Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.

Trump orchestrated January 6th riots
problem is you can't prove that. sucks huh? I'm right here. so what now? I bet you think Trump Ninja'd his driver. hahahahahahahahahahahaha
It has nothing to do with political side, it has do with macroeconomic indicators as I've said.

You seriously can't tell a difference between ~30% annualized contraction in Q1 2020 vs less than 0.X% last Q?

Difference between 25 million people losing jobs in early 2020 and full employment with continued job growth?

Difference between almost 4 Trillion dollar deficit and 1T?

And you're not taking into account the reason's why. For purely political reasons.
This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.
How do you explain unprotected Top Secret documents?
And bodies were piling up in temporary morgues under trump who said it would just.....disappear.
Funny thing... we heard about all the bodies but never saw any.... Trump sent field hospitals to NY and they were never used....
I bet much of this has been fabricated..... or blown out of proportion...
How do you explain unprotected Top Secret documents?
I've told you this before and you just act like you haven't heard it... a top secret classified document is not necessarily top secret forever... situations change every day.... what was top secret last week may not be today....
Why does transparency make you so mad?.... what do you have to hide?.... the DOJ Garland should have had a special master from the beginning... this is a former president you are investigating and you raid his home while he is gone and you clean the place out but you don't use a special neutral party?????? fuck him and fuck you....
This is a set up just like russia russia russia.....
As long as we have you and your fantasy land conspiracies, no one will ever notice your ignorance and stupidity, while authorities do their jobs. Trump will be prosecuted. Stay tuned.
I've told you this before and you just act like you haven't heard it... a top secret classified document is not necessarily top secret forever... situations change every day.... what was top secret last week may not be today....
Doesn't matter. Situations change with emails too right?
I've told you this before and you just act like you haven't heard it... a top secret classified document is not necessarily top secret forever... situations change every day.... what was top secret last week may not be today....
When they change documents are reclassified.

These werent
As long as we have you and your fantasy land conspiracies, no one will ever notice your ignorance and stupidity, while authorities do their jobs. Trump will be prosecuted. Stay tuned.
I'm not the one that resorts to simpleton name calling... and fails to put up a decent argument...
Sure they were so are you blaming Trump for covid now?.... that's crazy.... let this sink into your little brain... PRE COVID under TRUMP was good... in fact things in America were great again.... now look at us.....
Trump called it the new Democrat hoax. So yes.

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