Democrats Invoke Kennedy's death Calling for Health Care Reform

Then dont be whining your ass off when I and many other Americans celebrate when cheney goes to that big duck hunt in the sky.

I will have a great time when that traitor dies.
I can't wait to see their outrage over our criticism when Cheney goes to Hell.
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American servant? Oh, please. The man spent 47 years in office because he wasn't qualified to do anything that he couldn't just buy.

I's not like he was rich or something and could have done nothing if he wanted to.......


Not if what he craved was power and stature and to not look like a sad, pathetic imitation of his brothers.

Do me a favor and hold your breath until you convince me or anyone else with more than two brain cells to rub together than Ted Kennedy was in the Senate out of an altruistic desire to serve the public.

Are you kidding? I could bring testimonials from everyone in Massachusetts he has helped and who had voted for him again and again and you wouldn't believe what's in front of your face.

You've chosen to hate a man who served his country for 47 years when he didn't have to. Now we know what you do not value. Simple as that.
I's not like he was rich or something and could have done nothing if he wanted to.......


Not if what he craved was power and stature and to not look like a sad, pathetic imitation of his brothers.

Do me a favor and hold your breath until you convince me or anyone else with more than two brain cells to rub together than Ted Kennedy was in the Senate out of an altruistic desire to serve the public.

Are you kidding? I could bring testimonials from everyone in Massachusetts he has helped and who had voted for him again and again and you wouldn't believe what's in front of your face.

You've chosen to hate a man who served his country for 47 years when he didn't have to. Now we know what you do not value. Simple as that.

Yeah? Talk to me about the respect you showed Strom Thurmond.

And no, I didn't hate him. You leftists always flatter yourselves as being worthy of more respect than you could possibly earn. I held him in contempt, along with people stupid and hypocritical enough to continue voting for him while screaming at the top of their lungs about the "corruption" of other politicians from the wrong party.

You want simple? Anyone who ever voted for Ted Kennedy has nothing whatsoever to say on the subject of character among politicians. We ALWAYS knew what YOU valued.

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