Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.

I didn't see him fall UP the steps of Air Force One. Nor did I see him try to shake hands with a ghost, wander aimlessly through an official function, get lost between Marine One and the White House entrance, mumble incoherently into a microphone, or demonize citizens of the country who disagreed with him.

You want to say ONE occasion someone using two hands to pick up a glass of water makes that person senile? That's your standard? That's a stretch too far for even most liberals accustomed to tying themselves in knots trying to defend their world view.
Creepy joe fell off his bike standing still! Hahaha
This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.
The FBI is probably 90% Republican. (hippies/libs work for Google)
The Current FBI Director was appointed BY TRUMP.

Each iteration of the story is more farcial than the last. Each lie more fantastic than the last.

The Fascist Bureau of Intimidation purports to submit empty folders as proof classified documents were taken. The rock solid proof is that an empty folder in a frame was found hanging in the bar at Trump Towers.

That's top secret stuff right there.
The FBI is probably 90% Republican. (hippies/libs work for Google, FB, etc)
The Current FBI Director was appointed BY TRUMP.

This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end. Stop. When Democrats tried to destroy a popular political rival in this weird obsessive compulsive way, without any rational proof and some of you just accept it... Lets see impeached trump TWICE, with out any proof. No problem? January 6 hearing led by primarily Democrats, without any proof? No problem. Raid Mer-A-Lago with secret hidden subpoenas because He "might have done stuff"? I am getting tired of pointing out how fucking idiotic the democrats ARE.
Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
And you're not taking into account the reason's why. For purely political reasons.
Yep, thats exactly how this silly dance always goes.

Trumpster: Trump has the best economy! Biden ruined it.

Me: No he didn't, 2020 was a disaster.

Trumpster: Oh but there reasons for that.

Me: ummm YEA there are always reasons for good and bad economy, just stop blowing smoke up ass about suppopsedly amazing economy under Trump.
Democrats aren’t doing anything to Trump

It is the FBI with Trumps handpicked Director Wray
Why didn't he?
Like the federal courts Trump experience necessary?
Experience in the Swamp usually means you are a Swamp critter. The Swamp also protects its own.

It may be impossible to clean up the Swamp in which case I fear this nation is doomed. If so, I can hope the breakup is peaceful and not bloody.
Um ok. What that has to do with the current conversation about Bill Barr, Im not tracking but you wallow in your Trump obsession.
Didn't ask you to.
Could you at least keep track of your own comments?

Post 48
Why would Bill Barr have any more information on the justification behind the raid than anyone else?
"Why would Trump"?

Post 51 "
Did I say he did?
"Trump and his cult know it all...................according to,...................them".
Why does transparency make you so mad?....
It made Trump and his cult mas, for four years.
what do you have to hide?....
None of your business....................right?

the DOJ Garland should have had a special master from the beginning
For what?
... this is a former president you are investigating and you raid his home while he is gone and you clean the place out but you don't use a special neutral party??????
I'm sure they'll take your advice next time the serve a search warrant on a drug kingpin or a terrorist.
fuck him and fuck you....
This is a set up just like russia russia russia.....
Fuck you and Trump..............TRAITORS.
Experience in the Swamp usually means you are a Swamp critter. The Swamp also protects its own.

It may be impossible to clean up the Swamp in which case I fear this nation is doomed. If so, I can hope the breakup is peaceful and not bloody.
It wasn't.

Didn't ask you to.
Could you at least keep track of your own comments?

What? You need to proofread your posts. This is gibberish.
Post 48

"Why would Trump"?

Post 51 "

"Trump and his cult know it all...................according to,...................them".
Trump obsession. Wallow in it. Not everything is about Donald Trump. In fact 99.99999% of things arent. I think you might be the Trump Cultist, you're the only one talking about him.
What? You need to proofread your posts. This is gibberish.

Trump obsession. Wallow in it. Not everything is about Donald Trump. In fact 99.99999% of things arent. I think you might be the Trump Cultist, you're the only one talking about him.
Jan 6 was about Trump
What? You need to proofread your posts. This is gibberish.

Trump obsession. Wallow in it. Not everything is about Donald Trump. In fact 99.99999% of things arent. I think you might be the Trump Cultist, you're the only one talking about him.
Or an overindulgence of your dear leader's orange kool-aid.
Not only can't you keep up with your own comments, you can't even keep up with the topic.

Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.​


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