Democrats literally being inflated out of office.....Grocery and Gas trump all other issues by a mile.

You will be told that there is no problem. You will be told that you're panicking unnecessarily and that you are being fooled and misinformed. You will also be told by the cashier at the grocery store on that very same day that your debit card was just rejected your total was too high. Now you know damn well that you just did this identical order a few weeks ago with no what exactly is the problem? Well it is many fold and many faceted. Start with the devaluation of the dollar due to poor money policy. It just doesn't do what it used to do, doesn't buy what it used to buy. Add to that the increased prices of transportation due to hydrocarbon restrictions ( which are voluntary btw not for you and me but for the people making the restrictions ) and the supply and demand imbalances caused by the pandemic and you have the prefect recipe for RUNAWAY inflation...annnnnnd it's running away even though lefty wants to deny it. Lefty cannot deny that grocery prices have spiked 9% in the last 12 months and that is runaway by anyone's standard.

Will Roe V Wade upstage this? Maybe for a few weeks but that's all. In the mean time both pro-life and pro-choice folks still have to go the gas station and still have to do food shopping. Have you seen the faces of the folks in the grocery store these days. Reaching for a piece of steak and then disgustedly throwing it back? Tentatively reaching for this or that and then quickly pulling out the calculator then checking their wallets? Oh's coming.



The Roe leak didn't even shake up the midterm landscape even for a few days. As the Leftists overreact--protests at SC Justice's homes and churches--it will swing even more away from them.

But when Trump did it, only MORE, and then BRAGGED about its effects on GDP, and HAMMERED on the Fed to keep interest rates low, that was all okay.


Biden sucks so bad I think Trump could actually be re-elected at this point. We will be so poor that people will look at his booming economy and not give two craps about everything you all cried about day and night.

Even a month ago I thought he had no chance.
So, you blame the US government for private companies raising global prices?
Wow, I didn't think Biden was such a badass.
They are blissfully ignorant. They just believe what they're told in their world.

They just need a story that lets them simplistically point the finger at one (1) place. Once they have that, they just ignore/avoid everything else.

I wish they were just goofing around. But I don't think they are.
OK so here's the question Mr Republican candidate: If democrats are responsible somehow for inflation it should be easy to explain how republicans will bring prices down other than the usual means of causing a deep recession.
yes it will be easy….but we won’t avoid a recession. before 2024
OK so here's the question Mr Republican candidate: If democrats are responsible somehow for inflation it should be easy to explain how republicans will bring prices down other than the usual means of causing a deep recession.
Seek out the stolen money----criminal investigation into Bidens stimulus bullshit money...
not surprising, cause it’s usually dealing with the aftermath of dem policies, cleaning up the mess

Lets see….
Clinton cleaned up after Bush41…..Record economy
Obama cleaned up after Bush 43….Record economy
Biden is cleaning up after Trump….Record economy
Lets see….
Clinton cleaned up after Bush41…..Record economy
Obama cleaned up after Bush 43….Record economy
Biden is cleaning up after Trump….Record economy
bush cleaned up clinton’s recession, Trump cleaned up obama’s mess…he’s was worse he inherited the largest world cris since ww2, and trump will clean up xiden’s
bush cleaned up clinton’s recession, Trump cleaned up obama’s mess…he’s was worse he inherited the largest world cris since ww2, and trump will clean up xiden’s

Show me the numbers
Show me the numbers
when obama left office we had the world largest refuge crisis since ww2. thanks to his more flexible with putin policy and his jv team mindset with terror.

unsurprisingly xiden takes office, he surrenders to terrorist and putin invaded again
when obama left office we had the world largest refuge crisis since ww2. thanks to his more flexible with putin policy and his jv team mindset with terror.

unsurprisingly xiden takes office, he surrenders to terrorist and putin invaded again

You are just making shit up

Illegal immigration decreased under Obama
You are just making shit up

Illegal immigration decreased under Obama
i’m talking about a world refugee crisis. not illegal immigrant..

more over refugees aren’t illegal immigrants…are you an idiot or just a bigot for thinking that?
i’m talking about a world refugee crisis. not illegal immigrant..

more over refugees aren’t illegal immigrants…are you an idiot or just a bigot for thinking that?
Which was somehow Obama’s creation?
Which was somehow Obama’s creation?
yes, in part. His surrender to terrorist, and more flexible with putin policy

i literally just said this…then you somehow went on some rant about illegal immigrant
yes, in part. His surrender to terrorist, and more flexible with putin policy

i literally just said this…then you somehow went on some rant about illegal immigrant

You mean the same Obama who hunted down AlQaeda leaders and killed bin Laden surrendered to terrorists?
They were down due to the most precipitous drop in world wide demand in living memory. Another great recession ought to do the trick.
You made a misstatement or an incomplete statement. They went down because the entire global community made a horrible miscalculation about how to deal with a yeah demand went down because industry was forced to close. Then it went back up when the supply chain died....also a result of the miscalculation. Some believe it was a purposeful miscalculation. f I am somewhat ambivalent about that matter as of yet.

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