Democrats Never Met A Communist....

Who do you think we were fighting in Korea? We were engaged with the PRA - the Chinese Army - and they were done. There was nothing to stop a march right into Peking - nothing except the ally of Mao, Harry Truman.
You're the one that needs to reread their history. We were in a stalemate with the Chinese at the current DMZ. You're thinking of the NK army. They were done but the Chinese were between us and Peking.

We were in a stalemate because we were not fighting it as a War..............we were not cutting their supply lines from and in WE WERE NOT ALLOWED................there wouldn't have been a dang stalemate had we fought it like a War...........Those Chinese troops needed supplies to fight, and EAT............busting them up would have changed the War.
Uh Comrade Dumbfuck, we are talking about MacArthur and the FACT that he was ready to march into Peking and end the PRC - which Truman would not allow. The reasons that Truman moved to protect the Communist Chinese is open for discussion - the fact that he did so is a matter of history. You can distort history - you can lie about history - but you can't actually change history - it's already happened.
MacArthur wasn't going to march into Peking, because the Chinese army hadn't gotten into the fight yet. They didn't until we approached the Yalu River while mopping up the NK army and MacArthur became insubordinate by running his mouth. They attacked and drove us back beyond Seoul. We eventually recaptured Seoul but ended in a stalemate at the current DMZ. The Chinese army WAS NOT involved in the beginning, as you erroneously seem to think.
I never saw his post stating that.............While they had surprise and numbers, they still had vulnerable supply lines...........WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN HIT.
President Truman s relief of General Douglas MacArthur - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Public statements[edit]
On 1 December 1950, MacArthur was asked by a reporter if the restrictions on operations against Chinese forces on the far side of the Yalu River were "a handicap to effective military operations." He replied that they were indeed "an enormous handicap, unprecedented in military history."[101] On 6 December, Truman issued a directive requiring all military officers and diplomatic officials to clear with the State Department all but routine statements before making them public, "and...refrain from direct communications on military or foreign policy with newspapers, magazines, and other publicity media."[102] Major General Courtney Whitney gave MacArthur a legal opinion that this applied "solely to formal public statements and not to communiqués, correspondence or personal conversations."[103] MacArthur made similar remarks in press statements on 13 February and 7 March 1951.[104]

In February and March 1951, the tide of war began to turn again, and MacArthur's forces drove north. Seoul, which had fallen on 4 January,[105] was recaptured on 17 March.[106] This raised hopes in Washington that the Chinese and North Koreans might be amenable to a ceasefire agreement, and Truman prepared a statement to this effect. MacArthur was informed of it by the Joint Chiefs on 20 March, and he warned the new commander of the Eighth Army, Lieutenant General Matthew B. Ridgway, that political constraints might soon impose limits on his proposed operations.[107] On 23 March, MacArthur issued a communiqué about offering a ceasefire to the Chinese:

Of even greater significance than our tactical successes has been the clear revelation that this new enemy, Red China, of such exaggerated and vaunted military power, lacks the industrial capability to provide adequately many critical items necessary to the conduct of modern war. He lacks the manufacturing base and those raw materials needed to produce, maintain and operate even moderate air and naval power, and he cannot provide the essentials for successful ground operations, such as tanks, heavy artillery and other refinements science has introduced into the conduct of military campaigns. Formerly his great numerical potential might well have filled this gap but with the development of existing methods of mass destruction numbers alone do not offset the vulnerability inherent in such deficiencies. Control of the seas and the air, which in turn means control over supplies, communications and transportation, are no less essential and decisive now than in the past. When this control exists, as in our case, and is coupled with an inferiority of ground firepower in the enemy's case, the resulting disparity is such that it cannot be overcome by bravery, however fanatical, or the most gross indifference to human loss.

These military weaknesses have been clearly and definitely revealed since Red China entered upon its undeclared war in Korea. Even under the inhibitions which now restrict the activity of the United Nations forces and the corresponding military advantages which accrue to Red China, it has been shown its complete inability to accomplish by force of arms the conquest of Korea. The enemy, therefore must by now be painfully aware that a decision of the United Nations to depart from its tolerant effort to contain the war to the area of Korea, through an expansion of our military operations to its coastal areas and interior bases, would doom Red China to the risk of imminent military collapse. These basic facts being established, there should be no insuperable difficulty in arriving at decisions on the Korean problem if the issues are resolved on their own merits, without being burdened by extraneous matters not directly related to Korea, such as Formosa or China's seat in the United Nations.[108]

The next day, MacArthur authorized Ridgway to advance up to 20 miles (32 km) north of the 38th Parallel.[107]Truman would later report that "I was ready to kick him into the North China Sea...I was never so put out in my life."[109] Truman felt that MacArthur's communiqué, which had not been cleared in accordance with the December directive, had pre-empted his own proposal. He later wrote:

This was a most extraordinary statement for a military commander of the United Nations to issue on his own responsibility. It was an act totally disregarding all directives to abstain from any declarations on foreign policy. It was in open defiance of my orders as President and as Commander-in-Chief. This was a challenge to the authority of the President under the Constitution. It also flouted the policy of the United Nations. By this act MacArthur left me no choice - I could no longer tolerate his insubordination.[110]
I never saw his post stating that.............While they had surprise and numbers, they still had vulnerable supply lines...........WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN HIT.
Then the Soviets would have joined in and we would have had a nuclear WW III.
Russia would not have entered the War............DO you have that memo from the USSR of the time.....................................

Mac was fired because he ordered an attack on the 38th parallel...........aka to push China back and was relieved because of Politics..........Truman wanted a diplomatic solution, after he had hampered the fight by not allowing us to fight in China to cut them off.............

Truman lost the dang War, and is why their is a N. Korea today.
It sounds like MacArthur gave Truman a chance for a big war, maybe a WWIII with big casualty figures and very costly but Truman didn't grab the chance so MacArthur was miffed and told the papers, and Truman fired MacArthur.
The question is: was it the wrong war, at the wrong time, with the wrong enemy?
I think it was Kennan that said we should just bide our time, keep communism quarantined and wait for the USSR to collapse.
It sounds like MacArthur gave Truman a chance for a big war, maybe a WWIII with big casualty figures and very costly but Truman didn't grab the chance so MacArthur was miffed and told the papers, and Truman fired MacArthur.
The question is: was it the wrong war, at the wrong time, with the wrong enemy?
I think it was Kennan that said we should just bide our time, keep communism quarantined and wait for the USSR to collapse.

When 400,000 Chinese went into Korea we were already at War..............Unless you want the dang political spin of it...............To say we weren't already at War with them is a JOKE.
Mac was fired because he ordered an attack on the 38th parallel...........aka to push China back and was relieved because of Politics.
How could attacking the 38th parallel push the Chinese back, when they weren't even involved yet? I think you need a review of the history of the war. Mac could have gotten a nuclear SU involved. Who knows what they would have done, if we'd invaded China or used nukes as Mac suggested.
It sounds like MacArthur gave Truman a chance for a big war, maybe a WWIII with big casualty figures and very costly but Truman didn't grab the chance so MacArthur was miffed and told the papers, and Truman fired MacArthur.
The question is: was it the wrong war, at the wrong time, with the wrong enemy?
I think it was Kennan that said we should just bide our time, keep communism quarantined and wait for the USSR to collapse.

When 400,000 Chinese went into Korea we were already at War..............Unless you want the dang political spin of it...............To say we weren't already at War with them is a JOKE.
There are wars and there are wars, some big, some little, some a fight to the finish, some, let's agree to end it. Could the Korean war have been even bigger, you bet and Truman could have pushed it bigger, or China or the USSR.
In a way seems all sides agreed they didn't want a bigger war. Maybe MacArthur was the only one that wanted a bigger war, maybe for a finale? But more importantly for America is how did the American people feel about a bigger war?
This should leave a mark! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

When 400,000 Chinese went into Korea we were already at War..............Unless you want the dang political spin of it...............To say we weren't already at War with them is a JOKE.
At the time we were at war with NK, NOT China. China got involved when Mac threatened to cross the Yalu. The SU WAS in the war, however. They were secretly flying many of NK's MIGs.
This should leave a mark! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


It certainly marks you as a doofus with little of value to say. :cool-45:

A commie would say that, especially when exposed, as you are!

You're a truly sad case.

Communists and Democrat political influence go back longer than most of us are alive!

Regardless of how many pictures you post, it doesn't change the fact that very little has any substance.
This should leave a mark! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


It certainly marks you as a doofus with little of value to say. :cool-45:

A commie would say that, especially when exposed, as you are!

You're a truly sad case.

Communists and Democrat political influence go back longer than most of us are alive!

Regardless of how many pictures you post, it doesn't change the fact that very little has any substance.

Of course there is substance, what can you refute before I put up OTHER "hitting home" small clips of the TRUTH?


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