Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.

You do not represent the Democratic Party. It does not exist. It still has the name, but it is the Progressive Socialist Party, and they are out in front about it now. The issue is Repub voters know that elections are stolen. Whether it is outright, by deception or manipulation they are stolen. By that avenue of thought, many elections were not that close. Progs now push through legislation like it is a mandate when it is not. We have seen it the last two years alone.
None of that $hit matters in the slightest...

What matters now is (1) the criminal law-courts, (2) the grand jury and (3) the history books...
This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.
You can't point out anything, when your entire argument is irrational and illogical. Case in point, you can't even get a search warrant unless you can shoe proof of a crime. And they did this with a judge that is clearly in Trumps court.
Doesn't matter...

As I've written elsewhere this morning on the subject...

The only opinions on this subject which truly signify are (1) the criminal law-courts, (2) the grand jury and (3) the history books...
And all you have is opinion
As I've already said in this thread it's a technical recession.

Just as I've said you have no idea what you are talking about if you think that it's even in the same universe of the 2020 contraction and hardship.
LOL ok. When my side is in power during a recession it's no big deal. When the other side is it's the end of the world. Regardless of the circumstances. Solid.
The Governors did no such thing. They are the ones who have the power to order lock downs not the Federal Government. History is full of state and local officials ordering lock downs due to infectious diseases spreading.
Agreed. Which is why it's silly to blame the President for not locking the country down or the ensuing economic issues that came about because States decided to lock down.

On a side note the way "we" allowed Governors to exercise power without the State Legislature's oversight was very problematic IMO.
It's the law and at some point, after a lot of jerking National Archives around as Trump and his people did for over a year, it's time for authorities to enforce it.
Yeah, because the NA and past Admins have never bickered over these things before Trump. It was just him, never before in history has a former President fought with the NA over which records had to go to them and which ones he could keep. Precedent setting I tell you.....
Agreed. Which is why it's silly to blame the President for not locking the country down or the ensuing economic issues that came about because States decided to lock down.

On a side note the way "we" allowed Governors to exercise power without the State Legislature's oversight was very problematic IMO.
Governors abused their power! Period. No opinion that’s a fact.
This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.

Learn how to spell your Savior’s name

Governors abused their power! Period. No opinion that’s a fact.
They were allowed to abuse that power by the Legislature. It's their job to reign them in. They choose to not do that. That said Governors have the power to "lock down" their states for health reasons. I would argue that those powers should have been reviewed and reauthorized by the Legislature every 2 weeks to a month.
Yeah, because the NA and past Admins have never bickered over these things before Trump. It was just him, never before in history has a former President fought with the NA over which records had to go to them and which ones he could keep. Precedent setting I tell you.....

Give me an actual example that comes anywhere near what Trump was doing.

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LOL ok. When my side is in power during a recession it's no big deal. When the other side is it's the end of the world. Regardless of the circumstances. Solid.

It has nothing to do with political side, it has do with macroeconomic indicators as I've said.

You seriously can't tell a difference between ~30% annualized contraction in Q1 2020 vs 0.X% last Q?

Difference between 25 million people losing jobs in early 2020 and full employment with continued job growth?

Difference between almost 4 Trillion dollar deficit and 1T?

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It has nothing to do with political side, it has do with macroeconomic indicators as I've said.

You seriously can't tell a difference between 30% annualized contraction and 0.X%? Difference between 25 million people losing jobs in 2020 and full employment with continued job growth?

it seems you can't. How many new jobs over what Trump created has xiden created. tick tock bubba.

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