Democrats need to put up or shut up on Trump.

Ok. Start yet another thread about that. WTF is with you people? Not every part of every topic has to be about Donald Trump. Trump isnt on a ballot anywhere. No one can vote for him even if they wanted to as he's not running for any public office. Dont you get bored with saying the same shit over and over? It's like trying to have a conversation with a cut and paste machine.
YOU PEOPLE are wtf is up with US PEOPLE.

Republicans can't let loser Trump go, can't accept 2020 loss and move on. Any Republican running for office has to deal with the MAGA nuts, their conspiracies and their grievances. They have to say the right stuff on that and they have to kiss Donald's ring to raise money.

This is what Republican politics has become, this is the price of abandoning all principles for a personality cult.
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None of us know anything except that there are untrue stories being leaked from the DOJ.... the one that lies and leaks is the guilty one.....
And you know they are untrue how?

Why DID Trump have national intell docs at his beach house?

Why did he refuse to return them?
nothing else one can call it. traitorous.
An investigation in to criminal conduct is not an abuse of power. One during which deference was given to Don after it was discovered he had stolen classified docs.

The letter from acting U.S. Archivist Debra Steidel Wall indicates that Corcoran, on Trump’s behalf, requested at least twice — once on April 29 and again on May 1 — for the National Archives and Records Administration to “delay the disclosure” of the records to the FBI.

The first request was honored.

Seeing as Trump concealed documents he knew the government wanted back, rather than issue a search warrant for them the Feds also should have perp walked Trump's ass out of MaL in cuffs.
Also notice how many hideous actions against Trump have been initiated by “anonymous tips”.
Actually most of hideous acts against Trump have been initiated by Trump himself.

Didn't have to grab women by the pussy, didn't have to brag about it either.
Didn't have to play footsie with Russians, didn't have to obstruct investigations.
Didn't have to extort Ukraine.
Didn't have to lie and misinform about Covid.
Didn't have to spread vicious lies about election and then sit all giddy by the TV while his MAGA nuts were breaking into Congress.
Didn't have to illicitly hold gov documents at home.

He just can't help himself.
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This Trump persecution demonizing whatever has to end.
If he was being persecuted the government never would have acquiesced to Trump's request for a delay concerning the NARA providing the FBI with the seized docs.

The letter explains:

On April 11, 2022, the White House Counsel’s Office — affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum — formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days, with the possibility that the FBI might request copies of specific documents following its review of the boxes.
The document asserts that NARA then wrote to Corcoran on April 12 that the “urgency” of the matter required the FBI’s involvement; however, another grace period was extended by the White House Counsel’s Office until April 29, the letter indicates.

Weeks went by. Corcoran replied on April 29 that Trump needed additional time to review the materials to determine whether to assert “executive privilege” over at least some of the documents.

Actually most of hideous acts against Trump have been initiated by Trump himself.

Didn't have to grab women by the pussy, didn't have to brag about it either.
Didn't have to play footsie with Russians, didn't have to obstruct investigations.
Didn't have to extort Ukraine.
Didn't have to lie and misinform about Covid.
Didn't have to spread vicious lies about election and then sit all giddy by the TV while his MAGA nuts were braking into Congress.
Didn't have to illicitly hold gov documents at home.

He can't just help himself.
Didn't have to steal money from his charitable foundation.
Didn't have to shtoink a porn star then illegally pay her off for her silence.
Didn't have to take Putin's side in Helsinki.
Didn't have to lie about Donnie J's illegal Tower meeting with Russians.
Didn't have to stick the transcript of the Zelensky call in a secure vault to hide it.
Didn't have to fire numerous attorneys general for investigating his admin.
Didn't have to have a revolving door of cabinet members.
Didn't have to fire Comey, or McCabe, or Sessions, or...................................................
An investigation in to criminal conduct is not an abuse of power. One during which deference was given to Don after it was discovered he had stolen classified docs.
what was the crime?
Because Bill Barr is full of crap. When this ends,there will be an an announcement that the FBI has irrefutable proof that Trump engaged in numerous treasonous acts including selling national secrets.unfortunately revealing these secrets at trial would put national security at risk. The FBI can't pursue the matter and is trusting the American public to do the right thing and not vote for Trump.

Bill Barr agrees.

Pro tip: The whole rest of the world isn’t wrong, and you’re right.
Look, I will promptly admit that I have sworn off regular, and am back on decaff.
Accordingly, there may be fastballs that get by me....probably,

For example, my puzzlement over a poster above who complains that Trump is being discussed in a thread about Trump.

Same situation, it seems, with the poster Rambunctious' remarks above.
He alleges nobody knows anything.....yet he knows that stories are untrue.
And he knows they are being leaked by the DOJ.
Despite nobody knowin' nuthin'!

Yeah, I don't get that either.
Track record... when we have had and heard dozens of leaked stories on Trump and his family none of which have been accurate it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that the next new leak isn't true either....
And thanks for putting my name in bold type... I get $25 for every time that happens.....
Actually most of hideous acts against Trump have been initiated by Trump himself.

Didn't have to grab women by the pussy, didn't have to brag about it either.
Didn't have to play footsie with Russians, didn't have to obstruct investigations.
Didn't have to extort Ukraine.
Didn't have to lie and misinform about Covid.
Didn't have to spread vicious lies about election and then sit all giddy by the TV while his MAGA nuts were breaking into Congress.
Didn't have to illicitly hold gov documents at home.

He just can't help himself.
Very little truth in any of your post and mostly incorrect info applied to what you WISH had happened.
Actually most of hideous acts against Trump have been initiated by Trump himself.

Didn't have to grab women by the pussy, didn't have to brag about it either.
Didn't have to play footsie with Russians, didn't have to obstruct investigations.
Didn't have to extort Ukraine.
Didn't have to lie and misinform about Covid.
Didn't have to spread vicious lies about election and then sit all giddy by the TV while his MAGA nuts were breaking into Congress.
Didn't have to illicitly hold gov documents at home.

He just can't help himself.
I see you like fiction. And again, repeating fiction doesn't make it fact.

Do you even know what thread this is?
Yes but my comment just asked why Bill Barr would have any more information than we do. To whicj I got replies about like why would Trump have more info and yeah but Trump instigated Jan 6 etc. None of which had anything to do with my question.
Yes but my comment just asked why Bill Barr would have any more information than we do. To whicj I got replies about like why would Trump have more info and yeah but Trump instigated Jan 6 etc. None of which had anything to do with my question.
Warning Faun is a goal post mover and uses left wing sites to try and win arguments... and when he loses he switches subjects and posts a laughing emoticon.....
Warning Faun is a goal post mover and uses left wing sites to try and win arguments... and when he loses he switches subjects and posts a laughing emoticon.....

You are confusing me, Ram! Isn't that the same MO as:

The Banker
Rye Catcher
Ben Thomson
Mr Clean
The Mean One
Smokin’ OP
Colin norris
Aldo Raine
and NotfooledbyW?​
How the hell am I going to tell them apart now? :th_waiting:
A federal judge in Florida appointed by Trump interjected herself into a national security matter, halting the DOJ's investigation of the classified documents stolen by Trump.

This is dangerous, very dangerous.

It seems apparent the overwhelmed judge did it for political reasons because her legal opinions for doing so were flawed. Trump's attorney general indicated that was the case (see above).

The DOJ intends to stop her.

The Post reports, "The Justice Department said it would appeal a federal judge’s decision to appoint a special master to sift through thousands of documents the FBI seized from Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Aug. 8, according to a Thursday court filing.

"The notice of appeal arrived three days after Judge Aileen M. Cannon ruled in favor of Trump and said she would appoint a special master, slowing — at least temporarily — an investigation into the possible mishandling of extremely sensitive classified information, as well as possible hiding, tampering or destruction of government records.

"In a separate, simultaneous court filing, prosecutors asked Cannon to stay her Sept. 5 decision on two key points: her order to temporarily halt a significant portion of the FBI investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information, and to allow a special master to review the classified material that is among the documents seized as part of a court-authorized search at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club on Aug. 8.

"Ultimately, the Justice Department said that a special master could be appointed, but argued that the judge should prohibit the special master from reviewing classified documents. The special master would be still able to sort through personal documents and other items the FBI also seized, setting aside materials as necessary, the filing says."

As further proof that Trump's judge had no idea what she was doing, the prosecutors were forced to point out to the judge "that allowing a special master to review the classified material would “cause the most immediate and serious harms to the government and the public,” noting that those documents have already been moved to a secure facility, separate from the rest of the seized Trump papers.

Put a different way, Trump's judge is a threat to our national security.

As can be readily seen, Trump is no stranger to providing threats to our national security.

The Jan. 6 committee hearings investigating Trump's attempt to overthrow our elected government will resume shortly.

It is no surprise to see that Trump's grassroots Republicans and Republican lawmakers are avoiding these issues entirely. The last one to speak out was a Republican Senator who threatened riots in the streets if Trump is indicted.

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