Democrats now want to ban all semi-auto rifles....and shotguns? But...shotguns were supposed to be the O.K. guns...right? Hunters?

You folks think the Drug War is untenable and not winnable and are willing for that to end but Gun Confiscation is totally doable lol
I live within walking distance to ( Whiskeytown Lake / Shasta Lake / The Sacramento River ) I know how to fish & have boats
That's great. So do I in my neck of the woods. It doesn't mean I want the government to reduce my options. And there's things they can do to reduce that option too.
That's great. So do I in my neck of the Art woods. It doesn't mean I want the government to reduce my options. And there's things they can do to reduce that option too.
If they start no knock raids that result in deaths of families and snipers start shooting folks open carrying then it will be open season on their families & them
All out American bloodbath where nobody wins. The intelligence community knows it.
Yes of course. You've added nothing to the discussion
The whole idea of banning one particular style of rifle is stupid when there are rifles that fire the same round are still going to be legal.

Are you so obtuse you can't see that?
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Too many hunters think that since they only care about their shotguns, the democrat, anti-gun fascists will simply leave them alone....

To this I say....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They want them all......they will simply take them one at a time if they have to....until they don't have to wait, then they will take them all...

Those bills defined “assault weapons” by features, and in some cases by name, but Rep. David Linsky’s new bill takes a much simpler approach; defining all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns as “assault weapons”.

This is a lie.

Democrats do not want to ‘ban’ all semi-auto rifles.
Actually, that is incorrect....the democrats do want to ban them...but they have to ban rifles, pistols and shotguns one category at a time to boil the frog....
You’re a demagogue and a liar, like most on the dishonest right.
The people need to start the negotiations from a position of strength. in other words, go for the shotguns and get half the problem with the AR-15's.
Then ride on the success to go after the handguns.
Good to see you have your "mindless nonsense" routine down.
I said:
I see it as the attitude that causes American men to want an AR-15.
Can you provide some details on that?
In reference to that, I'm stuck on answering your question an metrics but I'm suggesting that too many American men want a weapon that is an attempt to imitate a weapon of war.
Can you provide some details on that?
And I said:
Eliminate that and better than half the problem is solved.
Can you provide some details on that?
I'm suggesting that the gun violence isn't immediately eliminated by the reduction of the number of guns, by is indirectly eliminated by a change in 'culture' and 'attitudes' toward owning those sort of weapons.
Can you provide some details on that?
And I'm pretty well convinced that the guy at the range with his AR-15 who is blazing away at human silouette targets, could be seen as a potential danger.
Can you provide some details on that?
Perhaps we can go on to discussing the reason why the Columbine shooters were motivated? Michael Moore made several suggestions in his movie. Some related directly to the 2nd. amendment.
Can you provide some details on that?
Yes, the move is in the opposite way in that Americans are buying up guns more urgently because they feel that life on the streets and in the mainstream isn't safe without having a gun. And 3/4's of them will die anyway in a hail of bullets from a seasoned gun user.

However, the fact remains that attitudes toward imitation weapons of war are the problem that must change.

That's what makes the school shooter or the mall shooter or the ................ shooter.
Actually, gun ownership in the US has been declining for years while the number of guns has skyrocketed. Mathematically, there is only one way that can happen. A small group of really crazy ass people have purchased an insane number of guns. Hell, when you look at the numbers it is comical.

of the 265 million privately owned firearms in the US, about half are owned by 3% of the US adult population.

But after you quit laughing, well it is really kind of sad. Eight percent of gun owners own more than ten guns, and that number is reflected in the three percent of the population. A minority of the population owns guns, and a very small minority of those gun owners OWN HALF THE DAMN GUNS. I suspect many of our member gun nuts fit in that small little subset of a minority population.

So, we have this arguably mentally ill subset of our population living in a delusionary world in which they mistakenly believe that their hording of guns serves some patriotic duty. Easily manipulated by the gun lobby, it is this small group of people that flock to the gun stores after every mass shooting.

I will, however admit, that this small group of gunnuts has one response right when responding to these mass shootings. We don't have a gun problem, we have a people problem. What they fail to realize it is THEY are the people that are the problem.
Can you provide some details on that?

Can you provide some details on that?

Can you provide some details on that?

Can you provide some details on that?

Can you provide some details on that?

Can you provide some details on that?
Wow, as if on cue.
Actually, gun ownership in the US has been declining for years while the number of guns has skyrocketed. Mathematically, there is only one way that can happen. A small group of really crazy ass people...
Mindless nonsense.

Actually, gun ownership in the US has been declining for years while the number of guns has skyrocketed. Mathematically, there is only one way that can happen. A small group of really crazy ass people have purchased an insane number of guns. Hell, when you look at the numbers it is comical.

of the 265 million privately owned firearms in the US, about half are owned by 3% of the US adult population.

But after you quit laughing, well it is really kind of sad. Eight percent of gun owners own more than ten guns, and that number is reflected in the three percent of the population. A minority of the population owns guns, and a very small minority of those gun owners OWN HALF THE DAMN GUNS. I suspect many of our member gun nuts fit in that small little subset of a minority population.

So, we have this arguably mentally ill subset of our population living in a delusionary world in which they mistakenly believe that their hording of guns serves some patriotic duty. Easily manipulated by the gun lobby, it is this small group of people that flock to the gun stores after every mass shooting.

I will, however admit, that this small group of gunnuts has one response right when responding to these mass shootings. We don't have a gun problem, we have a people problem. What they fail to realize it is THEY are the people that are the problem.

Wrong, dumb ass.....what you actually have is more gun owners who won't tell anonymous pollsters that they own a gun....because fascists like you are willing to give out their names and addresses to the press.......

Women and minorities are the biggest growth sector for guns now.....a brand new group of people who hadn't owned guns before, but because of fascists like you, and your blm/antifa thugs burning, looting and murdering people and the democrat party releasing the most dangerous and violent criminals from jail and prison over and over again, they are buying lots of guns....

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - Guns are flying off the shelves. It’s been that way since the start of the pandemic. But sales aren’t slowing down, and there’s been a surge in sales, among certain groups.

New gun sale surveys show women and certain minority groups are buying more guns.

We wanted to find out what’s pushing more people, to take-up arms.

Members of the Lowcountry Annie Oakley’s gun club shoot for sport. They’re more focused on community than self-defense. But even they are seeing a jump in membership these days.

Co-chair Nancy Thomas carries herself.

“I think it’s just part of the unrest in the country, and women want to feel comfortable with a gun, in case they ever in any situation had to use one,” Thomas said.

Amy Baker just officially opened her gun shop, AV Arms, in Richmond Hill this month. She’s seen the spike in sales among women first-hand.

“I think it’s comforting for a female to walk in the door and buy a gun from another female,” Baker said.

The FBI tracks gun sales in the U.S.

In 2019, roughly 14 million guns were sold nationwide.

In 2020, that number jumped to nearly 23 million.

Another roughly 20 million guns were sold last year.

A recent survey conducted by professors at Harvard and Northeastern Universities found the number of female first-time gun buyers has doubled over the past two years, to 3.5 million.

Rasmussen Report shows 47% of American households own guns, 27% of households with guns have bought one in the last six months

A new Rasmussen Report survey shows that 47 percent of American households own a gun, with 5 percent either not sure/refusing to answer the question. Assuming that 47 percent of those who aren’t sure or refusing to answer whether they own a gun actually do, half of American households own guns. (The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted August 5, 2020 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.)
While men were more likely than women to own a gun (54 to 41 percent) and whites were more likely than blacks (50 to 26 percent), those differences appear to be shrinking. Twenty-seven percent of household have bought a gun in the last five months. Women were more likely than men to buy a gun (32 to 23 percent), blacks were much more likely than whites (47 to 22 percent), and the young were much more likely than old (42 percent for those 18 to 39 versus 20 percent for those 40 to 64 and just 12 percent for those 65 and older).

The media plays dishonest numbers game with guns

A brand new PEW Research Center survey last week shows that gun ownership by households is up to42 percent — an increase of 5 percentage points in the past four years.

Recent headlines in the New York Times and CNN declared: “Share of Homes With Guns Shows 4-Decade Decline” and “Fewer US gun owners own more guns.”

The Washington Post falsely assured readers, “The downward trend in gun ownership remains consistent across the national polls.”

Bizarrely, if the Washington Post and CNN had relied on their own polls, their headlines would claim that gun ownership has remained constant over the years.

But neither organization has run such headlines.

There are some other strong reasons for believing that polls underestimate the number of gun owners.

A recent Zogby Analytics survey posed the question, "If a national pollster asked you if you owned a firearm, would you determine to tell him or her the truth or would you feel it was none of their business?

Thirty-five percent of current gun owners said that it was none of the pollsters’ business. This answer is especially common among those who claim not to be gun owners.

We also know that current events influence people’s willingness to acknowledge gun ownership. After mass shootings, a sudden drop can be seen in the polling numbers.

But there is no evidence of people getting rid of their guns. Indeed, gun sales actually soar.
"Real" hunters kill as fast and efficiently as possible. Some people like their bows and that's fine. It has it's admirable qualities as well, but a powerful lethal round from a firearm is more humane than whacking a deer with an arrow. Many deer survive arrows and go running around for a long time with it sticking out of them. Using a gun is really much more humane. You DO care about being humane, don't you? Or are you just so motivated by your subjective beef with the 2nd Amendment that you'll say anything?

Real hunters hunt for "sport". Not much sport in rapidly firing three shots from a 12 gauge semi-auto at one bird. Not to mention picking all that shot out of them when prepping them to cook.

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