Democrats Just Ain't Havin' It

lol, the Trumptards are crying because the Democrats in Congress didn't give Trump a politically correct reception at the SOTU address.

think about it
1. I mean, really.....the things the Democrats found it in their best interests to refuse to stand and applaud for!
Low unemployment!
Low BLACK unemployment!
The national anthem!
The flag!

What a tone-deaf performance by the Democrats!

2. "At least one thing is clear after President Trump’s first State of the Union speech. If the idea was to reach across the aisle for bipartisanship, the Democrats are having none of it.

3. ...Trump had a lot to talk about — a booming stock market, historic tax reform, quickening growth, jobs and profits coming home.

4.Even before the president spoke, Democrats were sending sullen signals. Congresswoman Judy Chu of California reportedly refused to stand when Mr. Trump entered. She sat reading a newspaper.

5. ...four broken-hearted parents of two Long Island teenage girls slain by members of an illegal-immigrant gang.
“Three hundred and twenty million hearts are right now breaking for you,” the president looked up and told them. “We love you.”

Yet Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called the speech “entirely lacking in empathy.”

6. Nor did Senator Bernie Sanders suggest engaging with Mr. Trump over, say, the Dreamers — or, for that matter, the $1.5 trillion in infrastructure projects Mr. Trump wants. Instead, he painted the president as an untrustworthy man of broken promises.

7. Nor did the main Democratic responder, Representative Joseph Kennedy, grandson of RFK. His remarks will rank among the most crabbed rejoinders ever offered to a state of the union speech.
The most bizarre feature of Kennedy’s rejoinder was the notion that the Republican Party is turning American life into a “zero-sum game.” He called it a game where “in order for one to win, another must lose.”

8. In fact it is precisely the Democrats’ redistributionist socialism that is the zero-sum game. They want to cut the American pie into ever smaller slices and make government redistribute it.
Mr. Trump’s Republican brand of pro-growth economics is the opposite of a zero-sum game. It would lift Americans by growing the whole economy. That is Republican holy-writ, before and after Trump.

9.So non-responsive were the Democrats that it’s hard not to conclude the party panjandrums want to run out the clock until November. Maybe they figure they have the House in the bag.

10. The overarching aim of the Democrats is holding out for control of the House — and then impeachment."
Zero Sum Game Is Played By the Democratic Party In Wake of Trump Speech - The New York Sun

I say ignore them all, they are doing a great job not making democrats great again, less work for Trump, besides they have no plans, mission or anything to grow their base, they got rats and radicals only, they all will dwindle soon or rounded up and locked up.
I trust Trump will give people an option, if they continue to be a thorn in America's thigh than either he will round them up or Patriots will shut them up, we are getting very tired of them all and theres only two ways to achieve you mission lose or win. I'm glad I'm on the winning side and not on General impeach 45 side. :)


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So Trump gets all the credit for people getting a job? What a load of shit...You guys are sucking Trump's ass hard...

You Be ....
lol, the Trumptards are crying because the Democrats in Congress didn't give Trump a politically correct reception at the SOTU address.

think about it

Bunch of Snowflakes

They mocked a demagogue emperor..... Not like they mocked a handicapped person
1. I mean, really.....the things the Democrats found it in their best interests to refuse to stand and applaud for!
Low unemployment!
Low BLACK unemployment!
The national anthem!
The flag!

What a tone-deaf performance by the Democrats!

2. "At least one thing is clear after President Trump’s first State of the Union speech. If the idea was to reach across the aisle for bipartisanship, the Democrats are having none of it.

3. ...Trump had a lot to talk about — a booming stock market, historic tax reform, quickening growth, jobs and profits coming home.

4.Even before the president spoke, Democrats were sending sullen signals. Congresswoman Judy Chu of California reportedly refused to stand when Mr. Trump entered. She sat reading a newspaper.

5. ...four broken-hearted parents of two Long Island teenage girls slain by members of an illegal-immigrant gang.
“Three hundred and twenty million hearts are right now breaking for you,” the president looked up and told them. “We love you.”

Yet Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called the speech “entirely lacking in empathy.”

6. Nor did Senator Bernie Sanders suggest engaging with Mr. Trump over, say, the Dreamers — or, for that matter, the $1.5 trillion in infrastructure projects Mr. Trump wants. Instead, he painted the president as an untrustworthy man of broken promises.

7. Nor did the main Democratic responder, Representative Joseph Kennedy, grandson of RFK. His remarks will rank among the most crabbed rejoinders ever offered to a state of the union speech.
The most bizarre feature of Kennedy’s rejoinder was the notion that the Republican Party is turning American life into a “zero-sum game.” He called it a game where “in order for one to win, another must lose.”

8. In fact it is precisely the Democrats’ redistributionist socialism that is the zero-sum game. They want to cut the American pie into ever smaller slices and make government redistribute it.
Mr. Trump’s Republican brand of pro-growth economics is the opposite of a zero-sum game. It would lift Americans by growing the whole economy. That is Republican holy-writ, before and after Trump.

9.So non-responsive were the Democrats that it’s hard not to conclude the party panjandrums want to run out the clock until November. Maybe they figure they have the House in the bag.

10. The overarching aim of the Democrats is holding out for control of the House — and then impeachment."
Zero Sum Game Is Played By the Democratic Party In Wake of Trump Speech - The New York Sun

I say ignore them all, they are doing a great job not making democrats great again, less work for Trump, besides they have no plans, mission or anything to grow their base, they got rats and radicals only, they all will dwindle soon or rounded up and locked up.
I trust Trump will give people an option, if they continue to be a thorn in America's thigh than either he will round them up or Patriots will shut them up, we are getting very tired of them all and theres only two ways to achieve you mission lose or win. I'm glad I'm on the winning side and not on General impeach 45 side. :)
Sounds like second amendment remedies
lol, the Trumptards are crying because the Democrats in Congress didn't give Trump a politically correct reception at the SOTU address.

think about it
Idiot with a capital I. Trump people did not give a rat ass what they did only MSM including Fox crying about it, We just let you Liberal fools destroy each other one by one and we just continue making America great without you Nazi snowflakes.
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lol, the Trumptards are crying because the Democrats in Congress didn't give Trump a politically correct reception at the SOTU address.

think about it
Idiot with a capital I. Trump people did not give a rat ass what they did only MSM including Fox crying about it, We just let you Liberal fools destroy each other one by one and we just continue making America great without you Nazi snowflakes.View attachment 174367

Do you plan on being that brilliant for a long time here?

lol, the Trumptards are crying because the Democrats in Congress didn't give Trump a politically correct reception at the SOTU address.

think about it

Bunch of Snowflakes

They mocked a demagogue emperor..... Not like they mocked a handicapped person

When that idiot yelled you lie! at Obama during that SOTU, these same clowns thought that was the greatest thing EVER!!!!

Now they've all become Miss Manners clones.
1. I mean, really.....the things the Democrats found it in their best interests to refuse to stand and applaud for!
Low unemployment!
Low BLACK unemployment!
The national anthem!
The flag!

What a tone-deaf performance by the Democrats!

2. "At least one thing is clear after President Trump’s first State of the Union speech. If the idea was to reach across the aisle for bipartisanship, the Democrats are having none of it.

3. ...Trump had a lot to talk about — a booming stock market, historic tax reform, quickening growth, jobs and profits coming home.

4.Even before the president spoke, Democrats were sending sullen signals. Congresswoman Judy Chu of California reportedly refused to stand when Mr. Trump entered. She sat reading a newspaper.

5. ...four broken-hearted parents of two Long Island teenage girls slain by members of an illegal-immigrant gang.
“Three hundred and twenty million hearts are right now breaking for you,” the president looked up and told them. “We love you.”

Yet Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin called the speech “entirely lacking in empathy.”

6. Nor did Senator Bernie Sanders suggest engaging with Mr. Trump over, say, the Dreamers — or, for that matter, the $1.5 trillion in infrastructure projects Mr. Trump wants. Instead, he painted the president as an untrustworthy man of broken promises.

7. Nor did the main Democratic responder, Representative Joseph Kennedy, grandson of RFK. His remarks will rank among the most crabbed rejoinders ever offered to a state of the union speech.
The most bizarre feature of Kennedy’s rejoinder was the notion that the Republican Party is turning American life into a “zero-sum game.” He called it a game where “in order for one to win, another must lose.”

8. In fact it is precisely the Democrats’ redistributionist socialism that is the zero-sum game. They want to cut the American pie into ever smaller slices and make government redistribute it.
Mr. Trump’s Republican brand of pro-growth economics is the opposite of a zero-sum game. It would lift Americans by growing the whole economy. That is Republican holy-writ, before and after Trump.

9.So non-responsive were the Democrats that it’s hard not to conclude the party panjandrums want to run out the clock until November. Maybe they figure they have the House in the bag.

10. The overarching aim of the Democrats is holding out for control of the House — and then impeachment."
Zero Sum Game Is Played By the Democratic Party In Wake of Trump Speech - The New York Sun

I say ignore them all, they are doing a great job not making democrats great again, less work for Trump, besides they have no plans, mission or anything to grow their base, they got rats and radicals only, they all will dwindle soon or rounded up and locked up.
I trust Trump will give people an option, if they continue to be a thorn in America's thigh than either he will round them up or Patriots will shut them up, we are getting very tired of them all and theres only two ways to achieve you mission lose or win. I'm glad I'm on the winning side and not on General impeach 45 side. :)
Sounds like second amendment remedies

lol, the Trumptards are crying because the Democrats in Congress didn't give Trump a politically correct reception at the SOTU address.

think about it
Idiot with a capital I. Trump people did not give a rat ass what they did only MSM including Fox crying about it, We just let you Liberal fools destroy each other one by one and we just continue making America great without you Nazi snowflakes.View attachment 174367

Do you plan on being that brilliant for a long time here?


Lets put it this way, we are moving forward without your safe spaces,puppies and crayons and HRC, I know for a fact I am on the winning side, Libtard snowflakes will simply melt away or fed to the swamp gators.
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"Offended by the words “church,” “family,” “police,” and “military.”
Joy Reid, a host at MSNBC, said Trump’s speech promoted “1950s-era nationalism.”
Joy Reid


Church ... family ... police ... military ... the national anthem ... Trump trying to call on all the tropes of 1950s-era nationalism. The goal of this speech appears to be to force the normalization of Trump on the terms of the bygone era his supporters are nostalgic for. #SOTU

2. Embarrassed by “USA, USA” chanting.

Melissa R. Michelson, professor of political science at Menlo College in Atherton, California, tweeted that she was embarrassed about the chanting.
Melissa R Michelson


Are they seriously chanting USA?! I am embarrassed for my country #SOTU

3. A Princeton University professor of African-American studies said the address was “officially a Klan rally.”
Keeanga-Yamahtta T.@KeeangaYamahtta

The #SOTU is officially a Klan rally.
"In Tuesday’s State of the Union address, Donald Trump showed us the president who could build an enduring majority and put the identity-mongering, America-dissing Democrats behind the eight ball for a long time to come. Let’s hope that it’s not too late.

President Trump’s admonition that “Americans are dreamers, too” was a brilliant retort to illegal-alien sentimentalism...."
Americans First
lol, the Trumptards are crying because the Democrats in Congress didn't give Trump a politically correct reception at the SOTU address.

think about it

To be honest, some of us could care less that Democrats sat on their rears. I just feel it's quite telling when Trump mentions the flag, the national anthem, our troops, black unemployment....they're still on their asses.
"What I heard above all in President Trump’s moving, presidential, and authentically American State of the Union speech was a Hamiltonian assurance that, in America, no matter where you come from—like the brilliant illegitimate immigrant from Nevis who became our first Treasury secretary—“If you work hard, if you believe in yourself, if you believe in America, then you can dream anything, you can be anything.”

And that’s because in America our motto is ‘in God we trust’”—the God who guarantees, as the Declaration of Independence assures us, that we all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the right to work out our own fate, according to our own lights.

That individual right precedes government; government exists to protect it. There was something revolutionary, with a spark of a new birth of freedom, in Trump’s assertion that “In America, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the center of the American life.” How anti-Progressive! How anti-New Deal!"
"For a long time, no one has been held accountable. No more, Trump vowed.

“My Administration has already removed more than 1,500 VA employees who failed to give our veterans the care they deserve.” And that’s just the start of his determination to hold the Administrative State to account. “I call on the Congress to empower every Cabinet Secretary with the authority to reward good workers,” he said, “and to remove Federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”

Wow! Fire civil servants who not only aren’t the experts they claim to be but who also aren’t even competent or diligent enough to do their jobs! That would be the beginning of the end of the overpaid, Gucci-shod humbugs who say, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

The central theme of conservatism: shrink the federal government.
The most despicable thing the Democrats did during the SOTU assembly was not standing up when the President entered the chamber.

Sure you may hate the person, but you should stand to honor the office he holds. ..... :cool:

I agree.

They are a bunch thugs ...exactly like their ANTIFA followers!

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