Democrats need to understand what evidence means

I'm reading the Congressional site on the hearings now and it's a whole lotta nothing. Lots of evidence of Hunter Biden committing tax fraud and innuendo about the Biden Family doing this and doing that but nothing really specific on which members of the Biden family did what except for Hunter because that's all they got.

Comer isn't a criminal investigator, Dumb Dumb. He can run all the political investigations he wants, they don't mean shit. Congress is a political body, not a part of the criminal justice system. With a big enough majority all they can do is kick people out of office. Mostly they just do political theater.

I can read just fine and from what I'm reading you have jack shit on Joe.

I'm reading the Congressional site on the hearings now and it's a whole lotta nothing. Lots of evidence of Hunter Biden committing tax fraud and innuendo about the Biden Family doing this and doing that but nothing really specific on which members of the Biden family did what except for Hunter because that's all they got.

Comer isn't a criminal investigator, Dumb Dumb. He can run all the political investigations he wants, they don't mean shit. Congress is a political body, not a part of the criminal justice system. With a big enough majority all they can do is kick people out of office. Mostly they just do political theater.

I can read just fine and from what I'm reading you have jack shit on Joe.
A big part of the dispute is that Democrats, in their effort to defend what increasingly looks like a highly corrupt and compromised Biden, scream “there’s no evidence!!!” The problem is that Democrats don’t understand what evidence is.

They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely, and to that we have whistleblower testimony, Archer’s testimony, 30+ visits from Hunter’s Burisma partner to the WH, bank records and SARs, the creation of 20 shell companies, the payoffs of $20 million coming from foreign countries and distributed to nine Biden family members, and so forth.

PLENTY of evidence.

Plenty of evidence that points to exactly ZERO crimes.

I've seen no evidence beyond what Trump had in 2019 and Trump's ultra-corrupt DOJ couldn't prosecute so...

There's one more thing about evidence...absent an actual crime 20 tons of evidence means nothing.
I'm reading the Congressional site on the hearings now and it's a whole lotta nothing. Lots of evidence of Hunter Biden committing tax fraud and innuendo about the Biden Family doing this and doing that but nothing really specific on which members of the Biden family did what except for Hunter because that's all they got.

Comer isn't a criminal investigator, Dumb Dumb. He can run all the political investigations he wants, they don't mean shit. Congress is a political body, not a part of the criminal justice system. With a big enough majority all they can do is kick people out of office. Mostly they just do political theater.

I can read just fine and from what I'm reading you have jack shit on Joe.
Comer is now a criminal investigator because the Biden administration won't do its job. It's in coverup mode. And, yes, the evidence he digs up means quite a lot. At least people who still have a conscience will not vote for Biden because of the evidence. That's why you're in denial mode.
He sure wasn’t all that worried when they did break in, was he. His phone calls to besieged congress members and lack of action on that day speak volumes.
You know thats not evidence he planned it right? Certainly not the standard of evidence you want applied to going the other direction
You’d have to ask the jury.

Not really. All those cases were he said she said. I can just read what all the different sides said.
How weak is it when he’s recorded asking Raffensperger to find him the votes? It’s appalling.
Did you actually read the transcript? Even the most partisan interpretation of that conversation can’t be that Trump was asking them to manufacture votes. He obviously believes he won the election in Georgia. He might be wrong on that count but he most definitely believes he won and by a large margin actually. He listed 15 different categories of either voter fraud, voter suppression, illegal voting etc. I’m not saying anything he said was true or not as I don’t know es no question he believes he won the state and is asking Raffensperger to find the votes he needs to get there via the laundry list of instances he gave him.
Devon Archer testified that Hunter called his daddy to get the prosecutor fired. We know the prosecutor was fired because Joe bragged about it on video.
Yes. He bragged about it because getting that prosecutor fired was a stated goal of American foreign policy.
Devon Archer testified that Hunter called his daddy to get the prosecutor fired. We know the prosecutor was fired because Joe bragged about it on video.
Sure, Hunter traded on his dad's name. Just like Ivanka and her husband trading on their access to Trump.

Do you seriously believe that the Saudis would have handed a 2 billion dollar investment to Kushner if that guy wasn't married to Trump's daughter?

But let's address the idiotic spin that you retards keep putting out about Devon Archer and his testimony. You do know that we have the full transcript of his appearance before Congress, right? And no, he said no such thing.

That's another lie that your leadership has been feeding you. But hey, prove me wrong. Prove that Devon Archer said any of those things. Go.
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Comer is now a criminal investigator because the Biden administration won't do its job. It's in coverup mode. And, yes, the evidence he digs up means quite a lot. At least people who still have a conscience will not vote for Biden because of the evidence. That's why you're in denial mode.
Cromer doesn't become a criminal investigator just because he really really wants to cosplay as one. That's not how reality works.
I'm reading the Congressional site on the hearings now and it's a whole lotta nothing. Lots of evidence of Hunter Biden committing tax fraud and innuendo about the Biden Family doing this and doing that but nothing really specific on which members of the Biden family did what except for Hunter because that's all they got.

Comer isn't a criminal investigator, Dumb Dumb. He can run all the political investigations he wants, they don't mean shit. Congress is a political body, not a part of the criminal justice system. With a big enough majority all they can do is kick people out of office. Mostly they just do political theater.

I can read just fine and from what I'm reading you have jack shit on Joe.
As Comer goes so goes The Government and it's budget.
Comer and his Oversight Committee decide what funds
the Government receive.He and his Committe can decide to defund
much of an Agency.
Cromer doesn't become a criminal investigator just because he really really wants to cosplay as one. That's not how reality works.
He became one because he had to. You don't determine who is a criminal investigator and who isn't. That's how reality works, dumbass.
Kinda like ADAM SCHIFF, Lez Cheney, and Nancy Pelosi?
You mean the people who got the ball rolling? They pushed DoJ to get off their butts, by making the evidence public. The indictments we see are thanks to them. They were right about everything, and we're going to keep rubbing that in your face.

You? You're going to have to spend your life knowing that Pelosi and Schiff are the cause of your butthurt. Pelosi and Schiff bitch-slapped you and all of the Trump cult losers hard, which accounts for your current sore-loser tears.

Ah, life is good.
Sure, Hunter traded on his dad's name. Just like Ivanka and her husband trading on their access to Trump.

Do you seriously believe that the Saudis would have handed a 2 billion dollar investment to Kushner if that guy wasn't married to Trump's daughter?

If you do, I have a bridge in NYC that I can get for you at a low low price.
Trump was getting kickback when he was President?
I am ALWAYS AMAZED that the Left either simply cannot fathom that their "Leaders" would lie to them or they simply don't care.

Tell us again how the big bad democrats stole the election from poor widdle Uncle Donny!



My fingers had to catch their breath!
You know thats not evidence he planned it right? Certainly not the standard of evidence you want applied to going the other direction
He planned to tell his supporters to march to the Capitol but kept that plan secret from anyone else.
Not really. All those cases were he said she said. I can just read what all the different sides said.
The difference is that one person says so under oath before a jury with corroborating evidence.
Did you actually read the transcript? Even the most partisan interpretation of that conversation can’t be that Trump was asking them to manufacture votes. He obviously believes he won the election in Georgia. He might be wrong on that count but he most definitely believes he won and by a large margin actually. He listed 15 different categories of either voter fraud, voter suppression, illegal voting etc. I’m not saying anything he said was true or not as I don’t know es no question he believes he won the state and is asking Raffensperger to find the votes he needs to get there via the laundry list of instances he gave him.
I listened to the entire hour long call. As I said earlier, Trump was asking Raffensperger to take away Biden votes. I don’t care what he believes. You don’t get to destroy our votes because you believe something.

Raffensperger explained that his laundry list was wrong. Did Trump stop asking to “find the votes”? He did not.
They think it means absolute proof. It does not. It means facts that make a claim likely
I couldn't agree more!
This is EXACTLY why Jack Smith's and Fanni Willis' cases against Trump are SO strong.
The FACTS make the claim that Trump stole classified material and then committed obstruction of justice likely.
The FACTS make the claim likely that Trump illegally tried to overturn an election and then sicced a mob of domestic terrorists on The U.S. Capitol in a deadly insurrection in an attempted coup to remain in power despite the will of the people in the most secure election in U.S. history.
Sure, Hunter traded on his dad's name. Just like Ivanka and her husband trading on their access to Trump.

Do you seriously believe that the Saudis would have handed a 2 billion dollar investment to Kushner if that guy wasn't married to Trump's daughter?

If you do, I have a bridge in NYC that I can get for you at a low low price.
Trumps kin were not operating in secret and hiding near
everything under cover of paying off the corrupt MSM
from Reporting.Donald Trump as an egocentric boaster
informed us as faster or faster than the Old Superman
Clark Kent series - Superman -. or faster than a speeding
bullet or louder than a Steaming Locomotive.
That's half the reason Trump was so liked.His Rally's
are the Proof.Donald Trump is almost incapable
of being a good poker player { keeping cards close to his
vest }.
As Comer goes so goes The Government and it's budget.
Comer and his Oversight Committee decide what funds
the Government receive.He and his Committe can decide to defund
much of an Agency.
They could if they had
balls, but they don't so they won't
Bread and Circus, instead. :funnyface:
Trump was getting kickback when he was President?
Biden is getting a kickback? Prove it, retard.

I know you can't and won't. Do you know why? Because you are a retard that spews these lies that your orange douchebag feeds you.

But hey, prove me wrong. Go.

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