Democrats INSIST there is no voter fraud - again they lie

Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
A guy that died 20 years ago is not going to be on the active voter roster. Volunteer to be a pollworker....better yet, get a job during the election at the main election office.

Ok, so lets assume Joe died last year, same scenario. My poll workers to not know everyone on the rolls by sight, do yours?
So who is going in to vote as Joe? Where are the statistics?

thats exactly the problem, no one knows. What we do know is that California issues drivers licenses to illegals and you can use a drivers license to register and vote. Do you think thats OK?

Every single state issues drivers licenses to non citizens. All 50.
how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.

The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?
how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
A guy that died 20 years ago is not going to be on the active voter roster. Volunteer to be a pollworker....better yet, get a job during the election at the main election office.

Ok, so lets assume Joe died last year, same scenario. My poll workers to not know everyone on the rolls by sight, do yours?

You don’t think there’s a chance that Joes wife could be in there voting? Joes kids? Someone that knows Joe? Your “illegal” is taking an awfully big risk for what gain? He’s risking a potential jail sentence and huge fines for what?

do you think its ok for the wife of a dead person to vote in his name (and her name)? What's the risk to the illegal voter if no one is checking?

The wife votes in her own name. Now you’re just making shit up.

yes, she votes in her name, then her brother votes in her dead husband's name.
don't be so naive, witchey
how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
A guy that died 20 years ago is not going to be on the active voter roster. Volunteer to be a pollworker....better yet, get a job during the election at the main election office.

Ok, so lets assume Joe died last year, same scenario. My poll workers to not know everyone on the rolls by sight, do yours?
So who is going in to vote as Joe? Where are the statistics?

thats exactly the problem, no one knows. What we do know is that California issues drivers licenses to illegals and you can use a drivers license to register and vote. Do you think thats OK?

Every single state issues drivers licenses to non citizens. All 50.

I don't think that is true. Can you prove it?
How do you know that Manual Garcia illegally here from Honduras did not vote in the name of Joe Smith who is dead but still on the voter rolls? You said "illegals are not voting" Prove it.

Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.

Yeah, we actually have. You just dismiss it as “fake news”. It’s a very convenient dodge.

What We Know About Voter ID Laws

so you post a hit piece from a left wing site as proof???????

and you have not given us a list of people in the USA legally today that do not have some form of photo ID. You can't, that's why you keep posting BS from left wing propaganda sites.
how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.
Poor people, old people, people who live in urban areas, young people

They are issued social services cards to receive benefits. Cards Republicans won’t accept

Republicans know they can’t win elections without voter suppression

prove that republicans refuse to accept a photo social services card. You are lying about that, and just about everything else.

Why do dems want to do away with the electoral college???? so that LA county, NYC, Houston, and MIami/Dade can select the president and the rest of the country would have no say in it. Talk about suppressing the vote/////////////////////// Wake up.
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.
Poor people, old people, people who live in urban areas, young people

They are issued social services cards to receive benefits. Cards Republicans won’t accept

Republicans know they can’t win elections without voter suppression

prove that republicans refuse to accept a photo social services card. You are lying about that, and just about everything else.

Why do dems want to do away with the electoral college???? so that LA county, NYC, Houston, and MIami/Dade can select the president and the rest of the country would have no say in it. Talk about suppressing the vote/////////////////////// Wake up.
SS cards have photos?
Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.
Poor people, old people, people who live in urban areas, young people

They are issued social services cards to receive benefits. Cards Republicans won’t accept

Republicans know they can’t win elections without voter suppression

prove that republicans refuse to accept a photo social services card. You are lying about that, and just about everything else.

Why do dems want to do away with the electoral college???? so that LA county, NYC, Houston, and MIami/Dade can select the president and the rest of the country would have no say in it. Talk about suppressing the vote/////////////////////// Wake up.
SS cards have photos?

winger said social "services" cards, not social security cards. its his claim, not mine.
Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.

Yeah, we actually have. You just dismiss it as “fake news”. It’s a very convenient dodge.

What We Know About Voter ID Laws

so you post a hit piece from a left wing site as proof???????

and you have not given us a list of people in the USA legally today that do not have some form of photo ID. You can't, that's why you keep posting BS from left wing propaganda sites.

I have provided a list of people who may not have a acceptable photo ID.

So, if you don't drive, what photo ID would you have that Republicans would accept?

You, beng the assfuck you are, claimed California drivers licenses were the same for citizens as undocumented people. I proved you to be a ignorant jackass.
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.

The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?

You can get welfare without a photo ID
You can get food stamps without a photo ID
You can get a bank account without a photo ID
You can fly without a photo ID
You can get Medicare without one
I have not been carded for alcohol for years.

One thing you can also get without a photo ID? A photo ID.
how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.

Yeah, we actually have. You just dismiss it as “fake news”. It’s a very convenient dodge.

What We Know About Voter ID Laws

so you post a hit piece from a left wing site as proof???????

and you have not given us a list of people in the USA legally today that do not have some form of photo ID. You can't, that's why you keep posting BS from left wing propaganda sites.

I have provided a list of people who may not have a acceptable photo ID.

So, if you don't drive, what photo ID would you have that Republicans would accept?

You, beng the assfuck you are, claimed California drivers licenses were the same for citizens as undocumented people. I proved you to be a ignorant jackass.
If you were a wetback who Trump wanted to send back to your shithole, you would try to vote And, of course, they will.
There's no compassion surrounding our illegal alien invasion. It's all about the illegal votes and slave labor. The party that depends on illegal voters is the party that is against border security and voter ID but for sanctuary cities. The media helps them by publishing bogus polls that conclude that the majority of Americans are for open borders, legalization and citizenship, Medicare, welfare, housing, free education, drivers licenses, and SS for all illegal aliens. Hogwash. 90% of Americans want their tax money to take care of our own poor, unemployed and underemployed first. Of course the slave wages illegal aliens work for also depresses American wages and makes jobs more scarce. .
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.

The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?
You keep asking the same question and keep getting the same response. An estimated ten percent of the population does not have a current acceptable ID.

Oppose Voter ID Legislation - Fact Sheet

  • Millions of Americans Lack ID. 11% of U.S. citizens – or more than 21 million Americans – do not have government-issued photo identification.1
Last edited:
Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.

The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?

You can get welfare without a photo ID
You can get food stamps without a photo ID
You can get a bank account without a photo ID
You can fly without a photo ID
You can get Medicare without one
I have not been carded for alcohol for years.

One thing you can also get without a photo ID? A photo ID.

wrong on all counts, except about not being carded for alcohol. and yes, you can get a photo ID without a photo ID. That's the point, fool. anyone can get a photo ID and use it to vote.

this is a bullshit argument created by dem/libs to confuse the ignorant and young.
Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.

The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?
You keep asking the same question and keep getting the same response. An estimated ten percent of the population does not have a current acceptable ID.

10% ? so 33 million americans don't have any form of photo ID? is that your claim?

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.

The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?
You keep asking the same question and keep getting the same response. An estimated ten percent of the population does not have a current acceptable ID.

10% ? so 33 million americans don't have any form of photo ID? is that your claim?

21 million

We don’t expect minors to have acceptable ID
Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.
Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.

The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?
You keep asking the same question and keep getting the same response. An estimated ten percent of the population does not have a current acceptable ID.

Oppose Voter ID Legislation - Fact Sheet

  • Millions of Americans Lack ID. 11% of U.S. citizens – or more than 21 million Americans – do not have government-issued photo identification.1

LOL, ACLU, LOL yeah right, they don't have a political agenda??????????????? WTF, dude, are you really that dumb?
Because the guy standing behind him KNOWS Joe Smith. Because the 90 year old pollworker was Joe Smith's High School girlfriend. Because the non citizen here illegally is not going to risk that kind of exposure, fines and jail time for zero gain. In person voter fraud is more rare than winning the lottery, being struck by lightning or having your refrigerator fall on you.

how many illegal votes are acceptable. witchey? what if no one at the polling place knows Joe Smith because he died 20 years ago.

you keep saying some states are more restrictive on voter ID requirements, which ones?
When the number of fraudulent votes is less that the voters that are disenfranchised through laws like photo voter ID.

Not one of you libs has been able to tell us who these "no ID" disenfranchised voters are. Until you can answer that simple question, you will remain on the idiot list.

Yeah, we actually have. You just dismiss it as “fake news”. It’s a very convenient dodge.

What We Know About Voter ID Laws

so you post a hit piece from a left wing site as proof???????

and you have not given us a list of people in the USA legally today that do not have some form of photo ID. You can't, that's why you keep posting BS from left wing propaganda sites.
You have been provided plenty of proof. Your refusal to accept any of it is a reflection on you and no one else. It is a fact that you are disenfranchising more citizens than you are stopping fraud by having restrictive photo ID laws.
A hit piece from NPR, is that the best you can come up with? It says poor people and old people don't have IDs.. Are any of those old poor people on medicare, medicaid, food stamps, any form of welfare, rent subsidy programs, prescription drug payment programs? If they are on any of those they have an ID.

the problem is a made up one by the dems and libs because they want illegals to vote, people to vote multiple times, dead people to vote, and people to vote in more than one state or precinct. They know that they cannot win elections with their programs, so they have to cheat. Everyone with a lick of sense knows what is going on, its obvious.

The subject is photo ID.

Republicans want to suppress the vote through culling voter roles, demanding a photo ID, limiting polling stsations in Democrat areas, moving polling places away from poorer neighborhood. and gross gerrymandering.

And you just lie about Democrats & dead people?

I listed things that Republicans have actually done. You present myths.

OK, lets assume that photo ID is the only issue (its not but lets play your game). Who in the USA legally today does not have some form of photo ID? Everyone on welfare has one, everyone getting food stamps has one, everyone on medicare has one, everyone on medicaid has one, everyone that buys booze has one. So, for the last time, who in the USA legally today does not have a photo ID?

and on the subject of limiting access to polling places, did you forget the black panthers who stood in front of the polling place in military garb and threatened white voters?

Stop fooling yourself, its the dems that want to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, multiple votes, and dead people votes. They know that that is the only way that they can ever win. Why else would they push for open borders and allowing illegals to get dirvers licenses (photo ID) and vote?
You keep asking the same question and keep getting the same response. An estimated ten percent of the population does not have a current acceptable ID.

10% ? so 33 million americans don't have any form of photo ID? is that your claim?

21 million

We don’t expect minors to have acceptable ID

OK, 21 million. NO form of photo ID? none of them drives? none is one welfare? none on SS? none on medicaid? none have a bank account? Funny, how your 21 million is roughly equal to the number of illegals in the USA today.
A guy that died 20 years ago is not going to be on the active voter roster. Volunteer to be a pollworker....better yet, get a job during the election at the main election office.

Ok, so lets assume Joe died last year, same scenario. My poll workers to not know everyone on the rolls by sight, do yours?
So who is going in to vote as Joe? Where are the statistics?

thats exactly the problem, no one knows. What we do know is that California issues drivers licenses to illegals and you can use a drivers license to register and vote. Do you think thats OK?

Every single state issues drivers licenses to non citizens. All 50.

I don't think that is true. Can you prove it?
Non citizens come here legally and can drive cars. Of course as a RWer, non citizen automatically means "illegal", right?

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