Democrats Lose In A Massive Landslide,Yet,Continue To Represent The "Terminally Stupid".

:iagree:enough will the popular vote! The Map Is All Red!!! MASSIVE LANDSLIDE!,,,,Shows that 65% of All Americans Aren't as Stupid as Hillary assumed !!!!
The popular vote tell us who the people wanted, and Trump LOST by 3 million votes. Time to deal with reality

Nope, the three million votes was skewed because that came from california. It doesn't represent the totals of each state.
:iagree:enough will the popular vote! The Map Is All Red!!! MASSIVE LANDSLIDE!,,,,Shows that 65% of All Americans Aren't as Stupid as Hillary assumed !!!!
The popular vote tell us who the people wanted, and Trump LOST by 3 million votes. Time to deal with reality

Nope, the three million votes was skewed because that came from california. It doesn't represent the totals of each state.
Soros is fueling and paying for the ongoing sedition at the town halls
does Soros know that only about 35% of the American populus have the same IQ as a constipated/bi polar Turkey?

Yes he does, he talks about you insane right wing retards often.

Time for a dose of reality - Trump got elected with electoral win margin in the bottom third of all presidential elections and when you look closer at the numbers it looks straight up razor thin.

Election was ultimately decided in three states: MI, PA, WI - where 80,000 votes decided election with a combined win margin of 0.5%.

It was a very close election, those are just simple facts. Your insanity however causes you to post ridiculous nonsense about "landslide".
:iagree:enough will the popular vote! The Map Is All Red!!! MASSIVE LANDSLIDE!,,,,Shows that 65% of All Americans Aren't as Stupid as Hillary assumed !!!!
The popular vote tell us who the people wanted, and Trump LOST by 3 million votes. Time to deal with reality

Nope, the three million votes was skewed because that came from california. It doesn't represent the totals of each state.

Geesh, I thought you would be able to easily figure that out. Guess not. He lost by 3 million in california.....not the rest of the country so that popular vote is not representative of the whole country.

Popular Vote 2016: How California Drove Hillary Clinton’s Lead
:2up: Ever since Trump beat "The Beast" in a record landslide, we have all noticed how pretty much all of the liberal/democrat leaders continue to act as if they are campaigning/fighting for the 12 year old, and the "Dufass/Blockhead" segment of our population. From Pelosi believing that Bush is the current President, to Maxine Waters trying to convince us that Russia is annexing North Korea, and High Cheif Warren still pretending to be a native American. It seems as if the Democrats have no idea why they lost about 85% of the Country. So Fine, just keep acting like the cast from "One Cookoo Flew Over The Nest", and we will just do it all over again in 2018/2020. :laugh2:
I asked you this in another thread and you didn't answer, so I'll try again:

In that thread you said that Trump entered office with a 65% approval rating.

In your sig, you say that Trump received 72,475,961 votes in the election.

Please provide empirical evidence of both claims.

Gonna respond?
:2up: Ever since Trump beat "The Beast" in a record landslide, we have all noticed how pretty much all of the liberal/democrat leaders continue to act as if they are campaigning/fighting for the 12 year old, and the "Dufass/Blockhead" segment of our population. From Pelosi believing that Bush is the current President, to Maxine Waters trying to convince us that Russia is annexing North Korea, and High Cheif Warren still pretending to be a native American. It seems as if the Democrats have no idea why they lost about 85% of the Country. So Fine, just keep acting like the cast from "One Cookoo Flew Over The Nest", and we will just do it all over again in 2018/2020. :laugh2:
Trolls gotta troll
It's like a chimpanzee jacking off.
Put any of these dolts on a basic answer/question game show, and all will fail, while looking like a monkey with 3 feet of toilet paper stuck to their holes

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