Democrats Invoke Kennedy's death Calling for Health Care Reform

Big deal, there's stuff i've always wanted and couldn't get too!

Have you been a social servant for 47 years?

I don't care if he was or not. You ask to have your ashes scattered at sea, or your kids to graduate from college, as a last request. You don't ask for government policy change, for Christ's sake. If George Washington came back today and asked us to massively overhaul our society to suit him, he wouldn't have the right to ask that. Ted "Drunk Driving" Kennedy sure as hell doesn't.
Let's see ...

The man was a huge proponent of health care reform, we happen to be in the middle of a major health care reform debate/push, and he just died.

What didja think was going to happen?

I think they thought that Democrats were going to be reasonable, mature adults who were responsible stewards of the public trust. WHY they thought that when they never have been before is beyond me.
Yea this is a new low for the Democrats. Using a dead guy to push their Socialist Boondoggle on us. Can the Dems stoop any lower?
I guess the Democrats could go a lot lower, like the cons did when they had the majority. However, the Democrats are more principled than that.

Really? What did conservatives ever do that rivaled expecting public policy to be made as a personal favor to a drunken old fart who had to buy himself a public sector job because he couldn't possibly hack it in anything that required merit?
Let's see ...

The man was a huge proponent of health care reform, we happen to be in the middle of a major health care reform debate/push, and he just died.

What didja think was going to happen?

I would expect them to ram it through based on the merits of the bill...not based on compassion for a senator that passed away.

But I guess I am an idealist.

If leftists ever had to argue anything they wanted to do just on its logical, dispassionate merits, they'd end up lynched in the public square. There's a reason that they have to present everything through a series of unassailable martyrs peddling personal sob stories.
And then there's this...Robert Byrd (Democrat and former KKK Grand Wizard) has announced today that they should name their Socialist health care Boondoggle legislation after Ted Kennedy. Well i would just have to say No Way to that Mr. Byrd. If they're going to name their Boondoggle then name it after Mary Jo Kopechne. Personally i have many other names for it but this is a family site.

Personally, I think Senator Edward "Drunk Driver" Kennedy is the perfect representative for this legislative nightmare. But I think Senator Byrd overestimates the selling power of Kennedy's name by a wide margin. I suspect it would end up representing the respect this idea deserves much more accurately than Byrd would like.
Well then Rush politicized a dying man and is just as bad as the democrats.

How canyou listen to that guy. He is such a downer to me.

This administration sux ass....but there are plenty of other things in life to enjoy.

ha! fuck that! ted kennedy was a piece of shit while he was alive and now he is just a dead piece of shit.

Multi Hiundred millionaire and he spends 47 years making a hundred grand a year as a public servant.

I disagreed with is ideology and initiatives...but the man was a true American Servant to the people.

Unlike Obama...who simply took the quick route...2 years and give me the throne.

You gotta earn it, Obama.

American servant? Oh, please. The man spent 47 years in office because he wasn't qualified to do anything that he couldn't just buy.
Big deal, there's stuff i've always wanted and couldn't get too!

Have you been a social servant for 47 years?

No - but i wouldn't have called him one either. I'm just saying, just because this health care was something he wanted, doesn't mean people are going to change there minds. I don't think they're going to say "Oh, fine, if Ted wanted this then it has to be good for us! We'll take it!" I've never trusted the man and i've never liked him. He got away with murder because of who he is.

So, if we don't like you, we can say that you haven't done YOUR job for the last 47 years?
Let's see ...

The man was a huge proponent of health care reform, we happen to be in the middle of a major health care reform debate/push, and he just died.

What didja think was going to happen?

OH HOW COULD WE???????? :eek: :eusa_boohoo:
It's not like the reblundercans would ever use a tragedy to their political advanatage.

Really? Name one that wasn't actually a political concern to begin with. Let me give you an example, since you dimwit leftists don't seem able to distinguish between "political issue" and "political football": 9/11 was a legitimate public policy issue, ie. national security. Ted Kennedy's death is a personal issue being turned into a political football.
ha! fuck that! ted kennedy was a piece of shit while he was alive and now he is just a dead piece of shit.

Multi Hiundred millionaire and he spends 47 years making a hundred grand a year as a public servant.

I disagreed with is ideology and initiatives...but the man was a true American Servant to the people.

Unlike Obama...who simply took the quick route...2 years and give me the throne.

You gotta earn it, Obama.

American servant? Oh, please. The man spent 47 years in office because he wasn't qualified to do anything that he couldn't just buy.

I's not like he was rich or something and could have done nothing if he wanted to.......

Democrats Invoke Kennedy's death Calling for Health Care Reform

How long do you have to wait until someone dies before you can start making jokes about them?

I don't feel like I have to at all. I didn't respect the man, his life, his career, or his positions when he was alive, and I have no intention of being dishonest and hypocritical and pretending I do now simply because he died. If he was wrong, then he was. If he was scum, then he was. Assuming room temperature doesn't change that.
Democrats Invoke Kennedy's death Calling for Health Care Reform

How long do you have to wait until someone dies before you can start making jokes about them?

I don't feel like I have to at all. I didn't respect the man, his life, his career, or his positions when he was alive, and I have no intention of being dishonest and hypocritical and pretending I do now simply because he died. If he was wrong, then he was. If he was scum, then he was. Assuming room temperature doesn't change that.

Words to live by...or die by. Whatever.
I just love these half assed compliments some of you come up with. Geezus, who left Repubs to sit in judgement?

They need to clean up their own trashy houses before they presume to be so above a Kennedy or an Obama. are quite ignorant.

Repubs need to clean up?

Do you know what you have on the democratic side?

And me? I am a fucking conservative...not a fucking nice fucking try.

Right. :lol:

As if there's a difference.

Well, not to you, but then, you're not the brightest light on the Christmas tree, are you? No one expects you to define words with more than one syllable.
How in the Fuck do you politiczise a 40 year politician by doing in his name what he fought for all his life?

You people just cant keep the definitions of words straight.

You mean the way you're trying to phrase "make public policy as Teddy's last request" into "doing it in his name"? Talk about your word twists.

How about we start by defining "public policy"? Here's a hint: it's not defined as "doing an old fart a deathbed favor." Come back when you wrap your peabrain around THAT concept.
Multi Hiundred millionaire and he spends 47 years making a hundred grand a year as a public servant.

I disagreed with is ideology and initiatives...but the man was a true American Servant to the people.

Unlike Obama...who simply took the quick route...2 years and give me the throne.

You gotta earn it, Obama.

American servant? Oh, please. The man spent 47 years in office because he wasn't qualified to do anything that he couldn't just buy.

I's not like he was rich or something and could have done nothing if he wanted to.......


Not if what he craved was power and stature and to not look like a sad, pathetic imitation of his brothers.

Do me a favor and hold your breath until you convince me or anyone else with more than two brain cells to rub together than Ted Kennedy was in the Senate out of an altruistic desire to serve the public.
How long do you have to wait until someone dies before you can start making jokes about them?

I don't feel like I have to at all. I didn't respect the man, his life, his career, or his positions when he was alive, and I have no intention of being dishonest and hypocritical and pretending I do now simply because he died. If he was wrong, then he was. If he was scum, then he was. Assuming room temperature doesn't change that.

Words to live by...or die by. Whatever.

If you want to live your life hoping that your enemies say nice things about you after you die, knock yourself out. If you want to be a hypocrite and run around saying things you don't mean about someone just because they're dead, go for it. Just as I didn't respect Ted Kennedy in life and won't pretend to in death, I also don't give a fat rat's ass what twinks like you think while I'm alive. So why should I give a shit about it after I die?
Then dont be whining your ass off when I and many other Americans celebrate when cheney goes to that big duck hunt in the sky.

I will have a great time when that traitor dies.

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