fraud are a small number, no one knows what the real number is and that is exactly where the problem lies.

I have yet to hear who these disenfranchised americans are that don't have any form of ID. Can you tell me? They obviously are not on welfare, medicare, food stamps, social security, never buy booze, never travel, never drive-----------who are they?, tell me.
I get it. We don't know so you are right. We donlt know so lets discourage millions from voting. This is100% bullshit.

Now you are too uninformed to know that 10-12% of eligible voters did not have an acceptible photo ID.

These would be people that do not drive. City people, elderly people, poor people, etc.

I understand your need to cheat to win elections. Just man up & admit it.

And furthermore, you can get welfare,food stamps,medicare, SS, fly without a photo ID. I haven't been carded in years.
You are passing laws that says voter fraud is a serious threat
Burden of proof is on you

Do you agree that the OP provides no evidence of voter fraud?

one fraudulent vote is one too many. Why do you object to proving who you are before voting? Who in the USA today is registered to vote but does not have any form of ID? then tell us how they managed to get registered without any ID.

We don't object to it. What we object to is the restrictive and narrow definition of what is an acceptable form of ID.

If your law is disenfranchising more voters than there is fraud you are preventing then it is not acceptable. The type of fraud prevented by restrictive IDs is less than one percent. LESS THAN. The number of Americans that don't have the types of ID required by many of the states disenfranches far, far more than that.

How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

. You have to prove identity and place or residence to register to vote. In some states that requires a government issued picture ID (like you have to show to collect welfare, get food stamps, or check into an ER). In some states a utility bill showing your name and address is all you need (note, you had to show some form of ID to get the utilities turned on).

So, what exactly is disenfranchising about requiring the voter to show the same ID that he or she showed when registering to vote?

and the cite you posted about people who don't have IDs is total bullshit.

Yes, exactly. You should be able to show a utility bill as your form of ID. The most restrictive states don't allow you to use your utility bill, but require state issued ID that shows your current name and address. Anywhere from 1-15% of citizens don't have current photo ID. You ARE disenfranchising more voters than you are stopping fraud...and that's not okay.

When it's the other way around, I'm 100% on board.

And you saying something is bullshit does not make it so.

All I am saying is you should have to show the same proof of ID when you vote as when you registered. Its up to each state to determine what that is.

I am still waiting for an explanation of who in the USA legally today does not have some form of valid ID.

Its on you to answer or admit that you have been lying.
I have no problem with ID. Quit pretending you aren't demanding a photo ID.
Show me the stastistics that show the amount of voter fraught that a photo IS will stop.

If its only one vote per precinct its too many. But not one of you lefties can tell us why you object to proving who you are before casting your vote. You had to prove who you are to get on the voter roles, so why not when you vote?

Why is one percent of cases being fraud one too many but three or four times that number being disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws is just fine?

And FYI, the incidents of fraud are LESS THAN one percent.
ID laws are not restrictive lol
Unless of course you are an illegal who can't get an ID

My grandmother was blind from birth and had massive medical problems and she still had an ID

I didn't say all ID laws were restrictive. I said some states are more restrictive in the IDs they will accept.

"Illegals" aren't voting.

How do you know that Manual Garcia illegally here from Honduras did not vote in the name of Joe Smith who is dead but still on the voter rolls? You said "illegals are not voting" Prove it.

We could always check the file of Joe Smith and see if he voted

Be he didn’t
No, he won't. He has no problem with cheating as long as it promotes the Democrat party.
Show me the stastistics that show the amount of voter fraught that a photo IS will stop.

If its only one vote per precinct its too many. But not one of you lefties can tell us why you object to proving who you are before casting your vote. You had to prove who you are to get on the voter roles, so why not when you vote?

Why is one percent of cases being fraud one too many but three or four times that number being disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws is just fine?

And FYI, the incidents of fraud are LESS THAN one percent.

The "documented" cases of voter fraud are a small number, no one knows what the real number is and that is exactly where the problem lies.

I have yet to hear who these disenfranchised americans are that don't have any form of ID. Can you tell me? They obviously are not on welfare, medicare, food stamps, social security, never buy booze, never travel, never drive-----------who are they?, tell me.
I get it. We don't know so you are right. We donlt know so lets discourage millions from voting. This is100% bullshit.

Now you are too uninformed to know that 10-12% of eligible voters did not have an acceptible photo ID.

These would be people that do not drive. City people, elderly people, poor people, etc.

I understand your need to cheat to win elections. Just man up & admit it.

And furthermore, you can get welfare,food stamps,medicare, SS, fly without a photo ID. I haven't been carded in years.
Many people do not have an ID that would be acceptable to Republicans
That is what they are counting on

Make it tougher and tougher to vote
Show me the stastistics that show the amount of voter fraught that a photo IS will stop.

If its only one vote per precinct its too many. But not one of you lefties can tell us why you object to proving who you are before casting your vote. You had to prove who you are to get on the voter roles, so why not when you vote?

Why is one percent of cases being fraud one too many but three or four times that number being disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws is just fine?

And FYI, the incidents of fraud are LESS THAN one percent.
ID laws are not restrictive lol
Unless of course you are an illegal who can't get an ID

My grandmother was blind from birth and had massive medical problems and she still had an ID

I didn't say all ID laws were restrictive. I said some states are more restrictive in the IDs they will accept.

"Illegals" aren't voting.

How do you know that Manual Garcia illegally here from Honduras did not vote in the name of Joe Smith who is dead but still on the voter rolls? You said "illegals are not voting" Prove it.

Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.
one fraudulent vote is one too many. Why do you object to proving who you are before voting? Who in the USA today is registered to vote but does not have any form of ID? then tell us how they managed to get registered without any ID.

We don't object to it. What we object to is the restrictive and narrow definition of what is an acceptable form of ID.

If your law is disenfranchising more voters than there is fraud you are preventing then it is not acceptable. The type of fraud prevented by restrictive IDs is less than one percent. LESS THAN. The number of Americans that don't have the types of ID required by many of the states disenfranches far, far more than that.

How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

. You have to prove identity and place or residence to register to vote. In some states that requires a government issued picture ID (like you have to show to collect welfare, get food stamps, or check into an ER). In some states a utility bill showing your name and address is all you need (note, you had to show some form of ID to get the utilities turned on).

So, what exactly is disenfranchising about requiring the voter to show the same ID that he or she showed when registering to vote?

and the cite you posted about people who don't have IDs is total bullshit.

Yes, exactly. You should be able to show a utility bill as your form of ID. The most restrictive states don't allow you to use your utility bill, but require state issued ID that shows your current name and address. Anywhere from 1-15% of citizens don't have current photo ID. You ARE disenfranchising more voters than you are stopping fraud...and that's not okay.

When it's the other way around, I'm 100% on board.

And you saying something is bullshit does not make it so.

All I am saying is you should have to show the same proof of ID when you vote as when you registered. Its up to each state to determine what that is.

I am still waiting for an explanation of who in the USA legally today does not have some form of valid ID.

Its on you to answer or admit that you have been lying.
I have no problem with ID. Quit pretending you aren't demanding a photo ID.
Exactly. It is not the I'D itself, it's the narrow and restrictive nature of the required ID.
We don't object to it. What we object to is the restrictive and narrow definition of what is an acceptable form of ID.

If your law is disenfranchising more voters than there is fraud you are preventing then it is not acceptable. The type of fraud prevented by restrictive IDs is less than one percent. LESS THAN. The number of Americans that don't have the types of ID required by many of the states disenfranches far, far more than that.

How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

. You have to prove identity and place or residence to register to vote. In some states that requires a government issued picture ID (like you have to show to collect welfare, get food stamps, or check into an ER). In some states a utility bill showing your name and address is all you need (note, you had to show some form of ID to get the utilities turned on).

So, what exactly is disenfranchising about requiring the voter to show the same ID that he or she showed when registering to vote?

and the cite you posted about people who don't have IDs is total bullshit.

Yes, exactly. You should be able to show a utility bill as your form of ID. The most restrictive states don't allow you to use your utility bill, but require state issued ID that shows your current name and address. Anywhere from 1-15% of citizens don't have current photo ID. You ARE disenfranchising more voters than you are stopping fraud...and that's not okay.

When it's the other way around, I'm 100% on board.

And you saying something is bullshit does not make it so.

All I am saying is you should have to show the same proof of ID when you vote as when you registered. Its up to each state to determine what that is.

I am still waiting for an explanation of who in the USA legally today does not have some form of valid ID.

Its on you to answer or admit that you have been lying.
I have no problem with ID. Quit pretending you aren't demanding a photo ID.
Exactly. It is not the I'D itself, it's the narrow and restrictive nature of the required ID.
Gives Republicans a chance to attack who can get an ID. Anyone with any anomaly in their past will be restricted from voting
. You have to prove identity and place or residence to register to vote. In some states that requires a government issued picture ID (like you have to show to collect welfare, get food stamps, or check into an ER). In some states a utility bill showing your name and address is all you need (note, you had to show some form of ID to get the utilities turned on).

So, what exactly is disenfranchising about requiring the voter to show the same ID that he or she showed when registering to vote?

and the cite you posted about people who don't have IDs is total bullshit.

Yes, exactly. You should be able to show a utility bill as your form of ID. The most restrictive states don't allow you to use your utility bill, but require state issued ID that shows your current name and address. Anywhere from 1-15% of citizens don't have current photo ID. You ARE disenfranchising more voters than you are stopping fraud...and that's not okay.

When it's the other way around, I'm 100% on board.

And you saying something is bullshit does not make it so.

All I am saying is you should have to show the same proof of ID when you vote as when you registered. Its up to each state to determine what that is.

I am still waiting for an explanation of who in the USA legally today does not have some form of valid ID.

Its on you to answer or admit that you have been lying.
I have no problem with ID. Quit pretending you aren't demanding a photo ID.
Exactly. It is not the I'D itself, it's the narrow and restrictive nature of the required ID.
Gives Republicans a chance to attack who can get an ID. Anyone with any anomaly in their past will be restricted from voting

more lies, no one wants to restrict any legal citizen from getting an ID. I am still waiting for you to tell me which legal citizens of the USA do not have an ID today. Either answer that question or leave this thread, same applies to seatwitch and eddie boy.

The boogy man isn't real, winger.
We don't object to it. What we object to is the restrictive and narrow definition of what is an acceptable form of ID.

If your law is disenfranchising more voters than there is fraud you are preventing then it is not acceptable. The type of fraud prevented by restrictive IDs is less than one percent. LESS THAN. The number of Americans that don't have the types of ID required by many of the states disenfranches far, far more than that.

How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

. You have to prove identity and place or residence to register to vote. In some states that requires a government issued picture ID (like you have to show to collect welfare, get food stamps, or check into an ER). In some states a utility bill showing your name and address is all you need (note, you had to show some form of ID to get the utilities turned on).

So, what exactly is disenfranchising about requiring the voter to show the same ID that he or she showed when registering to vote?

and the cite you posted about people who don't have IDs is total bullshit.

Yes, exactly. You should be able to show a utility bill as your form of ID. The most restrictive states don't allow you to use your utility bill, but require state issued ID that shows your current name and address. Anywhere from 1-15% of citizens don't have current photo ID. You ARE disenfranchising more voters than you are stopping fraud...and that's not okay.

When it's the other way around, I'm 100% on board.

And you saying something is bullshit does not make it so.

All I am saying is you should have to show the same proof of ID when you vote as when you registered. Its up to each state to determine what that is.

I am still waiting for an explanation of who in the USA legally today does not have some form of valid ID.

Its on you to answer or admit that you have been lying.
I have no problem with ID. Quit pretending you aren't demanding a photo ID.
Exactly. It is not the I'D itself, it's the narrow and restrictive nature of the required ID.

what is narrow and restrictive about a government issued ID? And no one has ever said that a picture ID would be the only one acceptable for voting.

you libs are trying to transfer your motives to us. Its you who want to limit who can vote.
If its only one vote per precinct its too many. But not one of you lefties can tell us why you object to proving who you are before casting your vote. You had to prove who you are to get on the voter roles, so why not when you vote?

Why is one percent of cases being fraud one too many but three or four times that number being disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws is just fine?

And FYI, the incidents of fraud are LESS THAN one percent.
ID laws are not restrictive lol
Unless of course you are an illegal who can't get an ID

My grandmother was blind from birth and had massive medical problems and she still had an ID

I didn't say all ID laws were restrictive. I said some states are more restrictive in the IDs they will accept.

"Illegals" aren't voting.

How do you know that Manual Garcia illegally here from Honduras did not vote in the name of Joe Smith who is dead but still on the voter rolls? You said "illegals are not voting" Prove it.

Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
Why is one percent of cases being fraud one too many but three or four times that number being disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws is just fine?

And FYI, the incidents of fraud are LESS THAN one percent.
ID laws are not restrictive lol
Unless of course you are an illegal who can't get an ID

My grandmother was blind from birth and had massive medical problems and she still had an ID

I didn't say all ID laws were restrictive. I said some states are more restrictive in the IDs they will accept.

"Illegals" aren't voting.

How do you know that Manual Garcia illegally here from Honduras did not vote in the name of Joe Smith who is dead but still on the voter rolls? You said "illegals are not voting" Prove it.

Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
A guy that died 20 years ago is not going to be on the active voter roster. Volunteer to be a pollworker....better yet, get a job during the election at the main election office.
Yes, exactly. You should be able to show a utility bill as your form of ID. The most restrictive states don't allow you to use your utility bill, but require state issued ID that shows your current name and address. Anywhere from 1-15% of citizens don't have current photo ID. You ARE disenfranchising more voters than you are stopping fraud...and that's not okay.

When it's the other way around, I'm 100% on board.

And you saying something is bullshit does not make it so.

All I am saying is you should have to show the same proof of ID when you vote as when you registered. Its up to each state to determine what that is.

I am still waiting for an explanation of who in the USA legally today does not have some form of valid ID.

Its on you to answer or admit that you have been lying.
I have no problem with ID. Quit pretending you aren't demanding a photo ID.
Exactly. It is not the I'D itself, it's the narrow and restrictive nature of the required ID.
Gives Republicans a chance to attack who can get an ID. Anyone with any anomaly in their past will be restricted from voting

more lies, no one wants to restrict any legal citizen from getting an ID. I am still waiting for you to tell me which legal citizens of the USA do not have an ID today. Either answer that question or leave this thread, same applies to seatwitch and eddie boy.

The boogy man isn't real, winger.
Of course they do. Republicans are trying to deny the vote to people that have been voting legally their whole lives

People without a proper birth certificate, people with errors on their birth certificate, people with undocumented name changes or multiple name changes, people with PO Boxes
All I am saying is you should have to show the same proof of ID when you vote as when you registered. Its up to each state to determine what that is.

I am still waiting for an explanation of who in the USA legally today does not have some form of valid ID.

Its on you to answer or admit that you have been lying.
I have no problem with ID. Quit pretending you aren't demanding a photo ID.
Exactly. It is not the I'D itself, it's the narrow and restrictive nature of the required ID.
Gives Republicans a chance to attack who can get an ID. Anyone with any anomaly in their past will be restricted from voting

more lies, no one wants to restrict any legal citizen from getting an ID. I am still waiting for you to tell me which legal citizens of the USA do not have an ID today. Either answer that question or leave this thread, same applies to seatwitch and eddie boy.

The boogy man isn't real, winger.
Of course they do. Republicans are trying to deny the vote to people that have been voting legally their whole lives

People without a proper birth certificate, people with errors on their birth certificate, people with undocumented name changes or multiple name changes, people with PO Boxes

So, none of those "disenfranchised" voters collect welfare, food stamps, social security? None of them drives? None buys booze of any kind? None ever boards a plane or train? None ever buys a controlled prescription?

You are making it all up, winger. there is no one in the USA today legally who does not have some form of ID.
ID laws are not restrictive lol
Unless of course you are an illegal who can't get an ID

My grandmother was blind from birth and had massive medical problems and she still had an ID

I didn't say all ID laws were restrictive. I said some states are more restrictive in the IDs they will accept.

"Illegals" aren't voting.

How do you know that Manual Garcia illegally here from Honduras did not vote in the name of Joe Smith who is dead but still on the voter rolls? You said "illegals are not voting" Prove it.

Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
A guy that died 20 years ago is not going to be on the active voter roster. Volunteer to be a pollworker....better yet, get a job during the election at the main election office.

Ok, so lets assume Joe died last year, same scenario. My poll workers to not know everyone on the rolls by sight, do yours?
Why is one percent of cases being fraud one too many but three or four times that number being disenfranchised by restrictive voter ID laws is just fine?

And FYI, the incidents of fraud are LESS THAN one percent.
ID laws are not restrictive lol
Unless of course you are an illegal who can't get an ID

My grandmother was blind from birth and had massive medical problems and she still had an ID

I didn't say all ID laws were restrictive. I said some states are more restrictive in the IDs they will accept.

"Illegals" aren't voting.

How do you know that Manual Garcia illegally here from Honduras did not vote in the name of Joe Smith who is dead but still on the voter rolls? You said "illegals are not voting" Prove it.

Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.
I didn't say all ID laws were restrictive. I said some states are more restrictive in the IDs they will accept.

"Illegals" aren't voting.

How do you know that Manual Garcia illegally here from Honduras did not vote in the name of Joe Smith who is dead but still on the voter rolls? You said "illegals are not voting" Prove it.

Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
A guy that died 20 years ago is not going to be on the active voter roster. Volunteer to be a pollworker....better yet, get a job during the election at the main election office.

Ok, so lets assume Joe died last year, same scenario. My poll workers to not know everyone on the rolls by sight, do yours?
So who is going in to vote as Joe? Where are the statistics?

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