Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.

The Governors did no such thing. They are the ones who have the power to order lock downs not the Federal Government. History is full of state and local officials ordering lock downs due to infectious diseases spreading.
the fk they didn't. What an abuse of power by mostly demofks. There were a few republican governors that smashed their constituents freedoms. WE are a country with a constitution for the people. We are not a dictatorship or third world country. We have freedoms protected under that constitution. The governors stomped on those hugly. stole children's school experiences as well. how fking shameful.
no doubt. Never said they didn't. but those abusing power at this moment are the ones declaring war on half the country. Deplorable Nazi's
No one is abusing power. An investigation in to criminal conduct is not an abuse of power. If anything the DoJ has treated Individual 1 with kid gloves. They should have arrested him in Jan.
No one is declaring war on half the country. The Wa Po did some extensive work on Biden's comments and determined about 10% qualify given his criteria.
It’s been a month since the dog and pony show break in designed to find what damaging paperwork Trump has on Biden. Extremely illegal
So, if lib loons could think and reason they would be concluding that this fraud is going nowhere against Trump. Since they can’t then they will cling to their wishes and feelings that for the 166th time-they “got him”
the fk they didn't. What an abuse of power by mostly demofks. There were a few republican governors that smashed their constituents freedoms. WE are a country with a constitution for the people. We are not a dictatorship or third world country. We have freedoms protected under that constitution. The governors stomped on those hugly. stole children's school experiences as well. how fking shameful.
Regardless of your feelings, they acted within the laws of their states. They have much more power in their states than the feds, especially in emergencies. It's not a flaw, it's part of the design.
This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.
Oh, it's coming, old girl... it's coming...

None of this hair-trigger idiotic Democrat -spawned Impeachment with zero chance of conviction in the Senate...

Things are done differently in the criminal justice system...

And white-collar crime... including sedition, conspiracy, incitement, fraud, espionage, mishandling, perjury, etc., all take time to flesh-out for a rock-solid case...

Not to worry... the grand jury and the DoJ will let you know when their extended Discovery Process is over... :itsok:
Regardless of your feelings, they acted within the laws of their states. They have much more power in their states than the feds, especially in emergencies. It's not a flaw, it's part of the design.
no they didn't they only had 30 days. Not six months and a year. nope. freedoms were stomped on repeatedly. fk you.
Oh, it's coming, old girl... it's coming...

None of this hair-trigger idiotic Democrat -spawned Impeachment with zero chance of conviction in the Senate...

Things are done differently in the criminal justice system...

And white-collar crime... including sedition, conspiracy, incitement, fraud, espionage, mishandling, perjury, etc., all take time to flesh-out for a rock-solid case...

Not to worry... the grand jury and the DoJ will let you know when their extended Discovery Process is over... :itsok:
it's coming when? fk man now you invaded a 16 year old's room and you still ain't got him. While the crack pipe traitor named Hunter is sleepy comfortably. hahahahahahahaha you have no morality what so ever to hang on bush leaguer.
This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.
Both impeachments have plenty of proof...
  • The call wasn't perfect, at minimum it was a sleazy shakedown.
  • Trump was in complete deliction
The GQP just didn't want to convict...
Oh, it's coming, old girl... it's coming...

None of this hair-trigger idiotic Democrat -spawned Impeachment with zero chance of conviction in the Senate...

Things are done differently in the criminal justice system...

And white-collar crime... including sedition, conspiracy, incitement, fraud, espionage, mishandling, perjury, etc., all take time to flesh-out for a rock-solid case...

Not to worry... the grand jury and the DoJ will let you know when their extended Discovery Process is over... :itsok:
You do not represent the Democratic Party. It does not exist. It still has the name, but it is the Progressive Socialist Party, and they are out in front about it now. The issue is Repub voters know that elections are stolen. Whether it is outright, by deception or manipulation they are stolen. By that avenue of thought, many elections were not that close. Progs now push through legislation like it is a mandate when it is not. We have seen it the last two years alone.
Both impeachments have plenty of proof...
  • The call wasn't perfect, at minimum it was a sleazy shakedown.
  • Trump was in complete deliction
The GQP just didn't want to convict...
Which is a perogative in a free nation and we know that bothers your Nazi ass.
it's coming when? fk man now you invaded a 16 year old's room and you still ain't got him. While the crack pipe traitor named Hunter is sleepy comfortably. hahahahahahahaha you have no morality what so ever to hang on bush leaguer.
Doesn't matter...

As I've written elsewhere this morning on the subject...

The only opinions on this subject which truly signify are (1) the criminal law-courts, (2) the grand jury and (3) the history books...

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