Democrats Now Worried About 'Chain of Custody' of Voting Equipment

Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Any proof they tampered or changed the devices in any way? Or is this just more flapping out of your asses?

Any proof there was abject voter fraud or machine tampering???..No? Well, just flapping out your ass. :)
Where was that bombshell preliminary report due out yesterday?
They should replace the machines. I wouldn't trust them after they had been touched by NINJAS!!
And they should definitely bill Cyber Ninja for the new machines.
ok let me ask you a question ...and please be honest .... did you have a problem when ballots were pulled out of boxes hidden under a table after the count was stopped in Georgia and ballot counters were told to go home but a few stayed and pulled out said boxes ? and its all on video and also the same ballots were ran through several times also caught on video ? i'm not saying it was enough to change the outcome of the election but did or did you not find that activity just a tiny bit suspicious ? please answer yes or no and dont deflect .

Ballots being pulled out of boxes from under a table was already debunked. Honestly, why do we keep treading over the same ground..over, and over?
I don't need to deflect anything. It didn't happen. :)
“Debunked” by the partisan hacks that committed the crime? Why didn’t they call back observers? Oh they don’t explain that.
"There was about an hour that workers scanned ballots before a state monitor arrived, but video shows those moments. The monitor then observed counting until they stopped for the night. The lead election investigator has looked at all that video and said that she saw no evidence of any wrongdoing".

Everything recorded. Sorry. But thanks for playing. :)
ballots were pulled out from under the table and counted after people were sent home ! everyone including you saw the footage .... but i guess your truth doesnt align with reality ..

It was explained in the article I linked. Here's another. Repeating something over and over doesn't make it truth. In truth...this..didn't..happen. :)
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Any proof they tampered or changed the devices in any way? Or is this just more flapping out of your asses?

Any proof there was abject voter fraud or machine tampering???..No? Well, just flapping out your ass. :)
Where was that bombshell preliminary report due out yesterday?
They should replace the machines. I wouldn't trust them after they had been touched by NINJAS!!
And they should definitely bill Cyber Ninja for the new machines.
ok let me ask you a question ...and please be honest .... did you have a problem when ballots were pulled out of boxes hidden under a table after the count was stopped in Georgia and ballot counters were told to go home but a few stayed and pulled out said boxes ? and its all on video and also the same ballots were ran through several times also caught on video ? i'm not saying it was enough to change the outcome of the election but did or did you not find that activity just a tiny bit suspicious ? please answer yes or no and dont deflect .

Ballots being pulled out of boxes from under a table was already debunked. Honestly, why do we keep treading over the same ground..over, and over?
I don't need to deflect anything. It didn't happen. :)
“Debunked” by the partisan hacks that committed the crime? Why didn’t they call back observers? Oh they don’t explain that.
"There was about an hour that workers scanned ballots before a state monitor arrived, but video shows those moments. The monitor then observed counting until they stopped for the night. The lead election investigator has looked at all that video and said that she saw no evidence of
None of the courts addressed the evidence. They merely dismissed cases based on lack of precedent and then after the election for being “moot”.

Or for lack of standing. No court allowed discovery.
Discovery happens when a case is accepted. None were for lack of standing and evidence

No court called for an investigation by the Feds. Funny how when Democrats make an accusation the FBI is all over it investigating every detail. But if a case doesn’t benefit the left, no Feds are called in, as was the case for the election.

Here is Barr’s explanation of why no investigation was ever done by the Feds:
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
The reason why they will have to buy new machines is because of the possibility these machines have been tampered with to get the results they want.

Hey BumbleBee, why are you always a lying SOS? Do you even realize that you are justifying your reasoning with the VERY SAME RATIONALE you've denied all those concerned with the election since last Fall???

You will get NO new machines unless you first do a random sampling of the existing machines and FIND tampering. Then you will be permitted to adjust their settings. THEN you will be permitted to allow an audit of the reset machines or the new machines to verify they report ACCURATELY, then a seal will be placed on all of them to present further tampering by the DNC.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They are the only honest Republicans in the state. They already conducted a forensic audit by a accredited firm rather than corrupt amateurs. You Republicans are the fascists who are trying to steal elections.
No it’s not you lying sack of shit. Maricopa county was run by Democrats. Adrian Fontes was the County Recorder and the Democrats changed the rules to enable mass cheating, especially by allowing voting outside of one’s precinct.
busybee01 oh yes we know the pattern with the leftist...the 2016 election results were phony, the mueller report was phony, etc it’s a pattern
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Any proof they tampered or changed the devices in any way? Or is this just more flapping out of your asses?

Any proof there was abject voter fraud or machine tampering???..No? Well, just flapping out your ass. :)
Where was that bombshell preliminary report due out yesterday?
They should replace the machines. I wouldn't trust them after they had been touched by NINJAS!!
And they should definitely bill Cyber Ninja for the new machines.
ok let me ask you a question ...and please be honest .... did you have a problem when ballots were pulled out of boxes hidden under a table after the count was stopped in Georgia and ballot counters were told to go home but a few stayed and pulled out said boxes ? and its all on video and also the same ballots were ran through several times also caught on video ? i'm not saying it was enough to change the outcome of the election but did or did you not find that activity just a tiny bit suspicious ? please answer yes or no and dont deflect .

Ballots being pulled out of boxes from under a table was already debunked. Honestly, why do we keep treading over the same ground..over, and over?
I don't need to deflect anything. It didn't happen. :)
“Debunked” by the partisan hacks that committed the crime? Why didn’t they call back observers? Oh they don’t explain that.
"There was about an hour that workers scanned ballots before a state monitor arrived, but video shows those moments. The monitor then observed counting until they stopped for the night. The lead election investigator has looked at all that video and said that she saw no evidence of any wrongdoing".

Everything recorded. Sorry. But thanks for playing. :)
ballots were pulled out from under the table and counted after people were sent home ! everyone including you saw the footage .... but i guess your truth doesnt align with reality ..

It was explained in the article I linked. Here's another. Repeating something over and over doesn't make it truth. In truth...this..didn't..happen. :)
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Any proof they tampered or changed the devices in any way? Or is this just more flapping out of your asses?

Any proof there was abject voter fraud or machine tampering???..No? Well, just flapping out your ass. :)
Where was that bombshell preliminary report due out yesterday?
They should replace the machines. I wouldn't trust them after they had been touched by NINJAS!!
And they should definitely bill Cyber Ninja for the new machines.
ok let me ask you a question ...and please be honest .... did you have a problem when ballots were pulled out of boxes hidden under a table after the count was stopped in Georgia and ballot counters were told to go home but a few stayed and pulled out said boxes ? and its all on video and also the same ballots were ran through several times also caught on video ? i'm not saying it was enough to change the outcome of the election but did or did you not find that activity just a tiny bit suspicious ? please answer yes or no and dont deflect .

Ballots being pulled out of boxes from under a table was already debunked. Honestly, why do we keep treading over the same ground..over, and over?
I don't need to deflect anything. It didn't happen. :)
“Debunked” by the partisan hacks that committed the crime? Why didn’t they call back observers? Oh they don’t explain that.
"There was about an hour that workers scanned ballots before a state monitor arrived, but video shows those moments. The monitor then observed counting until they stopped for the night. The lead election investigator has looked at all that video and said that she saw no evidence of
None of the courts addressed the evidence. They merely dismissed cases based on lack of precedent and then after the election for being “moot”.

Or for lack of standing. No court allowed discovery.
Discovery happens when a case is accepted. None were for lack of standing and evidence

No court called for an investigation by the Feds. Funny how when Democrats make an accusation the FBI is all over it investigating every detail. But if a case doesn’t benefit the left, no Feds are called in, as was the case for the election.

Here is Barr’s explanation of why no investigation was ever done by the Feds:
View attachment 507430

Judges do not do do investigations. The plaintiff has to provide evidence so the judge can decide whether there is sufficient evidence to provide relief.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Any proof they tampered or changed the devices in any way? Or is this just more flapping out of your asses?

Any proof there was abject voter fraud or machine tampering???..No? Well, just flapping out your ass. :)
Where was that bombshell preliminary report due out yesterday?
They should replace the machines. I wouldn't trust them after they had been touched by NINJAS!!
And they should definitely bill Cyber Ninja for the new machines.
ok let me ask you a question ...and please be honest .... did you have a problem when ballots were pulled out of boxes hidden under a table after the count was stopped in Georgia and ballot counters were told to go home but a few stayed and pulled out said boxes ? and its all on video and also the same ballots were ran through several times also caught on video ? i'm not saying it was enough to change the outcome of the election but did or did you not find that activity just a tiny bit suspicious ? please answer yes or no and dont deflect .

The ballots that were pulled out were ballots that had been received and reviewed by workers and observers. They were being fed into the scanners. They were not run throw the machines more than once. That is a dirty filthy lie. If it were done then you would have x number of voters and 2x the number of votes.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.

Jack, you ARE a fucking fraudit! Lessee, the election was good as gold, but let the machines be checked and suddenly the left are all admitting these machines can be made to do most anything! They just can't be trusted! :omg: Better get all new ones (set god knows how with what new settings). We better audit the new machines too. Say, haven't the democrats had access to supervise this audit? just like they say the GOP had last Fall?

OMG: But of course, no worries these machines weren't all putting out 100% GOLD last Fall when they elected the most unliked, dismal man in WH history.
The machines were audited by a accredited company and nothing was found to be amiss.

The machines were audited by an accredited leftwing partisan company and nothing was found to be amiss for the democrats. Now if they are audited and results are found, we'll know the election was a fraud and democrats can't be trusted.

No one is taking this farce that is going on seriously. Cyber Ninja can say anything they want but no one will believe them. They couldn't even find the database.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
The reason why they will have to buy new machines is because of the possibility these machines have been tampered with to get the results they want.

Hey BumbleBee, why are you always a lying SOS? Do you even realize that you are justifying your reasoning with the VERY SAME RATIONALE you've denied all those concerned with the election since last Fall???

You will get NO new machines unless you first do a random sampling of the existing machines and FIND tampering. Then you will be permitted to adjust their settings. THEN you will be permitted to allow an audit of the reset machines or the new machines to verify they report ACCURATELY, then a seal will be placed on all of them to present further tampering by the DNC.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They are the only honest Republicans in the state. They already conducted a forensic audit by a accredited firm rather than corrupt amateurs. You Republicans are the fascists who are trying to steal elections.
No it’s not you lying sack of shit. Maricopa county was run by Democrats. Adrian Fontes was the County Recorder and the Democrats changed the rules to enable mass cheating, especially by allowing voting outside of one’s precinct.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They have controlled the Board of Supervisors for many years now. The current Republican recorder defends the 2020 elections as fair and secure.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Considering the routers and the Dominion codes are being hidden from those machines, it is no surprise. Obvious guilt.

This is nothing but smoke that you are blowing because you have nothing.
What are you blowing?

You have blown your brains out long ago.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.

Jack, you ARE a fucking fraudit! Lessee, the election was good as gold, but let the machines be checked and suddenly the left are all admitting these machines can be made to do most anything! They just can't be trusted! :omg: Better get all new ones (set god knows how with what new settings). We better audit the new machines too. Say, haven't the democrats had access to supervise this audit? just like they say the GOP had last Fall?

OMG: But of course, no worries these machines weren't all putting out 100% GOLD last Fall when they elected the most unliked, dismal man in WH history.
The machines were audited by a accredited company and nothing was found to be amiss.

The machines were audited by an accredited leftwing partisan company and nothing was found to be amiss for the democrats. Now if they are audited and results are found, we'll know the election was a fraud and democrats can't be trusted.

There is no evidence they are a left wing company. You are a rightwing fruitcake.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Any proof they tampered or changed the devices in any way? Or is this just more flapping out of your asses?

Any proof there was abject voter fraud or machine tampering???..No? Well, just flapping out your ass. :)
Where was that bombshell preliminary report due out yesterday?
They should replace the machines. I wouldn't trust them after they had been touched by NINJAS!!
And they should definitely bill Cyber Ninja for the new machines.
ok let me ask you a question ...and please be honest .... did you have a problem when ballots were pulled out of boxes hidden under a table after the count was stopped in Georgia and ballot counters were told to go home but a few stayed and pulled out said boxes ? and its all on video and also the same ballots were ran through several times also caught on video ? i'm not saying it was enough to change the outcome of the election but did or did you not find that activity just a tiny bit suspicious ? please answer yes or no and dont deflect .

Ballots being pulled out of boxes from under a table was already debunked. Honestly, why do we keep treading over the same ground..over, and over?
I don't need to deflect anything. It didn't happen. :)
they were pulled out from under a table after ballot counters were told to go home ! its on freaking video ! i knew you would lie and deflect ...tell us ...what is like to have to lie to lend proof to your reality ?

The ballots still had to be scanned into the system. That is what was being done. There is nothing on video except workers doing their job.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. I'd replace them too. And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.

THAT'S RIGHT, Jack-- -- -- -- bill the company who caught you cheating with your pants down for the cost you created by getting caught committing fraud!

Sure sounds like you're expecting a real BAD report from this first audit! You're already trying to drum up the next faux story that if the audit comes back bad, then it must be the AUDITORS catching you who are the problem, not the fucking election officials who perpetrated the fraud last Fall!

You are the one who is trying to cheat. These are not auditors as they are not certified to audit elections and they have shown themselves to be incompetent.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
The reason why they will have to buy new machines is because of the possibility these machines have been tampered with to get the results they want.

Hey BumbleBee, why are you always a lying SOS? Do you even realize that you are justifying your reasoning with the VERY SAME RATIONALE you've denied all those concerned with the election since last Fall???

You will get NO new machines unless you first do a random sampling of the existing machines and FIND tampering. Then you will be permitted to adjust their settings. THEN you will be permitted to allow an audit of the reset machines or the new machines to verify they report ACCURATELY, then a seal will be placed on all of them to present further tampering by the DNC.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They are the only honest Republicans in the state. They already conducted a forensic audit by a accredited firm rather than corrupt amateurs. You Republicans are the fascists who are trying to steal elections.
No it’s not you lying sack of shit. Maricopa county was run by Democrats. Adrian Fontes was the County Recorder and the Democrats changed the rules to enable mass cheating, especially by allowing voting outside of one’s precinct.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They have controlled the Board of Supervisors for many years now. The current Republican recorder defends the 2020 elections as fair and secure.
The current so-called “Republican” recorder isn’t a Republican. I met the guy when he was running. He never held any office before and isn’t a conservative. He was just the only guy to run against the corrupt Fontes. He’s just a lowlife lawyer who is trying to make a name for himself. He also had no way of knowing what happened before and during or even right after the election because he wasn’t in office.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Any proof they tampered or changed the devices in any way? Or is this just more flapping out of your asses?

Any proof there was abject voter fraud or machine tampering???..No? Well, just flapping out your ass. :)
Where was that bombshell preliminary report due out yesterday?
They should replace the machines. I wouldn't trust them after they had been touched by NINJAS!!
And they should definitely bill Cyber Ninja for the new machines.
ok let me ask you a question ...and please be honest .... did you have a problem when ballots were pulled out of boxes hidden under a table after the count was stopped in Georgia and ballot counters were told to go home but a few stayed and pulled out said boxes ? and its all on video and also the same ballots were ran through several times also caught on video ? i'm not saying it was enough to change the outcome of the election but did or did you not find that activity just a tiny bit suspicious ? please answer yes or no and dont deflect .

Ballots being pulled out of boxes from under a table was already debunked. Honestly, why do we keep treading over the same ground..over, and over?
I don't need to deflect anything. It didn't happen. :)
“Debunked” by the partisan hacks that committed the crime? Why didn’t they call back observers? Oh they don’t explain that.
"There was about an hour that workers scanned ballots before a state monitor arrived, but video shows those moments. The monitor then observed counting until they stopped for the night. The lead election investigator has looked at all that video and said that she saw no evidence of any wrongdoing".

Everything recorded. Sorry. But thanks for playing. :)
ballots were pulled out from under the table and counted after people were sent home ! everyone including you saw the footage .... but i guess your truth doesnt align with reality ..

It was explained in the article I linked. Here's another. Repeating something over and over doesn't make it truth. In truth...this..didn't..happen. :)
the whole country saw it .... the reason that you are posting smileys is because you know the incident is being whitewashed by your allies .

The whole country saw nothing but workers doing their job.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
The reason why they will have to buy new machines is because of the possibility these machines have been tampered with to get the results they want.

Hey BumbleBee, why are you always a lying SOS? Do you even realize that you are justifying your reasoning with the VERY SAME RATIONALE you've denied all those concerned with the election since last Fall???

You will get NO new machines unless you first do a random sampling of the existing machines and FIND tampering. Then you will be permitted to adjust their settings. THEN you will be permitted to allow an audit of the reset machines or the new machines to verify they report ACCURATELY, then a seal will be placed on all of them to present further tampering by the DNC.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They are the only honest Republicans in the state. They already conducted a forensic audit by a accredited firm rather than corrupt amateurs. You Republicans are the fascists who are trying to steal elections.
No it’s not you lying sack of shit. Maricopa county was run by Democrats. Adrian Fontes was the County Recorder and the Democrats changed the rules to enable mass cheating, especially by allowing voting outside of one’s precinct.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They have controlled the Board of Supervisors for many years now. The current Republican recorder defends the 2020 elections as fair and secure.
The current so-called “Republican” recorder isn’t a Republican. I met the guy when he was running. He never held any office before and isn’t a conservative. He was just the only guy to run against the corrupt Fontes. He’s just a lowlife lawyer who is trying to make a name for himself. He also had no way of knowing what happened before and during or even right after the election because he wasn’t in office.

The county Board of Supervisors is standing by the election as well. You would be singing a different tune if the current recorder was a Trump sycophant like you. You are hardly a reliable source.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

... Hobbs, a Democrat, had written to the county in May that she has “grave concerns regarding the security and integrity of these machines, given that the chain of custody, a critical security tenet ...

Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
And I'd bill the NINJAS!!! for it too. Just to make it sting.
Any proof they tampered or changed the devices in any way? Or is this just more flapping out of your asses?

Any proof there was abject voter fraud or machine tampering???..No? Well, just flapping out your ass. :)
Where was that bombshell preliminary report due out yesterday?
They should replace the machines. I wouldn't trust them after they had been touched by NINJAS!!
And they should definitely bill Cyber Ninja for the new machines.
ok let me ask you a question ...and please be honest .... did you have a problem when ballots were pulled out of boxes hidden under a table after the count was stopped in Georgia and ballot counters were told to go home but a few stayed and pulled out said boxes ? and its all on video and also the same ballots were ran through several times also caught on video ? i'm not saying it was enough to change the outcome of the election but did or did you not find that activity just a tiny bit suspicious ? please answer yes or no and dont deflect .

Ballots being pulled out of boxes from under a table was already debunked. Honestly, why do we keep treading over the same ground..over, and over?
I don't need to deflect anything. It didn't happen. :)
“Debunked” by the partisan hacks that committed the crime? Why didn’t they call back observers? Oh they don’t explain that.
"There was about an hour that workers scanned ballots before a state monitor arrived, but video shows those moments. The monitor then observed counting until they stopped for the night. The lead election investigator has looked at all that video and said that she saw no evidence of any wrongdoing".

Everything recorded. Sorry. But thanks for playing. :)
ballots were pulled out from under the table and counted after people were sent home ! everyone including you saw the footage .... but i guess your truth doesnt align with reality ..

It was explained in the article I linked. Here's another. Repeating something over and over doesn't make it truth. In truth...this..didn't..happen. :)
the whole country saw it .... the reason that you are posting smileys is because you know the incident is being whitewashed by your allies .

You saw and believe what your alt-right media klaxxons constantly spew about.
Again, deal with it. It..didn't..happen. End of story. He lost. Stop whining about it.
oh im not not worried commie ... and yes you are a communist ... in 2024 this country will be voting in a republican president again after the disaster of the current admin ..... and the left will not have a chicom created virus to help them again .

Good for you. That only took four posts and you threw your hands up. :auiqs.jpg:
so you admit that the chicom virus aided the left ..... not surprising for the killers of the unborn ...and yes democrats are killers of the unborn .

No, I'm observing that once you were tired of being backed into a corner, asking me a question I answered three times, you reverted to your usual schtick of conspiracy theory and 5th grade playground insults.
I took that as your surrender. :)
are you trying to say t5hat democrats do not support the killing of the unborn ? you see that fact alone is enough for me to realize [through common sense] that dems are not to be trusted ! think about it ! dems have promoted the killing of over 50 million of the unborn ! so if they are ok with that whats a little lie to a democrat ?
Did you get lost?

This thread is not about abortion

I guess if you’ve been humiliated, there is. Itching left to do but fall back on bumper sticker bullshit
humiliated ? on an internet board ? bwaaahaaaahaaaa ! no i know that there are only 2 genders .. i know that babies in the womb are human beings ....i know that America is not a racist country .... i know there was questionable activity during the last election ...i know the dems accused the 2016 election of being fraudulent and that Trump was illegitimate for his entire term ... i know the hypocrisy of the left .... i know im not responsible for slavery ... i know that voter id is not racist or discriminatory .... i know that people like you are weaklings and dishonest ..... you see bOY i'll never turn in my man card like you have and i will always be proud to be an American ! :cool: :piss2:Democrats

I answered your question. I accept your surrender.
bwaaahaaahaaaa ! millions saw the video of dems pulling out hidden ballots and running some of them through the vote counter several times ! i accept that the truth is your enemy ..

Debunked. Come up with something better. :)
debunked by dishonest people .... i posted the video .

You posted nothing. That is what the video shows.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
The reason why they will have to buy new machines is because of the possibility these machines have been tampered with to get the results they want.

Hey BumbleBee, why are you always a lying SOS? Do you even realize that you are justifying your reasoning with the VERY SAME RATIONALE you've denied all those concerned with the election since last Fall???

You will get NO new machines unless you first do a random sampling of the existing machines and FIND tampering. Then you will be permitted to adjust their settings. THEN you will be permitted to allow an audit of the reset machines or the new machines to verify they report ACCURATELY, then a seal will be placed on all of them to present further tampering by the DNC.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They are the only honest Republicans in the state.

They already conducted a forensic audit by a accredited firm rather than corrupt amateurs.
Proof that Cyber Ninja is corrupt or amateur? Do you have a report on them filed BEFORE this audit?

You Republicans are the fascists who are trying to steal elections.
Love to see any proof of that.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.

Jack, you ARE a fucking fraudit! Lessee, the election was good as gold, but let the machines be checked and suddenly the left are all admitting these machines can be made to do most anything! They just can't be trusted! :omg: Better get all new ones (set god knows how with what new settings). We better audit the new machines too. Say, haven't the democrats had access to supervise this audit? just like they say the GOP had last Fall?

OMG: But of course, no worries these machines weren't all putting out 100% GOLD last Fall when they elected the most unliked, dismal man in WH history.

The machines were audited by a accredited company and nothing was found to be amiss. When you have the machines in your custody then they can be tampered with. Especially by a firm whose head is a Trump conspiracy supporter.

If they can be tampered with so easily, by any and everyone who touches them even when supervised, then they really aren't worth shit and need THROWN OUT and gone back to simple mechanical voting machines that punched a hole in a piece of paper.

If they are so easily corrupted, then they really weren't any good for last Fall's election either. Who checked them then to be sure they were working OK?

You're such a fucking phony, you can't even wait for the outcome of the audit: sounds like you're not expecting any good news! There will be no new machines without CREDIBLE PROOF OF TAMPERING.

The difference is that Cyber Ninja took physical custody of the machines. Who knows what they are doing with them.
Simple--- test a sampling of them when they are given back. Every machine has an internal parity check that runs a self-test to verify operation.

If you can't trust them just because an auditing firm had them to test them, then why should we believe they were working fine for the election after you had them for months, and 80 of your organizations spent over a YEAR planning and preparing to (by their words) make sure Trump didn't win?
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
Not sure what you're finding hypocritical? She has a legitimate concern. Who knows what these hacks did to these machines with their "fraudit". I'd replace them too.
Jack, you ARE a fucking fraudit! Lessee, the election was good as gold, but let the machines be checked and suddenly the left are all admitting these machines can be made to do most anything! They just can't be trusted! :omg: Better get all new ones (set god knows how with what new settings). We better audit the new machines too. Say, haven't the democrats had access to supervise this audit? just like they say the GOP had last Fall?

OMG: But of course, no worries these machines weren't all putting out 100% GOLD last Fall when they elected the most unliked, dismal man in WH history.
The machines were audited by a accredited company and nothing was found to be amiss.
The machines were audited by an accredited leftwing partisan company and nothing was found to be amiss for the democrats. Now if they are audited and results are found, we'll know the election was a fraud and democrats can't be trusted.
No one is taking this farce that is going on seriously.
What if they put Bill Barr in charge and he comes out reporting that no evidence of fraud was found? All you're REALLY saying is NEENER NEENER, if they discover something, we'll just DENY it saying YOU are the culprit!!!

Cyber Ninja can say anything they want but no one will believe them.
Everyone will believe them except the Democrats. Then we'll drag your lying, stinking asses into court before the judge and SHOW HIM what was found.

Just think, you can always still write a book about WHAT REALLY HAPPENED and go on a two year book tour at COSTCOS.
Their hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
The reason why they will have to buy new machines is because of the possibility these machines have been tampered with to get the results they want.

Hey BumbleBee, why are you always a lying SOS? Do you even realize that you are justifying your reasoning with the VERY SAME RATIONALE you've denied all those concerned with the election since last Fall???

You will get NO new machines unless you first do a random sampling of the existing machines and FIND tampering. Then you will be permitted to adjust their settings. THEN you will be permitted to allow an audit of the reset machines or the new machines to verify they report ACCURATELY, then a seal will be placed on all of them to present further tampering by the DNC.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They are the only honest Republicans in the state. They already conducted a forensic audit by a accredited firm rather than corrupt amateurs. You Republicans are the fascists who are trying to steal elections.
No it’s not you lying sack of shit. Maricopa county was run by Democrats. Adrian Fontes was the County Recorder and the Democrats changed the rules to enable mass cheating, especially by allowing voting outside of one’s precinct.

Maricopa County is run by Republicans. They have controlled the Board of Supervisors for many years now. The current Republican recorder defends the 2020 elections as fair and secure.

So the recorder is willing to speak for the entire country having vetted ALL the evidence from a hundred cases across six states?! Wow. What a guy (or gal)!

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