Democrats & Liberals need a wake up call STAT/ Big biz leaving the US

Sure you care. Because it sure as hell wont be people like you who support the losers like you. You need Conservative wealth to support your dumbass.

And I think you'll find less and less of us who are willing to do that. Die of starvation so I have another reason to cheer you fucken leach.......

I really don't care, really, I really do not give a flying fuck about your problems. If I actually were anything like your stereotype of a liberal and I came on here complaining about my personal problems with getting food stamps, my life or crime or personal hygiene and shifting blame to someone else you would tell me me what I will now tell you, take responsibility for your choices in life that led to your problems. God what a spoiled brat. Sounds like you have it better than most and yet you come on here whining like a bitch, man up for Christ's sake.

While I may be better off then most I fucken worked my ass off for it.
Do you actually believe I should give up 40 percent of what the wife and I worked for all our lives to a single tax rate?
If so,fuck you!!!
I will do everything I can to deprive you and all you fucken leaches from taking my hard earned money. Even if that means leaving the country.

If I was taxed at a reasonable rate I would be more than happy to give my so called fair share to America. But when you take damn near half of my retirement money you can expect me to fight it every inch of the way.

Fight the good fight, I hope you win and accomplish all your personal goals and live a late life free of regret and spite. I do not wish you ill and yet you are still personalizing your rage and venting it on me. I have certain frustrations with various parts of my life like anyone and would not dream of directly blaming random people on the internet, why you continue to directly blame me for your tax issues is mystifying, seems to me that if you are being forced to pay 40% on retirement income then it's an issue you should take up with your lousy financial advisers rather than me.
Calm down herewegoagain. You're gonna push this thread into the rubberroom if you keep it up.

Sorry dude. But I'm a little pissed right now considering the wife and I are about to the point we've worked all our lives for.
To have a bunch of liberal fucks say we dont deserve what we've worked for through our 25 years of marriage makes me raging mad.
Calm down herewegoagain. You're gonna push this thread into the rubberroom if you keep it up.

Sorry dude. But I'm a little pissed right now considering the wife and I are about to the point we've worked all our lives for.
To have a bunch of liberal fucks say we dont deserve what we've worked for through our 25 years of marriage makes me raging mad.

That's their goal.....
Calm down herewegoagain. You're gonna push this thread into the rubberroom if you keep it up.

Sorry dude. But I'm a little pissed right now considering the wife and I are about to the point we've worked all our lives for.
To have a bunch of liberal fucks say we dont deserve what we've worked for through our 25 years of marriage makes me raging mad.

I don't care about what you feel you are entitled to for your life of honest(?) labor. The topic was about corporations having access to tax dodges you and me can only dream of. Bet you would like to perform a little tax alchemy and keep a lot more at this point. Doesn't that make you just a little envious that Mitt, for example, will pay a fraction of what you claim you are paying for doing far less.
Calm down herewegoagain. You're gonna push this thread into the rubberroom if you keep it up.

Sorry dude. But I'm a little pissed right now considering the wife and I are about to the point we've worked all our lives for.
To have a bunch of liberal fucks say we dont deserve what we've worked for through our 25 years of marriage makes me raging mad.

That anger should be pointed at congress. While liberals in general suck they are only regurgitating the bullshit they've been brainwashed with repeatedly by unscrupulous political leaders.

Besides, I don't wanna see ya get banned for carrying on a bit to far. Grab a beer and get ready for opening night of the NFL tomorrow.
I really don't care, really, I really do not give a flying fuck about your problems. If I actually were anything like your stereotype of a liberal and I came on here complaining about my personal problems with getting food stamps, my life or crime or personal hygiene and shifting blame to someone else you would tell me me what I will now tell you, take responsibility for your choices in life that led to your problems. God what a spoiled brat. Sounds like you have it better than most and yet you come on here whining like a bitch, man up for Christ's sake.

While I may be better off then most I fucken worked my ass off for it.
Do you actually believe I should give up 40 percent of what the wife and I worked for all our lives to a single tax rate?
If so,fuck you!!!
I will do everything I can to deprive you and all you fucken leaches from taking my hard earned money. Even if that means leaving the country.

If I was taxed at a reasonable rate I would be more than happy to give my so called fair share to America. But when you take damn near half of my retirement money you can expect me to fight it every inch of the way.

Fight the good fight, I hope you win and accomplish all your personal goals and live a late life free of regret and spite. I do not wish you ill and yet you are still personalizing your rage and venting it on me. I have certain frustrations with various parts of my life like anyone and would not dream of directly blaming random people on the internet, why you continue to directly blame me for your tax issues is mystifying, seems to me that if you are being forced to pay 40% on retirement income then it's an issue you should take up with your lousy financial advisers rather than me.

My so called lousy financial adviser is my wife. She's been in the banking industry all her adult life and knows the business from top to bottom. I can promise you she knows more about investment banking than 99.9% of the population of America. Of course that means you or anyone you know. In fact she is responsible for making her employer billions over the last two years.

Come on back when you have something intelligent to say.....
Calm down herewegoagain. You're gonna push this thread into the rubberroom if you keep it up.

Sorry dude. But I'm a little pissed right now considering the wife and I are about to the point we've worked all our lives for.
To have a bunch of liberal fucks say we dont deserve what we've worked for through our 25 years of marriage makes me raging mad.

That anger should be pointed at congress. While liberals in general suck they are only regurgitating the bullshit they've been brainwashed with repeatedly by unscrupulous political leaders.

Besides, I don't wanna see ya get banned for carrying on a bit to far. Grab a beer and get ready for opening night of the NFL tomorrow.

While I dont really care about getting banned. I do care about football....:D

And I've been drinking BullDogs for about two hours so I'm about relaxed as i'm gonna get.:D

Anti Americans get me worked up......even if they dont realize they are the enemy.
Some 47 companies have moved their headquarters overseas in the last decade to save billions in corporate taxes. While Walgreens has reversed it's decision to relocate to Switzerland to avoid negative publicity their stocks have taken a hit and their shareholders are furious.

Meanwhile here at home the Republicans want to cut corporate tax rates to compete globally the Democrats are content to just call these companies unpatriotic & stamp their feet. Is it unpatriotic? Probably. Will calling them names bring the money back home? Highly unlikely.

US based companies don't "owe" us anything. Like any business the point is to maximize profits and if simply moving your home office stands to net you a cool extra 100m or more per year you'd be foolish to stay despite the name calling from the left.

Why not cut corporate rates and KEEP that money in our economy? Stomping your feet & yelling doesn't pay the bills dummies. Unless of course you want US companies to fund the growth of other countries.

There are over 4 millions jobs going unfilled because of the need for skilled labor.

Republicans don't believe in education. It's why business wants immigration reform. So they can bring in educated people. It's well known they can't get them from Republicans. It's why the go overseas. You can get all the tax breaks in the world, but if all you have to choose from are stupid and uneducated people, then of course you go overseas. Even you must know that.

Seriously, look at Republicans here on the USMB. I wouldn't let them mow my lawn.

Wait I thought there were no jobs so we can't blame the unemployed. Will you get your story straight for once?

On the issue, libs are in a bind. They swear big companies created the tax code and run government. But cannot account for the fact that big business is leaving because of that very tax code. If they actually controlled gov't wouldn't they write a tax code that would enable them to stay here?
The cognitive dissonance is shattering.

Whaaa? You don't make any sense.

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey News Release

Latest Research on Millions of Jobs in the USA in Science, Engineering, Technology and Math Areas

Seriously, if you were an employer, would you want to hire this guy?

Liberal solutions seem to always involve mandates, force and punishment. They're clueless.

I swear, it's in their freakin' genes.

Control, intimidation, capitulation, submission.


Really? Who's the party that keeps submitting repeals to Obamacare.....after Obama was elected on it, Supreme Court approved it....exaggerate much?
New York, a democrat run state, offers major tax exemptions for companies to relocate there from other states but for some reason applying this same DEMOCRAT logic nationally is frowned upon.

I just don't get it. Your damn greed is killing business.

A lot of states do that, to get a company to relocate in their state. Julian Castro did that for San Antonio when he was member of the City Council. He was instrumental in bringing Toyota's Tundra Plant to San Antonio. And what did Republicans think of it? They bitched that the Democratic run City Council gave Toyota certain perks in tax cuts and other benefits that shouldn't have been given. So, make up your mind, what you want. You all seem to blow with the wind, one day you are bitching about something and the very next day you are lauding the very same thing as wonderful.

I bet you would be willing to pay these companies instead of requiring taxes, just to keep their businesses here. Ooops, I forgot, we already do's called Corporate Welfare.

If they aren't happy with the money they are making here, let them take their damn companies elsewhere, but they should be checked out to make sure they didn't just set up some empty building up as "headquarters" - because that is what many selfish business owners do. They want to keep more money for themselves, paying their CEO's excessive bonuses while ripping their American employees out of their jobs and earned retirements.

More jobs were shipped out during Bush's term as President.....he thought it was a good thing...I'm sure you agreed with that at the time.

While many citizens are concerned with the amount of jobs that may be lost, the Bush administration believe this is a positive move for our economy that will not decrease the amount of jobs in the country, but in fact increase the amount of trade that goes on with other countries. "Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade, more things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that's a good thing." stated Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisors. Over 2.2 million jobs were lost due to outsourcing during the first three years of the bush administration. However, Bush proclaims that in 2004 those jobs were replaced with the 2.6 million job opportunities that will continue to come for the United States citizens.
Liberal solutions seem to always involve mandates, force and punishment. They're clueless.

I swear, it's in their freakin' genes.

Control, intimidation, capitulation, submission.


Really? Who's the party that keeps submitting repeals to Obamacare.....after Obama was elected on it, Supreme Court approved it....exaggerate much?

Was this meant to be a non sequitur?

It's definitely an attempt at deflection, but I'm not sure about the non sequitur part.


They are following their fiduciary (L-E-G-A-L) mandate to maximize shareholder value.

If they do not follow their mandate, they can and will be sued by their shareholders.

It's the best they can do in what is clearly a hostile environment for business.


It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.

I see said the blind man.

So, the left is OK with illegals coming here for votes, and the pubs want the cheap labor. A win/win

But since the pubs 'one upped' the Libs by keeping the cheap labor, while avoiding oppressive US tax regulations, it's now an issue for the left that the pubs are using that 'cheap labor'.

I'm sure if the left could garner votes somehow from the corporations fleeing America, they would support it

Sickos :badgrin:

This conversation is about the relationship between our government & US based businesses.
My emotional based response or your emotional based response is irrelevant.

Please refrain from your retardation & stay on topic.

You opened the patriotism door in your OP!

Not my problem if you can't handle how poorly your own lack of patriotism reflects on you.

And I suggest that you refrain from insulting other posters. That exposes the weakness of your position.

I didn't open patriotism, I merely repeated the democrat position. As far as insults go, I call them as I see them. It is not my job to try to force a business to do anything. If they make a product I like I couldn't give two shits where they base their home office. My frustration is sharply focused on the reason they moved to begin with. Unfortunately I can not "boycott" stupid democrat policies, ie corporate tax rates.

Bank A offers you 35% interest on your investments. Bank B offers you 17% interest on the same investment.

Where's your money going? If you say bank B you're either a liar or a moron.

Last time I am going to ask you to refrain from insults.

You did open the patriotism door and it swung back and smacked you. Your problem.

This incessant whine about reducing taxes when there is a massive deficit is ludicrous. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You want to live here you have to pay having a civilized society. That includes corporate "persons". But your lack of patriotism extends to allowing FOREIGN corporations to interfere with US elections.

Let's face it, there is nothing American about your position. You only worship the almighty dollar and you don't care about We the People one iota.
You opened the patriotism door in your OP!

Not my problem if you can't handle how poorly your own lack of patriotism reflects on you.

And I suggest that you refrain from insulting other posters. That exposes the weakness of your position.

I didn't open patriotism, I merely repeated the democrat position. As far as insults go, I call them as I see them. It is not my job to try to force a business to do anything. If they make a product I like I couldn't give two shits where they base their home office. My frustration is sharply focused on the reason they moved to begin with. Unfortunately I can not "boycott" stupid democrat policies, ie corporate tax rates.

Bank A offers you 35% interest on your investments. Bank B offers you 17% interest on the same investment.

Where's your money going? If you say bank B you're either a liar or a moron.

Last time I am going to ask you to refrain from insults.

You did open the patriotism door and it swung back and smacked you. Your problem.

This incessant whine about reducing taxes when there is a massive deficit is ludicrous. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You want to live here you have to pay having a civilized society. That includes corporate "persons". But your lack of patriotism extends to allowing FOREIGN corporations to interfere with US elections.

Let's face it, there is nothing American about your position. You only worship the almighty dollar and you don't care about We the People one iota.

I'll jump in.

I'm not suppose to 'care' about the 'people'. Not one iota. I say that in, not suppose to care about them by yours and the lefts definition. You see, caring to the left means opening my wallet. Seriously, that is real world life

From where, and how I was raised- The 'people' don't need my pity, they are stronger and better than that. They to can reach the plateau where government assistance is absent. A place where personal accountability and pride reside

A truly wonderful and profitable place

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They are following their fiduciary (L-E-G-A-L) mandate to maximize shareholder value.

If they do not follow their mandate, they can and will be sued by their shareholders.

It's the best they can do in what is clearly a hostile environment for business.


It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.
The jackbooted, Nazi way to solve everything.
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It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.

Sure beats lowering corporate tax rates and having a positive relationship with employers.

You folks literally can't help yourselves. You have to punish, issue "consequences".


And where are you folks talking about "helping" people.

Oh wait, yeah, you talking about helping rich folks all the time.

But when you talking about cutting?

You want to cut snap. You want to cut welfare. You want to cut education. You want to cut just about anything "helps" the poor and middle class.

And in fact, you want to draw from these folks to pay for the stuff that makes rich folks richer.

Like Military funding.
Like funding agriculture.
Like funding big oil.

I have NEVER heard a conservative talking about cutting a weapons system.

But I have heard them talk about "fat" poor kids.

Cry me a river..dude.
Helping a family stay on welfare isn't helping them. How us that not obvious?
He knows he can't refute my point.

So, straight to deflection he goes.


What deflection?

It's pretty simple.

Government needs taxes to run.

No taxes.

No government.

And if you are talking about cutting them? You are talking about weakening the government.

Decrease corporate taxes.

End the hostile environment for businesses.

You'll get your taxes.

Wait, let me guess:

NO. You'd rather punish.

. It's the nazi way!

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