Democrats Never Met A Communist....

So if MacArthur had gone into China would Russia have just watched?


Would the US use A bombs?

What for? China was decimated - we were not fighting Koreans in Korea, the PRA was on the ropes. China had already committed it's entire fighting force to fighting American, and was losing badly. They were done - but Truman bailed them out at the last moment.

Would Russia have joined the war?
Would Russia have used A bombs?

How could Russia use what they didn't have?

If Korea had turned into an Atomic war how many more Americans have lost their lives?Since America is a democracy would the American people accept WWIII and the possible use of A weapons?
Should America have gone into Vietnam Laos, and et. al.?
If Truman was treasonous why have American historians rated him as
one of America's ten best presidents?

You have zero knowledge of history and are guided by your hero worship of the Communists rather than reality.
Wrong, the SU tested its first A-bomb in 1949.

Greatly aided by its successful Soviet Alsos and the atomic spy ring, the Soviet Union conducted its first weapon test of an implosion-type nuclear device, RDS-1, codenameFirst Lightning, on 29 August 1949, at Semipalatinsk, Kazakh SSR. With the success of this test, the Soviet Union became the second nation after the United States to detonate a nuclear device.

Soviet atomic bomb project - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They had no weapon to use until 56.

Try again.
1. The issue is this: there are a handful of servers that basically control the Internet providers like Verizon and Comcast. They've set up a dual-highway system: a super express highway for the largest, wealthiest users, Amazon, Netflix, etc....who can pay more for the service. And a local-less accessible highway for the smaller companies.
2. The providers say we took the risk and used beaucoup bucks to build this infrastructure...and now you want to come in and tell us how to use it???
a. providers like Verizon don't like the idea of net neutrality. They feel they should be able to pick and choose what people see online and charge content providers accordingly. Imagine if Verizon has tiers of Internet access. The highest paying customers could access everything on the web. The lowest paying customers could access only the information Verizon chooses to promote.
Getting rid of net neutrality means Verizon or Comcast could similarly choose which content to promote based on their own self-interests.
Which side are you on? It's unclear from this post.
Then why did you cut off the post?
I cut some things to save space, but kept the important parts. You appear to be against net neutrality but then said, "Getting rid of net neutrality means Verizon or Comcast could similarly choose which content to promote based on their own self-interests", which sounds like you're for it. Please elucidate.

If you like the concept of Net Neutrality, think about it like this:
if a consumer is looking to but a refrigerator, how about a regulation that all appliance stores have to have the same price for refrigerators?

Even better...the same as the lowest price any are charging.

That sound like freedom to you, comrade?
Who do you think we were fighting in Korea? We were engaged with the PRA - the Chinese Army - and they were done. There was nothing to stop a march right into Peking - nothing except the ally of Mao, Harry Truman.
You're the one that needs to reread their history. We were in a stalemate with the Chinese at the current DMZ. You're thinking of the NK army. They were done but the Chinese were between us and Peking.
You're the one that needs to reread their history. We were in a stalemate with the Chinese at the current DMZ. You're thinking of the NK army. They were done but the Chinese were between us and Peking.

So, Truman firde MacArthur because he was stuck at the 38th parallel?


The shit you commies spew....
If you like the concept of Net Neutrality, think about it like this:
if a consumer is looking to but a refrigerator, how about a regulation that all appliance stores have to have the same price for refrigerators?

Even better...the same as the lowest price any are charging.

That sound like freedom to you, comrade?

Actually, to match net neutrality, the price would have to be the same as the HIGHEST price at any store, to ensure that no one was given a "fast track" to fresh food.
You're the one that needs to reread their history. We were in a stalemate with the Chinese at the current DMZ. You're thinking of the NK army. They were done but the Chinese were between us and Peking.
So, Truman firde MacArthur because he was stuck at the 38th parallel?.
Like I said you need to reread your history. You obviously don't have a clue as to what happened in Korea. By the time of the stalemate MacArthur was long gone, having already done the damage of convincing the Chinese they needed to get into the war.
Like I said you need to reread your history. You obviously don't have a clue as to what happened in Korea. By the time of the stalemate MacArthur was long gone, having already done the damage of convincing the Chinese they needed to get into the war.

Uh Comrade Dumbfuck, we are talking about MacArthur and the FACT that he was ready to march into Peking and end the PRC - which Truman would not allow. The reasons that Truman moved to protect the Communist Chinese is open for discussion - the fact that he did so is a matter of history. You can distort history - you can lie about history - but you can't actually change history - it's already happened.
The net was started with our tax dollars. If you think that's bogus, you need to study your history, too.

Then you and your fellow Communists own the portion that connects Berkeley to Stanford. The rest of the backbone was created by Verizon, AT&T, and Worldcom.

Oh to be sure - lot's of corruption and backroom deals with the crooks in government - still the fiction you peddle remains a fiction.
Uh Comrade Dumbfuck, we are talking about MacArthur and the FACT that he was ready to march into Peking and end the PRC - which Truman would not allow. The reasons that Truman moved to protect the Communist Chinese is open for discussion - the fact that he did so is a matter of history. You can distort history - you can lie about history - but you can't actually change history - it's already happened.
MacArthur wasn't going to march into Peking, because the Chinese army hadn't gotten into the fight yet. They didn't until we approached the Yalu River while mopping up the NK army and MacArthur became insubordinate by running his mouth. They attacked and drove us back beyond Seoul. We eventually recaptured Seoul but ended in a stalemate at the current DMZ. The Chinese army WAS NOT involved in the beginning, as you erroneously seem to think.
The net was started with our tax dollars. If you think that's bogus, you need to study your history, too.
Then you and your fellow Communists own the portion that connects Berkeley to Stanford. The rest of the backbone was created by Verizon, AT&T, and Worldcom.
What about all the research done with Federal tax dollars? Without it the would be no backbone for Verizon, AT&T, and Worldcom to expand.
What about all the research done with Federal tax dollars? Without it the would be no backbone for Verizon, AT&T, and Worldcom to expand.

What about it? TCP/IP is important to the internet - of course Ethernet was developed privately (3Com) as was HTTP, and the World Wide Web.

And none of this has anything to do with offering priority packet scheduling for critical operations. You think downloading the latest illegal movie or video game at the best possible speed is your right because you want. But rational people grasp that prioritizing packets for hospitals to save lives. police traffic, business VPN's, et al is just what sane grownups do. Communists are not sane, and not grown up - living only by "I want." Spoiled, stupid children.
MacArthur wasn't going to march into Peking, because the Chinese army hadn't gotten into the fight yet. They didn't until we approached the Yalu River while mopping up the NK army and MacArthur became insubordinate by running his mouth. They attacked and drove us back beyond Seoul. We eventually recaptured Seoul but ended in a stalemate at the current DMZ. The Chinese army WAS NOT involved in the beginning, as you erroneously seem to think.

The PRA was lying dead all across the Korean countryside.. The back of China was broken and MacArthur knew it - as did Truman - who moved quickly to protect the Chinese Communists.
What about all the research done with Federal tax dollars? Without it the would be no backbone for Verizon, AT&T, and Worldcom to expand.
What about it? TCP/IP is important to the internet - of course Ethernet was developed privately (3Com) as was HTTP, and the World Wide Web.
TCP/IP was developed by the government-funded Arpanet, the precursor of the internet. WWW was developed by CERN, a European government-funded consortium. I'll give you Ethernet, but that wasn't even developed by a commercial entity, but a professional non-profit association of engineers, IEEE.

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