Democrats Never Met A Communist....

You may be spewing Communism if you believe that mankind is altering the Climate

You may be spewing Communism if you believe we can correct "income inequality" Hell, if you even believe that "Income inequality" is a "Problem" to be "Solved"
How about if you take a university class on communism? Would that be a kiss of death?

How about you take a look at the aims of the Communist Party, USA, and the aims of the modern Democrat Party. is ...extraordinary.....the correspondence between the aims of the communist party and the aims of the Democrats.....

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. . Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders? have to ask your "historians" if it would be alright for you to think.

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You might take a look at this one, too.

10 planks of Communist manifesto
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

"Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street"
Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains Inheritance And Wall Street FDL News Desk

And this:
"Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....

Your paranoid as well as dishonest. Paranoid Schizophrenia is manifested by a very detailed world view not reflective of the real world.

You obsession with posting iniquitous threads is never convincing to the many, and attracts only the crazy right wingers to your side (a shoutout to CrusaderFrank & Rabbi as examples), and is never intended to establish a real debate on political theory or policy; being perfidious is your schtick, and that does not make you a patriot or Christian.

Quite the coincidence you showing up with this post....
....I was just puzzling over where I could find a deranged, bottom-feeding scum to analyze my posts.
What's the matter, no mirrors in your house????

The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.

Imagine, if you were either articulate or clever, you might author a post that flowed from the post to which you were responding.

This one doesn't,
Just what do you think the aim of "Net Neutrality" is?
To allow you to keep spamming the board without paying an arm and a leg for the privilege.
No,'s the communist attempt to dictate and co-opt private property. You're really swallowed the propaganda,haven't you.
The internet isn't private property. It was government property given to the PUBLIC. If you don't believe me, ask Al Gore. He made it so.
Just what do you think the aim of "Net Neutrality" is?
To allow you to keep spamming the board without paying an arm and a leg for the privilege.
No,'s the communist attempt to dictate and co-opt private property.

You're really swallowed the propaganda,haven't you.

See what I mean?
Emoticons are hardly a substitute for being articulate.

You serve as the immanent example of leaving school at the third grade.

Skulls of victims of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.
Who stopped the Khmer Rouge? The Vietnamese Communists!!!
For clarity.....are you stupid, or a liar?
What lie? The Vietnamese invaded Cambodia and ousted the Khmer Rouge. If you don't know that, you're the one that's stupid.

Cambodian Vietnamese War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Just what do you think the aim of "Net Neutrality" is?
To allow you to keep spamming the board without paying an arm and a leg for the privilege.
No,'s the communist attempt to dictate and co-opt private property. You're really swallowed the propaganda,haven't you.
The internet isn't private property. It was government property given to the PUBLIC. If you don't believe me, ask Al Gore. He made it so.

What am I, a bug-light for morons???

Take notes:

1. The issue is this: there are a handful of servers that basically control the Internet providers like Verizon and Comcast
They've set up a dual-highway system: a super express highway for the largest, wealthiest users, Amazon, Netflix, etc....who can pay more for the service

And a local-less accessible highway for the smaller companies.

2. The providers say we took the risk and used beaucoup bucks to build this infrastructure...and now you want to come in and tell us how to use it???

a. providers like Verizon don't like the idea of net neutrality. They feel they should be able to pick and choose what people see online and charge content providers accordingly. Imagine if Verizon has tiers of Internet access. The highest paying customers could access everything on the web. The lowest paying customers could access only the information Verizon chooses to promote.

Getting rid of net neutrality means Verizon or Comcast could similarly choose which content to promote based on their own self-interests.

I love this: it is politicsat it's most basic!
Either you believe in the free-market, and capitalism.....the most successful economic advent ever created....
....or to government control of every aspect of life, i.e., communism, the philosophy that slaughtered 100 million human being to enforce its control.

It seems evident where you stand....or lie in the gutter.
1. The issue is this: there are a handful of servers that basically control the Internet providers like Verizon and Comcast. They've set up a dual-highway system: a super express highway for the largest, wealthiest users, Amazon, Netflix, etc....who can pay more for the service. And a local-less accessible highway for the smaller companies.
2. The providers say we took the risk and used beaucoup bucks to build this infrastructure...and now you want to come in and tell us how to use it???
a. providers like Verizon don't like the idea of net neutrality. They feel they should be able to pick and choose what people see online and charge content providers accordingly. Imagine if Verizon has tiers of Internet access. The highest paying customers could access everything on the web. The lowest paying customers could access only the information Verizon chooses to promote.
Getting rid of net neutrality means Verizon or Comcast could similarly choose which content to promote based on their own self-interests.
Which side are you on? It's unclear from this post.

Skulls of victims of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.
Who stopped the Khmer Rouge? The Vietnamese Communists!!!
For clarity.....are you stupid, or a liar?
What lie? The Vietnamese invaded Cambodia and ousted the Khmer Rouge. If you don't know that, you're the one that's stupid.

Cambodian Vietnamese War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It must be great to be don't have to know ANYTHING!!!!

"ThePathet Lao(Lao:ປະເທດລາວ, "Lao Nation"[1]) was a communist political movement and organization in Laos, formed in the mid-20th century. The group was ultimately successful in assuming political power after the Laotian Civil War. The Pathet Lao were always closely associated with Vietnamese communists. During the civil war, it was effectively organized, equipped and even led by thearmy of North Vietnam. They fought against the Anti-Communist Forces in the Vietnam War.

The Pathet Lao were the Laotian equivalent of South Vietnam's Viet Minh and later Viet Cong, and Cambodia's Khmer Rouge.

The organization can trace its roots from theSecond World Warjust as theKhmer Issarakin Cambodia and theViet Minh&Vietnam People's ArmyinVietnamdid in the war as well. Its original name has been forgotten but in 1950 it was renamed the Pathet Lao, when it was adopted by Lao forces underPrince Souphanouvong, who joined the Viet Minh's revolt against the colonialFrenchauthorities inIndochinaduring theFirst Indochina War.

Prince Souphanouvong, who had spent seven years inNha Trang[4]during his sixteen years inVietnam,[5]metHo Chi Minh, and acquired a Vietnamese wife while in Vietnam, solicited Viet Minh aid in founding a guerrilla force.

In August 1950, Souphanouvong joined the Viet Minh in their headquarters north ofHanoi, Vietnam, and become the head of the Pathet Lao, along with its political arm dubbedNeo Lao Hak Sat(Lao Patriotic Front).[6]Pathet Lao found resistance government with members: Souphanouvong (Prime Minister, Minister of the Foreign), Kaysone Phomvihane (Minister of the Defence), Phoumi Vongvichit (Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior), Souk Vongsak, Sithon Kommadam, Faydang Lobliayao. This was an attempt to give a false front of authority to the Lao communist movement by claiming to represent a united non-partisan effort. Two of its most important founders were members of the Indochinese Communist Party, which advocated overthrow of the monarchy as well as expulsion of the French."
Pathet Lao - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
1. The issue is this: there are a handful of servers that basically control the Internet providers like Verizon and Comcast. They've set up a dual-highway system: a super express highway for the largest, wealthiest users, Amazon, Netflix, etc....who can pay more for the service. And a local-less accessible highway for the smaller companies.
2. The providers say we took the risk and used beaucoup bucks to build this infrastructure...and now you want to come in and tell us how to use it???
a. providers like Verizon don't like the idea of net neutrality. They feel they should be able to pick and choose what people see online and charge content providers accordingly. Imagine if Verizon has tiers of Internet access. The highest paying customers could access everything on the web. The lowest paying customers could access only the information Verizon chooses to promote.
Getting rid of net neutrality means Verizon or Comcast could similarly choose which content to promote based on their own self-interests.
Which side are you on? It's unclear from this post.


Then why did you cut off the post?
"ThePathet Lao(Lao:ປະເທດລາວ, "Lao Nation"[1]) was a communist political movement and organization in Laos, formed in the mid-20th century. The group was ultimately successful in assuming political power after the Laotian Civil War. The Pathet Lao were always closely associated with Vietnamese communists. During the civil war, it was effectively organized, equipped and even led by thearmy of North Vietnam. They fought against the Anti-Communist Forces in the Vietnam War.

The Pathet Lao were the Laotian equivalent of South Vietnam's Viet Minh and later Viet Cong, and Cambodia's Khmer Rouge.

The organization can trace its roots from theSecond World Warjust as theKhmer Issarakin Cambodia and theViet Minh&Vietnam People's ArmyinVietnamdid in the war as well. Its original name has been forgotten but in 1950 it was renamed the Pathet Lao, when it was adopted by Lao forces underPrince Souphanouvong, who joined the Viet Minh's revolt against the colonialFrenchauthorities inIndochinaduring theFirst Indochina War.

Prince Souphanouvong, who had spent seven years inNha Trang[4]during his sixteen years inVietnam,[5]metHo Chi Minh, and acquired a Vietnamese wife while in Vietnam, solicited Viet Minh aid in founding a guerrilla force.

In August 1950, Souphanouvong joined the Viet Minh in their headquarters north ofHanoi, Vietnam, and become the head of the Pathet Lao, along with its political arm dubbedNeo Lao Hak Sat(Lao Patriotic Front).[6]Pathet Lao found resistance government with members: Souphanouvong (Prime Minister, Minister of the Foreign), Kaysone Phomvihane (Minister of the Defence), Phoumi Vongvichit (Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior), Souk Vongsak, Sithon Kommadam, Faydang Lobliayao. This was an attempt to give a false front of authority to the Lao communist movement by claiming to represent a united non-partisan effort. Two of its most important founders were members of the Indochinese Communist Party, which advocated overthrow of the monarchy as well as expulsion of the French."
Pathet Lao - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Your response is a non-sequitur. What does the Pathet Lao have to do with the Cambodian-Vietnamese War?
1. The issue is this: there are a handful of servers that basically control the Internet providers like Verizon and Comcast. They've set up a dual-highway system: a super express highway for the largest, wealthiest users, Amazon, Netflix, etc....who can pay more for the service. And a local-less accessible highway for the smaller companies.
2. The providers say we took the risk and used beaucoup bucks to build this infrastructure...and now you want to come in and tell us how to use it???
a. providers like Verizon don't like the idea of net neutrality. They feel they should be able to pick and choose what people see online and charge content providers accordingly. Imagine if Verizon has tiers of Internet access. The highest paying customers could access everything on the web. The lowest paying customers could access only the information Verizon chooses to promote.
Getting rid of net neutrality means Verizon or Comcast could similarly choose which content to promote based on their own self-interests.
Which side are you on? It's unclear from this post.
Then why did you cut off the post?
I cut some things to save space, but kept the important parts. You appear to be against net neutrality but then said, "Getting rid of net neutrality means Verizon or Comcast could similarly choose which content to promote based on their own self-interests", which sounds like you're for it. Please elucidate.
DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

Democrat Harry Truman FIRED Gen. MacArthur to STOP him from defeating the Communists in North Korea and China. Truman is the reason North Korea exists today. IF the foolish fucker had left it alone, MacArthur would have ended the regime 50 years ago.
DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea. If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.
Democrat Harry Truman FIRED Gen. MacArthur to STOP him from defeating the Communists in North Korea and China. Truman is the reason North Korea exists today. IF the foolish fucker had left it alone, MacArthur would have ended the regime 50 years ago.
Truman fired MacArthur because he was instigating what would have been a nuclear WW III.
DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

Democrat Harry Truman FIRED Gen. MacArthur to STOP him from defeating the Communists in North Korea and China. Truman is the reason North Korea exists today. IF the foolish fucker had left it alone, MacArthur would have ended the regime 50 years ago.

MacArthur would have ended a lot of lives too. MacArthur was an ego driven general willing to keep a war going and his ego nourished at any cost. But I did appreciate MacArthur saying that liberals created this nation.
[Truman fired MacArthur because he was instigating what would have been a nuclear WW III.

History and thinking are two areas you are weak in.

China had no Nukes, Russia had not yet stolen our secrets. Truman fired MacArthur because MacArthur was never supposed to win. The farce of perpetual war was to be maintained. MacArthur defeating North Korea and then China was a disaster for those who sought to create a cold war world.
MacArthur would have ended a lot of lives too. MacArthur was an ego driven general willing to keep a war going and his ego nourished at any cost. But I did appreciate MacArthur saying that liberals created this nation.

Far more lives were lost perpetrating the stalemate and in the disasters of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, et al. that were directly spawned by Trumans treason.
China had no Nukes, Russia had not yet stolen our secrets. Truman fired MacArthur because MacArthur was never supposed to win. The farce of perpetual war was to be maintained. MacArthur defeating North Korea and then China was a disaster for those who sought to create a cold war world.
Wrong, the SU tested its first A-bomb in 1949.

Greatly aided by its successful Soviet Alsos and the atomic spy ring, the Soviet Union conducted its first weapon test of an implosion-type nuclear device, RDS-1, codenameFirst Lightning, on 29 August 1949, at Semipalatinsk, Kazakh SSR. With the success of this test, the Soviet Union became the second nation after the United States to detonate a nuclear device.

Soviet atomic bomb project - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
DEMOCRAT Harry Truman spent some 36,000 American lives keeping the Communist North Koreans out of South Korea.

If you support that Democratic President's actions, you have an odd way of showing it.

Democrat Harry Truman FIRED Gen. MacArthur to STOP him from defeating the Communists in North Korea and China. Truman is the reason North Korea exists today. IF the foolish fucker had left it alone, MacArthur would have ended the regime 50 years ago.

Ever hear of the Chinese?

lol, try googling.
MacArthur would have ended a lot of lives too. MacArthur was an ego driven general willing to keep a war going and his ego nourished at any cost. But I did appreciate MacArthur saying that liberals created this nation.

Far more lives were lost perpetrating the stalemate and in the disasters of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, et al. that were directly spawned by Trumans treason.
So if MacArthur had gone into China would Russia have just watched?
Would the US use A bombs?
Would Russia have joined the war?
Would Russia have used A bombs?
If Korea had turned into an Atomic war how many more Americans have lost their lives?Since America is a democracy would the American people accept WWIII and the possible use of A weapons?
Should America have gone into Vietnam Laos, and et. al.?
If Truman was treasonous why have American historians rated him as
one of America's ten best presidents?

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