Democrats Play With Fire, Or More Precisely - Democrats Play With Fire, More Precisely - Do Everything That Their Party Is Outlawed

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
" ... Steve Carell, Janelle Monae, Seth Rogen, Ben Schwartz and Halsey were among those donating to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which is raising money to bail out protesters flooding the streets over George Floyd, a black man who died Monday while in police custody.

Those contributions were called into question on social media by those asking why celebrities would want to support the mobs throwing rocks, breaking windows, looting stores, and setting fire to businesses and other buildings.

“#Minneapolis police precinct set on fire…While #Hollywood stars like @Sethrogen, @SteveCarell and @rejectedjokes make donations to bail out ‘peaceful protesters,’” tweeted conservative talk-radio host Buck Sexton.

The Federalist’s David Harsanyi asked Mr. Rogen to donate instead to black Minneapolis residents like Stephanie Wilford, who gave an interview sobbing over the destruction, or Korboi Balla, a former firefighter who saw rioters destroy the bar he had bought with his life savings.

“Rich white dude bailing out thugs who are burning down black neighborhoods,” tweeted Mr. Harsanyi.

Tweeted another commenter: “You gonna donate to the small businesses that had their whole livelihoods destroyed by these ‘protestors’ that burned their building to the ground or looted all their stuff?”

Celebrities blasted for donating to protester bail fund as rioting, violence escalate


During an attempt by the elite of the so-called "democratic party" of a coup d'etat at the beginning of this year, demonstrated the extreme cynicism towards the Constitution, Truth, and Justice to the whole country and the world.

Patriots called on the President to arrest the "top" of this party in suspicion of an attempted coup. The president has not yet done so.

Will Mr. Trump will ignore these demands NOW???.



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Now that the Grove and Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills has been looted and is on fire, these actors might feel differently.
" ... Steve Carell, Janelle Monae, Seth Rogen, Ben Schwartz and Halsey were among those donating to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which is raising money to bail out protesters flooding the streets over George Floyd, a black man who died Monday while in police custody.
Let's be clear: all of these people are not protesting the death of one black man. The fuel for this really began long ago with the long shutdown.
This has gone far beyond protesting. This has now moved into the arena of domestic terrorism.

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