Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.

Shit dude if only you were bright enough to see how foolish I make you look every time you challenge me....
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Bud, we're still waiting for you to mount a challenge that doesn't involve airy fairy nonsense out of thin air.
Who is we?... you got a mouse in your pocket?...
Ask anyone on this forum what sort of debate with substance do you provide? Tell you what, I'll bet they can't show us. I know I can't. You debate off the hip by way of thin air.
And why would they single out documents to tell you when they are classified?
Because they raided a presidents home over it so to stay silent is unacceptable.... its a smear and leak operation and the people see through it... you libs better check the new poll numbers... Trump is back up... way up....
Because he's a liar like you.
Barr is part of this whole smelly thing... he is the guy the media races to when the DOJ and FBI get called out for bad behavior.... and then he attempts to fix it... but he ran into Martha MacCallum yesterday and he wasn't ready for her... she made him look like Adam Shit.....
Ask anyone on this forum what sort of debate with substance do you provide? Tell you what, I'll bet they can't show us. I know I can't. You debate off the hip by way of thin air.
I make you so angry when we have at it... you can't do that by saying nothing... I will compare my USMB reaction score to yours any day...
Lets see mine is over 41,000 yours is under 7500... Buuuaaaahahahahaha....
made you look stupid again....
Each iteration of the story is more farcial than the last. Each lie more fantastic than the last.

The Fascist Bureau of Intimidation purports to submit empty folders as proof classified documents were taken. The rock solid proof is that an empty folder in a frame was found hanging in the bar at Trump Towers.

That's top secret stuff right there.
"Each iteration of the story is more farcial than the last. Each lie more fantastic than the last."

Only if you live in the echo chamber of right-wing Russian disinformation FAKE NEWS.
We got rid of the senile old man in November 2020. Did you see him try to drink water? :heehee:
I didn't see him fall UP the steps of Air Force One. Nor did I see him try to shake hands with a ghost, wander aimlessly through an official function, get lost between Marine One and the White House entrance, mumble incoherently into a microphone, or demonize citizens of the country who disagreed with him.

You want to say ONE occasion someone using two hands to pick up a glass of water makes that person senile? That's your standard? That's a stretch too far for even most liberals accustomed to tying themselves in knots trying to defend their world view.

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