Democrats Now Announcing Police Disintegration Act

Seems they're all wearing Black Power scarves. :auiqs.jpg:

What panderers.

The Wuhan Virus that hurt the U.S economy was supposed to do the trick, but U.S.A is going to rebound and many see certain politicians as forcing them to stay indoors. So now the death of George Floyd gives them an opportunity to wrestle some black supporters who moved to Trump, along with some young, liberals who might be more motivated to come out and vote.

As I say, Trump can play both sides easily, just focus on the constitution and supporting "good citizens" from all sides of the issue. If he doesn't stand by civil liberties along with accountability for ALL, he is going to be hurt. That's why they are jumping on this hard, they are trying to strike when the iron is hot and the global socialists are all going to organize their activists to try and help their democrat cause.

Their legislation isn't doing much different that I can see "an independent investigation". Doesn't that already occur to some degree? They are trying to avoid the radical left that wants to shut it all down. They will not have gone far enough for many, so Trump could still get out of this ahead.
The Democrats will be piling on from now until the election. It will all become increasingly absurd.

They know if they lose this election across the board, and it looks increasingly like they will, they're finished.
Just in time for the election so they can station a black panther with a club at every polling station.
Forcing Bidum to support defunding of police will put that senile old fool out to pasture for good.

I heard them talk about accountability today, not defunding.

The problem with funding, we've seen this especially in Canada due to the excessive salaries, FAR less danger than police face in the U.S and far more protections of their jobs for wrongdoing; people have seen during the Wuhan Virus who their allies are and the gross discrepancy in salaries.

Police making $125k a year with gold benefits and pension with a high school education while high tech programmer are making $70k year, is really causing citizens to ask "why the F are they paid so much"?! As I said, it's not like the U.S, I think Toronto last lost a police officer to death on the job by an accident a few years ago. The danger for police is far lower here.
You have to wonder, what the fuck are they thinking? The law and order crowd vastly outnumbers the disband the police crowd even among the black community, I read somewhere it's by 2 to 1 to keep the cops. Old people like me, we want the cops to be around when we need them. Minneapolis for example, is already a high crime place with twice the national average in murder and rape. And the Dems want to get rid of the police force? It's sheer lunacy; hey MS13 and other gangs, organized crime, drug dealers, human sex traffickers, come on down. No cops! Somehow I don't think increasing the budget for social programs and getting rid of the cops is going to work.
You have to wonder, what the fuck are they thinking? The law and order crowd vastly outnumbers the disband the police crowd even among the black community, I read somewhere it's by 2 to 1 to keep the cops. Old people like me, we want the cops to be around when we need them. Minneapolis for example, is already a high crime place with twice the national average in murder and rape. And the Dems want to get rid of the police force? It's sheer lunacy; hey MS13 and other gangs, organized crime, drug dealers, human sex traffickers, come on down. No cops! Somehow I don't think increasing the budget for social programs and getting rid of the cops is going to work.

I will say, the Wuhan Virus crisis coupled with this latest kneeing death case is going to be a tsunami. Sometimes you have to accept some changes or the end result will be worse. A total defunding? That's absurd in a broad case of course and won't happen. Cuts and changes, definitely very real in Canada.

Can it work in smaller towns, and/or certain communities? Maybe, I don't know. There is an article on CBC I am going to post that shows it's been done in NJ. What I do know, one reality I think that even pro-cops are realizing is, the mass expenditures on some unions is going to be reigned in. I am just saying what I am seeing. Just as I saw a strong dislike and distrust for China while some still clung to the idea "they are a good allied government" and I knew these people were going to be outliers come election time, I am seeing this with unrestrained policing across the world.

The undercover Toronto Police have been a blight on our city. An insult of the highest order. Same with OPP and RCMP, I've spoken about it at great length here. I know many of the names, many of their families, many of them eating from the same large trough. A racket of nepotism from thieves, crooks, liars and scumbags.

My issue isn't with uniformed police, never has been, though I definitely support body cams as it helps all parties involved. You can't allow anything different with such power and legal right to shoot people. The main issue in Canada is the covert. These guys are manufacturing threats. Outright committing crimes and getting future official or unofficial gigs with the TPS.

Mayor Tory is trying to appease, first "bodycams by this Fall", now its "bodycams this summer", after years of saying it won't work. We have another press conference by Chief Saunders, this even after he already took a knee. People are angry, it's come to a boil after decades of exploitation.

Its not enough to just push body cameras, as I refer back to the Wuhan Virus, people are not able to make ends meet while cops are making more than twice the average salary with less of an education investment ,immense powers and massive pensions and benefits. It simply isn't sustainable in broke Canada that is losing it's ass on the world economic stage.

As some writers from right wing National Post posted with thousands of comments, "he's surprised" it's taken so long to disclose deep cuts to police forces, in particular in Canada. That is the most right wing publication in the mainstream in Canada.
It is tragic that the fellow peons are the ones where violence is administered to. The ones who we see promote this day after day would be the perfect examples to make. And their families. For their agendas make collateral damage out of a lot of others families.
its officially called "The Justice In Policing Act"...Kamala and Booker are the main sponsors. i dont think Trump will sign it, and Cocaine Mitch might not get it up to a vote
⠀⠀⠀"The bill’s dramatic changes to police policy include:
• Creating a national registry to track a police officer’s misconduct
• Making it easier to sue officers who unjustly injure people
• Limiting military equipment sent to police departments
• Banning the use of "no-knock" arrest warrants in drug cases
• Banning chokeholds "
About New Jersey (Camden) and other places, these were municipalities that disbanded their police force but had the county sheriff's office to pick up the responsibilities.
You have to wonder, what the fuck are they thinking? The law and order crowd vastly outnumbers the disband the police crowd even among the black community, I read somewhere it's by 2 to 1 to keep the cops. Old people like me, we want the cops to be around when we need them. Minneapolis for example, is already a high crime place with twice the national average in murder and rape. And the Dems want to get rid of the police force? It's sheer lunacy; hey MS13 and other gangs, organized crime, drug dealers, human sex traffickers, come on down. No cops! Somehow I don't think increasing the budget for social programs and getting rid of the cops is going to work.

I will say, the Wuhan Virus crisis coupled with this latest kneeing death case is going to be a tsunami. Sometimes you have to accept some changes or the end result will be worse. A total defunding? That's absurd in a broad case of course and won't happen. Cuts and changes, definitely very real in Canada.

Can it work in smaller towns, and/or certain communities? Maybe, I don't know. There is an article on CBC I am going to post that shows it's been done in NJ. What I do know, one reality I think that even pro-cops are realizing is, the mass expenditures on some unions is going to be reigned in. I am just saying what I am seeing. Just as I saw a strong dislike and distrust for China while some still clung to the idea "they are a good allied government" and I knew these people were going to be outliers come election time, I am seeing this with unrestrained policing across the world.

The undercover Toronto Police have been a blight on our city. An insult of the highest order. Same with OPP and RCMP, I've spoken about it at great length here. I know many of the names, many of their families, many of them eating from the same large trough. A racket of nepotism from thieves, crooks, liars and scumbags.

My issue isn't with uniformed police, never has been, though I definitely support body cams as it helps all parties involved. You can't allow anything different with such power and legal right to shoot people. The main issue in Canada is the covert. These guys are manufacturing threats. Outright committing crimes and getting future official or unofficial gigs with the TPS.

Mayor Tory is trying to appease, first "bodycams by this Fall", now its "bodycams this summer", after years of saying it won't work. We have another press conference by Chief Saunders, this even after he already took a knee. People are angry, it's come to a boil after decades of exploitation.

Its not enough to just push body cameras, as I refer back to the Wuhan Virus, people are not able to make ends meet while cops are making more than twice the average salary with less of an education investment ,immense powers and massive pensions and benefits. It simply isn't sustainable in broke Canada that is losing it's ass on the world economic stage.

As some writers from right wing National Post posted with thousands of comments, "he's surprised" it's taken so long to disclose deep cuts to police forces, in particular in Canada. That is the most right wing publication in the mainstream in Canada.

About Camden, New Jersey, the place that disbanded their police dept in 2013. The mayor and city council dissolved the local PD and signed an agreement for the county to provide shared services. The new Camden County Police Department rehired most of the laid-off cops, along with nearly 100 other officers, but at much lower salaries and with fewer benefits than they had received from the city. How did they do that? When Camden disbanded the police dept, the police union was disbanded too. Some called it union-busting, which it probably was, but by laying off the city police officers and rehiring them as county employees, Camden was able to slash officer pay and cut benefits roughly in half. In all, average per officer costs were trimmed from $182,168 to $99,605, according to county figures.

Problem: Camden's population is a bit less that 74,000, but Minneapolis is the 16th largest metropolitan area and has over 382k residents, so I doubt that Hennepin county is up tot he job of policing Minneapolis. I do think the Minneapolis PD has to be restructured though, and their police union busted. One of big reasons why bad cops are not fired is due to the union influence with elected officials like the DA, police chief, and mayor, even the governor.

What I have not been able to find is the financing for the disbanding. Did the other cities pick up the tab to police Camden? Or did the state of New Jersey? Dunno.
About New Jersey (Camden) and other places, these were municipalities that disbanded their police force but had the county sheriff's office to pick up the responsibilities.
You have to wonder, what the fuck are they thinking? The law and order crowd vastly outnumbers the disband the police crowd even among the black community, I read somewhere it's by 2 to 1 to keep the cops. Old people like me, we want the cops to be around when we need them. Minneapolis for example, is already a high crime place with twice the national average in murder and rape. And the Dems want to get rid of the police force? It's sheer lunacy; hey MS13 and other gangs, organized crime, drug dealers, human sex traffickers, come on down. No cops! Somehow I don't think increasing the budget for social programs and getting rid of the cops is going to work.

I will say, the Wuhan Virus crisis coupled with this latest kneeing death case is going to be a tsunami. Sometimes you have to accept some changes or the end result will be worse. A total defunding? That's absurd in a broad case of course and won't happen. Cuts and changes, definitely very real in Canada.

Can it work in smaller towns, and/or certain communities? Maybe, I don't know. There is an article on CBC I am going to post that shows it's been done in NJ. What I do know, one reality I think that even pro-cops are realizing is, the mass expenditures on some unions is going to be reigned in. I am just saying what I am seeing. Just as I saw a strong dislike and distrust for China while some still clung to the idea "they are a good allied government" and I knew these people were going to be outliers come election time, I am seeing this with unrestrained policing across the world.

The undercover Toronto Police have been a blight on our city. An insult of the highest order. Same with OPP and RCMP, I've spoken about it at great length here. I know many of the names, many of their families, many of them eating from the same large trough. A racket of nepotism from thieves, crooks, liars and scumbags.

My issue isn't with uniformed police, never has been, though I definitely support body cams as it helps all parties involved. You can't allow anything different with such power and legal right to shoot people. The main issue in Canada is the covert. These guys are manufacturing threats. Outright committing crimes and getting future official or unofficial gigs with the TPS.

Mayor Tory is trying to appease, first "bodycams by this Fall", now its "bodycams this summer", after years of saying it won't work. We have another press conference by Chief Saunders, this even after he already took a knee. People are angry, it's come to a boil after decades of exploitation.

Its not enough to just push body cameras, as I refer back to the Wuhan Virus, people are not able to make ends meet while cops are making more than twice the average salary with less of an education investment ,immense powers and massive pensions and benefits. It simply isn't sustainable in broke Canada that is losing it's ass on the world economic stage.

As some writers from right wing National Post posted with thousands of comments, "he's surprised" it's taken so long to disclose deep cuts to police forces, in particular in Canada. That is the most right wing publication in the mainstream in Canada.

About Camden, New Jersey, the place that disbanded their police dept in 2013. The mayor and city council dissolved the local PD and signed an agreement for the county to provide shared services. The new Camden County Police Department rehired most of the laid-off cops, along with nearly 100 other officers, but at much lower salaries and with fewer benefits than they had received from the city. How did they do that? When Camden disbanded the police dept, the police union was disbanded too. Some called it union-busting, which it probably was, but by laying off the city police officers and rehiring them as county employees, Camden was able to slash officer pay and cut benefits roughly in half. In all, average per officer costs were trimmed from $182,168 to $99,605, according to county figures.

Problem: Camden's population is a bit less that 74,000, but Minneapolis is the 16th largest metropolitan area and has over 382k residents, so I doubt that Hennepin county is up tot he job of policing Minneapolis. I do think the Minneapolis PD has to be restructured though, and their police union busted. One of big reasons why bad cops are not fired is due to the union influence with elected officials like the DA, police chief, and mayor, even the governor.

What I have not been able to find is the financing for the disbanding. Did the other cities pick up the tab to police Camden? Or did the state of New Jersey? Dunno.

Thanks for the details. As always, that's where the devil is found.

My recommendation is to drop starting salaries in areas where risk of life isn't as high. Being a cop in Chicago or New York is far more dangerous than even Toronto or Montreal. We have new hires in Toronto making at least $80k and it increases quickly. While I've looked for Neural Network and A.I Engineers and they are offering $80k if you have 5 years experience. That's an absurd different

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