Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.

This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.
They will continue milking this for all of the political mileage they can. It's called dirty politics.
Lets read togather, shall we:

United States recession began in February 2020

By October 2020, more than 10 million unemployment cases had been filed in the United States,[11] swamping state-funded unemployment insurance computer systems and processes.....The unemployment rate increased from 3.5% in February to 14.7% in April, representing a decline of more than 25 million people employed, plus another 8 million persons that exited the labor force.

Real consumer spending fell 17%

Real GDP was forecast to fall at a nearly 38% annual rate in the second quarter

If you don't think that was a historic grade recession then you are not really capable of much thought.
16 seconds in on this video.

  • In a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory about Ukrainian election interference and Democratic collusion.
  • In other words, Trump acknowledged doing the very thing he has repeatedly denied and could be impeached for.
  • The president started by referring to the broad outlines of the conspiracy, suggesting Ukraine is hiding a Democratic National Committee "server" that contains evidence of Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 US election.
  • After bringing up his July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he said, crucially: "I mean, I asked it very point-blank, because we're looking for corruption. There's tremendous corruption. Why should we be giving hundreds of millions of dollars to countries when there's this kind of corruption?"
What leaps?

Presidential Records still not submitted to NA a year and a half after departure from WH - fact
NARA isnt a criminal statute. I don’t think we should raid a former Presidents house because of a dispute between the NA and a former admin about what docs have to be turned over. Any judge who would even consider this as a factor in granting a search warrant has an axe to grind imo.
Highest level classfied documents improperly stored at Mar-a-Lago - fact
Maybe. There were documents with TS markings on them remains to be seen on their actual classification. Since there is no formal process for Presidents to declassify things (I can’t believe this wasnt fixed long ago) it seems a high hurdle for the a government to prove Trump didn’t declassify them. I may be wrong but courts dont or at least shouldnt care what people think only what can be proven.
Trump's lawyers signing affadavit that all classified documents were submitted, while Trump had tons more documents with classified markings at Mar-a_lago - fact

Tons is a stretch. Isnt it les than 100? And then a bunch of empty folder with a TS cover sheets? I read somewhere that most of the documents the FBI found were in books, or intermingled with other unclassified shit. Essentially not some cache of classified docs but interspersed with all manner of other docs, magazines etc. Maybe that was some tactic to hide them, but it seems more likely (and sounds like Trump frankly) that it's the result of a disorganized person who lacks an attention span. Someone who just leaves shit all over the place, and expects that someone will pick up after them.
It's only a leap to brainwashed Trumpsters, to everyone else gross mishandling of documents by Trump is obvious.

Maybe. Though I doubt if the last President werent Trump it would have been handled this way.
  • In a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory about Ukrainian election interference and Democratic collusion.
  • In other words, Trump acknowledged doing the very thing he has repeatedly denied and could be impeached for.
  • The president started by referring to the broad outlines of the conspiracy, suggesting Ukraine is hiding a Democratic National Committee "server" that contains evidence of Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 US election.
  • After bringing up his July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, he said, crucially: "I mean, I asked it very point-blank, because we're looking for corruption. There's tremendous corruption. Why should we be giving hundreds of millions of dollars to countries when there's this kind of corruption?"
sort of like creepy joe huh?

There was nothing "artificial" about the shutdowns. They were very real as anyone not afflicted by amnesia will tell you.
I think you have a reading comprehension problem. I never said the shutdowns were artificial. Just the job losses.
Any fucking definition, any at all.

I don't know what rock you fools lived under in 2020 but economy came to a STANDSTILL. Almost no cars on the streets, everyone sitting home.

I really don't know whats wrong with you all.
I was just wondering if it was the one we all used up until this current recession where this WH changed what it meant.
They will continue milking this for all of the political mileage they can. It's called dirty politics.
naw, this isn't dirty politics, this is war declared on half the country. Demofks again, need to have their way or there's no way.
I was just wondering if it was the one we all used up until this current recession where this WH changed what it meant.
You can certainly use that one - two or more consecutive Qs of GDP contraction. Though of course the GDP contraction depth and many other indicators made it a historic recession.

Any other gotchas?
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Any fucking definition, any at all.

I don't know what rock you fools lived under in 2020 but economy came to a STANDSTILL. Almost no cars on the streets, everyone sitting home.

I really don't know whats wrong with you all.
it did? where? My grocery stores were open, liquor stores were open, I could by meals from restaurants. What was stood still?
sort of like creepy joe huh?

Haha more phony conflation with that worn out clip of Joe bragging about he carried out Obama's foreign policy. It's right there when he tells them to call Obama to find out who's calling the shots.
Haha more phony conflation with that worn out clip of Joe bragging about he carried out Obama's foreign policy. It's right there when he tells them to call Obama to find out who's calling the shots.
no difference jack. zippola. something for something right? fire the prosecutor I'll give you the money. Not sure what it is you hear, but it's obvious, you can't hear that. My wife calls that selective listening. Oh, unless there was a ventriloquist that said that and it wasn't creepy's voice?

BTW, those are the droids I'm looking for.
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A staunch Republican and Trump's former AG Bill Barr are full of silly shit, DOJ has a strong case, search and siezure was apropriate.

A lifetime Republican named Mitt Romney who voted to impeach Trump are full of shit. So do a number of other Republicans who admited that Trump trying to extort Ukraine for political favors is a well proven fact.

10 House Republicans including Cheney that voted to impeach Trump for his disgraceful behaviour during attack on Congress are full of shit.

Hell even Republican minority leader McCarthy, who publicly stated that Trump has reposibility for Jan 6th, and who proposed censuring Trump instead of impeachment are full of crap.

Republican demonization of Trump has to end. Right snowflake?
RUSSIAN COLLUSION = America now hates you lying son of a bitches.
I think you have a reading comprehension problem. I never said the shutdowns were artificial. Just the job losses.
I know what you said, you don't seem to understand what I said.

Job losses were a direct result of the very real shut downs, there was nothing "artifical" about them.

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