Democrats Plan to Jail Trump

People instinctively know what's going on. Do it! It will end the Democrat Party once and for all.

Last week, co-host Whoopi Goldberg said she wanted Trump to get six months in jail. Hostin had said that she heard it may be recommended that Trump could receive one year in prison and it could be at Rikers Island

Gasp! You could be sent to prison when you get convicted in a criminal case! Who knew?
I doubt if Trump's SS detail will let him be led to prison. Democrats suck. MAGA
If they do, his Secret Service detail goes with him.

But I wouldn't be surprised if they try and divert the Secret Service somewhere along the processing and have Trump assaulted in hopes of killing him. See what happened to Whitey Bulger when transferred.

And Biden's retarded campaign guy did say this: President Trump is a "threat" that Biden will "end ... once and for all."

People instinctively know what's going on. Do it! It will end the Democrat Party once and for all.

Last week, co-host Whoopi Goldberg said she wanted Trump to get six months in jail. Hostin had said that she heard it may be recommended that Trump could receive one year in prison and it could be at Rikers Island

I doubt Whoopie filed a brief with the judge, or it would be accepted, if she did.
People instinctively know what's going on. Do it! It will end the Democrat Party once and for all.

Last week, co-host Whoopi Goldberg said she wanted Trump to get six months in jail. Hostin had said that she heard it may be recommended that Trump could receive one year in prison and it could be at Rikers Island

For 8 years the Democrats have proven they can take our Constitution and our laws and twist them into whatever shape they want to stab Donald Trump. Nothing these Stalinists do surprises me anymore.
I doubt if Trump's SS detail will let him be led to prison. Democrats suck. MAGA
trump's social security detail are not trump's employees, but are members of the executive branch, subject to orders from their chain of command.

if trump is sentenced, as the law requires, secret service will do as they are told. or be replaced.

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