Democrats lie about recession

Can you find any sources that debunk the stuff I post? No you can not.
Can you supply any sources that support your claims? As usual, no you can't.

Just another one who makes claims, demands written rebuffs while never living up to the standards you demand of others. In other words, a liar and a democrat, but I repeat myself.
It's happening because the current administration is printing too much money that is backed by nothing except promises. That's ultimately why this is happening. They weakend the us dollar by over saturating the dollar and lowering its value.

What money actually is is debt. It's part of the debt market. A dollar is debt in reality and not what most people's brains perceive it as. The us dollar doesn't represent actual money or value because it's just paper that says 1 dollar.

The deeper in debt we get the more money we print, the more money we print the less it's worth.

The other part of the debt market is bonds, and the only people buying bonds are our own government with more printed money so the market doesn't crash. That's why right now the bond market has a inverted yield curve meaning interest earnings are higher on 2 year bonds than they are on 10 year bonds, which is the exact opposite of how it's supposed to work.

It also doesn't help the current administration is printing billions and trillions to just give away to other countries.

It all started with inflation. Which doesn't mean products are getting more expensive to make, it means it takes more dollars to make them because the dollar is losing its value. What used to cost 1 dollar now costs 1.85 dollars because the value is much lower on a dollar

I agree, and believe I stated the same.
I debunk your idiocy routinely.
No, whenever I show you via truth o meter that you are wrong, you just say "oh pahleez Trutometer?"

That's not debunking. That's changing the subject. They go through great length to explain in great detail. Feel free to cut and paste their lies EVER and we will discuss where/how/why they are wrong.

They aren't wrong, you're ignorant. They even explain why you have half the story right. But always, only half.
I agree, and believe I stated the same.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but now I'm more for trickle down than the Democratic way. I used to wish past presidents would have given the middle class tax breaks, not the rich. But putting extra money in all our pockets only causes inflation and prices to go up due to gouging.

I'm still waiting for supply and demand to work on chicken. I don't buy chicken anymore. My brother doesn't buy chicken anymore. It's just too god damn expensive. Is anyone paying those prices? They must be because prices remain high.

I'm going to shoot two deer this year and stock up on venison.
Can you supply any sources that support your claims? As usual, no you can't.

Just another one who makes claims, demands written rebuffs while never living up to the standards you demand of others. In other words, a liar and a democrat, but I repeat myself.
I did supply a source dumb ass. uncensored2008 replied back he didn't like my source. You didn't read what they wrote and find any fault with it. You simply won't accept anything unless it comes from a far right wing radical media source. Ya dumb.

  1. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters:
    "the country is in the depths of a recession" · "measures to pull the economy out of recession

Any person taking a college level economic course has learned that a recession is two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP.

But a recession isn't helpful to the democrats in furthering their agenda so they have undertaken the Orwellian task of lying reality out of existence.

Biden's top economic dog, Janet Yellen is faced with addressing the recession, and has chosen a favorite tactic of the democrat party - she is flat out lying.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen doubled down on her claim that the US economy is not in a recession — despite the fact that the latest GDP report showed its second straight quarterly decline.

Yellen said experts “should avoid a semantic battle” when discussing the US economy, even as the White House on Thursday scrambled to push back against the widely held view among economists that two straight quarters of GDP declines are the definition of a recession.}

Joe Biden lied to the America people as well.

Will the lies of the democrats lessen the impact of this recession? Will the public buy into it? Will the NY Times and other party propaganda be able to erase 200 years of economic reality to serve the current regime?
Well, we can say without any sort of doubt that democrats lie about everything. There is literally no truth in them. Even when they tell a so called truth, it is with manipulative intentions. So therefore, it's a lie.
No, whenever I show you via truth o meter that you are wrong, you just say "oh pahleez Trutometer?"

Politifraud are lying hacks.

What do you not grasp.

Politifraud claiming anything is meaningless

That's not debunking. That's changing the subject. They go through great length to explain in great detail. Feel free to cut and paste their lies EVER and we will discuss where/how/why they are wrong.

They aren't wrong, you're ignorant. They even explain why you have half the story right. But always, only half.


Politifraud aren't "wrong," they're fucking liars.

I've proven this to you repeatedly.
Yeah...sure...sometime next year...after the midterms...they'll finally admit that Republicans were right when they said inflation isn't temporary we are in a recession.

The "experts" of the Biden administration...then and now...


That's the plan, to try to fool the American people so midterms won't be as bad as the believe they will be. Biden is about spinning the truth or lies. November 9, the day after the election, will be the news of whether our economy grew or shrank, that is why we are getting the lies and mixed signals and recession denials, the left needs this to be buried.

Look how hard the left wing nuts are wanting to change the definition of a recession. Ask yourself this, if this were Trump or Bush under the same circumstance would the left claim people we lying and being dishonest? Of course, they would, it's called dishonesty and that is their only shot to win in November.
It's happening because the current administration is printing too much money that is backed by nothing except promises.
How and where exactly?
They weakend the us dollar by over saturating the dollar and lowering its value.
One of your wing nut friends just posted a link claiming that the STRONG dollar was the main reason for the recent decrease in gasoline prices

Get your story stright
Politifraud are lying hacks.

What do you not grasp.

Politifraud claiming anything is meaningless


Politifraud aren't "wrong," they're fucking liars.

I've proven this to you repeatedly.
Go find an example of a lie in the link I provided that came from that source. If you can't SMD.
Can you supply any sources that support your claims? As usual, no you can't.

Just another one who makes claims, demands written rebuffs while never living up to the standards you demand of others. In other words, a liar and a democrat, but I repeat myself.

You guys don't get to just reply back "politifact sucks". Yea we know. You really hate them because they expose your lies. They go into great detail to debunk your bullshit. So we understand you right wing radicals hate them. May as well put them up there with BLM. You've demonized politifact so you never have to address the information within.

We know your game even if you don't. You may not realize this is a tactic you are using because you're just a sheep.

You guys don't get to just reply back "politifact sucks". Yea we know. You really hate them because they expose your lies. They go into great detail to debunk your bullshit. So we understand you right wing radicals hate them. May as well put them up there with BLM. You've demonized politifact so you never have to address the information within.

We know your game even if you don't. You may not realize this is a tactic you are using because you're just a sheep.
Their media bias is pretty much to the left, that is the issue that many have with politifact. If you claim to be a political fact checker, it might be best if you checked your bias right from the get-go, anything else makes you look suspect.
Their media bias is pretty much to the left, that is the issue that many have with politifact. If you claim to be a political fact checker, it might be best if you checked your bias right from the get-go, anything else makes you look suspect.
See? You can't do it. Yes, I believe the left is truth and the right is lies. So here is a great source I provide that goes into great deal why I'm right and you are wrong. And you can't stand it. And you have no "alternative sources" just alternative facts.

Do yourself a favor. Wake up. Click on the link and read in great detail why Donald Trump overstated the number of jobs he brought back to America.

That's what the conversation was about. I notice you guys don't even care what the topic was. The topic has not become about poltiifact. Fuck off mental midgets.
Their media bias is pretty much to the left, that is the issue that many have with politifact. If you claim to be a political fact checker, it might be best if you checked your bias right from the get-go, anything else makes you look suspect.
When time after time I check the right and see the slant/lies, after awhile I stop looking.

Now if you post some link from a source you like and I don't like the findings, I'll go do my research to debunk your bullshit. Have you posted a link yet that proves in great detail how Trump did bring back 1 million manufacturing jobs? That was his claim. And sorry but any source that debunks what Donny Trumpy says is going to be deemed bias and left.

You don't get to bad mouth politifact. Do you have a right wing source that does better?

Can you point out some politifact stories that were proven wrong/lies? I'm sure they may have gotten one or two things wrong like everyone else but boy you sure won't even look at what they have to say. Even if they are the only ones to go into great detail looking into the subject. Interesting.

My advice to you. Read what politifact has to say and see if you can find the flaws. Bet you can't. Bet you'll become a big fan. Stop listening to right wing media sources papa.
I did supply a source dumb ass. uncensored2008 replied back he didn't like my source. You didn't read what they wrote and find any fault with it. You simply won't accept anything unless it comes from a far right wing radical media source. Ya dumb.
Idiot. You claim to have supplied such documents but refuse to supply it again. If you have it, it should be no problem to post it again. POST, not reference. But coming from a far left position, you will not do so since your "source" is highly doubtful, as are you.

You guys don't get to just reply back "politifact sucks". Yea we know. You really hate them because they expose your lies. They go into great detail to debunk your bullshit. So we understand you right wing radicals hate them. May as well put them up there with BLM. You've demonized politifact so you never have to address the information within.

We know your game even if you don't. You may not realize this is a tactic you are using because you're just a sheep.
As expected, your "source" is highly suspect and proven wrong many times. But you don't care about that fact, since it refutes your alleged point of view.

PolitiFact has been proven wrong so many times and biased beyond belief.
See? You can't do it. Yes, I believe the left is truth and the right is lies. So here is a great source I provide that goes into great deal why I'm right and you are wrong. And you can't stand it. And you have no "alternative sources" just alternative facts.

Do yourself a favor. Wake up. Click on the link and read in great detail why Donald Trump overstated the number of jobs he brought back to America.

That's what the conversation was about. I notice you guys don't even care what the topic was. The topic has not become about poltiifact. Fuck off mental midgets.
I never stated that Trump didn't overstate facts, he has done it for a while. I don't follow extreme left or right, they both have lied, and they don't care. We are in a recession, that is a fact, and yet Biden and Democrats lie, why is that? They want re-elected in November and the next time we will see if are growing or receding is the day after the election, funny how that is going to work and the dishonest Democrats know it, that is why all the lying about a recession on the part of Democrats. Don't use politifact, it makes you look stupid.
When time after time I check the right and see the slant/lies, after awhile I stop looking.

Now if you post some link from a source you like and I don't like the findings, I'll go do my research to debunk your bullshit. Have you posted a link yet that proves in great detail how Trump did bring back 1 million manufacturing jobs? That was his claim. And sorry but any source that debunks what Donny Trumpy says is going to be deemed bias and left.

You don't get to bad mouth politifact. Do you have a right wing source that does better?

Can you point out some politifact stories that were proven wrong/lies? I'm sure they may have gotten one or two things wrong like everyone else but boy you sure won't even look at what they have to say. Even if they are the only ones to go into great detail looking into the subject. Interesting.

My advice to you. Read what politifact has to say and see if you can find the flaws. Bet you can't. Bet you'll become a big fan. Stop listening to right wing media sources papa.
I don't look for sources that lean to the extremes only middle of the road news sources. You go on now, 2022 is here and it is all about Trump for you clowns. The rest of America will worry about the recession we are in and vote accordingly.

Just a reminder, the thread is about Democrats lying about the recession, not about your obsession of what Trump said a few years ago, we are talking current lies.
As expected, your "source" is highly suspect and proven wrong many times. But you don't care about that fact, since it refutes your alleged point of view.

PolitiFact has been proven wrong so many times and biased beyond belief.
But you couldn't find any flaws in the content. Got it.

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