Democrats introduce bill requiring men who jack off to report to police.

Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Are you a moron?

Morons read headlines and react before knowing the facts of a matter. You seem to have done this.
I read the article and it says just that. What did you read?

Moron. The congresswoman who “sponsored” the “bill” was making a point. She had no intention of the bill actually being introduced.

Read better.

There was no point. No one is trying to control eggs. This is the correlation she makes in reference to sperm from the testes. I just feel sorry for her that she's so stupid .
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

The Democrat Party run Urban Cesspools like Baltimore, Ferguson and Chicago are burning to the ground- murder and gang banging is rampant, law abiders have to dodge bullets just to pick up a quart of milk at the local bodega. Yet, the Democrats want the police to keep records of the citizenry's masturbation habits?

BTW, NONE- exactly zero- of the Presidential candidates have denounced this effort to waste police resources on documenting self abuse.
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Women try to control men
Only weak men who are fearful of strong women are controlled by those women- And it is not the fault of the women
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Are you a moron?

Morons read headlines and react before knowing the facts of a matter. You seem to have done this.
I read the article and it says just that. What did you read?

Moron. The congresswoman who “sponsored” the “bill” was making a point. She had no intention of the bill actually being introduced.

Read better.
What sort of dumb bitch equates murdering babies with masturbation? Oh yeah. A dried up liberal ****. Bunch of lunatics.
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Are you a moron?

Morons read headlines and react before knowing the facts of a matter. You seem to have done this.
I read the article and it says just that. What did you read?

Moron. The congresswoman who “sponsored” the “bill” was making a point. She had no intention of the bill actually being introduced.

Read better.
What sort of dumb bitch equates murdering babies with masturbation? Oh yeah. A dried up liberal ****. Bunch of lunatics.

What sort of depraved moron believes that over half the nation wants to murder babies?

Why stop there? Why not accuse liberals of wanting to gang rape the blood soaked babies just before they die? I’m sure if you try, you can think of something even worse that will frighten other morons into voting for assholes.
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Are you a moron?

Morons read headlines and react before knowing the facts of a matter. You seem to have done this.
I read the article and it says just that. What did you read?

Moron. The congresswoman who “sponsored” the “bill” was making a point. She had no intention of the bill actually being introduced.

Read better.
What sort of dumb bitch equates murdering babies with masturbation? Oh yeah. A dried up liberal ****. Bunch of lunatics.
What sort of dumb fuck equates birth control with murdering a baby? A. Plenty in the pro-life cult
Only weak men who are fearful of strong women are controlled by those women- And it is not the fault of the women

death by snu snu2.jpg
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Are you a moron?

Morons read headlines and react before knowing the facts of a matter. You seem to have done this.
I read the article and it says just that. What did you read?

Moron. The congresswoman who “sponsored” the “bill” was making a point. She had no intention of the bill actually being introduced.

Read better.
What sort of dumb bitch equates murdering babies with masturbation? Oh yeah. A dried up liberal ****. Bunch of lunatics.
What sort of dumb fuck equates birth control with murdering a baby? A. Plenty in the pro-life cult
When dumb lazy whores use murder as birth control, that is a problem. I have no issue with condoms or traditional birth control pills. The Democrat party is officially in favor of slicing babies spinal cords as they are born. Bunch of sick mother fuckers.
Bullshit. Think!! The war against Planned Parenthood!
Planned Parenthood is not a woman, genius. It’s an organization. An unconstitutional one. The federal government had zero authority to fund that shit. Not sorry that you don’t like it.

Any other desperate and absurd “examples” you’d like to try?
Bullshit. Think!! The war against Planned Parenthood!
Planned Parenthood is not a woman, genius. It’s an organization. An unconstitutional one. The federal government had zero authority to fund that shit. Not sorry that you don’t like it.

Any other desperate and absurd “examples” you’d like to try?
It appears that you are the desperate. Planned parenthood serves women in many ways and the conservative attempts to shut it down is an attempt to control women's bodies. The services that planned parenthood provides address public health issues and are therefor within the purview of government to support. Unconstitutional???> That is really stupid!
Are you a moron?

Morons read headlines and react before knowing the facts of a matter. You seem to have done this.
I read the article and it says just that. What did you read?

Moron. The congresswoman who “sponsored” the “bill” was making a point. She had no intention of the bill actually being introduced.

Read better.
What sort of dumb bitch equates murdering babies with masturbation? Oh yeah. A dried up liberal ****. Bunch of lunatics.
What sort of dumb fuck equates birth control with murdering a baby? A. Plenty in the pro-life cult
When dumb lazy whores use murder as birth control, that is a problem. I have no issue with condoms or traditional birth control pills. The Democrat party is officially in favor of slicing babies spinal cords as they are born. Bunch of sick mother fuckers.
Better put your tin foil hat back on, Bubba
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Women try to control men
Only weak men who are fearful of strong women are controlled by those women- And it is not the fault of the women

Coming from a Beta Boi that's hilarious. But back to the topic, do you shut the bathroom door when masturbate?
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Women try to control men
Only weak men who are fearful of strong women are controlled by those women- And it is not the fault of the women

Coming from a Beta Boi that's hilarious. But back to the topic, do you shut the bathroom door when masturbate?
Do you always try this hard to out-stupid yourself?
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Are you a moron?

Morons read headlines and react before knowing the facts of a matter. You seem to have done this.

Moron and scared to death he'll get caught not reporting.
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

The vapid, vindictive and brain dead women think that the release of sperm is just like an embryo. That's how dumb they are. Most of my fifth grade students are smarter than them.

It was a dig. Georgia didn't go with the Heartbeat law. They went with the total blockage. Abortions cannot be done for any reason whatsoever even if it's to save a life. And Embryo can grow with no heartbeat but not make all the way. In Georgia, that no heartbeat and braindead embroyo must go full term. Even if it means losing the womans life in the process. The bill was not serious. It was a dig treating the mans sperm like the females embryo. Of course it's silly. It's not supposed to ever pass into law. I read the real bill. It was a dig to those that passed the No exception abortion law in Georgia. Nothing more. You trumpsters need to at least go rent a sense of humor on this one.

That's an outright lie. Women will still be able to get abortions for rape, incest and "life of the mother" and if the pg is non-viable. I don't agree with all those reasons, btw, but it's right there in the bill.

Georgia Senate passes anti-abortion ‘heartbeat’ bill

Not for rape or incest of the life of the mother. I just got finished reading the actual law. It's very specific., Once a heartbeat is detected (or any rhythmic action) in the embryo (you are correct on the heartbeat and I was Wr....Wr.....Wr.... Mistaken) but it leaves nothing else once that rhythmic action starts. The Georgia law calls that a natural person and protects it like it would any other living and breathing individual. It's not a law as of yet. It's a Bill. It hasn't been signed into law by the Governor nor passed by the Georgia House of Representatives. It's still under review. I read a few of the proposed versions and there is a lot of strike offs in all of them including the last one dated the 22nd of this month.

You brought up some good points that probably needs to be added to the bill and might be, who knows. But they haven't been added as of yet.
Maybe she's a urologist:

A 2008 study found that frequent masturbation was only linked with a decreased risk of prostate cancer in men over 50. Researchers in this study found that men in their 20s and 30s who ejaculated more often were actually at an increased risk of prostate cancer.

In contrast, a 2003 study from Australia found that men who frequently ejaculated as young men had a reduced rate of prostate cancer.

Frequent ejaculation and prostate cancer: What's the link?
I read the article and it says just that. What did you read?

Moron. The congresswoman who “sponsored” the “bill” was making a point. She had no intention of the bill actually being introduced.

Read better.
What sort of dumb bitch equates murdering babies with masturbation? Oh yeah. A dried up liberal ****. Bunch of lunatics.
What sort of dumb fuck equates birth control with murdering a baby? A. Plenty in the pro-life cult
When dumb lazy whores use murder as birth control, that is a problem. I have no issue with condoms or traditional birth control pills. The Democrat party is officially in favor of slicing babies spinal cords as they are born. Bunch of sick mother fuckers.
Better put your tin foil hat back on, Bubba
Dems made it abundantly clear. It is a signature of their platform. They oppose ANY regulation of abortion. That includes infanticide. Pathetic. Keep supporting infanticide. See how that turn out for you.
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate

Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only the stupidest wouldn’t understand that this is a sardonic response to men’s attempt to control women

Women try to control men
Only weak men who are fearful of strong women are controlled by those women- And it is not the fault of the women
Only weak men who are fearful of strong women are controlled by those women- And it is not the fault of the women
Only weak women who are fearful of strong men,
are controlled by those men....
And it is not the fault of the men
Here is a clear cut case of truth being stranger than fiction. Really, how can you tell people about this Democrat legislation, have them believe you and not laugh in your face unless you have the proof to back it up? This completely goes far beyond what the fuck! But then, this is the Democrat party for you. It's really shocking and alarming that the Democrats want to stretch (yeah, pun intended) their marxist police state this far.

Dems Introduce Bill Forcing Men to Report to Police When They Masturbate
I think it best to jack it into a condom and drop it off at the local police station. Now THAT would be a class act. 77,000 scumbags dropped off at the NYPD before noon today.
We're just following orders sir. Yes sir ! I thought you might want proof ?
Let AOC taste test it to make sure it's the Real Deal

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