Democrats lie about recession

You mean like the lie that the ten year old rape victim in Ohio didn’t exist?

Or that the burn pit bill had changed after Republicans voted for it (it hadn’t)

Or that it has pork in it(it doesn’t)

Like that?

Way to try and divert the discussion. That is what you do when you know you are losing. That and name calling to reinforce your alleged superiority while proving just the opposite.
You want a housing slowdown (which reduces GDP) and you want a reduction in inflation.

Anything else on your contradictory wish list?
You want a housing slowdown (which reduces GDP) and you want a reduction in inflation.

Anything else on your contradictory wish list?
Never said I wanted a housing slowdown, I stated that it is happening now. Learn to read.
No, you show disagreement with your own lies. Big difference.
Wait… you fuckers didn’t claim that the 10 year old rape victim didn’t exist?

You didn’t claim that the burn bill had changed substantially?

Wait… you fuckers didn’t claim that the 10 year old rape victim didn’t exist?
I myself? Never claimed any such thing. I just didn't know, nor could I find any conclusive proof either way, which I found suspicious. It was not a surprise, later, when I found out why I could not find out conclusive proof.

The she was a victim of a criminal illegal alien, which is the result of the ruling elites, and the folks whom you support, for not enforcing the border laws.

That was pretty much what Trump to end, his number one issue, and what the cabal media slammed him on, and gas-lit the public, claiming didn't exist as a problem.

Quelle surprise! :ack-1:

You didn’t claim that the burn bill had changed substantially?

Do you even understand how inflation works? The more the government has the FED inject into the economy, the more inflation we get. It would have gone right on through, had the ruling party not revived that pork barrel give-away to the "green industry." But the other party had to put its foot down against more spending somewhere. I totally agree with you, it is a travesty, but in the end, it would have just hurt all the poor, even more.

Somehow, you have this idea, that we can just continue to go on spending indefinitely.

And really, if we are being completely honest? The folks in the GOP, had nothing to do with the failure of the burn bill, you are being brainwashed by partisan, divide and conquer media. With Harris' deciding vote in the Senate? The DNC can pass anything they want, if they really want. The DNC runs all the branches, they run the table. They had no excuse for the burn bill not being passed anyway, just like they passed, "Inflation Reduction Act." BUT? Apparently the stake holders running the green industry are more important to the DNC than the nation's vets. Guess we know who the real fuckers are. :113:

While we are on that subject of the DNC controlling all three branches; over 70% of Americans support a person's right to choose in the first trimester of pregnancy, so a very conservative, women's right to choose bill, codified into law, PASSED NOW, before the mid-terms, would an opportune moment, to do the will of the majority of the electorate.

Ask yourself, why doesn't the DNC act?

I will tell you why.

Because, the DNC are just as big of fuckers as any politicians in D.C.


  1. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters:
    "the country is in the depths of a recession" · "measures to pull the economy out of recession

Any person taking a college level economic course has learned that a recession is two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP.

But a recession isn't helpful to the democrats in furthering their agenda so they have undertaken the Orwellian task of lying reality out of existence.

Biden's top economic dog, Janet Yellen is faced with addressing the recession, and has chosen a favorite tactic of the democrat party - she is flat out lying.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen doubled down on her claim that the US economy is not in a recession — despite the fact that the latest GDP report showed its second straight quarterly decline.

Yellen said experts “should avoid a semantic battle” when discussing the US economy, even as the White House on Thursday scrambled to push back against the widely held view among economists that two straight quarters of GDP declines are the definition of a recession.}

Joe Biden lied to the America people as well.

Will the lies of the democrats lessen the impact of this recession? Will the public buy into it? Will the NY Times and other party propaganda be able to erase 200 years of economic reality to serve the current regime?
Democrats lie about everything.
Wait… you fuckers didn’t claim that the 10 year old rape victim didn’t exist?

You didn’t claim that the burn bill had changed substantially?

The one raped by Biden's illegal alien? As part of the human trafficking ring Biden and the democrats run?

A lot of children are raped as part of the democrat human trafficking racket.
Quick rule of thumb
Lers see if US Economic Analysts declare a recession based on multiple economic factors

We can also see if that -0.9 percent gets adjusted upward as more data is received.

You seem so anxious to declare a recession.

Not anxious...two quarters if negative growth has ALWAYS indicated a recession. But in Dem world where the word woman can't be defined, men can get pregnant and there are a whole spectrum of genders ...well ...who knows...
Wait… you fuckers didn’t claim that the 10 year old rape victim didn’t exist?

You didn’t claim that the burn bill had changed substantially?

Wait… you fuckers didn’t claim that the 10 year old rape victim didn’t exist?

You didn’t claim that the burn bill had changed substantially?
It could also be adjusted down, thus eliminating your false claim.
Not anxious...two quarters if negative growth has ALWAYS indicated a recession. But in Dem world where the word woman can't be defined, men can get pregnant and there are a whole spectrum of genders ...well ...who knows...
Economists disagree

Two quarters of negative growth is a good indicator but Economists say there are other factors they consider before declaring a Recession
Economists disagree

Two quarters of negative growth is a good indicator but Economists say there are other factors they consider before declaring a Recession
Somehow there is always a reason why what is happening isn't happening when there is a Democrat in the White House.

Can you even imagine what the media coverage of Biden would be like if he had an R after his name instead if a D?

Can you get a negative approval rating?

The US media is biased garbage that will prop up a Democrat under the same circumstances they would bury a Republican in negative press.

We're all seeing to live and in a front row seat to the most biased, propagandized media since the Civil War.

So please spare me your "these economist that we dug up to contradict the obvious" ploy. That crap is only going to reduce trust in media from 11% to the Zero percent that they so richly deserve.
Somehow there is always a reason why what is happening isn't happening when there is a Democrat in the White House.

Can you even imagine what the media coverage of Biden would be like if he had an R after his name instead if a D?

Can you get a negative approval rating?

The US media is biased garbage that will will prop up a Democrat under the same circumstances they would bury a Republican in negative press.

So please spare me your "these economist that we dug up to contradict the obvious" ploy. That crap is only going to reduce trust in media from 11% to Zero.
If it’s a Recession lets call it a Recession
If it’s not…we don’t

Let Economists make the call, not your favorite Fox News host
Why we may not be in a Recession

Both negative quarters are in borderline negative territory
Employment is up
Consumer spending is up

Let the Economists make the call

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