Democrats Instigating Destruction

'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad.

I think ANY quote by Obama that fairly translates into incitement to violence is in order here.

Got one?

"'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad."

I truly appreciate your support of the fact that I ALWAYS use words with precision.

And you claimed that the president incited violence in the Gates affair. He did not. Nor has he in any other matter.
5. And then Obama sent his Attorney General to stoke up the fires.

"Holder Tells Law Enforcement to Behave

'Demonstrations like these have the potential to spark a sustained and positive national dialogue'
[Democrat doctrine: Riots are good!]

Ahead of the grand jury in Ferguson announcing whether it will indict a police officer for killing a man in Ferguson, Missouri, Attorney General Eric Holder has released a video announcement telling law enforcement to behave.

"Over the past few months, we’ve seen demonstrations and protests that have sought to bring attention to real and significant underlying issues involving police practices, implicit bias, and pervasive community distrust. And in most cases, these demonstrations have been both meaningful and responsible, and have brought vital issues to the attention of the public at large," the top [Democrat] cop says in a video.

"I know, from first-hand experience, that demonstrations like these have the potential to spark a sustained and positive national dialogue, to provide momentum to a necessary conversation, and to bring about critical reform." Holder Tells Law Enforcement to Behave The Weekly Standard

What is the clear message that Holder is giving the protesters about the police?

"Police Baaaaad! Riots good!"
'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad.

I think ANY quote by Obama that fairly translates into incitement to violence is in order here.

Got one?

"'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad."

I truly appreciate your support of the fact that I ALWAYS use words with precision.

And you claimed that the president incited violence in the Gates affair. He did not. Nor has he in any other matter.

Your lesson for today:The Thin Blue Line is a symbol used by law enforcement, originating in the United Kingdom but now prevalent in the United States and Canada to commemorate fallen officers and to symbolize the relationship of the police in the community as the protectors of the citizenry from the criminal element.

    1. The Thin Blue Line is a symbol used by law enforcement, originating in the United Kingdom but now prevalent in the United States and Canada to commemorate fallen officers and to symbolize the relationship of the police in the community as the protectors of the citizenry from the criminal element.
    2. The Thin Blue Line (emblem) - Wikipedia, the free ...

Clearly, this is not the lesson Obama intends.
The incompetent douche pretending to act like the Mayor of Baltimore is also the 3rd most powerful person in the DNC


Does the DNC regularly communicate with a sitting dimocrap president?


Current DNC leadership[edit]
I might agree with the OP's premise had not other races also took part in the rioting....

Folks of all races are susceptible to indoctrination and propaganda.... serve as a case in point.

'You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.'
Abraham Lincoln
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A black mayor. A black police chief. All but six on the city council are black. Majority black police chief. Majority black population. The problem really can't be white racism.

The mayor, was just selected for some Program OBama our dictator put in place in something like six different cities if I recall. NOW they go and have themselves A RIOT. this is all stinking to high heaven

The Left’s Burning Cities…

What Democrat gave rioters ‘space’ to destroy in Baltimore? The Mayor, who was also the Secretary of the DNC, and a member Obama’s Policing Task Force.

Via National Review:

all of it here:
The Left s Burning Cities Weasel Zippers
Baltimore has an ugly history of police brutality: Jarvis DeBerry

...In September 2014 The Baltimore Sun published a series called "Undue Force" about the brutality of the police in Baltimore and the millions of dollars those unjustified actions have cost the city: $5.7 million since 2011.

Here's an excerpt:

Over the past four years, more than 100 people have won court judgments or settlements related to allegations of brutality and civil rights violations. Victims include a 15-year-old boy riding a dirt bike, a 26-year-old pregnant accountant who had witnessed a beating, a 50-year-old woman selling church raffle tickets, a 65-year-old church deacon rolling a cigarette and an 87-year-old grandmother aiding her wounded grandson.

Those cases detail a frightful human toll. Officers have battered dozens of residents who suffered broken bones — jaws, noses, arms, legs, ankles — head trauma, organ failure, and even death, coming during questionable arrests. Some residents were beaten while handcuffed; others were thrown to the pavement.

And in almost every case, prosecutors or judges dismissed the charges against the victims — if charges were filed at all. In an incident that drew headlines recently, charges against a South Baltimore man were dropped after a video showed an officer repeatedly punching him — a beating that led the police commissioner to say he was "shocked."

Such beatings, in which the victims are most often African-Americans, carry a hefty cost. They can poison relationships between police and the community, limiting cooperation in the fight against crime, the mayor and police officials say.

Baltimore has an ugly history of police brutality Jarvis DeBerry

An unexpected verification of the OP>

The OP specifically states that it is the Democrat rabble rousers who are the problem....not racism.

My point you have inadvertently admitted.

So....contrary to the claims of Democrat elites....the problems of Baltimore are not racial....

"Baltimore is not Ferguson and its primary problems are not racial. The mayor, city council president, police chief, top prosecutor, and many other city leaders are black, as is half of Baltimore’s 3,000-person police force. The city has many prominent black churches and a line of black civic leadership extending back to Frederick Douglass."What you really need to know about Baltimore from a reporter who s lived there for over 30 years - The Washington Post

So black on black police brutality is okay?

Goddam! That's a good one.

So Democrat elected officials stirring up hatred of law and order, the police, civil stability is OK?

That's a bad one.

You've yet to name the Democrats who have incited the violence.

Of course I have, NYLiar.
I might agree with the OP's premise had not other races also took part in the rioting....

Folks of all races are susceptible to indoctrination and propaganda.... serve as a case in point.

'You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.'
Abraham Lincoln
Try not to live in denial and racial disgust so much that you obtain pituitary apoplexy. Your God would never forgive you...

c. The most urban ghetto riots occurred during the Johnson administration; there was not one major urban riot during th entire eight years of the Reagan administration."
"Economic Facts and Fallacies," by Thomas Sowell, chapter six

Conveniently leaving out the massive 1992 riot during the presidency of George Bush Sr.?

Conveniently leaving out the many riots in the 70's when Nixon was president?
'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad.

I think ANY quote by Obama that fairly translates into incitement to violence is in order here.

Got one?

"'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad."

I truly appreciate your support of the fact that I ALWAYS use words with precision.

And you claimed that the president incited violence in the Gates affair. He did not. Nor has he in any other matter.

Oh, no!

An "is not, is nottttttt!" post from the NYLiar.

Let's see a little effort here!
Baltimore has an ugly history of police brutality: Jarvis DeBerry

...In September 2014 The Baltimore Sun published a series called "Undue Force" about the brutality of the police in Baltimore and the millions of dollars those unjustified actions have cost the city: $5.7 million since 2011.

Here's an excerpt:

Over the past four years, more than 100 people have won court judgments or settlements related to allegations of brutality and civil rights violations. Victims include a 15-year-old boy riding a dirt bike, a 26-year-old pregnant accountant who had witnessed a beating, a 50-year-old woman selling church raffle tickets, a 65-year-old church deacon rolling a cigarette and an 87-year-old grandmother aiding her wounded grandson.

Those cases detail a frightful human toll. Officers have battered dozens of residents who suffered broken bones — jaws, noses, arms, legs, ankles — head trauma, organ failure, and even death, coming during questionable arrests. Some residents were beaten while handcuffed; others were thrown to the pavement.

And in almost every case, prosecutors or judges dismissed the charges against the victims — if charges were filed at all. In an incident that drew headlines recently, charges against a South Baltimore man were dropped after a video showed an officer repeatedly punching him — a beating that led the police commissioner to say he was "shocked."

Such beatings, in which the victims are most often African-Americans, carry a hefty cost. They can poison relationships between police and the community, limiting cooperation in the fight against crime, the mayor and police officials say.

Baltimore has an ugly history of police brutality Jarvis DeBerry

An unexpected verification of the OP>

The OP specifically states that it is the Democrat rabble rousers who are the problem....not racism.

My point you have inadvertently admitted.

So....contrary to the claims of Democrat elites....the problems of Baltimore are not racial....

"Baltimore is not Ferguson and its primary problems are not racial. The mayor, city council president, police chief, top prosecutor, and many other city leaders are black, as is half of Baltimore’s 3,000-person police force. The city has many prominent black churches and a line of black civic leadership extending back to Frederick Douglass."What you really need to know about Baltimore from a reporter who s lived there for over 30 years - The Washington Post

So black on black police brutality is okay?

Goddam! That's a good one.

So Democrat elected officials stirring up hatred of law and order, the police, civil stability is OK?

That's a bad one.

You've yet to name the Democrats who have incited the violence.

Of course I have, NYLiar.

No, you haven't.

You have to state the incitement, and then state the violence, and then show a cause and effect relationship, beyond a reasonable doubt,

between the former and the latter.

You have done no such thing. Just because your retarded fans give you cheers does not mean you've proven anything. Making retards happy is admirable,

but it's not what wins a debate.
A flame OP, this belongs in the Flame Zone. So requested.


I can can handle most anything, I believe, and better than you.

The OP belongs in the flame zone.
Last edited:
I might agree with the OP's premise had not other races also took part in the rioting....

Folks of all races are susceptible to indoctrination and propaganda.... serve as a case in point.

'You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.'
Abraham Lincoln
Try not to live in denial and racial disgust so much that you obtain pituitary apoplexy. Your God would never forgive you...

As always, I live in an aura of truth and knowledge, and seraphic calm.

You are becoming a serial liar.
'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad.

I think ANY quote by Obama that fairly translates into incitement to violence is in order here.

Got one?

"'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad."

I truly appreciate your support of the fact that I ALWAYS use words with precision.

And you claimed that the president incited violence in the Gates affair. He did not. Nor has he in any other matter.

Oh, no!

An "is not, is nottttttt!" post from the NYLiar.

Let's see a little effort here!

Since there were no riots linked to the Gates affair, even you should be able to see that the President couldn't have incited a riot with those words you quoted.

A riot first has to have happened before you can blame someone for it. Should I be surprised you can't grasp that concept?
'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad.

I think ANY quote by Obama that fairly translates into incitement to violence is in order here.

Got one?

"'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad."

I truly appreciate your support of the fact that I ALWAYS use words with precision.

And you claimed that the president incited violence in the Gates affair. He did not. Nor has he in any other matter.

Oh, no!

An "is not, is nottttttt!" post from the NYLiar.

Let's see a little effort here!

Since there were no riots linked to the Gates affair, even you should be able to see that the President couldn't have incited a riot with those words you quoted.

A riot first has to have happened before you can blame someone for it. Should I be surprised you can't grasp that concept?

So you don't deny that his words were anti-Police.

We're making progress.
Baltimore has an ugly history of police brutality: Jarvis DeBerry

...In September 2014 The Baltimore Sun published a series called "Undue Force" about the brutality of the police in Baltimore and the millions of dollars those unjustified actions have cost the city: $5.7 million since 2011.

Here's an excerpt:

Over the past four years, more than 100 people have won court judgments or settlements related to allegations of brutality and civil rights violations. Victims include a 15-year-old boy riding a dirt bike, a 26-year-old pregnant accountant who had witnessed a beating, a 50-year-old woman selling church raffle tickets, a 65-year-old church deacon rolling a cigarette and an 87-year-old grandmother aiding her wounded grandson.

Those cases detail a frightful human toll. Officers have battered dozens of residents who suffered broken bones — jaws, noses, arms, legs, ankles — head trauma, organ failure, and even death, coming during questionable arrests. Some residents were beaten while handcuffed; others were thrown to the pavement.

And in almost every case, prosecutors or judges dismissed the charges against the victims — if charges were filed at all. In an incident that drew headlines recently, charges against a South Baltimore man were dropped after a video showed an officer repeatedly punching him — a beating that led the police commissioner to say he was "shocked."

Such beatings, in which the victims are most often African-Americans, carry a hefty cost. They can poison relationships between police and the community, limiting cooperation in the fight against crime, the mayor and police officials say.

Baltimore has an ugly history of police brutality Jarvis DeBerry

An unexpected verification of the OP>

The OP specifically states that it is the Democrat rabble rousers who are the problem....not racism.

My point you have inadvertently admitted.

So....contrary to the claims of Democrat elites....the problems of Baltimore are not racial....

"Baltimore is not Ferguson and its primary problems are not racial. The mayor, city council president, police chief, top prosecutor, and many other city leaders are black, as is half of Baltimore’s 3,000-person police force. The city has many prominent black churches and a line of black civic leadership extending back to Frederick Douglass."What you really need to know about Baltimore from a reporter who s lived there for over 30 years - The Washington Post

So black on black police brutality is okay?

Goddam! That's a good one.

So Democrat elected officials stirring up hatred of law and order, the police, civil stability is OK?

That's a bad one.

You've yet to name the Democrats who have incited the violence.

Of course I have, NYLiar.

Oh look, an "I did too!!!!!!" post.
'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad.

I think ANY quote by Obama that fairly translates into incitement to violence is in order here.

Got one?

"'Instigate' means incite someone to do something, especially something bad."

I truly appreciate your support of the fact that I ALWAYS use words with precision.

And you claimed that the president incited violence in the Gates affair. He did not. Nor has he in any other matter.

Oh, no!

An "is not, is nottttttt!" post from the NYLiar.

Let's see a little effort here!

Since there were no riots linked to the Gates affair, even you should be able to see that the President couldn't have incited a riot with those words you quoted.

A riot first has to have happened before you can blame someone for it. Should I be surprised you can't grasp that concept?

So you don't deny that his words were anti-Police.

We're making progress.

His words were accurate. The police acted stupidly. It was later confirmed by an independent assessment of the incident.

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