Democrats make the most solid case yet for a border wall

Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

So that mentality is like this, how much does it cost to keep murderers in jail, it's cheaper to just let them go so you must also say no need to jail murderers it cost to much?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Perhaps that is your attempt at mentality. Prisons are very good at keeping murderers off the street. Walls suck at keeping people out who want to get into places.
Think of the wall as a diaphragm.
A new report from Senate Democrats claims that the border wall could (key word) cost $70 billion. Well, lets just say that is true. Lets give them their worst case scenario. Even ardent left-wing organizations acknowledge that illegal aliens cost the U.S. $113 billion per year. And adjusted for illegal "contributions" the net result is still a $99 billion per year cost to U.S. taxpayers. Which means that in less than one year, the wall will pay for itself. And in one full year, the wall will result in a $29 billion surplus in the absolute worst case scenario (it could - and probably would - be even higher than that).

As usual, the Democrats didn't think this one through. :lmao:

Border wall could cost $70 billion, says Senate Democrats' new report

LOL - Only $70 Billion huh, and what makes you think .... er .... believe (or lie by omission) that illegal immigrants have no positive impact on the GNP? The 11 million (or so we are told to believe) are not all Trump makes them out to be, many have jobs, pay taxes and are proactive members of the community in which they live.

Want to turn lemons into lemonade and find a win-win solution? Of course you don't.

Why not put $70 Billion into the State Department and negotiate wit Mexico on something less offensive and more pragmatic than a wall? Trump has walked back his promise to repeal NAFTA, which has a positive impact on the economies of Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Of course that's no panacea, but unless and until bigots and racists learn to STFU and seek solutions outside the box of hate and fear in which they live, we will continue to have Pols elected whose job #1 is to keep their own job by telling the deplorable what they want to hear. That's how we got stuck with a Republican majority. Deplorable biddables watched Trump's lips, and are even today not watching his feet.

"LOL - Only $70 Billion huh, and what makes you think .... er .... believe (or lie by omission) that illegal immigrants have no positive impact on the GNP? The 11 million (or so we are told to believe) are not all Trump makes them out to be, many have jobs, pay taxes and are proactive members of the community in which they live."
You can't possibly still be running with this hard-up bunch of bullshit...haven't we done this many times before?
Let me break this down for elementary Liberal minds:
The average Hispanic family in CA looks like this:
Carlos and Guadalupe have 4-6 children born in the U.S. all attending public schools. Carlos works under the table tax free for $10 dollars an hour and averages 50 hours per week, Carlos grosses $500 per week in income.
Guadalupe is a stay at home mother.
The cost to attend a public school in CA is $10,600 per year per child. The cost of child birth in CA is $10,000. Carlos and Guadalupe get housing assistance, EBT, welfare, health coverage...etc etc all compliments of hard working real American taxpayers. I won't list all the other direct and indirect expenses related to Carlos' family as it would be retarded and a waste of time.
Do your own math and PLEASE explain to me how Carlos and Guadalupe are helping Americans and this country enough to justify keeping them around.
How many cans of Bud Light and bottles of Tapatio are they really paying sales tax on?
So, now we're building a wall to keep out 30% at this point.

What percentage of those people who would be deterred would've committed criminal acts had they entered?
Crossing over our border is an illegal act, you fucking dimwit. So the answer to your astoundingly stupid question is: 100%

Why not put $70 Billion into the State Department and negotiate wit Mexico on something less offensive and more pragmatic than a wall?

Seriously - how much of a sensitive little snowflake does a fragile little progressive have to be to be offended by a wall. :laugh:
Why not put $70 Billion into the State Department and negotiate wit Mexico on something less offensive and more pragmatic than a wall?
Tell me something you fragile, repulsive, disgusting, hypocrite snowflake - if a wall is soooo "offensive", why the fuck does your government housing have walls?!? Who are you afraid of? Who are you trying to keep out, racist?

Deplorable biddables watched Trump's lips, and are even today not watching his feet.
There is no doubt why you would bring that up - you're always focused on keeping people watching your lips and not you feet. For example - for all of your whining, pissing, and moaning, you've failed to explain to anyone why you so vehemently oppose the law being enforced? What kind of asshole insists that it should be ok to rape women, steal money, and break into private property?
No need for a wall.

Simply begin crucifying employers who hire Illegal Aliens.

Simply make it illegal to sell or rent a residence or car to an Illegal, or to provide one with public schooling or to permit them to wire money home, etc.

Simply reinterpret the 14th so that Anchor Babies do not automatically become citizens.

Simply sentence Illegal Aliens to some term of prison at hard labor.

If the present law(s) do not permit such, tweak the laws until they do.

Or get the 5-4 SCOTUS to uphold the approach.
The right wing is always prepared to "throw natural rights", "under the bus", for their socialism on a national basis.

We have a Commerce Clause. Why not make money with some, capital opportunities?
Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

Point of order!! WTF, are you lost.

Regarding the cost to maintain a wall, the wall, $68B was used as an example. Regardless of the maintenance cost, I'm pretty sure it would be considerably less than $113B/year. I realize we won't get a savings by building the wall, we will get the savings from having much much fewer people taking advantage of the nanny state you libs have turned this country into. Try opening your eyes a bit here.
Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

Point of order!! WTF, are you lost.

Regarding the cost to maintain a wall, the wall, $68B was used as an example. Regardless of the maintenance cost, I'm pretty sure it would be considerably less than $113B/year. I realize we won't get a savings by building the wall, we will get the savings from having much much fewer people taking advantage of the nanny state you libs have turned this country into. Try opening your eyes a bit here.

The largest single segment of illegals come in through legal channels and over-stay their visa; the wall will do zilch to stop them so your “much much fewer people” is nonsense. Again, the $113B…does that include all of the items I mentioned earlier where undocumented persons are adding to the tax base?

The $68B was just mentioned by a dumbass who thought he was being clever. What we will pay is this:

the costs of whatever the security apparatus is now plus the maintenance on the wall in terms of just border security.

Try keeping up.
Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

Point of order!! WTF, are you lost.

Regarding the cost to maintain a wall, the wall, $68B was used as an example. Regardless of the maintenance cost, I'm pretty sure it would be considerably less than $113B/year. I realize we won't get a savings by building the wall, we will get the savings from having much much fewer people taking advantage of the nanny state you libs have turned this country into. Try opening your eyes a bit here.

The largest single segment of illegals come in through legal channels and over-stay their visa; the wall will do zilch to stop them so your “much much fewer people” is nonsense. Again, the $113B…does that include all of the items I mentioned earlier where undocumented persons are adding to the tax base?

The $68B was just mentioned by a dumbass who thought he was being clever. What we will pay is this:

the costs of whatever the security apparatus is now plus the maintenance on the wall in terms of just border security.

Try keeping up.
"The largest single segment of illegals come in through legal channels and over-stay their visa; the wall will do zilch to stop them so your “much much fewer people” is nonsense."
The filthy human cockroaches from Mexico, Central and South America can't afford airfare and don't have the iQ to follow the visa process through. Let's be honest...nobody really gives a shit about the Australians that are here illegally. We want to stop Pedro, Guadalupe and their seven silver tooth anchors from stealing from real American's....SIMPLE

Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

Point of order!! WTF, are you lost.

Regarding the cost to maintain a wall, the wall, $68B was used as an example. Regardless of the maintenance cost, I'm pretty sure it would be considerably less than $113B/year. I realize we won't get a savings by building the wall, we will get the savings from having much much fewer people taking advantage of the nanny state you libs have turned this country into. Try opening your eyes a bit here.

The largest single segment of illegals come in through legal channels and over-stay their visa; the wall will do zilch to stop them so your “much much fewer people” is nonsense. Again, the $113B…does that include all of the items I mentioned earlier where undocumented persons are adding to the tax base?

The $68B was just mentioned by a dumbass who thought he was being clever. What we will pay is this:

the costs of whatever the security apparatus is now plus the maintenance on the wall in terms of just border security.

Try keeping up.
Why would you include in the cost an expense we already incur now with a wall?

You failed accounting, didn't you?
The largest single segment of illegals come in through legal channels and over-stay their visa; the wall will do zilch to stop them so your “much much fewer people” is nonsense. Again, the $113B…does that include all of the items I mentioned earlier where undocumented persons are adding to the tax base?

The $68B was just mentioned by a dumbass who thought he was being clever. What we will pay is this:

the costs of whatever the security apparatus is now plus the maintenance on the wall in terms of just border security.

Try keeping up.

That's utter bull. There is no way to measure the percentage of people overstaying their Visa's. It's estimated between 25% and 40%. So why are they overstaying their Visa's? Because there's virtually no penalty when they do so. Until now, we never had a President willing to seriously address the problem.

The people that do overstay their Visa's are not jumping back and forth over the border bringing in dangerous narcotics that are killing Americans by the tens of thousands every year and are ruining the lives of even more.

As for security, technology will be able to replace humans once the wall is built. That means our agents can focus on the most troubled areas of the border.
Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

Point of order!! WTF, are you lost.

Regarding the cost to maintain a wall, the wall, $68B was used as an example. Regardless of the maintenance cost, I'm pretty sure it would be considerably less than $113B/year. I realize we won't get a savings by building the wall, we will get the savings from having much much fewer people taking advantage of the nanny state you libs have turned this country into. Try opening your eyes a bit here.
Immigration is not a problem; lousy management is.

We have the largest economy in the world, even with illegal immigration. It is "management's" fault" that we have massive debt and massive budget deficits.
Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

Point of order!! WTF, are you lost.

Regarding the cost to maintain a wall, the wall, $68B was used as an example. Regardless of the maintenance cost, I'm pretty sure it would be considerably less than $113B/year. I realize we won't get a savings by building the wall, we will get the savings from having much much fewer people taking advantage of the nanny state you libs have turned this country into. Try opening your eyes a bit here.

The largest single segment of illegals come in through legal channels and over-stay their visa; the wall will do zilch to stop them so your “much much fewer people” is nonsense. Again, the $113B…does that include all of the items I mentioned earlier where undocumented persons are adding to the tax base?

The $68B was just mentioned by a dumbass who thought he was being clever. What we will pay is this:

the costs of whatever the security apparatus is now plus the maintenance on the wall in terms of just border security.

Try keeping up.
"The largest single segment of illegals come in through legal channels and over-stay their visa; the wall will do zilch to stop them so your “much much fewer people” is nonsense."
The filthy human cockroaches from Mexico, Central and South America can't afford airfare and don't have the iQ to follow the visa process through. Let's be honest...nobody really gives a shit about the Australians that are here illegally. We want to stop Pedro, Guadalupe and their seven silver tooth anchors from stealing from real American's....SIMPLE
Nothing but appeals to emotion, right winger? You really are, full of fallacy.
Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

Point of order!! WTF, are you lost.

Regarding the cost to maintain a wall, the wall, $68B was used as an example. Regardless of the maintenance cost, I'm pretty sure it would be considerably less than $113B/year. I realize we won't get a savings by building the wall, we will get the savings from having much much fewer people taking advantage of the nanny state you libs have turned this country into. Try opening your eyes a bit here.
Immigration is not a problem; lousy management is.

We have the largest economy in the world, even with illegal immigration. It is "management's" fault" that we have massive debt and massive budget deficits.

Yes there is a problem with the management and there is plenty of blame on both sides of the isle. Although in the last eight years it has been Obama that has exacerbated the problem.
The largest single segment of illegals come in through legal channels and over-stay their visa; the wall will do zilch to stop them so your “much much fewer people” is nonsense. Again, the $113B…does that include all of the items I mentioned earlier where undocumented persons are adding to the tax base?

The $68B was just mentioned by a dumbass who thought he was being clever. What we will pay is this:

the costs of whatever the security apparatus is now plus the maintenance on the wall in terms of just border security.

Try keeping up.

That's utter bull. There is no way to measure the percentage of people overstaying their Visa's. It's estimated between 25% and 40%. So why are they overstaying their Visa's? Because there's virtually no penalty when they do so. Until now, we never had a President willing to seriously address the problem.

The people that do overstay their Visa's are not jumping back and forth over the border bringing in dangerous narcotics that are killing Americans by the tens of thousands every year and are ruining the lives of even more.

As for security, technology will be able to replace humans once the wall is built. That means our agents can focus on the most troubled areas of the border.
There is no savings from a wall. We have a Commerce Clause. Why are we not making money at the border with a market friendly visa that provides for work authorization for those who are willing to pay for it.
Of course dingleberry ignores the fact that you just don’t build the wall. You have to maintain it which is probably a nominal cost (we’ll see) but even if you do build the silly thing, you still need to have the border patrol, the camera monitoring, the monitoring of the sensors, etc… The cost of the wall add $70B to the expenditure; not cap it. :p

Ok, if building a wall cost $70B, hopefully you agree that $70B is less than $113B which is the cost of illegals.
Point of order:
I’m not sure if the cost calculation is including the benefit calculation. For example, are you including the sales taxes they pay, the fees they pay, the rent they pay landlords, the bills income they create for AT&T through their cell phones, their ISP bills, etc…?

If you want to say $113B a year….okay but make it a fair calculation where costs AND benefits are both included.

After the wall is built let's say it cost $68B/year to maintain, isn't that still less than the $113B/year to maintain illegals?

I doubt it would cost that much to maintain. The point is whatever the maintenance costs are is going to be added on to whatever the security apparatus costs currently. You don’t get a savings by building the wall.

Point of order!! WTF, are you lost.

Regarding the cost to maintain a wall, the wall, $68B was used as an example. Regardless of the maintenance cost, I'm pretty sure it would be considerably less than $113B/year. I realize we won't get a savings by building the wall, we will get the savings from having much much fewer people taking advantage of the nanny state you libs have turned this country into. Try opening your eyes a bit here.
Immigration is not a problem; lousy management is.

We have the largest economy in the world, even with illegal immigration. It is "management's" fault" that we have massive debt and massive budget deficits.

Yes there is a problem with the management and there is plenty of blame on both sides of the isle. Although in the last eight years it has been Obama that has exacerbated the problem.
that was then, this is now. the right has a majority in both houses. if y'all can't abolish the drug war now, y'all Own it.

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