Democrats INSIST there is no voter fraud - again they lie

You think the Personal Identification authentication via signature “has worked for hundreds of years?” You sure about that? If this process has and continues to “work” - defined as best way for someone to authenticate themselves- how come an ID card is required to enter a government building, get a job, be a passenger on Federally-regulated transportation, buy prescriptions, or enter the Democratic National Convention? All of these entities and the people behind the policy disagree with you. Signatures are not the best way to authenticate someone.

When you say that this is a process that “works” you are referring to the exploitable gaps and vulnerabilities that perpetuate and facilitate the risks of voter fraud. You don’t want to acknowledge those risks or the fact that there are motivated entities who want and need to commit voter fraud. Compromising vendor one vote is an affront to the American People.

When Republicans can show 99 percent of voters have acceptable ID then they can require it

Right now it is around 90

Why would you be in favor of it any level if the current system works? If your numbers are correct, nearly 10 percent of the people have no access to some of the essentials we all depend on today. Why aren’t Democrats looking to close that gap and get IDs in these people’s hands?

I’m cool with a national ID provided free to everyone
Link it to biometrics and DNA and use it for a drivers license, health insurance card, credit card, even to vote
as a communist of course youre in favor of that, but here in america we like our freedoms

why not just use the state ID already in play and not cost the government anymore money and us anymore of our freedoms''

Why have an ID that is only recognized in one state?
Why have an ID that only relates to driving?

Why would you be in favor of it any level if the current system works? If your numbers are correct, nearly 10 percent of the people have no access to some of the essentials we all depend on today. Why aren’t Democrats looking to close that gap and get IDs in these people’s hands?

I’m cool with a national ID provided free to everyone
Link it to biometrics and DNA and use it for a drivers license, health insurance card, credit card, even to vote
as a communist of course youre in favor of that, but here in america we like our freedoms

why not just use the state ID already in play and not cost the government anymore money and us anymore of our freedoms''

Why have an ID that is only recognized in one state?
Why have an ID that only relates to driving?
key word being STATES

I wonder if youve ever been right on anything

your DL/ ID is accepted in all states
not to mention you can only vote in the state you live in , so you argument is just stupid
and all states have a state ID that has nothing to do with driving,,,

If you get pulled over in another state, they can’t verify your record or vehicle registration or outside warrants

Why not have a single ID that can be verified in all states?

What possible advantage is there to having 51 different driving licenses?

Passport - multipurpose
The Brennan Center looked at millions of votes in every state and determined voter fraud was non existent.
The Brennan Center looked at millions of votes in every state and determined voter fraud was non existent.

Who/what is the Brennan Center? How did they determine there was no voter fraud? Just cause they say it is?
The Brennan Center looked at millions of votes in every state and determined voter fraud was non existent.

Who/what is the Brennan Center? How did they determine there was no voter fraud? Just cause they say it is?
Read the quote again. And why do you say there is voter fraud? Because some uneducated right wing radio loudmouth says so?
Still looking for evidence of rampant voter fraud

There is no serious cases of voter fraud that can be stopped with ID
just because you arent aware of it doesnt mean it isnt happening,,

and as we've seen you arent very bright,,,
If it was would be providing evidence

Your supporting evidence is underwhelming
So we've had overt election meddling from one end of this rock to the other now for generations , but you lot can't seem to grasp the system WE have might also be infiltrated by the very same ilk?


The illusion of choice could not possibly be more 'eyes wide shut' here....

Once again there is PROOF that Democrats commit election fraud. Not only do they do it, they do it often and without any remorse. They feel it is their "Right" to win by ANY means necessary.
Until the Right fully accepts that this is the domestic enemy we face, they will continue to gain ground.

Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges
Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges

In Democrat states, I predict the Democrats (having no chance to win fairly) will resort to a level of election fraud never before seen in America. In places such as California, Washington and NewYork, and wherever they have their people in control they will brazenly manipulate the election to their favor.

If they couldn't impeach, take down by gun, or otherwise destroy Trump, they will use this as their last resort.

Should their corruption win the election, what comes next will be shocking.
Their goal is the dismantling of America as we knew it, installing Socialism and Globalism.

Lying fuck. No one said there wass no voter fraud. Hell, just look at the Republicans in NC.

What is said is this: There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

You asssfucks really need to quit lying & quit welcoming help from the Russians.
Once again there is PROOF that Democrats commit election fraud. Not only do they do it, they do it often and without any remorse. They feel it is their "Right" to win by ANY means necessary.
Until the Right fully accepts that this is the domestic enemy we face, they will continue to gain ground.

Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges
Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges

In Democrat states, I predict the Democrats (having no chance to win fairly) will resort to a level of election fraud never before seen in America. In places such as California, Washington and NewYork, and wherever they have their people in control they will brazenly manipulate the election to their favor.

If they couldn't impeach, take down by gun, or otherwise destroy Trump, they will use this as their last resort.

Should their corruption win the election, what comes next will be shocking.
Their goal is the dismantling of America as we knew it, installing Socialism and Globalism.

Lying fuck. No one said there wass no voter fraud. Hell, just look at the Republicans in NC.

What is said is this: There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

You asssfucks really need to quit lying & quit welcoming help from the Russians.
Voter fraud with people voting under the names of others or voting twice is too hard to execute and is usually an accident on the part of the voter or the election official. Not much benefit

The real impact on the election comes from stuffing ballot boxes, altering results, hiding mail in votes....

Acts that voter ID will not stop
based on this story they arent trying very hard to prevent it,,,

and the resistance to ID laws by dems proves there is something they wish to protect
So you actually read the story and agree it says NOTHING about voter fraud

Yes, there is something Democrats wish to protect. The right of people to vote without arbitrary restrictions based on no credible evidence

proving who you are is not a restriction,,,
People prove who they are by providing a signature under threat of prosecution. A process that has worked for hundreds of years

It is harder to fake a signature on the spot than it is to present a fake ID

A signature is virtually unenforceable as every signature would have to be validated against a known signature at the time the person was voting. That doesn't happen, which is exactly what the Democrats want. Providing proof at the time would undermind their ultimate goal, which is to obtain illegal votes. This all goes back to why they promote sanctuary cities and do not want to secure our border. It is obvious to anyone who isn't blinded.
When I vote in NJ the signature is right on the registration form. You have to sign on the spot

Easier to get a phony ID

Getting a drivers license requires some documentation, at least in my state. Thats why it is always such a pain to get a new one if you lose yours. Just scribling a sig. just before you vote, that cannot be validated at that time, is ridiculously insecure.

Admit i, the reason Democrats don't want voter id is because IF illegals do decide to vote, they will be able to. Everyone knows this, even you, You just can't bring yourself to admit it.
based on this story they arent trying very hard to prevent it,,,

and the resistance to ID laws by dems proves there is something they wish to protect
So you actually read the story and agree it says NOTHING about voter fraud

Yes, there is something Democrats wish to protect. The right of people to vote without arbitrary restrictions based on no credible evidence

proving who you are is not a restriction,,,
People prove who they are by providing a signature under threat of prosecution. A process that has worked for hundreds of years

It is harder to fake a signature on the spot than it is to present a fake ID

You think the Personal Identification authentication via signature “has worked for hundreds of years?” You sure about that? If this process has and continues to “work” - defined as best way for someone to authenticate themselves- how come an ID card is required to enter a government building, get a job, be a passenger on Federally-regulated transportation, buy prescriptions, or enter the Democratic National Convention? All of these entities and the people behind the policy disagree with you. Signatures are not the best way to authenticate someone.

When you say that this is a process that “works” you are referring to the exploitable gaps and vulnerabilities that perpetuate and facilitate the risks of voter fraud. You don’t want to acknowledge those risks or the fact that there are motivated entities who want and need to commit voter fraud. Compromising vendor one vote is an affront to the American People.

When Republicans can show 99 percent of voters have acceptable ID then they can require it

Right now it is around 90

And the left is very much aware that the remaining 10% would very likely vote Democrat. Why is that? For starters, the least responsible folks in our country vote overwhelmingly for Democrats and those are the people most likely not to have some forrm of ID. Secondly, the added advantage is that without voter id, illegals would at least have the opportunity to circumvent the system. Democrats love the potential of that too.
So you actually read the story and agree it says NOTHING about voter fraud

Yes, there is something Democrats wish to protect. The right of people to vote without arbitrary restrictions based on no credible evidence

proving who you are is not a restriction,,,
People prove who they are by providing a signature under threat of prosecution. A process that has worked for hundreds of years

It is harder to fake a signature on the spot than it is to present a fake ID

A signature is virtually unenforceable as every signature would have to be validated against a known signature at the time the person was voting. That doesn't happen, which is exactly what the Democrats want. Providing proof at the time would undermind their ultimate goal, which is to obtain illegal votes. This all goes back to why they promote sanctuary cities and do not want to secure our border. It is obvious to anyone who isn't blinded.
When I vote in NJ the signature is right on the registration form. You have to sign on the spot

Easier to get a phony ID

Getting a drivers license requires some documentation, at least in my state. Thats why it is always such a pain to get a new one if you lose yours. Just scribling a sig. just before you vote, that cannot be validated at that time, is ridiculously insecure.

Admit i, the reason Democrats don't want voter id is because IF illegals do decide to vote, they will be able to. Everyone knows this, even you, You just can't bring yourself to admit it.

An illegal would need to register to vote & at the very least show ID the first time they vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government go into a government location where they would need to show an ID.

You assdfucks really need to quit lying about this.

Furthermore, asshole, 10-12% of eligiible voters do not have photo IDs
proving who you are is not a restriction,,,
People prove who they are by providing a signature under threat of prosecution. A process that has worked for hundreds of years

It is harder to fake a signature on the spot than it is to present a fake ID

A signature is virtually unenforceable as every signature would have to be validated against a known signature at the time the person was voting. That doesn't happen, which is exactly what the Democrats want. Providing proof at the time would undermind their ultimate goal, which is to obtain illegal votes. This all goes back to why they promote sanctuary cities and do not want to secure our border. It is obvious to anyone who isn't blinded.
When I vote in NJ the signature is right on the registration form. You have to sign on the spot

Easier to get a phony ID

Getting a drivers license requires some documentation, at least in my state. Thats why it is always such a pain to get a new one if you lose yours. Just scribling a sig. just before you vote, that cannot be validated at that time, is ridiculously insecure.

Admit i, the reason Democrats don't want voter id is because IF illegals do decide to vote, they will be able to. Everyone knows this, even you, You just can't bring yourself to admit it.

An illegal would need to register to vote & at the very least show ID the first time they vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government go into a government location where they would need to show an ID.

You assdfucks really need to quit lying about this.

Furthermore, asshole, 10-12% of eligiible voters do not have photo IDs

Illegals can get a drivers license in CA. That is all you need to know about how much they really care if illegals are in this country and participate. If presenting an ID is not required, how hard is it for an illegal to walk in and simply use a name that is on the list? They sign and vote. It isn't rocket science, they aren't in any danger of getting deported or even caught because no checks are being made and clearly CA wouldn't give a crap if they were illegal anyway.
Once again there is PROOF that Democrats commit election fraud. Not only do they do it, they do it often and without any remorse. They feel it is their "Right" to win by ANY means necessary.
Until the Right fully accepts that this is the domestic enemy we face, they will continue to gain ground.

Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges
Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges

In Democrat states, I predict the Democrats (having no chance to win fairly) will resort to a level of election fraud never before seen in America. In places such as California, Washington and NewYork, and wherever they have their people in control they will brazenly manipulate the election to their favor.

If they couldn't impeach, take down by gun, or otherwise destroy Trump, they will use this as their last resort.

Should their corruption win the election, what comes next will be shocking.
Their goal is the dismantling of America as we knew it, installing Socialism and Globalism.

Once again showing conservatives are unable to present actual VOTER FRAUD. People voting multiple times, voting under other people’s names

You know, things a voter ID might prevent

Instead you offer ELECTION FRAUD by officials doctoring results. An act that Democrats fight to prevent

OK, winger, tell us why you object to proving who you are before voting.

you have to prove ID to buy booze, board a plane, get welfare, get food stamps, rent an apartment, buy a house, get a drivers licence, buy a car, get a passport, claim asylum, pick up a prescription, et. al. Who in the USA today does not have some form of valid ID?

what is different about voting? We all know the answer, will you admit it? Because voter ID prevents most voter fraud and dems know that without fraud they can never win. Will you be honest for just once and admit that?
No, he won't. He has no problem with cheating as long as it promotes the Democrat party.
People prove who they are by providing a signature under threat of prosecution. A process that has worked for hundreds of years

It is harder to fake a signature on the spot than it is to present a fake ID

A signature is virtually unenforceable as every signature would have to be validated against a known signature at the time the person was voting. That doesn't happen, which is exactly what the Democrats want. Providing proof at the time would undermind their ultimate goal, which is to obtain illegal votes. This all goes back to why they promote sanctuary cities and do not want to secure our border. It is obvious to anyone who isn't blinded.
When I vote in NJ the signature is right on the registration form. You have to sign on the spot

Easier to get a phony ID

Getting a drivers license requires some documentation, at least in my state. Thats why it is always such a pain to get a new one if you lose yours. Just scribling a sig. just before you vote, that cannot be validated at that time, is ridiculously insecure.

Admit i, the reason Democrats don't want voter id is because IF illegals do decide to vote, they will be able to. Everyone knows this, even you, You just can't bring yourself to admit it.

An illegal would need to register to vote & at the very least show ID the first time they vote.

Why would a person hiding from the government go into a government location where they would need to show an ID.

You assdfucks really need to quit lying about this.

Furthermore, asshole, 10-12% of eligiible voters do not have photo IDs

Illegals can get a drivers license in CA. That is all you need to know about how much they really care if illegals are in this country and participate. If presenting an ID is not required, how hard is it for an illegal to walk in and simply use a name that is on the list? They sign and vote. It isn't rocket science, they aren't in any danger of getting deported or even caught because no checks are being made and clearly CA wouldn't give a crap if they were illegal anyway.

So, you think illegals get the exact same drivers license.

As for just picking a name:
1) They have to know they person had not already voted.
2) The signature must match
3) The person does not stop in after to vote

Why would an illegal risk being caught as an illegal to do all of that?

Again, you arte being an ass.
So you actually read the story and agree it says NOTHING about voter fraud

Yes, there is something Democrats wish to protect. The right of people to vote without arbitrary restrictions based on no credible evidence

proving who you are is not a restriction,,,
People prove who they are by providing a signature under threat of prosecution. A process that has worked for hundreds of years

It is harder to fake a signature on the spot than it is to present a fake ID

You think the Personal Identification authentication via signature “has worked for hundreds of years?” You sure about that? If this process has and continues to “work” - defined as best way for someone to authenticate themselves- how come an ID card is required to enter a government building, get a job, be a passenger on Federally-regulated transportation, buy prescriptions, or enter the Democratic National Convention? All of these entities and the people behind the policy disagree with you. Signatures are not the best way to authenticate someone.

When you say that this is a process that “works” you are referring to the exploitable gaps and vulnerabilities that perpetuate and facilitate the risks of voter fraud. You don’t want to acknowledge those risks or the fact that there are motivated entities who want and need to commit voter fraud. Compromising vendor one vote is an affront to the American People.

When Republicans can show 99 percent of voters have acceptable ID then they can require it

Right now it is around 90

And the left is very much aware that the remaining 10% would very likely vote Democrat. Why is that? For starters, the least responsible folks in our country vote overwhelmingly for Democrats and those are the people most likely not to have some forrm of ID. Secondly, the added advantage is that without voter id, illegals would at least have the opportunity to circumvent the system. Democrats love the potential of that too.

Yes, those voters without a photo ID are disproportionately Democrat. That is why you assfucks want the photo ID. Thanks for proving my point
OMG OMG OMG OMG the PhotonID is the only real ID.

One thing to can get without a photo ID? A photo ID.
Once again there is PROOF that Democrats commit election fraud. Not only do they do it, they do it often and without any remorse. They feel it is their "Right" to win by ANY means necessary.
Until the Right fully accepts that this is the domestic enemy we face, they will continue to gain ground.

Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges
Michigan official once honored by Dems now facing election fraud charges

In Democrat states, I predict the Democrats (having no chance to win fairly) will resort to a level of election fraud never before seen in America. In places such as California, Washington and NewYork, and wherever they have their people in control they will brazenly manipulate the election to their favor.

If they couldn't impeach, take down by gun, or otherwise destroy Trump, they will use this as their last resort.

Should their corruption win the election, what comes next will be shocking.
Their goal is the dismantling of America as we knew it, installing Socialism and Globalism.

Once again showing conservatives are unable to present actual VOTER FRAUD. People voting multiple times, voting under other people’s names

You know, things a voter ID might prevent

Instead you offer ELECTION FRAUD by officials doctoring results. An act that Democrats fight to prevent

OK, winger, tell us why you object to proving who you are before voting.

you have to prove ID to buy booze, board a plane, get welfare, get food stamps, rent an apartment, buy a house, get a drivers licence, buy a car, get a passport, claim asylum, pick up a prescription, et. al. Who in the USA today does not have some form of valid ID?

what is different about voting? We all know the answer, will you admit it? Because voter ID prevents most voter fraud and dems know that without fraud they can never win. Will you be honest for just once and admit that?
No, he won't. He has no problem with cheating as long as it promotes the Democrat party.
Show me the stastistics that show the amount of voter fraught that a photo IS will stop.

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