Democrats Kiss AZ. Goodbye.

Well, like you said, if they move and don't have a birth certificate, they're screwed.

What should be done for those people? Just let 'em vote?
If they registered previously and have been voting for decades?

Hell yea
Arizona Passed Bill Ensuring Only US Citizens Can Vote In Elections
I wouldn't have thought you needed a law for this! But then I never would have thought you needed a law saying that America is an English-speaking country.

– And The Left Is Freaking Out
When do they ever quit? According to them, America has been an absolute SHITHOLE or horror, except during the 8 years Obumma was in office and the two years for Biden, when it magically turned into paradise!

Should be interesting finding out who has a problem with this.
Then round them up and put them out of their misery as seditionists.
Relative to the OP and immigration.....

Here's something that is far too advanced for all but maybe one or two deep thinkers here to grasp but........(yeah, you're probably one of the idiots)

America is obviously falling apart. Corporate Elitism is creating an Aristocracy of the few haves vs everyone else.
Currently living Americans have never known anything but freedom and plenty. from birth to death.
Modern Americans never had to fight for their own freedom, it was handed to them. They never had to flee for their lives from brutal dictatorships or war torn neighborhoods. Their mindset will never push them to defend their freedom because it is ingrained into Americans that they are "protected" by a Constitution and laws and Bills of Rights...even though overwhelming evidence clearly shows all of these have been thoroughly compromised.
The few exceptions might be cops (GOOD cops), first responders and military who are truly oath keepers and not defenders of tyrants.

So even though you can't figure this out yet.....America's salvation will NOT come from the millions of gun owning Americans, they are a joke. No their guns will be easily taken away and never used for the purposes of the 2A or defending freedom. They deny it but it is fact. Guns just make them FEEL good.

It will be IMMIGRANTS...both legal AND ILLEGAL immigrants who lead the fight to regain freedom in America.
They know the perils of authoritarian rule and the horrors that corruption bring to every level of society.
They know that having freedom and stability is infinitely more valuable than possessions, comforts and pleasures.
They know that doing nothing means reverting back to that from which they ran. Cubans. Venezuelans. Haitians. Hondurans etc.
These are the people who know that freedom was never free and THOSE are the people who really know it's value.
Americans are clueless, spoiled and utterly expecting someone else to save them.
All they will ever have is whining and blaming. The 'Someone SAVE ME!!!" mentality that believes freedom is free. McCauley Caulkin faces as they are enslaved.

if anyone puts up a fight for freedom in America it will be these immigrants who fled places that were exactly what they fear, and what America is rapidly becoming. Some Americans "might" join the fight once these immigrants have established a fighting front line. But Americans certainly will never lead the fight. They are still far too concerned with getting high...or that new movie that just came out or their new car blah blah blah.

And in that respect, it is these immigrants who deserve freedom, America and citizenship....not you.
You can fuk off now.
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Their previous registrations

Which, presumably, would be from a different district.

But how would you verify the validity?

I know two people in Jacksonville named James Barone. They're not related. How would you verify that James Anthony Barone #1 is actually James Anthony Barone #1 and not James Anthony Barone #2 when it comes time to vote?
Which, presumably, would be from a different district.

But how would you verify the validity?

I know two people in Jacksonville named James Barone. They're not related. How would you verify that James Anthony Barone #1 is actually James Anthony Barone #1 and not James Anthony Barone #2 when it comes time to vote?
When I vote, they have a registrar slip I have to sign. If someone had used my name to vote there would be a soggy there and I would report it.

So would any other thinking human.

Guess what? There are virtually no reports of that happening
When I vote, they have a registrar slip I have to sign. If someone had used my name to vote there would be a soggy there and I would report it.

So would any other thinking human.

Guess what? There are virtually no reports of that happening

Huh. I don't sign a thing when I go to vote.

And I don't have a clue what a "soggy" is.

And you still haven't answered my question...
Huh. I don't sign a thing when I go to vote.

And I don't have a clue what a "soggy" is.

And you still haven't answered my question...
Oh no! I fat fingered “siggy” . That settles everything

And something as simple as a signature would solve your “concerns”
Oh no! I fat fingered “siggy” . That settles everything

And something as simple as a signature would solve your “concerns”


Something else which is alien to me.

Lemme' ask you a question: What do you do with all the time you save by type "siggy" instead of "signature"?
That’s you. You have a license I imagine. What if you didn’t? No BC… no license. You don’t vote
you don't need a license to vote. you need a license to drive.

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