Democrats Primed to force Government Shutdown

The Dems are not taking the foot off the gas

Shut er down boyz


Treasury Bills Begin To Fear Government Shutdown, Goldman Explains

Yields on very short-dated T-Bills are up notably over the last week hinting at the potential tonight's Cromnibus Bill to fail and the potential for government shutdown therefore looms. Whatever the outcome, Goldman does not expect a prolonged shutdown like the one that occurred in 2013...

As Goldman explains,

Attempts to pass full-year funding legislation for almost all of the federal government appear to be unsuccessful this evening, increasing the risk of a short-term partial shutdown of the federal government for the second time in just over a year. Whatever the outcome, we don't expect a prolonged shutdown like the one that occurred in 2013, because (1) the issues in dispute are not central to the bill and can be more easily addressed, and (2) there appears to be sufficient political support for a short-term (e.g., three-month) measure, even if the year-long measure stalls.

Separately, following a review of the Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS), we are reducing our Q4 GDP tracking from 2.6% to 2.3% in light of lower-than-expected defense spending.

Q: The federal government runs out of funding at midnight, but neither chamber has passed spending legislation. What's going on?

Treasury Bills Begin To Fear Government Shutdown Goldman Explains Zero Hedge

I keep hearing the conservative talk show hosts posit essentially that the 2014 election results mean that the American public wants the GOP to be in charge of everything, that this means shutting any process down with which they don't agree completely, and that the LAST thing America wants is for the two parties to work together in the spirit of mature and constructive cooperation.

Granted, I'm not an expert on electoral politics, but I really, really, really don't think that's "what America wants".

I know there are 2 things in this bill that I have serious problems with.........

The first is that it allows Wall St. to start making high risk investments with money that is insured, meaning that the conditions are now ripe for what happened back in 2008 can pretty much happen again.

The second is raising the maximum political donation to 32,000 per candidate.

Yep.................looks like the GOP is wanting the rich to take over the country and turn us from a democracy into an oligarchy.
Looks like the Dems don't want to pass the budget. It will be on them this time


Democrats balk at U.S. spending bill, raising shutdown risk

(Reuters) - Congressional Democrats objected on Wednesday to controversial financial and political campaign provisions tucked into a $1.1 trillion U.S. spending bill, keeping the risk of a government shutdown alive.

The complaints from House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats clouded the chances for passage of the funding bill as a midnight Thursday deadline drew near.

Republicans were preparing a one-or-two day extension to keep federal agencies open past the deadline, but were unwilling to make any concessions on dozens of provisions added to the bill.

Democrats balk at U.S. spending bill raising shutdown risk Reuters
Good how much will be shut down this time 15% 16%> Checks will still go out Congress and the president will still get paid.

Yep...............Congress will get paid, so will those in the Senate and those who are part of the Obama cabinet, as well as the President.

Quick question.................who is going to pay those who serve the government when it is shut down?

Does the military get to take a break when we have to fight terrorists?
The guys at the Forest Service want a shutdown; it is no more than a paid vacation.
I know there are 2 things in this bill that I have serious problems with.........

The first is that it allows Wall St. to start making high risk investments with money that is insured, meaning that the conditions are now ripe for what happened back in 2008 can pretty much happen again.

The second is raising the maximum political donation to 32,000 per candidate.

Yep.................looks like the GOP is wanting the rich to take over the country and turn us from a democracy into an oligarchy.
Did you have a problem with obamas bailout of wall street back in 2009?
Regardless of who did what, it'll be the GOPers fault. It's their history; they're going to have to live with it.
I know there are 2 things in this bill that I have serious problems with.........

The first is that it allows Wall St. to start making high risk investments with money that is insured, meaning that the conditions are now ripe for what happened back in 2008 can pretty much happen again.

The second is raising the maximum political donation to 32,000 per candidate.

Yep.................looks like the GOP is wanting the rich to take over the country and turn us from a democracy into an oligarchy.
And for republicans who approved of these provisions, they sought to shutdown the government because the measure didn't challenge the president's lawful, constitutional EO to delay deportation proceedings for certain undocumented immigrants where appropriate and warranted.

The partisan right's capacity for contempt of sound, responsible governance is boundless.
I know there are 2 things in this bill that I have serious problems with.........

The first is that it allows Wall St. to start making high risk investments with money that is insured, meaning that the conditions are now ripe for what happened back in 2008 can pretty much happen again.

The second is raising the maximum political donation to 32,000 per candidate.

Yep.................looks like the GOP is wanting the rich to take over the country and turn us from a democracy into an oligarchy.
Did you have a problem with obamas bailout of wall street back in 2009?

Actually, that was Bush's bankster bailout. IIRC, it also had Democratic support, so they don't get a pass. Looks like they didn't learn from history. I hope it doesn't lead to another financial meltdown this time.
Gruber told you.......Prez Nigga and his boyz count on your stupidity , they expect you to blame everyone but them.
I know there are 2 things in this bill that I have serious problems with.........

The first is that it allows Wall St. to start making high risk investments with money that is insured, meaning that the conditions are now ripe for what happened back in 2008 can pretty much happen again.

The second is raising the maximum political donation to 32,000 per candidate.

Yep.................looks like the GOP is wanting the rich to take over the country and turn us from a democracy into an oligarchy.
Did you have a problem with obamas bailout of wall street back in 2009?

Actually, that was Bush's bankster bailout. IIRC, it also had Democratic support, so they don't get a pass. Looks like they didn't learn from history. I hope it doesn't lead to another financial meltdown this time.
Bush wasn't President after January 2009
Obama Bailing Out the Banks Was Necessary but I Hated It - DailyFinance
Regardless of who did what, it'll be the GOPers fault. It's their history; they're going to have to live with it.
Yep even when democrats caused it. We got the lies
People know who's really responsible. The lie would be that the Republicans aren't the party of "NO". The point is that they'll NEVER live it down until they learn to be civil and strike a compromise that everyone can live with. Whine and lay blame all you want, the people know the truth.
When a conservative takes a stand they are an "obstructionist". When a leftist takes a stand they are "speaking truth to power".
When a conservative takes a stand they are an "obstructionist". When a leftist takes a stand they are "speaking truth to power".
It's tough getting the Republicans understand that though. It seems they'd rather do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. INSANE!!!
It is standard Wall Street tactics:
- Get their minions to create a crisis
- Use crisis to get bailouts and subsidies
- They win again

But the sideshow is Democrats and Republicans pretending to hate the bill, even though their corporate donors love it.
It is standard Wall Street tactics:
- Get their minions to create a crisis
- Use crisis to get bailouts and subsidies
- They win again

But the sideshow is Democrats and Republicans pretending to hate the bill, even though their corporate donors love it.
See the above.

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