Democrats make the most solid case yet for a border wall

A new report from Senate Democrats claims that the border wall could (key word) cost $70 billion. Well, lets just say that is true. Lets give them their worst case scenario. Even ardent left-wing organizations acknowledge that illegal aliens cost the U.S. $113 billion per year. And adjusted for illegal "contributions" the net result is still a $99 billion per year cost to U.S. taxpayers. Which means that in less than one year, the wall will pay for itself. And in one full year, the wall will result in a $29 billion surplus in the absolute worst case scenario (it could - and probably would - be even higher than that).

As usual, the Democrats didn't think this one through. :lmao:

Border wall could cost $70 billion, says Senate Democrats' new report

Stupid is as stupid does.

Do you really think that the stupid wall is going to stop all illegal immigration?

What about the 40% who arrive legally on planes and then overstay their visas?

That's gonna have to be one tall fucking wall! [derp]
If they come in legally, they are not illegal immigrants dumbass.

If they overstay their visas they most definitely are illegal immigrants, Dumbass.
A market friendly visa could be renewable annually. Fines could be imposed if they expire and are not renewed. Revenue from fees and fines, could help defray the cost of government. The right wing doesn't like it, because it is not social enough on a national basis.
If they overstay their visas they most definitely are illegal immigrants, Dumbass.
First of all you nitwit - they are illegal aliens. Don't try to minimize it by calling them "immigrants" as if they came here legally and assimilated.

Second - if they came in through Visas then we know exactly who they are and we have a complete record of their history (employment, residence, family, etc.). It would take ICE or the U.S. Marshals all of 20 minutes to track them down. They are not a problem. The assholes crossing over the border in the middle of the night are the problem.
We have the largest economy in the world; why is illegal immigration a problem.
I wonder how many of you repugnant Dumbocrats will show up to this little boys funeral and explain to his family why you vehemently oppose a wall to keep illegal aliens the fuck out of our country?
(CNN)A mother, father and their 6-year-old son were returning from a trip to Disneyland when, according to the survivors' family, a man in a pickup truck turned a corner, smashed into their car and sped off.

The suspect, Constantino Banda-Acosta, was a man that border agents say had been deported 15 times over the span of 15 years. In a statement provided to CNN, ICE confirmed that Banda-Acosta "has been repatriated to Mexico at least 15 times since 2002, most recently in January 2017."

He -- and another man arrested in connection with the crash -- were both "Mexican nationals in the country illegally," the statement said.
Once again - the repugnant left-wing nut-jobs favor power through foreign criminals over the life of an American child.

Cops: DUI suspect who struck a family returning from Disneyland had been deported 15 times -
You make it seem like Only illegals from immediately south of our border are illegal or commit crime. That is special pleading and a fallacy.
A new report from Senate Democrats claims that the border wall could (key word) cost $70 billion. Well, lets just say that is true. Lets give them their worst case scenario. Even ardent left-wing organizations acknowledge that illegal aliens cost the U.S. $113 billion per year. And adjusted for illegal "contributions" the net result is still a $99 billion per year cost to U.S. taxpayers. Which means that in less than one year, the wall will pay for itself. And in one full year, the wall will result in a $29 billion surplus in the absolute worst case scenario (it could - and probably would - be even higher than that).

As usual, the Democrats didn't think this one through. :lmao:

Border wall could cost $70 billion, says Senate Democrats' new report

Stupid is as stupid does.

Do you really think that the stupid wall is going to stop all illegal immigration?

What about the 40% who arrive legally on planes and then overstay their visas?

That's gonna have to be one tall fucking wall! [derp]
If they come in legally, they are not illegal immigrants dumbass.

If they overstay their visas they most definitely are illegal immigrants, Dumbass.
Then they should be deported right?
depends; a fine may be more cost effective.
Yes there is a problem with the management and there is plenty of blame on both sides of the isle. Although in the last eight years it has been Obama that has exacerbated the problem.
that was then, this is now. the right has a majority in both houses. if y'all can't abolish the drug war now, y'all Own it.

"That was then, this is now." Really!!! We had eight fricken years of loony's blaming everything on Bush but now you want to live in the here and now and want everything to be fixed in 3-4 months...sounds like typical left wing lunacy.
this is now; y'all have both houses and the executive office. y'all Own it.

Yea, let's not count the 8 years clown boy was in office.
did the left, control both houses and executive office?

in any Case, the Republicans get to Own that policy since it is not in their Republican Doctrine, and it has not been simply, repealed. Something the right wing, has high numbers and plenty of practice with. Don't be bashful, right wingers!

Are you kidding? Evidently someone has a really short memory.
that was then, this is now. the right has a majority in both houses. if y'all can't abolish the drug war now, y'all Own it.

"That was then, this is now." Really!!! We had eight fricken years of loony's blaming everything on Bush but now you want to live in the here and now and want everything to be fixed in 3-4 months...sounds like typical left wing lunacy.
this is now; y'all have both houses and the executive office. y'all Own it.

Yea, let's not count the 8 years clown boy was in office.
did the left, control both houses and executive office?

in any Case, the Republicans get to Own that policy since it is not in their Republican Doctrine, and it has not been simply, repealed. Something the right wing, has high numbers and plenty of practice with. Don't be bashful, right wingers!

Are you kidding? Evidently someone has a really short memory.
all You have is diversion. learning how to fish or are Red Herrings, on the menu.

this is Now, right wingers.

in any Case, the Republicans get to Own that policy since it is not in their Republican Doctrine, and it has not been simply, repealed. Something the right wing, has high numbers and plenty of practice with. Don't be bashful, right wingers!
A market friendly visa could be renewable annually. Fines could be imposed if they expire and are not renewed. Revenue from fees and fines, could help defray the cost of government. The right wing doesn't like it, because it is not social enough on a national basis.
Genius here doesn't even realize that the U.S. has been issuing visas for over 100 years now :lmao:
I wonder how many of you repugnant Dumbocrats will show up to this little boys funeral and explain to his family why you vehemently oppose a wall to keep illegal aliens the fuck out of our country?
(CNN)A mother, father and their 6-year-old son were returning from a trip to Disneyland when, according to the survivors' family, a man in a pickup truck turned a corner, smashed into their car and sped off.

The suspect, Constantino Banda-Acosta, was a man that border agents say had been deported 15 times over the span of 15 years. In a statement provided to CNN, ICE confirmed that Banda-Acosta "has been repatriated to Mexico at least 15 times since 2002, most recently in January 2017."

He -- and another man arrested in connection with the crash -- were both "Mexican nationals in the country illegally," the statement said.
Once again - the repugnant left-wing nut-jobs favor power through foreign criminals over the life of an American child.

Cops: DUI suspect who struck a family returning from Disneyland had been deported 15 times -
You make it seem like Only illegals from immediately south of our border are illegal or commit crime. That is special pleading and a fallacy.
Where was that stated (or even implied)? And why are you attempting to take the focus off of the issue?
A market friendly visa could be renewable annually. Fines could be imposed if they expire and are not renewed. Revenue from fees and fines, could help defray the cost of government. The right wing doesn't like it, because it is not social enough on a national basis.
Genius here doesn't even realize that the U.S. has been issuing visas for over 100 years now :lmao:
genius here doesn't recognize the terms, market friendly.

A market friendly visa could be renewable annually. Fines could be imposed if they expire and are not renewed. Revenue from fees and fines, could help defray the cost of government. The right wing doesn't like it, because it is not social enough on a national basis.

There should no illegal problem, only Commerce, well regulated.
10USC311 is federal law, let's enforce it, for the greater glory of our Republic.
That law is enforced.... :lmao:

(a)Authority To Enter Into International Exchange Agreements.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense may enter into international defense personnel exchange agreements. Any exchange of personnel under such an agreement is subject to paragraph (3).
10USC311 is federal law, let's enforce it, for the greater glory of our Republic.
That law is enforced.... :lmao:

(a)Authority To Enter Into International Exchange Agreements.—
(1) The Secretary of Defense may enter into international defense personnel exchange agreements. Any exchange of personnel under such an agreement is subject to paragraph (3).
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, or economics.

10 U.S.C. 311 - Militia: composition and classes
We have the largest economy in the world; why is illegal immigration a problem.
We're $20 trillion in debt and illegal aliens cost us $100 billion per year.
Cost us what?
I've bolded it in blue above for you. Ask an adult for help.
We have the largest economy in the world; what are they actually costing us? The debt belongs to the one percent. Raise taxes on them.
Don't "hate on the poor" with the Debt; the one percent is "entirely" responsible for it.
True...wealthy Dumbocrats like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and Barack Insane Obama are entirely responsible for it because they shredded the U.S. Constitution and attempted to purchase power with socialism.

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