Democrats Just Ain't Havin' It


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I mean, really.....the things the Democrats found it in their best interests to refuse to stand and applaud for!
Low unemployment!
Low BLACK unemployment!
The national anthem!
The flag!

What a tone-deaf performance by the Democrats!

2. "At least one thing is clear after President Trump’s first State of the Union speech. If the idea was to reach across the aisle for bipartisanship, the Democrats are having none of it.

3. ...Trump had a lot to talk about — a booming stock market, historic tax reform, quickening growth, jobs and profits coming home.

4.Even before the president spoke, Democrats were sending sullen signals. Congresswoman Judy Chu of California reportedly refused to stand when Mr. Trump entered. She sat reading a newspaper.

5. ...four broken-hearted parents of two Long Island teenage girls slain by members of an illegal-immigrant gang.
“Three hundred and twenty million hearts are right now breaking for you,” the president looked up and told them. “We love you.”

Yet Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called the speech “entirely lacking in empathy.”

6. Nor did Senator Bernie Sanders suggest engaging with Mr. Trump over, say, the Dreamers — or, for that matter, the $1.5 trillion in infrastructure projects Mr. Trump wants. Instead, he painted the president as an untrustworthy man of broken promises.

7. Nor did the main Democratic responder, Representative Joseph Kennedy, grandson of RFK. His remarks will rank among the most crabbed rejoinders ever offered to a state of the union speech.
The most bizarre feature of Kennedy’s rejoinder was the notion that the Republican Party is turning American life into a “zero-sum game.” He called it a game where “in order for one to win, another must lose.”

8. In fact it is precisely the Democrats’ redistributionist socialism that is the zero-sum game. They want to cut the American pie into ever smaller slices and make government redistribute it.
Mr. Trump’s Republican brand of pro-growth economics is the opposite of a zero-sum game. It would lift Americans by growing the whole economy. That is Republican holy-writ, before and after Trump.

9.So non-responsive were the Democrats that it’s hard not to conclude the party panjandrums want to run out the clock until November. Maybe they figure they have the House in the bag.

10. The overarching aim of the Democrats is holding out for control of the House — and then impeachment."
Zero Sum Game Is Played By the Democratic Party In Wake of Trump Speech - The New York Sun

You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.

Couldn't have been anymore obvious how much Liberals don't want success for the middle class, especially minorities. Who would vote for their entitlements if these groups are successful and working?
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.

Not entirely true.

"There are some common features to applause across a wide range of religious, sport and political gatherings, not least of which is that you don't necessarily have to ask for applause to get it," McPhail says. "People clap to show approval of the utterances or actions that correspond to their preferences or biases."
In recent times, the president's partisan supporters —and opponents — have followed similar behavior when responding to the annual State of the Union address. "Advance copies of the speech are examined," McPhail explains, and "partisans pick those assertions with which they agree and arrange to respond with standing ovations. Opponents pick any assertion that even hints at a position they have advocated but which the president has virtually ignored and similarly arrange to respond with standing ovations."
A User's Guide To The Politics Of Applause

1. I mean, really.....the things the Democrats found it in their best interests to refuse to stand and applaud for!
Low unemployment!
Low BLACK unemployment!
The national anthem!
The flag!

What a tone-deaf performance by the Democrats!
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.

Couldn't have been anymore obvious how much Liberals don't want success for the middle class, especially minorities. Who would vote for their entitlements if these groups are successful and working?

Don't want success for anyone at the expense of their political power.

Here's proof that all that matters to the Left is their power:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.
And this is a typical response from a dimwitted liberal as instead of refuting the facts, just go on the attack against the messenger.. Rules for Radicals #13. I know it well.
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.
And this is a typical response from a dimwitted liberal as instead of refuting the facts, just go on the attack against the messenger.. Rules for Radicals #13. I know it well.

There is nothing to refute. The Dems did just what she said. But it is what happens in every SOTU for the last decade or more, the opposition sits on their hands. To see you partisan zealots freak out about it now when you have been silent snowflakes for the last 8 years is sort of funny
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.

Couldn't have been anymore obvious how much Liberals don't want success for the middle class, especially minorities. Who would vote for their entitlements if these groups are successful and working?

I am sure if we go back a year I will find threads from you whining about the Repubs doing this same thing, right? Or are you just one more mindless partisan zealot?
1. I mean, really.....the things the Democrats found it in their best interests to refuse to stand and applaud for!
Low unemployment!
Low BLACK unemployment!
The national anthem!
The flag!

What a tone-deaf performance by the Democrats!

2. "At least one thing is clear after President Trump’s first State of the Union speech. If the idea was to reach across the aisle for bipartisanship, the Democrats are having none of it.

3. ...Trump had a lot to talk about — a booming stock market, historic tax reform, quickening growth, jobs and profits coming home.

4.Even before the president spoke, Democrats were sending sullen signals. Congresswoman Judy Chu of California reportedly refused to stand when Mr. Trump entered. She sat reading a newspaper.

5. ...four broken-hearted parents of two Long Island teenage girls slain by members of an illegal-immigrant gang.
“Three hundred and twenty million hearts are right now breaking for you,” the president looked up and told them. “We love you.”

Yet Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called the speech “entirely lacking in empathy.”

6. Nor did Senator Bernie Sanders suggest engaging with Mr. Trump over, say, the Dreamers — or, for that matter, the $1.5 trillion in infrastructure projects Mr. Trump wants. Instead, he painted the president as an untrustworthy man of broken promises.

7. Nor did the main Democratic responder, Representative Joseph Kennedy, grandson of RFK. His remarks will rank among the most crabbed rejoinders ever offered to a state of the union speech.
The most bizarre feature of Kennedy’s rejoinder was the notion that the Republican Party is turning American life into a “zero-sum game.” He called it a game where “in order for one to win, another must lose.”

8. In fact it is precisely the Democrats’ redistributionist socialism that is the zero-sum game. They want to cut the American pie into ever smaller slices and make government redistribute it.
Mr. Trump’s Republican brand of pro-growth economics is the opposite of a zero-sum game. It would lift Americans by growing the whole economy. That is Republican holy-writ, before and after Trump.

9.So non-responsive were the Democrats that it’s hard not to conclude the party panjandrums want to run out the clock until November. Maybe they figure they have the House in the bag.

10. The overarching aim of the Democrats is holding out for control of the House — and then impeachment."
Zero Sum Game Is Played By the Democratic Party In Wake of Trump Speech - The New York Sun


the display by the leftists

sure cast them in a bad light
Up until the recently passed tax bill, this country has been running on Obama administration policies -

tax policy, fiscal policy, healthcare policy, etc.

Trump trying to worm his way into credit for that is truly...well...

The most despicable thing the Democrats did during the SOTU assembly was not standing up when the President entered the chamber.

Sure you may hate the person, but you should stand to honor the office he holds. ..... :cool:
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.
And this is a typical response from a dimwitted liberal as instead of refuting the facts, just go on the attack against the messenger.. Rules for Radicals #13. I know it well.

There is nothing to refute. The Dems did just what she said. But it is what happens in every SOTU for the last decade or more, the opposition sits on their hands. To see you partisan zealots freak out about it now when you have been silent snowflakes for the last 8 years is sort of funny
Yeah, when Obama said he wanted to Fundamentally Transform America into a shithole 3rd world nation, the Republicans sat on their hands.
When Obama said he wanted to nationalize Healthcare where you would save $2,500 a year in costs, the Republicans sat on their hands.
When Obama said he wanted cash for clunkers, so he could redistribute wealth, the Republicans sat on their hands.

Seems to me that when one side wants to destroy this country the other side sat on their hands. When one side wants to build up this country and make it great again, the other side sat on their hands. See the difference? If not, then I understand..

1. I mean, really.....the things the Democrats found it in their best interests to refuse to stand and applaud for!
Low unemployment!
Low BLACK unemployment!
The national anthem!
The flag!

What a tone-deaf performance by the Democrats!

2. "At least one thing is clear after President Trump’s first State of the Union speech. If the idea was to reach across the aisle for bipartisanship, the Democrats are having none of it.

3. ...Trump had a lot to talk about — a booming stock market, historic tax reform, quickening growth, jobs and profits coming home.

4.Even before the president spoke, Democrats were sending sullen signals. Congresswoman Judy Chu of California reportedly refused to stand when Mr. Trump entered. She sat reading a newspaper.

5. ...four broken-hearted parents of two Long Island teenage girls slain by members of an illegal-immigrant gang.
“Three hundred and twenty million hearts are right now breaking for you,” the president looked up and told them. “We love you.”

Yet Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called the speech “entirely lacking in empathy.”

6. Nor did Senator Bernie Sanders suggest engaging with Mr. Trump over, say, the Dreamers — or, for that matter, the $1.5 trillion in infrastructure projects Mr. Trump wants. Instead, he painted the president as an untrustworthy man of broken promises.

7. Nor did the main Democratic responder, Representative Joseph Kennedy, grandson of RFK. His remarks will rank among the most crabbed rejoinders ever offered to a state of the union speech.
The most bizarre feature of Kennedy’s rejoinder was the notion that the Republican Party is turning American life into a “zero-sum game.” He called it a game where “in order for one to win, another must lose.”

8. In fact it is precisely the Democrats’ redistributionist socialism that is the zero-sum game. They want to cut the American pie into ever smaller slices and make government redistribute it.
Mr. Trump’s Republican brand of pro-growth economics is the opposite of a zero-sum game. It would lift Americans by growing the whole economy. That is Republican holy-writ, before and after Trump.

9.So non-responsive were the Democrats that it’s hard not to conclude the party panjandrums want to run out the clock until November. Maybe they figure they have the House in the bag.

10. The overarching aim of the Democrats is holding out for control of the House — and then impeachment."
Zero Sum Game Is Played By the Democratic Party In Wake of Trump Speech - The New York Sun


173 million Americans are not working
$21 trillion in debt
Destroyed Environmental, labor and consumer protections
Pulled health coverage from millions of Americans
Borrowed $1.5 trillion to give to the rich

Fat Donnie is the worst President in history
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.

Couldn't have been anymore obvious how much Liberals don't want success for the middle class, especially minorities. Who would vote for their entitlements if these groups are successful and working?

Don't want success for anyone at the expense of their political power.

Here's proof that all that matters to the Left is their power:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."

You're an immigrant, just curious, did you come here and take a job away from a black man?

Oh, right, wait, you've admitted on the board that you don't work.

My bad.
You must be very young and this was the first SOTU address you have been old enough to stay up for.

The opposition party always sits on their hands and does not clap.
And this is a typical response from a dimwitted liberal as instead of refuting the facts, just go on the attack against the messenger.. Rules for Radicals #13. I know it well.

There is nothing to refute. The Dems did just what she said. But it is what happens in every SOTU for the last decade or more, the opposition sits on their hands. To see you partisan zealots freak out about it now when you have been silent snowflakes for the last 8 years is sort of funny
Yeah, when Obama said he wanted to Fundamentally Transform America into a shithole 3rd world nation, the Republicans sat on their hands.
When Obama said he wanted to nationalize Healthcare where you would save $2,500 a year in costs, the Republicans sat on their hands.
When Obama said he wanted cash for clunkers, so he could redistribute wealth, the Republicans sat on their hands.

Seems to me that when one side wants to destroy this country the other side sat on their hands. When one side wants to build up this country and make it great again, the other side sat on their hands. See the difference? If not, then I understand..

This is the most common defense of the partisan zealots from both sides...when the party they have sworn loyalty to does something, it is always different than when the other party does it. i am sure you party masters are very proud of you.
That is a very nice selfie you keep posting.
Sorry you have nothing to offer but diversion away from the issue, even when pointed out how fucked up your side is, instead of debating, then divert to the picture. You have now joined the rest of the worthless liberals in IGNORE. Buy bye, you lying sack of shit who said you served your country. Yeah served it up for an invading horde. I bet you and Bradley Manning are really good friends...

To Serve Man (The Twilight Zone) - Wikipedia
The story is based on the 1950 short story "To Serve Man", written by Damon Knight.[4] The title is a play on the verb serve, which has a dual meaning of "to assist" and "to provide as a meal".
That is a very nice selfie you keep posting.
Sorry you have nothing to offer but diversion away from the issue, even when pointed out how fucked up your side is, instead of debating, then divert to the picture. You have now joined the rest of the worthless liberals in IGNORE. Buy bye, you lying sack of shit who said you served your country. Yeah served it up for an invading horde. I bet you and Bradley Manning are really good friends...

To Serve Man (The Twilight Zone) - Wikipedia
The story is based on the 1950 short story "To Serve Man", written by Damon Knight.[4] The title is a play on the verb serve, which has a dual meaning of "to assist" and "to provide as a meal".

I do not have a side in this, as I am neither a liberal nor a conservative, neither a Repub or a Dem.

But clearly I have touched a nerve and now you will run away and hide till your party masters give you some new talking points, then you will be back.

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